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Full text of "Louisville courier-journal (Louisville, Ky. : Daily): 1868-12-31"

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Jmitr • u‘h (a** Ix-lort ckr 4 *- 

4kiar> (•simiiic,-. 


of a Kentucky Au- 


Troublesome Customs aud Questions of 
EtiqueUf to be Disposed of. 


Proposed Appointment of Members 
of Congress. 

the louihyillb courier- journal. 


1.01 ISVIM.K, THURSDAY. DKCEM iu-R a| t 1888 


Kurdci and Snu'idr in ( incinnali. 

Cm i>k*ti. Dec. 30. — A horrible r.iurd. r I 
and Miiridc t»>k pltco in tbk city lib Uiiro I 
iff at 2 o'clock. 4* m. Aatucb loll' d hi- seif 
J * •t'Ophluc by blows on toe head with a hatch I 
ct, and stabbing her once in the left aide wit 1 ' 
e t.utebcr kuif. . He then shot him.~elf through I 
the head w ith an Enfield rific, the hall enter j 
itofil.i l**?t lower ,i .w and kMg Mil tie J 
right buck fart of the head, “'Uttering the 
♦'rains all over the r >om. The deed was don 
in an upper room of their residence, aud bjth j 
parlies w ere partially uudres*-*d. 

like husband bad for month* threatened t > ( 
take his wife's life. It was the sccoud mar j 
nam for both, and they bad been marri -d (our | 
Tears. Their ages were 65 and 67 respectlTc- I 
It. Be was a basket-maker and ahe kept a j 
cotifcctio .era on the first floor of their res’ j 
dines at STt" Central avenue. Non - but the i 
victim.- were in the bauss at the time of Us • I 
tragedy. Tire officers beard the w •ana's . 
cries and the report of a gun. and broke Into 
tin bouse. Death in both c*es was instant i- j 
ncous. Thev bad retired in differ -nt room-. | 

Site was 'ealons of Ms visit to a worn in, 
the keeper of a saloon near. He was doubly 
iealous of her or all occasions. Tie y also 
quarreled about their property, each ownin' 
some real estate, aud nit* makiui: more money 
by her store than be by bis trade. They had 
twmpomrdT separated a eonpb of tioi - sine 
their marriage. She *»■ on tire ctc of apply- 
ing for a divorce He leaves six children by 
his fins' marriage. 1 be Coroner i- holding an 
fantat. The caciteiaciit i« iutiuse 


looney and Stock Market. 

I > \ I* M’tMLITIDN |\ Tilt: SOI TM. 

Injoprliefi fimnlrd io Preieu! Ihr (ny- 
ulidatioa uf Eiprru I ojnpaaita 


fewstaal -. , .rampoii ten sort Lonls- 

*Ule < ourter-Journa..] ' 

mx.l Kwizd's cut 

* MtSGTW Dee. 90.— The charge- of im MVANNAH. 

proper official conduct against Judge Buste-el, 

Ol Alabama, were Uu auloeet of'diaeussioi ' 

‘.HZ V~T £ BlrntriS's For* Overpowered 

bama. preferred the chargee som time ag.» aild Prisoners Rescued. 

The Judge has been in the city for soiq£ tiro. . 

pevpwrn.. far his defci -t . and was present to “ 

tzziz **•« «*** u* and a war oi 

Uianditr. lure, wuaesees s_ain - 1 Bust-ed T- , , 

were protect. J. R. Rowell and Josmh Mor , Rart4 * Declarttil 

ris were examined Another meeting of the 
-ommittee will he held io-morrow 

■rnwriixrM PKlCTfTil. RRfOtSTRI t TIOt. 

Ifr. It ash bum r ’ s appro j>ria tiot committee. | 
at their meeting to-day, resolved to cat oil the 1 

appropriations for a taig. number of clerk- in ; Siuytia, Doc. 30.— The sberrifl and l wo 
departments, with the view of decreasing the assistants* ent to Hayward - plantation, on the 
ton* which ri •. La I. K. la., i , , 1 Ggcecbe river, a few miles from the city to ar- 

. '.TTr *** 1 r4t seventeen negroo* charg.-d wit’, * 

aamum or Dueines? j the watchman on the plantation and carrying 

nun of thi is.toha- . j ofi the crops of ulanUrs. 

The prominent urenv oAi.-rrs here usual re I They made five arrests. At station No. 1. 
reived circulars from Gen.- Butterfield and I <rtl thc Au * n, ' r aI,d Gnlf railroad. they were 
Ingalls, of New York. Inviting their co-opera- 1 «"»««■< afamt o ue huafiw d armed ar 

- a , ^ i gr »»e», wIr* WBoaai Uk jnson«i> aud disarm *<i 

VTi « V* 1 ***** of licdi uf uir Array *iul robbed th< bin- rill and destroved tb#* war 

Sherrills Posse Overpowered 
and Prisoners Rescued. 

The Civil Law Defied and a War of 
Rare* Declared 


hiVA^xaH, Doc. 30.— The slc-niti and l wo 
a-»i-tants»cnt to Hayward'- plantation, on thc 
Ogcscbe river, a few miles from the citv to ar- 
rest seventeen negroes charged with shooting 

tsjs-clal Iospatcb to Louisville Courier -Join uai. 1 

Togg, Doc. 30.— Money brought near, 
ly as high a rate as yesterday — 7 per c - ent. in 
coin, with concessions of one -eighth to onc- 
ijuurtcr of one per cent, being paid for short 
loans, or nearly equal to 100 per cent per au- 
uutu. but the pressure for the loans at these 
rates was not so great as yesterday. There 
was the usual appearance of returning ease 
after bank hours, but it was not reliable. The 
I nitcd State* Treasury 1* antici.-ating its Jan 
uatv payments mid thereby affording some 
relitf to the bank*. Everything hangs on thc 
money market. (Void, Governments, and rail- 
way sluts* are- avowedly held with the 
anthipaliou that January will bring a 
glut of money that will advance 
prices, but, with the most sagacious 
parties, it begins to be suspected that the Jan- 
uary payments have been more than discount- 
ed. and tnat the expected advance Is not at all 
certain. The South is drawing on us largely 
for hoarding, and an active land speculation Is 
springing up throughout that section, which 
is likely to divert a good deal of thc specula- 
tive element of the street This view of the 
state of affairs and future prospect* caused an 

rest aevent ecu negroes charged with shooting .... .. , . .. . . 

the watchman on thi plantation and earn ing ff e I T a ‘ yll ir 00 ^ au<1 a * orl ® oi “n- 

.« the crons of uls ntert ties, and the close was lower and weak. 

of the Potomac to be held here or. the 23d of j 

Felaurt. the object of thc ( invention being 

to form a ponnan. n; organization of thc old 
ottceis ol that annv. Ora. Harrcoik is men 

; - wd . probable i*re-idcut 


boovv guns, with the exception of answers u> 
certain question propon tided by Admiral 
Dwhlgri-n and General Dyer. Chief of Ord 
nance These answers will be received this 
wrei and the report will be completed and j 
• - 

nr nw at aa- bakoock. 

Hre fiallie J. Haneotk, the anthores-. of ^ 
ivanuieky. is sick ol typhoid fever in tlii* j 


mwiL or imu lands. 

T iiVijencraJ hand Office is in receipt of re- 
turns showing a dis 7 . es! of SO^iv acres of 
thc public domain daring the past mouth 
through the following local ofBets: M. rid an. 
GwL. Sfi.35k acres; Roacbntg. Oregon. 4.181 I 
acres; Irooton. Mo., S.Q65 acres; Tojs-kg. Kan- I 
►Os, '2.-M) a«»v».. tile greater portion of the 
land was sold tor cash and the remainder ta- 
ker under the homestead law. and located 1 
» ith agriculture. I college aciip end militarv 
1 — nerrvi 1 -. 

hex. fifatT. 

dfcv Grant aud flamilt , aecomraui- d by two 
m mb. -r.- of his stall, left town at noon to 
4*! Thev are to si end to-day in Baltimore 
and procam to Philadelphia to-morr » or the 
next day. wher. they will remain till Monday 
m Tuesday next, and then start tor tide city. 
■iLiran mqtiTtx. 

Retorting to the addrtrt b. -tween thr Preei- 
deutandGea Grant, the papers mention the 
w ela im a n a i 00 the part of the latter at 
tendiag the obaerrancc of an old cos 
i" •’ • x 

•m N.-w Tear - day In Mngtou. 

naiaaiy, the call on the President, 

Winch ah Of the Officials of the army and navy 
stationed In TVaablugion are expected to make 
«m that da-r It is -uggesu-d that Grant by 
bis a fa m es from th* eltT on Frida v will be 

rants, threatening to kill him if be ever served 

heal proces- again in thai viciiiity. Tbe ne 

e oaath.-n -epa rated into aquadr and nur-hed 
ck to th. | dentation., avowing that they 
would have the heart’s blood of every white 
man on Ogecehc river, saying the war bad 
commenced On. negro watchman is sup 
posed to be murdered. T wo wliit - were bad- 
ly hurt. 

Ail the white men were obliged to flee from 
the dip to save th. ir live.-. Tbc .women aud 
children are in the hands of the mob aud 
have been carried off into the woods. Great 
excitement exists in the • ommunity and 
the sheriff, with a posse of three or four hun- 
dred citizens, will leave at daybreak to-mor- 
r*w to rescue the women and children. Th 
decline to interfere until the power 
of the civil authorities for preserving order 
arc exhausted. 


Miicide ol an I nknown ‘‘swell."* 

[From the St. Louis Democrat.] 
Tcslerday the body of an unknown man w..- 
f.-and banging in the barn at Mr. Clement' 
to. -m. nine miles out on the old Manchester 
r. ad. two miles west of the County Insane 
Asylum, and about four miles from Caronde 

The circumstances attending the suicide 
w- re very peculiar, so singular indeed that thc 
like seldom .-omes before a coroner’s jnry. 
and the pobll. behind them The deceased is 
supposed t- have been a German, and Was be- 


Thc Erie Company closed negotiations witu 
thc COlumbne, Chicago and Indian;. Central 
Ruilroad, by which it ia to be broad 
image. The Ohio and Mi--is-ippi Company 
has also been brought into closer relations 
with the Erie, and the broad gauge 1 - 10 re 


A toekkolder of the Merchant' Uifiou Ex- 
press C'ompuny has obtained an order from the 
courts, enjoining the officers from using the 
assets of the company in carrl iug out the 
terms of consolidation with the America-, Ex 
press Company recently agreed upon. 


Judge Cardoza has granted the motion for a 
sti.v of proceeding- in the Erie suits, pending 
til.- final decision. 


The Com m e r ci a l Advertiser. Bewarel's or- 
gan. ha- an article reflecting upon General 
Grant for hi- refusal to come to amicable per- 
sonal relations with President Johnson. 

fTo the Associated Press.] 

Science n nd Arts— Court Proceeding* — 

Coal Sales — f'omincrcinl Travelers* 

Convention. * 

New York. Dee. S'. — A meeting took 


Novelties at the Condon Theater*. 

[ Corre-poDdc nee S. Y. Herald. 27lU.] 

London, Dee. W. lbWS. — While tbe old and 1 
the new Ministries are engaged In changing I 
1 'iue. s, like tin- dancers m a State Quadrille, 
;1 itd while the new Lord Chancellor 1 # prepar- 
ing ’.he “draft of the verv iirief Queen'- 
epc. eh that iii tosuflie*? to nd'iotini Parliament 
until the next year, and whiie there is a lull 
at d calm in general polities like that which 
follow* a Presidential election in America, let 
ti- look in at the theater-, where change* and . 
busy preparations are also going 011 , and s--e ] 
what novelties arc presented or promised for - 
the Christmas season. 

That elegant little theater, the Prince of | 
Wale*, will open thc new season next Sal ur- , 
day with a new comedy, by Edmund Yale . 1 
of which great things 'are expected. It r 
is to be called “Tame Cats," and I am for- j 
Innately able to give you thc plot a week in • 
advance of it* production. Mr. Wavershaui, a | 
young gentleman of fortune, is beset bv tw . | 
harpies, one a joet and the other a female i 
*■ cond cousin, alio live up . 11 him and endeav- 
or to ruin him. These two people, with o.n- I 
other old mystery called Mr. T needle, are the ! 
■'tame cats’’ of thc comedy. Hedge wood and 
tbe cousin succeed in inducing Wavers ham to 
iuvest his m uev in bogus shares aud to d .ubt 
l! ffi. i' litj of hi- wiic. Two, Ue, liki a guar- 
dian augel, *np|>r.-»se.s tlic letter ordering the 
shares and vindicate.- the wife's innocence. 
Tti* i- the plot; but a number ol amusing uml 
pathetic iueidents are skilfallv developed aud 
the dialogue sjairkles with brilliant epigram* . 
All the best artists in the Company will play 
hi "Tame Cats," and it* success is a certainty. 

Let me take yon behind the London scene- 
for a moment and show you why thi* new 
comedy is considered of so great importance 
that it now almost monopolize* the attention 
of the la.ndi.n literat i and dramatic worlds. 
By this conic dy of “(society," which yon have 
seen at Wa Hack’s, Mr. Tom Roberts'on revo 
hitionized the Engli-h comedy as Mr. Dion 
Boucicault bad previously revolutionized Un- 
English melodrama by the “Colleen Bawn.” 
Mr. Robertson followed up hi* success by 
“Ours" and bv "Caste,’’ both of which have 
been acted in the United State*; but at 
"Caste" hi- genius seemed to culminate. U 
has done nothing since at all worthy of hi- 
fanie. Hi* drama* have !>ecn failure*; hi* 
comedy of “Play" did not draw . But having 
once seen the Robertsonian comedies th- 
patron* of the Prince of W ilea" theater would 
be satisfied w ith nothing less, and the manage- 
ment cast about to find some other comedy 
writer to relieve them from tbe necessity of 
being monopolized by Mr. Robertson. Bvrou 
was tried and failed.' Bopdc-ault entered the 
arena with “How She Love.- Him," and that 
toiled. Non comes Edmund Yates, a new 
dramatist, bnt the son of an actor and already 
8 cel. bflty in literature. What will he dob 
Ilow will he succeed? These question- are- 
dividing the town. Permit me to predict that 
he will prove a rival to Robertson, although 
in a ditlerent style; aud by next week’s mail 
y< u will see that I am right. 

The Haymarkel, newly and richly decorated, 
in * already begun the new season with a 
drama called “Pietra," by Moscuthal, the au- 
thor of “Leah." Mis* Bateman, of coarse, 
play* the principal part, and ha* a curse, a* 
usual. Briefly, the plot of “Pietra" i* a tier 
man adaptation of “Romeo aud Juliet” The 
drama is written iu blank verac, and is often 
\ cry stilted and -tagy. Some critics declare 
tint it i* a great success; others that it is 
dreary, dull, aud dismal. I take a more mod- 
erate view, and think that tbe drama i* not 
quite good enough to hold thc stage. Miss 
Bateman, a* the heroine, acts j n her custom- 
ary style and with her usual popularity. It 
would he a- useless to criticise the one as to 
deny the other. Her engagement will end on 
the g’lth, aud tin'll Mr. Sothem will reappear in 
a new comedy, hi Mr. Tom Rohert*oo. origi- 
nally n ritten for Jett. rou, the title of which 
has not yet been fixed. 

After thi* comedy, “The Marble Heart,” 


T!:e Threatened Tureo-fireek Vfar. 


Warlike Preparation? by 


Iffhiiriio’i of ihe Spanish Budfft. 

M M i:\Mil\ OF \ HIM HEMER FTiM. 

Convening of the English 
House of Commons. 

Minister Johnson on the Naturali- 

zation Treaty. 



' F-V “oT ki'r.VI 1 ir ^. **"' farcies* ’ A Brother Kntlian Shoot* llm throng 

' r ” ’ up r • w Voung Men j Ihe Henri— Thc Jtiirglnr. Murder - 
story M dow v ‘u’ H ■=**««**- r.nd tMi.nt , r Killed. 

)«red. d A " om »« B-tiily In* | From lb#* < hwinro Ti11»un**, D*jo. 

» thio'f'k 

rtvs-.o ^ i On satuiduT night Iasi uou. urown, ionn?r 

I! ima iwv 1 ^b -1 I ly a iiuitorlouM buj^lar and murderer of thi> city, 

chro- ieled anv l*«» Im* i "• t ' t ,li ’- ll »- hand* of one Peter Boy!--, 

riiv hnt loss of Ufc from fir.- la ihi* in a di.-repaut.le -aloon in Letnout, Cook 
j morning it is u painful dutv 1 county. A quarrel spring up between tin- 
tbmi.rh , J wo young men, who. ! Ltid Brown, true to his blood-thirsty in- 

in ■; u . n, '"her burned nor suffocated w.-r.. ! atiueta. drew a huge knife and as-united 

01 ‘jro young men, who. I".> ; and Brown, true to his bluod-t’iir.ty in 
btnT.i D ik.* burned nor suffocated, were atiueta, drew a huge knife and as-nilted 
vVi • 1 .«o? n - r i? , * on c °n3-igratiou. Aud! Boyle. The latter, in turn, made u*e of a re 

o*.n S 1 l '* 9Uil lty more shocking is th vo.ver in hi* hand bv shooting' and instant 
iii,illv. a nJg‘J r dcatl J was caused by the crini- ly killing the ruffian. On bnndny evening 
i ^ lareiess use of ker.s^ue oil in igniting a an inquest wa- held on the re mains .if 
; eire nmstiiuee* are- a* follows: the ce< eased, and the jurv rendered a verdict 

Ntel. to SI,°a k “‘J" mornin S- Mr. Almond lo the effect tnat -Boyi- wa* partiaUy j:i-Ufic 1 
au ' e "J w *. ""“riling house at N >. ! using vioUut mean* for self-protection, 

fifinToS , 11 ® tree U oslpg the third, fourth and ! knowing Brown'* character, and we reeom- 
e™ ik .wTaYf 1 !*® an . < * proocL'ded to ignite a n.eud tout excessive bail lx- uot exacted from 
a- 1 , H*"’ Mbieu i* on the thir l floor Biui for ihe acL” The Jurv wasc .mposed of 

. 8 , 8 lut ‘E i "S apartment The Jo *>u Tomlin-. 11 . Thoms- Clarke, William 
' i m * • "j -*” 0 Inrge the tire did not burn. Be. d, P.-t.r If. K.-nna. John Cnrbv, H ;g'h B" 
ard Mr. Nichols took a quart kerosene can lami, Michael Mwphv. Edward Grinin N. 
and poured a quantitv of that fluid into th- Quint. '.n, John Wl, he. Daniel K- lined 1 ar,d 
stove upon the smouldering embei-s. A quick Benjamin Hodgson. Justice of the Pea -c, D 
fire was the result, aud the can was replaced C. 8 kell\, presided. The remain of Bro«n 
m a pantry in the haU, opposite the bed-room. *U1 proliabiy be brought here for int -rmeiit. 
Keturniug to the latter place, the wife of Mr, "• he is known to h.iv.- r- lutive* Hvlng in C d- 
Nicr.ok observed that the tire made an unusual eago. 

ere. ckling, and on looking down at the uper- "Con” Brown was a uini ol -uli n and hu 
ture between th*- door and threshold observed petuou* passion-, ''Utforall th*-re- "er.* trail- 
a bright flame in close contiguity to it. Mr. I iu his ehaiaeler that showed him not to b. to 
N. op.eued the door opposite the pantry and taB> depraved. Numerous incidents of hi- 
diseovered the hall to be entirely filled with ! wayward career are now recollect'd which e.v- 
flaiue. He at once 'gave the alarm; aud a Mr. I bibit him. whe n uot under the influence of 
H. G. Raymond and himself at once hurried to i liquor, aa a person of generous impulse* aud 
the kitchen, which was not on lire, and taking ! one who, though never forgetting an injury, 
a pail and tub of water threw it on the flame* I wa, alive to the distresses of those who h id 
in the hall, but to no effect. They then made Befriended him. When not on a spree, which 
their escape by the roof of an adioiniug build- I WB, ‘ ' e ry seldom, for hi* life was, in a manner, 
mg- ' i pue continual debauch, be wa* quiet and 

The flame* ran along the hall of the third peaceable in demeanor, and few would, duriiq; 
story, thence up the stairway to the fourth and these rare interval-, supp, ise him to both' 
fifth stories. In thi.* latter atorv Wallace 1 ’ blood-thirsiy and vindi ctive touwiada which 
and Louis Card, brothers, boarders won Mr. mm re> he. fr Is related of 

Nichols, lodged. As the flame* reached thi-: that one evening, when under the pow 


Tl><- Lunatic* of Irvington on the 
Light Fantastic. 

I From Ihe Lexlngt.n Gazette, :>«h.| 
t.n Christmas nigriit there was a grand b ill 
at the Lunatic Asylum, at which about o ne 
hundred patients of the Asylum and an equal 
number, or more, of genfh-inen and ladies 
from the c ity were present. Oo entering the 
grounoa the large buildings presented a bril- 
liant appearance, and cellar to dome 
blazed forth as we imagine Un pa a e* of ro.- 
aliy (loon occasion* of *tat<- receptions. Me 
passed through one of the ward* on our way 
to the lull-room, and few hotels or private 
hot:-,* are a* neat and orderly as three dormi- 
tories, everything being a, thoroughly clean 
as -oaf. end -and ami -.-rubbing br-ish can 
make them. Arrived at the ball room door, 
a sight pre-ented it-elf at ouo- astonishing 
and melancholy. Ranged around the halt ! 
were- seated more than h hundred from ! view* I could not vote f >r Mr. 
Garlh.” 1 added; "Mr. Garth know* mv 
opinions, and bad uot called on me to -olirit 
my vote. 5 ’ Mi-.* Craigic rcplie.l: -But thc 

Ir-h Cintreh que*ti..n— what a dreadful thi-ig 
it is. What arc Ike poor clergymen to do n 
that be disestablEbed and liseudowel? Why. 
they will be turned out of their bouse* and 
living*, ai d many of them will be almost p n 
idle-.-." I was scarcely p. epared for this Ig- 
norance of thc subject, and somewhat at a 
loes to anawer her wit bon! giving - -flee r j. 
Fortunately, however, one of the tidies wh-> 
wa* better informed came to th-- rescue an.i 
relieved her mind. 

Thc eloquence of the vonng lady having »hns 
failed, Lady t raigle sent fur the obdurate 
grocer to wait upon her at Millmead Boose. 
What happened at that interview is thus re- 1 
lated. Said her Ladyship: 

“I know from my daughter you have prom- 
ised lo vote fc.r Mr" Onslow, but yon Uav not 



He. iv Thev Live, Move and 

Being. , 

1 From the Xww York ttore-nry, 

A incog the moat prominent o' 

visitor* at date, -tray birds or ] 
else who have fluttered for awhile 
-bores, is the Cuunleas oiympe j 
Th - tidy is of middle age and more 
ilium attractions, and is realty a smart m - 
an a merely educated woman! fitia has a 

wn, and can manifest it aw oecadtimi 
a* in the case of her imrtfo essay with thw 
Pre.ect of Pari-, who insisted on 'owning aa 
of thr houievanls through a cemetery In 
which her son lay buried. The couotem- 
mother forthwith vented her anathema* in 
print, burling .very '••mceivabie 1 
tree— and the French language b ec 
ir epithet* — al the head -*f the Pre fect. - , 
in "retain, procured the -upprensioa of • 
mngazi-ie on which she was e ngt m n -l; whern- 
iiticn ihe Coante* left France in dL-g,iat. 
(die ha* determined to return to Part, oata 
m. re, and then let the Prefect — and tor that 
■natter, let the Emperor himself beware. 
Maos me Oiympe Adi.ukrd aud her friend Vic- 
t.-r Hug., may prove too much even for 

NuysJeou III. 

O- • of the leader* of Our re -wlent F -euch 
fli»hi- .liable* » Aug-iM B> hn >nt. This gentle- 
maa was wun on the Khiae, upon French 
territory, and is closely connected with the 
Ro’l - i hlM mi’ll< .nalre* by tie* of family as 
w*B a- interest. Hi* early Hfe wa* iny.'.fad 
w.tii cOfawlcraMe jdvenlure,rmbraeteg vtoirn 
of gallantry uid affairs of hooor. 

In [s-r*...., Mr. Be.’mont is small aud Hcbrate; 
ha* a slight impe-liment in his walk, and y«A 
posaesaan a dreUadly striking and *titwgn are. 
pear: Dee. In Lis business he ti 
-on] ,.t mercantile and tanking honor, 
peper rinks A No. 1. and hi* w -alth baa 
e-rimat-d at about sg. 1 JU.O 1 W. Hi*H 
(acuitic- are keen, and every ea 
jusLly placed upon hi* fiiwncial a 
.-■ iriuereial integrity. Although I 
hi* inter, arse with the world at .* 05 , 
tor from being as publicly p- .polar as his 
Leonard W. Jerome, he" is very srtabi* 
a-lmtaaMe in hi* >wv* exclusive elrelc. and cer- 
tainly merits the highest enevuiuma for his 
combined taste and UtsrraUty as an art eou- 
n..i— cur and an art patron. Has picture gallery, 
at ha* private re -idewre. corner of Rlgnteenia 

whom thc light ol reason had been taken by j consider, d the matter, and what wi.l 

a mvsteriou- Providence, yet were th-’T so conscquruce* if Mr. G’adst 11 aui J -bn 
quiet am! orderly that it required close obser | Bright come int.. power. "Iflj.y do," . .ro- 
yal ion to distinguish them from an assetn 1 cceiled, "lre-1 md will tjc baud, d ov r to P ;*-. 
bUge of rustics, in their best attire, waiting ! about which it wa.- too *Uoc_ mg to think >L" 
for a dauee to begin. But here were sotn | "May I," she swid. “never live tj -ee if; but 
who bad occupied high -ocial [-wition* — meu I “h! I trembki for mv d iuynlcrs." I tokl her 
of influence, wealth, aud character, ‘and I ladislupthat-hewaslationugundcriBi-app--- 
women of rare beauty, and mothers aud wives, ! Vet -Ion. and began to a*-ure her ihs. Mr. 
all now, ala*! bereft of that mysterious to--ulty. i Gladstone wa* no friend of th.- Pv|y and John 
fi» combination of faculties, that gives to mvn | Bright hid no R-man Catholle tenden -ie*. 
a. superiority to all other creatures. The j At the name of John Bright her indv-uip re- 
visitore soon fell into conversation with the ! covered b-Tself and -poke in severe t r.^. of 
patient-, and all wa* life and animation. 1 that eenticinen, and eone’uded by saying 'tiat 
There wa* a delay n’-nit the music, and some 1 -he could not ’’think how anyone c raid rote 
of the patient* became very resile-*. Wc I for such a man a* Mr Onslow," and a ld - t, 
were struck with the perfe. t ease with which I “if 1 had a vote. 1 would soouer die than gtv. 
they were quieted hy » gentle word from i it to him. I see, however, what I hay, -aid 
Dr. f liiplev, who seems to exercise j has hud no influence overyou; but 1 hare made j 
a marvelous and njyaUnou- influence ! up mv mind what to do."' 
over thi- abended multitude. He has rev. Iu ! The awful threat veiled in the last -enti ace 
tioni/.ed thc whoh system of treatment, and. ' *as earried out tbe next day by the wiiti- 
wc helleve, in no easy re— »o. 01 he. punish- | druwal of thc custom of the great family, and 

Nichole, lodged. As the flumes reached thi- j T on, that one evening, when under the pow 
story thev probably became aware of thc- ex ; ’rid influences of bad wbi-lry he h*et&*( 
isteni-c of iti. (tro —J. Itirougn enc>— ive di- pi *-a tnio a saloon at Brii'.g port, picked : 
fright they ri-ked the danger- of jumpin-' I quarrel with a young mechanic again-t whom 

wc believe, in no cwn r* — mac* punish- 
ment the» eoanuCUi id, and gratlttea hi* pa- I the grocer lake* hi- rcv. nge by leltth-' the 
tient- in mauv hartal' -- hidulg.-uccx not bera- I »lor> to the newspapers. 

URN iMMont Mpn or agyVab 

When tl.e musii -ti :k up there wa* a wild PRUSSIA. 

gleam hi tl.e eye* of maai.V- if th- v antlci;m- 

ted an unwonted pleisttre, or a-' if it had The Needle Gun- Di-*ati.larti»a with 


I IHhKY ttn UREEt K. 


Pari*, Dec. 30. — Tbcotficial paper* speak 
comidently of the meeting and succes- of thi 


Vienna. Dec. 30.— The Presse say* the 
(.reek Government ia ready to comply with 
the recent demand.- made by Turkey and sap- I 
ported by the great power* of Europe. : 


London, Dc . 30, — ' The following di-pat h 
from Constantinople, duted J0t'u, comprise- 
thc latest news on the eastern question: Great 
prepartions are making in the arscaal- on ac 
count of threatened war with Greece. Trans 
port* loaded with supplies have been sent to 
Hobart Pacha'- fleet. 

frigid they ri-ked thc danrer- of lumping 
from this fearful bight to the pavement be ! h< ' conld not have had po— ibiy the slight, -t 
neoth. The above fs conjecture only, but at enmity. He beat the young fellow rno-t nu- 

all event* thev jumped from a window in tbe mercifully, striking him on the head with a 

fifth storv, and landing upon the ridcwalk be- bottle, ma n tling a tumbler Iu hi* face, laecr- 

neatb, the necks of both the vonug men were ati)1 * hilu will ‘ iuiifc, and so ill using him 

broken, and the right arm of Louis fra t tired that he became a cripple for life. The next 

in two place*, the severed aod rigged bouo day. Brown having returned to hi- -ense* and 

protruding tlireutgh the flesh. The arm of realizing the unprovoked nature of the inin 

Wallace P. was also fractured. The y oung ™* he had inflicted, called upon his victim, 

men were seen bv Charle- Miller, of the" Lung expressed to him the deepest regret, and vol- 

John Truck Company, as thev ntuipcd, one uf i «tit-:ered all the a-si-tanee in his power. He 
ter the other, from the window! ! waited upon the wounded man, and, iu the 

Dr*. Cook and Lovering were at ouce called. I rapacity of nurse, showed himself as tender a* 
and, proceeding to the place, found Louis, th*' ** niother; lie paid th** doctor’s bill; defrayed 
younger, dead; tint Wallace P. survived about the cxneueet of the household, and oft red un 
Half an hour in an insensible condition. Eve j r’lO-Valcnl 111 money for hi* murderous con- 

picture gallery, 
•of eighteenth 

awakened -ome thre ad of memory long since 
strung »- -on the spacious floor wa- filled 
with'dancers, tbe sene and the iu-aue tiiingling 
in the mazes of thc dagec. who all -eeined 
to enjoy tbemsclvea equally. The quick 
glance of the atten lain- kept constant wat-h 
over thcflpatlents and thc slighte-t appearance 

it in ihe Army— Experiments with 
New W capon— Probable Nub-litn- 
• ion— A Rival for Ihe t ha— epol. 

I «.'orr. spondenee New York Times.] 

Berlin. Friday, Dee. 4, lflflR. 
Considerable excitement ha- existed in mi!- 

■niicr iui- cunieuy , 1 in .viuroie Heart, 

-icwly adarted l.y Dr! Westland M.-ston, who 
nined “ThcRomnnec of aPoor Young Man," 
will he produced, wiih Mr. Noiliern asV'olage, 
ti e light comedy p .rt. This make- up a 
stioug programme, but Mr. Buckatone is de- j 
to. mined to cut dow n his expenses and reor- • 
gnr.ize his company, uevertlnle-s. I hear that ! 

u t. al fcqjenee. Otfieer* were elected for 
1 * th aeademic*. 

In the I'uited State- District Court to-d.v 
lif- jya.'rr in thc Blaisicll A: E ckel alleg-il 

ti wn at noon 10 ’•upj-weu 1 . u ... uem a rman, *nn was be- u-.- In the Blai-dellA E ckel alleged . ~ ,,7 V i„, i, ^ 

u , .* forty »nd forty-five year- old. W ho he wi.iaky fraud ease was -el aside for informal! )n V.momiv ^and ^ 

lo-d»y In Baltimore , . . cvitrr he canae from. U a- wc have iu tj. and the trial postponed to next Tuesday. I" .,2?- w‘ d & ' 

• to-morr-w or the timated, still in obouriti . Hi* position iu I in the hupreru. Court. Judge Cardoza 1 "• 

remain till Monday I * ;f ’ b only b( guested at, and he oacius to g . tiled a *«av of proceeding from th- order of | .1 , o ih* Hra.r* « 

start for lids eitr. have taken step* to conceal It. He wa* not | Judge Bntheriand, appointing Judge Davis 1 , ^ , 

.. ETTE, "W" ^ ^^ho°d. rod must have , Ee^fecrofthe Erie riad. pending fhe deei- 1 

r.,-tw«cT, P— w ■ ked at least a u.odcrat* dl-Un.e from his -i-nof the motion to vacate the order which 

tween thf Frrai- local liaWtati-.n to find a pUc out of the ken had been reccnUv on argument before him. , re^fL. i„ N ..v «' 

mpera m ntWm the ; . f man where he could divest himself of his At the auetion -ale of cool to-day prices ^ » 

•tof the titter at- mortal co*l. were from »1 U. SI .10 per ton lower thai, ti-t ! ff . 1 

of aa oM eas Be made very s’udiow* arrangement- for m.-nth. xi ” • 

to . the »nair had not culminated so tragically, in- , . S'd y hi* eiraa,en 

the ‘n, Wo uld exc ite other than senou- feelinp. AJ- The Commercial Travelera held another 'ra 

r.x rre ‘* 4e ^. ter arriving at a deliberate detenniuati ,u as to in. . tiug to day. at which it wa- «utcd that ; L .., v raTi nTi'.; 
r the army aad navy w at should U hi* tote, he proceeded to ob- Attorney Genera! F.vart* had express' d hint „ 11 . tt 

re expected to make , tern a new. strong hempen rope. Thi- do-ie. self to their (Om’i.’ttcc a- orejawed to the pre» 1 „ , 1 *» If. 

*ee her in New lork; but I am sorry to add 
ib. l the mannerism- of the English stage 
lit.-, greatly injured tbe former freshness of 
be r cling. 

~ Mr. E. T. Smith closed the Lyceum iu a 
. uiry last week in order to get rid of his pres- 
1 r.. company and pre pare for hi* Christmas 
puLlomime. Mr. Bandmun and Mr. Fair- 


•r" custom- London, Dee. :S0.— Hon. Stafford H. North 
ularitv It eot>- succeed* the Eaxl of Kimberly us Gov 
one as to er,lor of the Hudson Bay Company, 
will end on suspension of w m. bp.cnner a co. 

re»p|iear in Manchester. Doc. The hou* of Win 
■*■?> Brenner & Co., heavy dealer* in manufactured 

e of which cottons, suspended yesterday. They bad ex- 
. rr . „ tensive connections lu America, 
le Heart,” _ 

iraton, who TUE WE * T ’ JER 

mug Man," Hiroughout England r-outinnes wet and mild, 
a- V olage, success or conservatives pi:edi> ted. 

"P*,“ ! London, Dei . 30. — It is the general irnprc 
.nd r or ! '•" Il 'Bat the Conservatives will be -ucee-fui 
1 I In the elections for numbers of Parliament to 

ic iTiv nar- j " ' ncancIe ‘' 
rs will soon meeting of parliament. 

orry to add London. Dee. 30.— Tbe new ITotue of Com- 
jlish stage met yest-relay for preliminary business, 
reshness of On'y the minister* who were re-elected took 
ihe oath of office. Writ* were issued for eler- 
roeutn in n tkms to till vacant seats, after which tb> House 
if hi* pres- tdjourued to the 16th of Februury. 


half an hour iu an insensible condition. Eve 
rvthiug wa- done for him that science could 
iiiggest, bnt to no avail. The bodies of the 
imortunate young men were conveyed lo the 
armory, where Coroner Cleaves held an in 
que-t. The testimony taken wu* .-uhstautiully 
that a* 1 elated above, and a verdict rendered 
in accordance with the fact-. 

Wallace P Card was eighteen years of agt 
and employed as errand hoy in the oiliec of 
the Prairie Farmer, an agricultural sheet i~ 
*«ed in this city, while L.mis, who is hut fif- 
teen years old. yva* employed in u like capaci- 
ty in the establishment of Maine, Warner iV 
Wood, on Randolph street. Their mother 
I .carded at tbe -ame piaee, hut is now a! bye- 
ainore, Illinois, spending the holidays. The 
factor flwMMMha^tieiiraMtw Imme- 
diately telegraphed her. 

Air*. Sarah Douton, a servant in the house, 
escaped from the building as did Air. and Airs. 
Nichols, but in jumping from the roof of the 

duct. A man capable of -nch deeds could not 
be entirely depraved. Yet he ha* left a record 
that will hand hi* name down to posterity aa 
one of the lioldest and mii-t villainous outlaw- 
who ha* ever disgraced the annul- of the 

It i- stated that he wa- bom somewhere iu 
Will comity Tif parents whose character is re- 
lated to be not of the best, and that even at 
an early age he eviuced a criminal reckless ne**, 
which, tutored by hi* rough -urroundings, led 
to worse. When quite yonn.% In the middle 
of hi* teens, he showed! to the disadvantage 
of farmers round about, hi* precocity in the 
way of tllehing watermelon* and fruits of all 
kind*, beside- making raid* on hen roost*, 
hog pens and tiie various departments of a 
f-irin, scattering terror among animals and 
fowls. This natural boyish -pint of course 
nut with no reprimand even, it is 
averred, on the part of hi* parents, 
who, rough hewed and of a ela*s scarcely now 
to be respected, were incapable of administer- 
ing projicr parental care. As Chicago ad- 

of anything indeeorous would have brought 1 itary circles during the past two or three 
then: to the side of the offender; but on this f month* with regaro to several hreeeh-iouding 
occasion nothing of ’he kind occurred. While rifle* of new patterns, which throw into the 
many were thus employed, we strolled around -hade the lanious needle gun, with which 
to take ob-ervation-, and see who made np Prussia broke the military power 01 Austria al 
thi* motley multitude. The pres- had many ttodowu. and cowed France into receding from 
representatives, among whom we noticed the her designs again - 1 Luxemburg aad the leit 
ubiquitous Col. J. ii. Craddock, of the True hank of the lthiae. Superior a* wa* that 
Kentuckian, who i- ever to he found where formidable weapon to the ordinary mazzle- 
an.fthi.ig is to he seen that can add an Inters - 1 loader, the progress of invention soon left it 
to ills paper. H>- wa- in earne-t conversation I tor behind; and Prussia already finds herself a* 
with Boss Lighter, the wealthiest man in the j much in the rear of other nations a- she w»- 
world, w ho (hail- ont bi- million- and ten- ! in the advance two years ago. TlieChassepot. 
of million* without the lea-t hesitu i which “did wonders" at Mentano again t. 
ti. >n. From what we could overhear Garibaldi’* patriot army, surpass. - the needle 
of the conversation, we gathered that I srtin in several important particular-. It V- 
Bo-* had subscribed for ■ ight or ten thou- ! >c-s complicated and therefore less liable to 
sand copies of the Kentuckian, and had giv n ; get out of order it ia more accurate, and has a 
a check on D. A Sayre & Co., hi- b.-.nkora, to | muoli longer n.r-g. . and ran be more rapidly 

■ millions and ten- ! in the advance two years ago. Tl.e Cha*«epot 
the lea-t licsita j which “did wonder*" at Mentano again-t 
e could overhear ! Garibaldi'* patriot army, surpasses the needle 
we gathered that j gun in several un:*.rtsnt particular-. It la 
• ight or ten thou- I lc-s complicated, and therefore less liable t» 

p«v for them, and wa* explaining to the de- j loaded and discharged. An army furnished 
lighted editor wh re he wanted this unusual I with this weapon would surpass one armed 
number of Kentuckian* -enL He also no- 1 with the needle gnn. in abont the same ratio 
tieed ..ur Hudical contemporary in earnest con- I that the Pru. -ian- -urpaesrd the Austrian* in 
vcraaliou with a grave and dignified senior, the late war. 

and, from the respectful consideration the In this dilemma, and with the po-*ibilitv of 
latter seemed to give to the arguments used, 1 •' war with France staring them in the race, 
we have no donbt that a proseivte wa* made | Ihe military authorities of Prussia looked 
to the extraordinary polities of the Statesman. | about for -ome mean* to maintain their su- 
We congratulate our ciintemporary on hi* *u< periority, and a great many inventions and im 

Nichols, but in jumping from the roof of the avt rca, on the part of hi* parents, 
adjoining building, a not verv great distance, w ho, rough hewed and of a class scarcely now 
-he fell upon thc edge of a box and injured “* respected, were incapable of adminlst. r- 
hereclf severely. 1D ? protn-r parental care. As Chicago ad 

The buildiuc. No. 4U Franklin street, w»- vaneed in growth of population and of wealth 
owned bv Sinclair Southerland, who held in 50 S rtw Ul " despicable character of Brown in 
sn ranee to tlic amount of *8,000 in Jordan & ^>7 phase of villainy, uutil. when at a mature 

Co.’* agency. The basement wa- occupied * 8 °' he wa* known a* a gambler, thief amf 
hy Aies-re. Grouimes A: Ulrich as a bonded desperado. Little is kuown of bis early 
warehouse. Their loss will be only from which, could it be exposed, w mid 

water, and only nominal, as 1 * the ease of probably reveal a hardihood scarcely to be 
Kaltcticrgi r .X Bchemann, who occupied the credited. He first became known in police 
first floor as 11 leather stoic. The insurance f . as a daring thief— one who never hesi- 

latirr seemed to give to the arguments used, j a war with trance staring them in th - face, 
we have no doubt that a proselyte wa* made | the military authorities of Prussia looked 
to the extraordinary polities of toe Statesman. | abont for -ome mean* to maintain their su- 
We congratulate our c ititemporary on hi* *u< periority, and a great many inventions and im- 
C'-ss, for it is no small matter to convert even j provcnienti were submitted to them for trial 
a lunatic to the high standard of Lujouism Among others wa- a gnn invented by Mr. 
which distinguishes hi- school of politics. ! Morganslern, of your city. It wa* subjected 
There were a number of beanx from the ' to very severe test* at the military shooting, at 
city, one especially, who i* said to be exceed- ! Sparulau, last uvouta, with the most encourag- 
inglT unfortunate iij some of hti matrimonial j ing result*. Tt-e t-n:rd made a very iavorable 
expeditions, and to have vowed that he never j report of tbe experiment*, from which it ap- 
w.'iild uddre-s another sane woman on the pears that the first trial was for penetration, 
subject. He is rather stout for a sentimental N ix shot* were fired at a target of nine ■board- 
youth, with a killing Mack mustache, and placed at a distance of two hundred yards, 
practiced his deadliest air* on the “Queen of . aeh board being one inch thick, and separated 
.sheba,” a ino-t fantastic! maiden ot -oma from each othi r by one inch of free space. A 
twenty five or thirty summer-, who was per- penetration uf four and a ha f inches wa- ob- 
rectiy fascinated las’ only a lunatic could bo» tained, 

hy his cubbish bhuidi-hments. (We advise 8 were then tired for precision — first at 
Dr. Chiplev to have an eye to hi- ward, or else '-fri card*, and afterward at 43d. The Board 
there may be an elopement. desired to extend their trial to 600 yard-, but 

Wc inquired for Jeremiah th-; Prophet, but as the gun was not sighted for this range, the 
learned that he -corned to mingle with such a experiment had tobe abandoned, 
profane multitude, and in deep converse- F. r rapidity of fire, the inventor fired twen 

of thi- firm i* #14,000, distributed in several 
MBfMdtL .The second floor was occupied 
u* a Jewish synagogue, which will sustain a 
damage of #10<^ insured for $700 in the Alar 
ket. of New York. Thc remaining stories 
were occupied by Mr. Nichols a* a boarding 

lated to accomplish a “job" even at thc immi 
uer.t rl*k of bis life. Thus went ou his career 
In tl:e association of criminals, and with them 
almost daily the prime mover in bold and : 1 a*- 
taidiy enterprise*. 

Ui* family relation* were not of th tn- t. 

practiced his deadliest air* on the ‘ Queen of 
t-keba,” a IDO - 1 fantastical maiden 01 -om* 
twenty five ur thirty summer*, who wa* per- 
fect !y fascinated ( a*" only a lunatic could be) 
by his cubbish blandishment*. (We advise 
Dr. Chiplev to have an eye to hi* ward, or else 
there may be an elopement. 

Wc inquired for Jeremiah th-.' Prophet, but 
learned that iu scorned to mingle with *uch a 
profane multitude, and wo* iu deep eonversa- 

.. ■ . - a aceordluR to frenernl .,„,i 1 pn nine iniin-.j ae, ana was m aeep eouver**- 1 rorrapicniy >i nre-, tne inventor tireu twen 

Vi.'':." S to I LuiJ John L-.ptou, an Imaginary tyre und* twfcc. making in a.l fbr.v. at the 

Kevc-rdy Johnson, in a speech yesterday to a 
dej illation of thc London Workingmen’* tju- 

Houic, of New York, and lo*e* ai.on. $1,500 j 
worth of furniture. 

'ihe cause of thi* fire, aud the loss of life , 
following, was, without question, from the 
1 se of kerosene. Too much blame cannot be 

career in New York. H - opened at Niblo'a 
Garden in “Narcisse,” and made a hit: at- 
tempted .'haksp- rian part* and did not suc- 
ceed: apiieared in hu adaptation of Bulwer’a 
“Night and Momma,” and Manager Wheatley 
Imeght off his engagement .so decided wa* th? 
failure, in London he opened at thc Lvccuui 

eietv, said the naturalization treaty between 
the United BUle* and Great Britain was cer- 
tain Of ratification by thc United States Senate. 
Th*- treaty provides’ that a British subject who 
ha* been naturalized iu thc United States shall 
have the same rights to protection on hia re- 
turn to Great Britain a* a native boru 

1: id ou any one for ita u.c in thi* manner, and hi- tragic death. Mi.- i- spoken of by th—. 
ti t total result attendant npo;. it thi* mooting , ° h now •* a( the shrew or 

seem that he was born and bred within a cir- 
cle of garbage w hose very aroma could seurae 
have had other than a pernicious influence. 
Hi* lather died some year- ago, and his moth- 
er i* now living near Lemout, where he met 
hi* tragic death. She i- spoken of by th -e 

should prove a lesson to all. 


Hi* Answer to the Itospot and Tyrant. 

[From the fiprtngfl.-ld H. puMlcan.] 

I der, with all the requi-it-a of 11 hardened m 
| tron in her sixties. A mother's love aud at- 
! tentiou failed here in saving from a d-istardJv 
’ career and miserable death a son whose qnali 
ties, had they been developed in a proper wav, 
might have resulted in good to humanity, 
Brown was a man of many natural gift*, itii 

friend, who*e society lie prefer* to ail others, j rate of twenty per minute, without aiming. 
Mis- Alary Leach, the lady of many birds and and placed re*i*-ctlvety four and three show di 
doll-babies, was the objeet of macii attention. the target, A Sergeant from the troop* nnd-r 

She told ns that -he regre tted that ahe could command 01 th - Board tired eleven shots in tbe 

not bring her singing children, for they lud same time, aud made eleven hits in a target 
been dancing all day, in anticipation, tint that six feet high bv eiebt wide. Mr. M»rgan*tero ; 

the hour was loo late for them to be out. We afterword fired sixteen shots per minute, plac- 

de tested Barney, by a loud laugh that rang irg fourteen *h.>t* in the target During these 
through the hall, provoked by a pre*cnt of a Ural* the mechanism worked perfectly well, 
large and gaudy pinchbeck breastpin, in which At last a trial wa* made of cartridges, weak- 
he especially delight*. Ou going to him we ened at the head bvdUing to teat the security 
found hi* whole front decorated with these of the chamber. Two tightly tilled shells, *0 , 

hand, attached to hw heavy English drag, ■ a 
feature- id the Jerome Park races, while hfe 
villa at Newport l* the leading attraction of 
tl at IhshionaSle locality. 

Mr*. Belmont, formerty Ml-* Penrv, b • 
pieasae - faced, highly artotoeratfe lady, of 
middle age, whose parlors are among the nnu 
elegantly furnished in the metropolis, .nd 
whose parties are the xchwivc affeir* of the 
season. Mis* Belmont is mi -legantly-fonned, 
handsome and haughty yonng beauty, highly \ 

in her small, but select circle, reigns * 

Mr. Belmont attocts the society of E 

celebrities, entertain.- -umptuonaly, is a ' | 
cl*** bon tivnnt, and k an intimate iriend ot 
4. L. IA.) M Barlow, .4 the law firm of La 
Roque, Boudoin A Barlow, who, 

American by birth, ia French by natm 
travel and association, *nd resides in * 
with his bmilv, upou Madison avenue, 

T went V fifth street. 

One of the partners of tbe Arm Juat aUl 
10 , Mo:..*. La Roque, is a young, hiack-e 
tiands- -me, dark conateXHaal gentler 
quiet aud reserved in his manner-, and a 1 
estimable and inoffensive individual. 

► 1 other, one of the finest young nejvff - 1 
time, led a romantic career, which had oir 
fortunate t- animation, but tbe reresei.t beat 
of the dmm bids fairly to attain the *vtgn.w 
honor. Tbe remaining partner. Mods. Boudoia, 
is a substantial-tooking individual, a family j 
man. who live* in Ninth street dabbling in 
real estate, and dining at Delmonieo’* in the 
most sumptuous *tyle. i 

Ti.e Coudert frer. s, a leadin.- Wall -treef'w 
law firm, wbo do a large French consols and 
importers bn*.ne *, also flourish in metropoh- 
tsn life, and are reckoned A 1 alike in finance 
and in feahion. They are middle aged .nd 
married, are a* economical as they are estim- 
able. and as practitioners are considered rather 
•harp by their brother lawyers. 

Among our leading) Fre nch residents may he 
men ti. ned Mon-. Francis Alexandre, of West 
Twenty-seventh street, whose wife leads a ’ 
portion of our French fashionable populatioa, 1 
nd whose liege lord make* no secret of the 
fact that he commenced life aa a cabin buy. 
their present success being creditable to all 
parties concerned. Jules Reyna!, son of to 
Rose Reynai. is a scion of Pori* gentility, s 
worthy son of the Individual who is kno 
among hi* intimate* and gne*t* a* the polit 
■mate New York. Jules Is an invM 
hunter, and has a stock of the finest-bred 
in the country. Mona. Otard, the grandsc 
the original Otard. of brandy eeiebri 
married Miss Delmonieo. a hands. -ra* 
uial brunette, an J rich aa crenm. is \nothei 
bright and shining light of French fashion. 

Mods. Boileau. the French Consol of New 
York, tbe aoc cess or of Bow. Monlhllna. 
must, of e< .utse, be included in any sketch of 
French fas' Aon. This personagn ia a stoat, 
lompous, excessively polite, and * >me-*hat 
“heavy” individual, who i« mor- prvettea 1 than 
popular. A man of high aonor, however, and 

. be seems to b *- - excre i-ed hi* diseased mi ad ! etfl State and muali ip 

* *’ v’ “* e dress in Which be rVioatd take bU ab- j flii ting, and a!-o that $15,000 tisd l»een sub- 
; rujrt departure, for he forthwith tits him-, if ' scriNM to :.•*» tb* sail tow b. lot. Uo i mud 

■AJJ ' erab-rras*uiLRt. Thcr - l» otu writli a new pair of black pants, new dark 

another eu-ton: observed between outgoing 1 colored vest, new black sack cunt new black 
and to*, otniug President* that. If obaet'd on cloth overt-.*! He qx-sre to have been *ati* 
the t-.urth of March, will renew the tend of fi A wtlL nothing that Wa- not new. He had new 
amtor-ra-ame- • referred lo nomelv* fr that 1 u*ck ki-l gl'-Te-. cyliBiincai hat and coif-kin 
~ - r * ? W T- ' ■* ■? .. m ' boot* with grecu top*. All t-repare-d. he 

aotgoiL? President notifies hh- sac- storied out with his rope. Wecannoi sav 
. -as ow of his readme** to aecompany thc whetucr he uiel with tny obstacle* or n.-ti but 
•alter to thc Capitol, and does seat tbe h< directed bis ttej*- to tbe barn of Mr. 

totter in the Executive carria -v and Clemens, which is some distance from the 

dpt' c him to the place assigned for his teauga * *“» F’-jjUeman. The l« rn was 

. _ nearly full of hay. and it was not difficult of 

ration to takA place. If General Grant de- entry. Tl roof of the barn i* about fifteen 

eflh c* to come in contact with President Jstm fe i from tbe grunud. and is eianttn.-. Inside 
•on on Sew Yt-arit dav because of the un of tbe structure there ia a large bca-n resting 

- 1 - faeim. bctweeV then. «.,a. ,, on the inside of the building, and which is 

llrTtro: t. .r, _ ■ v.-K, , . . , used for the purpose of sup]s>riiiig the roof, 

case will in sll prebabihu induce him to wish Tb< hay was heaped up to within a few feet 
to avoid meeting with Mr. Johnson on tbe 4.L ot thi- beam and noose would have auy diffi- 
of March. Probablv this embarrassment m*v 1 cultv in getting from one to tl.e other, 
he overcome coosistentlv with General Grant . Tfe™ 0 ” » fuicidal manh.. once in thi 

- -a tmilding. saw this. and. Instead of fastening 

ytacuce of aveidmg P«PWed ovation, ami y* ^? to the beam, attached it to me of thf 

ceremonies. He may decline thc measure rafters <rf the roof, which can be casilv reach 

scribed to tert tic- sai l law b.lore Uo I tilted 
St tes bnpreme C.urt. 

The annual convention of the Seta PiFrater- 
uitv, a secret college association, i- in session 

pre-ent from all j ]irt ,iiaiiiv return to .Cmerica a sadder aud w iser 
part* of 'hecoun tn. ... man. ft. d«, that be is to mam Mas MIUv 

1 1 , ^ . Urtd Calmer and star wiih her through the State*, 

tin - even ing, by the tosm -,s> iun Cou-titury, Mr Fairc ,„ u ^ u read) logo home. He 

u *>*. 1jro ‘ 1,e r could hardly V am- sadder sndlie will never 

r “IT' rnitt - /■' P **, t , G ,™'c ' 1 Be wiser than he i* now. Hi* faithful friend 
0.m^nler.JUie Su^meCuanci! of the „ Guest accompanies him. The experiences 
N t 2 wiSS l nited State*. „ f llieM , ^.tlernc,, iu K n g laud ought lo be a 

Ui'; most wgrnU)g \o « m biti"iL- American actora. The 
cit\ C J v ?ai til ' jVo' -ra-i!" I Lvcoum pantomime will be called ‘ Harlequin 

? BtelP’ d ^ Th ^ y ' 1 Bumptv Dumptr, or. Dame Tro; and H r 
hU'l ihc ^ 1 . t . i'Jl' ", T U , ru f un -i: c ^- bnt it i* uot the New York "Humpty 

^ a jT e , n . ly 'i 0l ^ ! “ Duuiptv," aud uU! nol be such a -n-ecss 
-/TL 1 1 'J( V i d< _ l , n mu- *° 1 There fc no sn h clown a* Fox in London. 

Tbeie were lw lioracs in ih-_ baUdii.s;, The two great isiutouiiine theater.- D.ury 
valued Tanonsly at from to $1,800 eaco* ( Lace and Corent Garden, are grttlng up their 
» i .J 1 ,* 110 ‘- ^her burned or suffoeat--t. Christina* no.cltic- U|>on ascafu m .iv in ^nlli- 
Abou A) carnage*, valued .1 tetter cent iban ever. That at Drurv Lane will be 

with i bornjas, Ac.. .were afro dertroye<L The | ,.«] M “Grimalkin the Great. " and is a new 

,. u ,r..Ij i?.. ! iu --Karelsoe," and made a bit. AD tbe paper* 

V h.H .r,! 1 ; I were full of hi* praise*. Then b< tried 8 hak- 

( .rts had expressed hint j ^ 1D th- proeinees. and It would 
..ct- a- ojf] wised to thc pres- noI ,|,, 4W Next he appeared in liulwcr’- 
tiri laws a* eon- j - ><i;btfu] Heir,” and the eritic- threw him 
had been -ub- . 0%er took t ack all th>- fine thl.ig* tliev I 
lore Uu I micd I pad said about him and let him drop. He re- 

| ceutly essayed thc part of Othello al thc Ly- 
l c-eum, and none of thc leading paper* nicb- 
j tinned the performance. Mr. Banaman will 

re idencc of this gentieman. Thc barn was i Northern Jurisdiction of the United State* 
nearly full of hay. and it was not difficult of I The livery stable* of Briggs Bros., the most 
entry. Th roof of the bsrn i- about fifteen | extensive establishment iff the kind in Uie 
fe. I from the gronud. and is siantin.-. Inside city, occupying No-. UK, 121, and 123 Thirtv- 
of the structure there is a large bca-n resting ] tlifrd street, near Sixth avenue, and running 
on the inside of the building, and which U 1 through tbe entire block to Twenty-fourth 
used for thc purpose of supporting tbe roof, street, were cumpletclv destroyed bv fire to 
Tbe hay was heaped up to within a few feet , nijglit. There were 15<j horses In the building, 
of thi- beam and no one would have auy diffi- | valued variously at from *500 to *1,500 each. 
cidtT In getting front one to tl.e other. all of which either burned or suffocated. 

The victim to a suicidal mini:., once iu the ; About At carriage- valued a' $1,500 t.wreth. r 

Tf.e victim to a suicidal man!:., once in the 
building, saw this, and. instead of fastening 
hie rof e to thc beam, attached it to one of tin 
rafters of the roof, which can be easily reach- 

Uot ceremony and quietly take the oath of ‘ ed. Standing on the beam, he made a halter, 
the Exocutive before a competent officer, . enclosed his neck in it. and took his leap, 
even a justice of thc peac . aod as quietly The rope hodbeen selected with care, and did 
take poMoasioo of the Whir House. ' mMortunate g^tieman found 

all of whicli either burned or suffocated. 
About A carriage*, valued at $1,500, together 
with harness, Ac., were also destroyed. The 
total los* i* probably uot le** than' $393,000; 
heaeilv insured. 

APT-' I* TRENT Of BCRMRERS OT COH6RE8S ) inurmtufat the CO 
Tbe peculation.- about a new appoint men' This must have I 

uf new mem! -ere of Cangre m for Man land, night, for ou that d 
Kentucky and Missouri, seems to be based on t }' farTn . bct ‘ 
the ides that Congress ha* before I- the feet* 

ncceseaiy to authoriae new appoiuumcno- at il>rm upended fro 
_ooet. but it should be remembered that the ' to be unmist k*bly 
"ippo ntmenl aud recent election* of Coo- halter was notified. 

no footing, and there was another corpse for j 
intermcniat the county form. 

This must have been on 8 unda> or Sunday ' 
nii-hl, for on that day a farm laborer catered 
ti farm, bet saw no thing amis-. Thc follow- 
ing morning Mr. Clemen* catered the barn. | 
w:.d was horrified at dfacoveriug the inanimate 
form suspended from thc roof. Life was found : 
to be unmiet -.kably extinct, and Dr. Spiegcl- 

gressmcc have taken plac- under existing 
lawr of Congress, and that body will have no 
foundation for farther action till th- new oen 
aas shall have been completed Until this 
census is taken, It cannot be know u to Con 
xvea* officially what number of male citizens 
• over twenty -one years of age are .-x. laded 
fron. rmrefeing elective franchise 

(To the Amoriated Press. 


W asHTNGTO* Dec. A. — The Commissioner 
ot Inter nal kticaiK- h»* decided to allow the 
i^rl iri, of stocks of tobacco now on hand ic 
fcfik packages into packages to conform w ith 
the recent l.-gialati-c by “Congress unffirtbc 

isioti of a G-x ernmeut Inspector. Act 

Tr— 1 — Harlan bad issued sup- 
u! luguiiitkm* Intended to seem* cor 
in toe month y report* of tilt o*«"ur 
Bed spirit-. 

ling Commissi oner ha- also Usual in 

Hie coron.T held an inquest yesterday after- 
l. - ti. The deceased vrac still 'hanging liiere, 
aid at s first glance it appeared lo him and 
hi- -i r.uty. Mr. Ptaedieow, that the hod;, wa* 
tout of some minL-tcr of the goepel whocould 
fixd no solace in anything hut oblivion. Thc 



Sickening Toadyism ol an Itinerant 

a Bohemian, 

[from the St. Louts Republican, 2fal}.] 

We clip from an exchange the following 
precious B Mra gs : • 

G. A. T. wrrlte*: “Thc ladles will he Interested 
to know w hat Mr-. Grant wore to church, where 
I saw her this It was at I>r. Sunder- 
land’s Fired ff’r. sbyterlan. Gen. Badeau accom- 
panied her. The General will predial-ly t>*- clu-ir 
rr,,n ot the White Hou-c under the new adminis- 
tration. He 1* a short, stout, tioyish-faced gen- 
ii. man. Wearing gold eye-glasses, with florid 
whiskers and hair. t.lue eyes, and a youthful 
u.snner. He talk* with a slight ll*p. H - t- a 
literary man of culture- and power, formerly a 

*: eiaclc was truly strange Thc decca-ed Journalist or the Times, New 

a- t 1 ; - • of distiilcrit*. in were a lead pencil aud au empty pocket 

it la atalcd that, in estimating the turn new. Th- jnry re-ture d a ■ 

dry ineba* to be allowed for forme. its 
the «fse--.r and person dc-ig-naUR) to 
Immutt be govern ;d hi a great tuca--. - 
hy toe depth -if tertnenuug tub*. Fro:a the 

heat information serened that a fair allowin' 

vrffl be from three to seven dry inches for corn, 
and any m:rt r of corn and ry* uot exceed- 
ing on. half rvt to ouc half corn from seven 
to twelve dry inches; for rye aad 
■wv uit r t m’ of rv. exceeding one half. 

was clad in his black mourning suit, with hi* 
kid giove* on. and hi- overcoat buttoned from 
the knee* to tbe chin. Hi* arm* were hang- 
. -lde-. and the only appear- 
aa.v of d'isarrangement of his dress wa* that 
bi* steveqfipe hat wa * slightly crush'd in, an 
-ecidcnt which the poor body would doubt- 
less have prevented if he conld. He appeared 
not lo bave --truggled any in hi* last moments, 
and to bare expired almost immediately. 

In addition to the clothing mentioned, he 
h* i ou a black silk buttefly tie, linen collar, . 
v 1 ib- shirt with linen bosom, mx undershirt, 
co- ton and wool mixture, and c-otton flannel 
(ii. wers H< hud * pair of sleeve-link*, with 
what is termed a navy shield on them. For 
tbe purpose of identification, wc may state 
that tin deceased had a smooth face, uo whis- 
ker*, and dark brown hair, lu hi* pocket 
were a lend pencil and au empty pocket book, 
new. Th* ;ury re-tunicd a verdict in accord- 
ance with the fact* — suicide of an unknown 

Mr. Clemen*, who Is owner of the torn: in n- 
ti •" d. h- - .» a liiery *table on Maric-t strcc*, 
hctweei: Thirteenth and Fourteenth. 

At prc*ent a reasonable sunnjse cannot be 
fot mca a* to thc pcr*onalit; of thc deceased, 
but it i* thought tb'4 tie probably came from 



The Popular loir for President. 
The faBovring table give* the popular vet - 
r Fre-id-tit in thirty -thre gtate*. F!or:-‘a 
ct.o c its elector* by tin lc.-g**la: arc, a id Soa. * 
-Carolina (lor the fir-* time) by the peopi 
Virg.uan, Mfe-issippi. and Tcxa* did uot vote. 
Th* Temtorie* arc not allowed ta partic-iput 
in toe atectior of President. Nebraaki: voted 
4 rtlii tr 4 t- Ii Looi-iaoa U. r w 
Taunt 40. OUO vote- thrown out. w'. i. h wilt 
bring Grant's majori i y np to about 340,000 in 

4 lloax Exploded- Nobody Hurt El- 
ia ery hod v'» lionar Suiishud. 

vote [yt ashlngtoo Correspondence N( w Y )rt Herald], 
>r:<t . Xhc supujof-ed dud between Phi'.. Forney 
^ .sn uhalovc army officer on further tn- 
l re- : v, ligation look remarkably iikeahugi hoax. 
u * t X) nrme c* the -miy officer w ho*e bio ol wo* 
Utili ►! fil’d cantot be a*rertaliied. after the mo*t 
* d : Vg- '.it inqairv, and the jieoplc who prof.s- 
- ik-ve tmt a du <1 really took place ditt r 
. “ j a* widely a* ’o toe time, place, and ma-incr of 
wu lh>- affair of femur a* to give it a strong flavor 
of a lively cai ard. manafaetured spechdlyfor 
'■???£ thc sensation loving |«oplc of M asuingtoa. 
St jaw C«.c version of the story make- thc sceuc of 
the ditt. uity the fame 1 Bladen*l>unr. wlicr 
tstSi fit th* mad* for sixty years or more 
e *a l av, taken pfe.a . Another version fi\e- 
li> l.K-atiou in toe rk-initv of 

wore a (.lack >lik dress, veryexeelfeui in quality, of 'standing alon.-, tiDd a plald.-ri ruffi . 
around the skirt, bound with black -atiu: a t.lack { 
ba- quo, trimmed with point lace, and buttoned 
Pbitsb gaiter*. Mi.-* Grant wa- dressed in a 
French bine silk poplin, a sailor ha:, and Poliih 
g.-'er* ditto. Th-- coachiaaD, outside the ebur :b. 
wort a gra v overcoat an.i cujk-. a braver hat and 
. . . afi.l the [ of h'-r* -- were boi o *-<-d 
w b-a new goM-tnouuu-d ret. i.r .iight -Iralglit 
fa iu New York." 

'lhackeray taught U.c world to l&ugit at tbe 1 
portion of "tlic Loudon journal* devoted to 
tb> movements of the royal family. We, in- 
tei sely Republican Americans, w rapped in ihe 
atar -]«!igfed toiuncr. and rejoicing iu the 
■Mots .of t!:c national buzzard, have 
• -. " c : : i v uu rn at those - iemii grow l- 

in -5 of the flritisn Hon which tell that, “ou 
M< ndav la-t. Her Majesty the Queen walked 
in the kitchen garden at Wind' or Castle, aud . 
graciously condescended to admire the eab- 
l«i_c«,"'Or Hint, "on Wednesday, Her Royal 
Hi-'hness the Princess Mary, escorted l.y th'- 
Grand Duke- of Pumjamuckel. rode through 
the Rome Park," or that, “on Saturday, tnc 
young Prince Patrick wa* seined with a 
viol* ut attack of colic which required tiie 
ivompt attendance of tbe court physician, Sir 
h 1 njnmin B<j1us." Yot sturdy John Bull, Lc reads these pompons paragraphs, ha- 
st least the patlstac-.ion of knowing that they 
chronicle tlic doing- of crowned heads aud the 
Lest sprigs of English an-’tocrecy md may 
-heckle even whil. he sneers at thi* relic of 
feudal foily. Eut wiiai is the Court Circular 
! of EngL-ui compared with ueh a -p citn-a of 
I concentrated snobbery a.- tiie ouc we have 
I O' pied! If we *h;ng our shoulU-r- at the 
weakness of our cousins over the water, 
what have we to *ay to the oubUc aenti- 
! u-eut at home "which tolerate* such 
1 Jeukinistn as this» A lady who happen* to 
■ be thc wife of a gentiema': who happja* to be 
, President elect choose- t o att- na divine ser- 
vice. A scribbler ascertain* the momentous 
fe.-t, aud rn-hes frantically into the sanctu- 
ary, pencil slid note book" iu hand, aad pro 
I t eed* to take an in. eut-.ry of her w ardro'K-. 

, The list ol clothe* belli* completed, this 
*weet scented represent -live of American 
I journalism goes to hi* garret, aad trotu 
thence announce* *-> a gaping universe that 
"Mrs. Grant wore a black velvet bonnet, 
with black satin string-;' also, that iiet 
.ire** “was of very excellent quality, and 

version by E. L. Blanchard • >f "Pus* in Boot*.” ] 
That at Covent Garden will be called “Robin- 
son Crusoe," and is an adaptation from a |>onr 
burlesque width H. J. Byron wrote for an stn- . 
utoiir dramatic company. Wiiiiaiu Beverly 
wi'i paint toe scenery for Drary Lane, and 
Mutt Morgan, the cartoonist of the Toma- 
hawk, paint* that for Covent Garden Harris, 
the theatrical agent, i* having special dre- f 6 
made at Paris for tiie Covent Garden piece, 
and Brunt-. n, the artist, i- designing comic 
mask* for Uie Drury Lane piese. So yon see 
the rrvalrj will be stronget even tiian" in for- 
mer years, and most of the smaller theaters 
have prudently refused to interfere iu this bat- 
tle of the giant*, and wiU produce no special 
Christmas novelties. 

I he Adel phi will go right on with “Monte 
Uristo;" the Priucess. with "After Dark;” the 
Ntrand, with “The Field of theC'.othof Gold:” 
the New Royalty, with “TU<- Loving Cup." 
The Queen’s theater, however, will produce a 
new extravaganza by William Brougu. 

| Mr Wilkie Collins and Mr. Fechter nre 
wr tiug a play together for thc Adel phi. but it 

will uot be ready for several months, having 
■ lo i.e caretully eut down to reasonable dimen- 
sions after it has been written. Madame La 
• Fi rte i* about to open tiie Sl .lame* th.-ater 
w . li new covaedy and one ot Planche’a old 
bur le- ques. Ml*- Kate Reignolds is in town, 
lin ing finished her provincial tour. Thc 3a-J- 
ier - Wells theater i* closed un- 

. t.i Christmas, and Mi*- Celia I-o- 

tan ha- ilecliued a re-engagement 
! there. Bov cault's fare well to thc stage ut 
1 D.-lilin ha* occasioned great astonUhiuent in 
I Loi don; but I forewaru'-dvouof it six moutb- 
l ago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews areal 
I home without present engagement*. The 
j luu ore that Webster is about to lease the 
. Adtlphi to Manager Shepherd, of the Surrey, 

] sre unfounded. The Olympic, however, i- to 
In-sc, bul nothh.g pay* there *iuc Robson. 

! None of ti.e London theater? are d in well at 
I present. Tiie fag end of thi* season is re- 
1 inarkcbiv dull, and all business i* hat and 
i heavy. 


\ lindical Grant of Satisfaction. 

• IFrom Ihe N. Y. Tribune, Stkb.j 
' Pre»idcntJ<.hi:*ou'-- Chri-tm«* proclamation ! 
of universal amuc*ty ca- itre mtlc int.-re-l [ 
ion I i rovokea few rein. rks. li - rej ii- - '.* tliat i 


Madrid. Dee. A. — The Government wiU 
di*pafi li 10,000 soldiers fa.u. Cadiz to ' 
and Porto Rico, during January. 


Marshal Pavla, recently Governor-Oencrml 
of Madrid, 1« dead. 

reduction or the bcdoet. 

Tor thc purpose of reducing tbe budget for 
the coming year, asupptc*stou of thirty-seven 
of toe captain -generalships, govcrnor-lnp*. 
and bishopric* have been suggested. 


Doing- ot the Internal Militia -Cot- 
ton Wasting in the Field*— Niggers 

Gone Soldiering. 

Memphis. Dee. 30.— Report- irom Marion. 
Av!;., this afternoon, represent that the militia 
are pursuing the sam • course as at Augusta, 
ami fearing that they mav be atta kea, are 
building stockades and {browing np works 
around the jail. Messrs. Hanley, Crump, 
Jy*er, Wofford and other prominent citizen* 
have been arrested and confined. No cause 
wa- given for their arrest The prhates wear 
no uniforms, and it 1 - impossible to distinguish 
Bm from oilier HgflM , excffpt by their 

Passengers from Arkansas river report the 
field* white with cotton, which jdunter- were 
unable to pick, the hands having gone off to 
job: th- militia. 

The reception of our excellent Vic" Presi- pulsive, generous, daring, and intelligent, and 
dent elect, Schuyler Colfax, at the pleasant h * en reared in. notberc. id betti- ohan- 

rooms of the Springfield Club, in Shaws' Del would hare better brought about h» end. 

especial object- of hts pleasure, some as large 
as our ink-stand, and of all shapes and colors. 

prepored, burst, bnt were withdrawn by the 
ejector. Two others, the heads of which, were 

Block, was in every way satisfactory. Before 
thc announced hoiir of 8 o’clock the parlor- 
w> re occupied by the gentlemen of the club, 
and many of the best men and fairest women 
of this city, rich as it i- in these respects. 

nel would hate better brought about his end. 
He leaves several brother*— three or four — 
whose live* have been directed in about the 
same course as that of their dec.-a-cd brother. 
They are scattered about the country, here and 
there, plying their nefarious avocation*, and 

He was quite a bean, and had a lady on each nearly tiled off all rfrund. had tbe heads blown 
arm, bnt would not dance for fear he might off, the remainder of the shells sticking in the 

lose some of hi* valuable? Many of the pa 
tients arc entirely rational except on portion 

•■bamber. The breech block remained per- 
fectly Urn: and secure during these experiments. 

far subject*, but when t h '-*.- are broached they in au, 14o shot* were fired from the gun with 

And a large but most civil crowd had gath- ] occasionally they :ire beard from as being im- 
erud around the rooms, when shortly after 8 plicated in a tabbing affrays, safe-blowings, 
Mr. Coxfux, with hi* wife on hi- arm,' entered. thefts, and all the minnthe of crime. One ot 
uuder the guidance of hi* host since Christ- * 1 *' brothers, while attempting to escape from 
rna- Eve, Mr. Samuel Bowl.-*. Soon, on tak officers by leaping off a canal boat into the 
ing their station in the long z.ff . began the water, some eight years ago, wa* severely 
long martyrdom of hand-shaking! Mr. ! wounded hy being shot, bul is believed to be 

Col ax is surelv the most popular of I brill living. 

public men, and justly so. La*t j Home nine or ten ycars ago C-m. Brown as- 

are perfectly wild and incoherent. 

It would require more space than we can 
command to describe the many interesting 
phases of lunacy which we observed during 
the evening, bnt* it would w ell repay those 
who are curious on such subjects to attend 
one of these ball-. Onlv the harmless and 

out m rising tire, and all the *h.-!ls were drawn 
out bv the extractor. One shell split slightly 
and occasioned the escape of a little gas. 

The Board conclude their report in the fol- 
lowing words. 

“After the result* of the above-menti sn -d 
short trials, the undersigned Boerd b of the 

“heavy" individual, who ri mote pm-Uc than 

popular. A mao of high honor, however, *nd 
good taste. 

Nor most a genuine French nohiemnn now 
resident in onr midst be forgotten. We refer 
to Baron Louis De Couteawx, a traveled gen 
Deeses, at home hi aav large tty >n either 
hemisphere, with an air of hauteur more ! 
ing than agreeable, good-lo .king, exec 
ly. who wear* eye-gfeases. and parts kb 
iii the middle: a' highly ■ du. atoa ami arc-m-' 
pii-hed linguist, and perfect man of toe v aid, 
who l* gifted with oue of the most di .r uing 

quiet pstient* were permitted to attend, while opinion that thc Morgans! cm rifle is to be 
there are -cores of raving maniac* in tbe In- classed among th best of ’he arm* hitherto 
stitutiou who h -,ve to be bound to th. ir beds tried, and further, in durability ami ** feness of 
to keep them from tearing whatever they can lock mechanism, it not only surpasses guns of 

night he stood there, grasped the hand* of * united Deputy Shcrifi Buckley, then under 
about 5,000, with always a genial and natural I Sheriff W ilson, while the officer a'.tempted to 
smile, and often a quick pleasantry, and de- arrest him at Van Boren street bridge. He 
spi c thc wearisome ordeal, he seemed the wounded Buckley badly, and Die result of 
most enviable of men. Especially so, when Jfi* act was he- sentence to the penitentiary 
one looked on tbe countenance of the Indy at I for a term of seven years. \V hether or not he 
his side. Mr*. Colfax ha* a face of fine Intel I e rved out his time has uo: transpired, but at 
lcc.uai beauty, and a dignified aid affable j event* he had a training iu Ihe bastile. 

lay their band? upon, or fr un injuring them- 

similar construction, bnt it has been brought 
to a hiuh date of perfection by the breech Mock 

Such institutions are a credit to auv State I and lock con-titutinga unit hi the system. 

grace as winning as her husband's, aud as 
ready for the friendly touch of each band; for 
she paid toe full penalty of w edding a servant 

which served to keep him aloof from Chicago 
for a year or two. Alter scouting the sur 
rounding country for mouth* he again turned 
np. and wa* imprisoned in the iaiF and Bride- 

of the people, and all there had a smile and a I n P-. a,ul w u* imprisoned in the jail and Bride- 
bow from both. Meantime, as the long arr.iv, f well from time to time, for various offenses, 
oulv to be couuted by thousands, defiled in Eventually he m id" a <»«/> <f? moia, the culmi- 
and out again, thc armorer*, will: their good nation of which was not much to his liking, by- 

band, tendered Mr. Colfax the compliment of 
■ -erenade in the street below, and, after 
some appropriately selected music, they too 
joined the crush above. At about ft o’clock 

savagely attacking Policeman Jerry 8 im;«ou. 
of the w ir* t prei inct, and wounding him slight- 
ly. Fortin?, and a number of otJn-r offenses 
hanging over hi- head, he wa* sent to th? 


The Eccentricities of Domestic Lite 
in Cleveland — Doth Showing the 
Peril of Being a .Married Man’s 

(From the Cleveland Leader. Doe. 2Sth]. 
There is a man in Cleveland, a married man, 
who ha* not lived happily wiih his wife. For 
*ome months they have hot been livin' to- 
gether, and thc w ife has applied for a divorce. 
On Christina* it occurred to him that he would 
tonnent hi* wife a little, so he dre-sed a man 
in female apparel and escorted hiui to hiv 

wh'-’s home. Mr. opened tha door and 

im ited his disguised friend to come iu, calling 
him Mary. The language and actioas dis- 
p:e; ed Sir*. , aud -he straightway com- 

menced an attack upon the supposed f-tn lie 
int -.uier, using a bro im*tick with irr.-at vigor 
aw . dcct. Not sa:i* tied with this she began 
pulling at ihe clothin., and, after a few stic- 
cc tul jerk*, pulled the disguise completely 
off, and aw a man instead of a woman -itii I- 
it'g before l:>-i. 'leantlmc thc hu.baud had al- 
ts i ked the wife in order to protect hi- friend, 
and for this he has been arrested and locked ia 
the poUec station. He i* unable to appro dale 
the joke. 


IKrom the Cleveland Gerald. December 2fi-l 
. A certain bourding-iioii.-e o;i the West Hide 
was thc scene of a small sensation on Saturday 
evening, which promise* to Hud it- way into 
the courts, where tic aggrleied parties may 
j bave an opportunity to settle their differences 
aud act themselves right with one another. It 
seems that there ar:-, among other hoarders at 
I th*-. place in question, a Mr. and Mr*. Adam* 
[ and n Mr. Henry Ncwhou-e. This latter iu- 
dividual is a rna-ou by trade, and, having 
j ; but si. army all Mi-niner, wa- plentifully 
i supplied with 'fund- when wiutor cint; oil. 

President H. 8 . Hyde, of the Club, called for , City Bridewell in default ..f *5uo bail. Thi* 
order, and while Mrs. *Colf ix gr.itcfallY «c- | wn?i * oine “▼© years ntjo. He was iinnUy rf- 
ceptod a seat, the Vice President mounted a i leased, by pardon, about two months before 
chair aud s)K>kc briefly and graciously tha*: thc explratfou of thc time allotted for bis iu- 

“I am very glad to have the opportunity of i eareeration. 
looking into your face* and receiving your ‘ , “ c then left ti e e;ty for a jo. riod of three or 
greeting, as I have done for the miuntes I . l°fir year-, and although the police authoritie* 
have sra-nt in thi? club room this evening. 1 | made some effort to get a cine to his where- 
huv. to thank tbe club who hive s • honored abouts, for the sake of keeping an eye on him. 

where they are to be found, and mark a wide “Vos Fscxixoso, Major, 

progress in the march of humar.ity and benev- “Vos KuknaTski, Captain. from what was toe practice in f .rrn r "Petersos. Captain, 

times toward thi* class of unfortunates. Onr * • • Lotts, Captain. 

State has fo*tered this institution w ith peon- “Reishard, First Lieut, nan , 

liar care, and never wa- an institution more “The P..»rd of the Militarv Shooting School” 


iind-o faithf-dlv bave (he appropriations made ?J* lt */ 

by the Sun.- be. u expended that ten thun-und co rapi ratKflto* 1 * 

dollars remain in toe band* of the tr.-a.-uiw the needle gi'. places them man 

after paving for the large additions, a fact no 

Ics- creditable to the -Superintendent and the ro' t. Tht ' r 

Cotnmis-ioncrs than it is almost unprecedented ilTsi ^ 

in the history „f public expenditure- ^ “ nd “® 

V\'e have extended our notice too long al- ‘5p>n*i «-f re-.-rml u the ro>«p* would U 

rrtwir nr miirliL trc\ nrtr* intn a tiil in n*. eBOTBOV, and in the present -late of the 

after puvinff for the lanre addition*, a fact no ‘tV r!? ™. 

ics- creditable to the Superintendent and the f ^p in reapecit., A *trto Their Governutent 
Commissioners that, it is almost unprecedented 

in the history of public expenditure- V* 0 ? Jnd ^ 

VVe have extended onr notice too long al- expense of rearming the troops would bi 
ready, or we might go more into d Liil iu re- en ?^ >0 .”- P™*e»l state of to* 

Hard to the management of the a-vluui. which “rional finance- well ntgh impossible; and. tf 
. TT- . . . g. TT: the present disturbed . onditi .n of affairs in 

shows a conscientious and enlightened admi- . r - , . . . • _ .. , , 

ration not .urpossed, tf equaled, in any *imi- 

lar lustltntioa In the country. It is not only jound at a ti di^dia.itsge.- and perhara 
an asylum for incurable lunaev, bu- a hospit 1 \ *•'*'*»* «« 

me in tendering the use of th -ir pleasant ! he remained entirely obscure. FlnaJly one flnq; 
room, the iadie* of the city, and toe armorers I ( ' u . v summer he suddenly rc uppesred ou 
who, with their band, have given me the ad- I ” ur street*, with the story that he had been at 

ditional compliment of a serenade. I came 
here to visit an old friend, with whom I have 
twice made long trips, once aero-s the conti- 

work on the Mississippi, but hi* attire and 
look* *ecmcd to indicate that he had spent his 
absence in the penitentiary of some sister 

went, and again almost a* far — riding on tbe | 8 tate. He bad been in the city but a week or 

plains, climbing thc mountain*, ehu-cd by In- 
dians— all in hi* company, andjil came, 
as I *aid, to have a quiet time, as I see it is 
here- to-night. It i* the misfortune of public 
men that they seen, to belong to the public; 
they cauuot attend a New England dinner or 
make a Christmas visit without being called 
upon fora speech. And vet it 1* good f .rtune, 
too. Vo behol d few Be Mufeni grace of 
Springfield; and it* at r.-ngth, too, tlic sturdy 
*il -of toil. All th emotional part of mv 
nature l- with t'ic I .ties— naturally so, under 
mv present circumstance* — all the patriotic 
putt goes out to those armorers who, in our 
ciTii strife, armed a regiment each day. I am 
glad again to visit N w Eng. aud; unfortu- 
nately a* I said in New York the other night, 
I wa* not born in New England, nor wa* 
niy ancestry thence, but I have received 
so’ many ipid *o great kindnesses here, 
thai I may (cel myself New England’s, if not 
by birth Vet surely by election. It is uot fit- 
ting that I should speak here of thc qnestion* 
which have, of late, divided onr country. If 

two, when, true to hi* sanguinary instinct*, 
he got iuto a row at the’ corner of 
Jackson and Wells streets with a 

sailor, aud during the aitcr-ation 

inflicted severe knife wounds iu his antag- 
onist’* cheek and ear. This severe punL-U 
went fairly maddened the blue-jack ‘t, who 
struck the kni e from Brown’- hand and dealt 
1 iii^'Ueli severe blow- that the latter igno 
mi: ipnsly lied the scene, pursued by the irate 
’longshoreman, and as a means of refuge 
*■ uriit theprot-c ting arms of a sialwart po- 
licemen. 1 ■ r thfa act Brown was held for 
triid, anil hi d. f uit of bail sought comfort in 
I t! c county jail. After a lapse of several 
I moiiih-. tin- ease wa- called in the Recorder's 
Court, but the prosecuting witness failed to 
put in an appearance aud the prisoner was ac- 
icrdiugly released. 

Finding the atmosphere of Chicago rather 
tropical fora permanent residence. Brown, ou 
bi* release, sought the cooling waters of the 
Illinois and Michigan canal, and served in the 
] capacity of a b. a'.nun. This life brought him 

for the treatment of mental disorders, and 
scores of patien’s are restored annually to 
their friends, who otherwise might have be- 
come hopelessly insane. It ri a credit to the 
gtatc, and will he a monument to tbo-e under 
whose faithful aumint-tralion it ha? been 
brought to its present state of efficiency more 
enduring than brass or monumental marble. 


wive*, a lady wbuae graces of roind and peraen 
would adorn tbe moat polribed ronrt in b 
rope, formerly* Mi - Harg-«e. ol thi* city. 

Soria, tbe dyer, wbo liai b--en a citizen of 
New York for half • eutury, and uo* ?ccn- 
■milated * eouald* raMe prep, rty, a Uo all -eta 
ia*hioo, and with hi- family live* in taate iad 


Yicomte D'Abvae. wbo, like, hi* Mend tha 
Baron, '-art* his h ir in the middle, and who 
b the Vlre-Consnl. and has just i n mu ted 
matrimony, ia ?!*• worthy of mere mention. 

The Mi-ses VetaNes are two of onr most ad- 
mired French beauties, elegant and accom- 
plished young women, ot iigh family aod 
fashion. And the list of French fashion? ble* 
could be indefinitely extended did time and 
space permit; but we forbear, for a time at 


1 f oIorv ol titwb in the Imperial 

[From tamed Taylor’s Letter uw the New T-srh 

Mira I hariotte C i-hman opens her house la 
tin \ ia firegoriana to her friemfe evert 4a tor- 
day evening, and one is aiwav* sare’te meet 
there the member* of toe foreign colony, ar 
purging 'reveler-, distinguished in art aad lit- 
er* till--. Mr. Bo-ker. during my stay, gave a 


lie tump- on 44 vukooji”? Trail. 

New York, Dec 44 . 

To th- Editor <tf a- Jno York Km-i 
On the Iftth instant vour paper contained a 
letter from E. W. 44'ynkoop, United fftates In 
dian Agent for toe Cheyennes, Arapahoe* aud 
Apaches of the Plains, addressed te< if. 
mlssioner of Indian Affairs, regarding his i CoL 

4 Giimpwe Behind Ihe Sre«e. During mt-mner., .f Indl fan Allans regard. 1 ng ha t 
tbe Late Election. 44 y ukoop s) age ucy, and civ mg hi* reas- 

Uu refor Tbat portiuo «>f it t-xpressimr *»r 

th«-refor That portion of it t'xpre&sin* (trim 

[I r ic ’he London Corresj^n.lciiee of tn- New . • ivfog that 1 conimitt-d a br-acb of faith in 
York Wor.d.Dec. S5fh.l my intercourse with him at tbe time of th • 

Jt !* already evident that the -eats of a nnm- j destruction of the Cheyenne village ou Pawn.: 
b r of thc members of the House of Comm -a*, r. rk. April 1ft, 1SBT, t* entirely unwarwnfe 1 
in both sidc-.are to be contested ou the ground bv the facta of the case, as tin- official do u 
of bribery and corruption. Thc stringent bill nirnts pre-ented herewith will -h>w. CoL 
j ; --. d iii the last se??i<.n for the prevention of Vri ukoop stat s as follow-, iu hi* letter re- 

corrupt practice * at elections ha* not pr >ved 
efficacious. The most imiortant provision of 
tori law, however, remains yet to come into 
. p, ration; thc trial of the petitions for the va- 
cating of toe seat* alleged to have been ob- 
tained by i rand is no longer to take piaee be- 
fore a committee of the House; it is to be a 
legal and a penal proceeding before a judge, 
-and the guilty party will uot only lose hi- scat. 

to dl*franch'i*eni. iii, tin;, and peuitentiary ini 

on* ha* not pr .ved i erred be. 

ijortant provision ot I f| r ingfan- were naturally un-h-r the Impr *- 
s yet to come into -ion that I was responsible for the outrage, hue. 
petitions for the va utter they fully understood my position. I became, 
1 to have been ob at ibetr ieqn.-*s, their agent, and they bave re- 
-er to take place be- r.-w.d tbe .-onadence they bad In me previous to 
ii » , , the Sond '-reek murder, trusting me Impli -ttly up 

n? TL, . . I to the tune of Gen. Hancock's memorable ,xp.- IV- 

uug or lore a judge, tl..r. they th.-n having r-c tved arsurtn e* from 
ot only lose hi* scat, me mat Gen. Hancock would not harm 'hem. aod 
* nun l.c condemned seeing me with him, wh«-m I had boea Indue - 1 to 


of tS«- Irish scat* arc to be hi- mission 

company, umlei assurances from ilia 

peaceful oue. Upon tbe de- 

1 should follow in the- path of my great chief, only occasionally to thc city, but when he did 

Gen. Grant, beside whose name mine stand*, come he seldom iefl without having Itii a 

it might be a* well But lien. Graut ha* spi- party to -ome fracas. It is but little uiqrc than 

ken so well in his deed* that he no doubt a month ago when he robbed a man named 

contested un the ground of rioting and diaor- | »truetton of thrtr lodges, and other property, 
(Ur Many of the F-i riu-'i sent* it is claimed tbeJ naturally tnferre*l the fanii was min-. 

L . 1.11 . ' A I.,’| U. i and some Umc after, whiv tn the perforrain.-e of I rouqh intimidation and I D1T ,u:y amcag the Indians. I came near h.-lnz 
t ribery, added to noting and in-trl -r. Tl.-se my life, tn eoMrqueare. 

Die very man who :v>i uio t vehement and I On Christmas night, t.eing convirinllv itt- 
voeifcto’us :n pri .claiming that “treason i* a | clined. be sought several companions similarly 
crime and traitor* must be punished,” when j situated, and they set out for a gi-n.-nil *pre : , 
Lincoln's nr, rder liad set the country wild for which lasted until the “we sma' hours” of the 

u- fxiuou m uve v.iiuit' oi — - , — -- ----- , ; , * 

L.:icolii barrel ka; moth- rat Ru— . II ban- ks; cajwblo of standing alocc; also, that (hi 
another ccro** a table at -Millard’* H-tol, and | • Nack basque, trimmed with point l-.vcc. 

auotiie: — but it would take too long to men- : "fid i buttoned Foli-h gai er*. Aheu wc arc 

tion all toe ac< ounts, even iu the briefest 
manner. According to ouc account the terri- 
ble Fornev t opi-neut wa* shattered all lo 
piece-, Lao Li* shoulder crashed, his arm bro- 
ken. Uis brea .- 1 pierced by a crutfi bullet and 
one of Ida leg* stoded, to say uotbing of hi* 
trigg. r finger, which was placed out of duel- 
ing order Tor an indefinite period. Another 
ac ount [day* the mlsch' f wi*h Forney him 
self, while >till Knottier let- him off with only 
tlnw wounds in one of his arm* and a dam' 

told what • Mris Grant" wore, and wh-t tiie 
c.*ehman wore, and what the lior*-.-* vrhi-.-h • 
the coachman drove won : and hour the leith 1 
mi raiment of the- animals v, as “hr night • 
throngh from New York ” Wc do not know | 
tlmt our court Jcnkin* conld d . much more 
than ti is unless he informed n* whether i 
• Airs. Grant" used silk stocking- or t.dbrig 
tans, where she bought her gloves nnd liatrJ 
kerchiefs, what children “Mi— Grant” played 
v iib the dav previous, and w.iat kind of cahdy 

vci'gcance,liOW father, toe most e weeping am- 
j i.u-tyevcr ptouotniced by man. In so far a* 

I l.e may have sought or wished to disturb the 
foundifilOM ot leco otfctto c a- enacted l.y 
i Congress, his iwwlamatioB can have nv le -a! 

| force; otlirrwrie we presume it will tike full 
j effect. If any of tic leading rebels hav thus 
. far remained abroad from apprehension that 
j they would be prosecuted or otherwise mo- 
' lest'-d if thev came home, they will soon to- 
j among ti-. d4'e doubt that they arc *o many 
as twenty in all. 

I 4Vc seldom of late find a •decent exeq-e for 
I | raising Andrew John-on; hut wc thank him 
I iiitn tor putting an end, even thus tardily, to 
| the swindling legal farce, enacted every few 
, mouth*, under Uie deceitful title of “Trial of 
Jeff. Davis." A swindle by which nobody is 
(luj-ed— a farce at which' nobody think* of 
i la ..eking — must have outlived i(- dav. Now, 

I there lu.- been no intelligent p r.- -.a deceived, 
j for ut least two year* back, by the pretense 
i of keerh— D vi* in confinement or hold- 
ing him to bail, a* though it were in- 

aied upper lip. An officer at Linol i t.arr.K-ks she Mkcd best^ what becc- hous. t he eoaehman 
state* that the my stcrion* adveraarv o( Foracv I ’>• qiwiiU, and how many quart* of ojts the 
i. > wfair, Itrant-r im . . rial steed* devour. 

t u, v — -r-i" - “i - . 

*s!* | state* that toemysterion* adversary o{ Foruev 
re. *17 is a ecrtaiii Lieuienaiit Bre-wstcr, v.ho apj.^ar- 
in Uie army register to pertain to the Seventh 
(Gift United States cavalry, and who, immediately j 

after the duel, Kft wiph his broken bones 

'■ tiLS* «i,<] -ati-fied honor for his home in New ' 
York or some other place. According to a lady I 
who ri intimately acquainted with poor Forney ! 
aud his second, tbe affitir originat' d in to<* 

' war: Forn.-y met an offi- ' r at Willard'* Ho 

If we are not mritoken, thi- "G. A. T.” is a 
clever lecturer, who dlvenMestliat occupation 
b\ curritpondittg with Radical now-)** 
f:om WtiMHioi. Hi* genius is at out* pecu- 
liar at d cuniprehciisive. at.d he di-cussea thc 
t rture of crinoline or tiie deoutes of Congress 
w ith equal eloquence and energy. Nolhiug ri 
Urn b’gn for hi* ambition, or too low tor Li* 
researches; at.d he can sp ar a Icri'fali' c ele- 

t. -nded tl*; he should Itc put ou trial for door, all anxious to know toe cuuse of the dis- 

11 ; 1 ', r or a time, there was aome such ex Bbc could only point to NcvruoJst-, 
jKctti'-'.n: end thc good-natured y. sblic silting it. a chair near the’ d»or, and partly -m- 

*’ r-a'.n r a nice thing lo *;>.-ud dressed. He. poo r fellow, bardiv k-u-w what 

Wt«,C 00 or so pir atumm to keep to make of the whole affair; but th limits. 

i ,n »*?•’, l! ,' sprtres* Monr-e till the which were speedily brought, revede-l to him 

«!:•> <*i uial frhoiild ervive. b'.’t lie witt> tl;«i he liad iro! iiito Uh* u roux n>«>in. Jwl 

uot know .hat trials tor treason m i*t be Dun Adam* came in, and, *eciu? him 

brought on while treason 1 . still rampant und tin re and a crowd iff people ar n id 

paritou*. or re ty soocsf '. r Rs collapse, eiae a hri d<K>r. jumped to the < .ochulon tha 

! ‘in.. / Ar’ I r. e ’ “ aT ® read hi* wife had liceu caught in / ./?•« / ;[>' ra f -” 3tBty : doubt that it lid,, with Newliou-c, u-d at once pro -c 1 I to 

u. « 1? ‘• ou 'J ct Davis of tr-oson uiv that individual a severe- pnmmeUng, end 

" V. COnrt f nnless by excluding imr bv kicking him onl of door-. Adam- th.-n 

w-q.. re , 0 ?™! J fr °m the jurv i.-mnt.d to hi* wife and demanded an expfante 
n ! n * 7 . T DdefW ,?P d ’ who hav. re tiou, w hieh she, of course, conld uot give, and 

J ;' !i \V U ? 1 . lj ‘V‘, w ! lUl * to. rabic eht nc- of l;c prepared to Iransfcr be. wrath ut Ncwh ’’J5i 
,rr .* committee iff Con- tuber. The •cene- which tbe vi.-Mni 

morning of t-itiiirday, when Ncwh jus.- -lartad 
for his loardinp-iioiL* '. It appoara that he oc- 
enpie- a room adjoining tl: t of Mr. Adam- 
and wife, and, bcin ■ con-iderably muddled 
when lie got home, entered hi* neighbor’s 
re* m instead of his own, and began to <lri- himself. Unexpected business had de- 
tained Adams later than usual, -o that he lud- 
not yet arrived whe.i New house cam - ia. 
Mr*. Adams, supposing tha! it was h.-r hus- 
band w ho was iu the room, be gau to lecture 
torn strongly for being out so late, and in uo 
very amiable tenu* demauded the cause. 
Poor Newhou*.'. hi* scus.s drowned in liquor, 
knew not vvh-at to make ol the fact 
of their being a' woman in thc room, 
l ut finally managed to ask her if she 
hadn't made a mistake aud got into tin- 
wrong lied. The voice wa* not tha; of 
[ her husbaad, and alarmed at the pr once of a 
I strange man iu her bed-room, uttered sere un 
upon -cream, which aroused the household, 
and in a verv short space of times doses or 
u.ore boarders congregated around her re.o i 

think* it needless to use word*, and so leaves 
that to mv share. And upon this Christmas 
day, wh'.cii commemorates *o blessed and joy- 
ous an nvouiL soil amnixl attorn. ““ir 

cheery and tiappy assochttions, on which peo- 
ple of every nation and clime of the Christian 
world, in whatev. r tiiev differ, agree In r -toic- 
ingf — it ri riahtt > say on this anniversary that 
wcarc all happy: in "tir nation, iu the reeogni- 
tion accorded her throughout tie world, and 
iu our eho-i n President. Ic-. ev.-ri local 
heart ri happy to-night; Gen. Grant ri happy; 
I out happy !” 


Latest from the Frout. 

[from the St. Louis Republican, iftth ! 

i.ennett of $100. Friends of Lcnnett met 
Brown at Bulges’? saloon, at. the canal Lick*, 
in Bridgeport, nnd after accn-ing him of th.- 
tto.r.. *tv purtte* .-ntc-rid into a general fight 
During tl.e struggle Brown drew .. knife and 
attempted to sever the jugular vein of one 
of his opponents, but tn tui- design he wa- 
happily frustrated, and the action so enraged 
l.i* opponent* that they handled him in a mer- 
ciless manner and left hri body for dead ou 
the flo r. Before ho had fa.rlv revived from 
hi* stupor, a policeman came upon the scene 
mid took him iuto custody. A fivc-dollar 
greenback on hri person wa* identified by 
Leum-tt a* a part of th- money stolen from 
him, and this money ri still in the posse-sion 
i-f thc police, stoiccl to be produced on the 
trial which wa*. expected to tr .:’. j ‘orl Br-.wg 
lor the — no oue c. r. toil hr. a many time* to 

(ion. Sherman L- iu receipt of a number of the penitential v. Bnt the w: 
letter* from G n. llizeu, dated Fort Cobh, inscrutable, mil in a feu il. v he w.i» again at 
from the 8 d to the < tU inclusive, giving vari- . 

ou- ae. ouiit" oOui Indi in -oureys of General Like a cert in lively fl.-a iromort-.lizcd In 
Costal’s flght, on the 2Tth of November last. briiory, Broun was hard to hold wheu mu ho I 
These all snlwUutially agree w ith the accounts him. About four years a o, during tli dr ift 
heretofore published. Gen. H izeu say* since excitement, be was a prim e among bounty 
the fight he has had no trouble whatever in jumpers. At tins period he wa? Incarcerated 
distinguishing between the friendly aud bo*- in the Ci’y Bridewell for a term of onentou h. 

are tiie ground- of com, aint against the incni- 


Mnnmonth. G 1 -r. * It. >rd. and many 
other plate*. Uith rto il h»* happened that, 
in thc trial > f - • ■ > IV II'. t*> 

itself, more Li'" .a! - ' q ; -tm -'in- .ted. 
The Liberals In-i-t that this wa n- t b. : as.* 
they did more bribing than the Tori ?, but 
rather because they did I - -s of it, and were 
not so well skll -'d tn covering np their tracks. 

' ea, said I 

hands fit this Work t it 0 I* a! 

most impossible to detect them, while the 
LU crals arc so unused to it, and are such bung 
Ur* in tori art, that, when they dv attempt to 

I .nn t;cc it, their -ins are* ure- to li id th. u out. 
lining t la. hue eauvaas (h Tories displayed 
no litug -kill in keeping to 'lie letter of tnc 
law while violating it- spirit flagrantly. There- 
seems to be uo doubt that for the purpose? of 
the election a very In ge sum of rioti-v wa- 
sub-cribed bv Tory lords, bi-ho.c* and c .m 
monCrs, and placed Pit h- Inn Uot the Or' ton 
Club. In every di ' : where fir r.- was a 

Tory candidate money wa- verv pl nty.hnt the 
candidate wa* md known to have furnrihed it, 
or to have anything to do with the expenditure 

On thc 11th of Mar- h, V*67, I addressed CoL 
44'vnkoop an offitial letter setting forth tire 
otocot uf uie tout, minaled expc litioa to the 
Flail..-; and ou th ■ 2>d of thc - .me month, an- 
other on thc -nine subject, informing hl-n -hat 
-ince my coHuruui.-ation of the 1 Itii. mv 
orders in re ference to the exp- Jiti' -:i hnl been 
mi-dilied, ard that w e would make no .!• man Is 
upon hri tribe for offense*^ bat in th.- fu- 
ture- w ould re u-.irc a certain c -u**. >f con lud 
.on thc part of the Indian* which had been 
li.ctat.d to me in tny in trncti-.a* 1 set 
out ou the expedition; and that if depre-Ja- 

e *tk-h bung tion? or outrage* were c«:nraltte 1 
• attempt to ttuin4 thereafter wc would j-imrib ' 

| ink tribe?. 

I The night before the expedition marched 
from Fort I an 1, April 1 ’, lW, ! h.- 1 1 a 
"L lk" with Tali Bull and White Horae, tv. 
| young Chief* of the “Dog Soldiers” (Cbey- 
cnucs'i, in Col. Wynk.-op’s pre*. uce, when 1 
te.ld tl em in distinct term? what wonld be the 
cousaqueneea if they continned to commit 
murdcra and other outrages upon the white*. 
This --talk" is on record. I never departed in 
my actions from thc tenor of thc letter? re- 
ferred to addre— cd to CoL 44'ynkoop, dated 

tile Indian*. He pronounce* all the Chey* unl uuring tliat peri. id broke jail five ti 
tnir. * and the Arapahoe? to he hostile; Kiowa? U n ( | enlisted three time* in as many .regiments, 

divided half aud half; Comanche* all or nearly each time drawing bis bounty w ith great reg- 
al) friendly. Tbe Apache?, Kichics, Caddie?, ularitv. The la*t liinc he w. air -! J by Set 

44 -■ b-tnw .. and alii ivied baud?, * 3,011 in gcunt B rrett, and wben la I_ilt of tlic Arm >rv- 

all, are clustered round about Fori Cofib and off icii that officer $200 for hi* release, v toil 

claiming the protection of the l tiitc-d Slate*, off. r, it i- needle.-? to add, wa- refused. 

Th* hostile taxi sepu t- ! • t I • uliv 

tril unit gi.n. nver to ti.e hva I of the N Tin 

Foitcof ttwBed ri,.r, Martha mouth o t tha ARTEMUS WARD. 

fewt'elwatfr. 1 hey number HH) warriors. 

General ^h’-rmuu i> also iu rce ii't of letters — “ 

from General Sheridan, who fixed December q-|, t . Disposition of Hi* Proper! 

1th as thc (late for leaving Cam;) Supply, on v a v thi, nr, l 

thc Upper Canadian, for Fort C . lib, mid the . IFrom the New York TrtbMe.] 

probabilities Wore that nithi.i thr -c to live The various suggest’. m- 

davs from that dal • he would be in com-nuni- made coaaetning an inquiry into th-.- actm 

of it. This expenditure w a- ofle-i made in a , j, ||^ l >(h. I*n7. nor from mv d 
very ingenious manner. The new law renders j p, rji , on , to the t hief* Tall Bull and Wh 


The Disposition of Hi* Property. 

[From the New York Tribune.] 

Tlic various suggestion- that hav. b<-?n 
mile roncei niie; an imiuiry into the admiui-- 

it iile.ul to pay “money for (-images to con 
Vey voters to the polls. But ixistag - stu-np* 
are- uot money, and in some places thr Tone* 
hired all the carriage? ami cabs in the town, 
and paid for them in ini>s. In o-her place* 
tin-v hired all ihe vehicles, not to convey 
voter- lo the jwiil. t-ut t>> refu-c t-x-onvey them 
there. In the town of 4V arringto;:. at a meet 
in-, of the 4V..r!.luamcn - Clab, h Id aft rttie 

bad sought lo br 
vote for thi C’oi 
of those men Lav i 
meat, which th ■- 

i.nion with Gou. il o en, and be enabled to | tretlni 

Artemus 44‘aret'* property 

strike the hostile lud .us without interfering in Englan 
w ith tho*c who are friendly and have sought mil tbeii 
hi* protection. States Co 

A Kiowa just in from the |teaeeful camp re- ui quc-tic 
j -nd Satan ta. chief ..f tin- Kiow -. a* not friend of 
Laving gone to thc hostile caiup. the follov 

General Sherman state* that Satan ti is re- lihttrstou 

in England have induced hfe executor* to* ’>- 
mil their account? to Capt. Britton, l nited 
State* Consul »t Southampton, a geutl .- uj;, of 
unque- 1 ioned integrity, an.l a warm per*o*:.l 
friend of thc deceased. Capt Britton hts* -nt 
the following letter to Me*-r« rtobert.*oti and 

scrvatlvc candid .U 
been tar. cd ont of 

r had held for m 
for holding Life ra 
to sell them, aud 
famiUe-, ure now 


mploy- I 
>re than 1 
1 prinel 

9-131 • Of 

o( atera-wbeet taupe -ttoa to som.- 
to tbe of sMo-w tiert toste -lou 
f show lb at over ran Torero* w r 
atde-wb.-ol twatf In Miasoarl river last 
tbe Ids- of a dollar f-tthcr to th. 
.orprtvau parties. »ln,.-.-qra stert- 
ta, tort "be r with their 'iryih. w.r 

j ing to the indy refereed to, fe the cxplauation 
uf flu whole affair, which may l<- true or mav 
■ not. According to s-ant j-eopli here Forn.-y 
’ and k:- *ec -nd. a* well as th- 12t'a luiantry 
i Acer*, are trying to krep the affair quiet on 
j ar-oani cd the" r ga i lav * i \ ngw in tt.e Di— 
tri't ag-ias’ do Uig 

five rear*, or shall b* id the age of sixty two | 
veer*, toe President can retire him from active 
service." Ihi? will retire General Lorenzo 
Thomas, tbe Adjutant General; G-cneral Ben- t 
jamin Brice, thc Paymaster general; (ienerai I 
Ptiiilp St Georg- Cocke and w dozen otoer* 

,9 le**er note. 

, ,-*• *ue rcnuniii rciai 

fnr ^vra'J 60 *? i? UtCt,lunm twice peT week 
for one year— thU t.-one .olum,, 01ie “hundred 

mcrciaTcrere^ ^r n'^ Wt the Com 

vreir three hundred Jld 

mtiC^reUL WOr,d ** H«ac-i.i' 

j * General Graut say* he ri “so mu' h ' •' 

!!•.(*" al that !, • will to ,r iij. the 
load and in ula r ring- try the r> *>ri, « 1 
to fit! tv tv imiorUnt civil otll(0 l J* P! 
trvwitb irmy and navy re-gtdar o.lkon* 
he know* hi can n-lv on for -in, - ,ut 

f .itnf .1 (H-, 'lllrt'e of tfiei: d "-•* 

garded a* one of the mo-t hostile ff thc tu- 
uians on tiie Plains, and I* one ot toe mist 
trearheron?. He belle-, rs la. ting n -ac ,-an- 
r.ot be secured while Satant:. and Bull H ,r 
are at large, and tit? order* are peremptory 
Ibat these two Indian* -h 1 he kllh-d, o . .j 
captured, imprisoned at Fort n. Tin. 


ten cd Gen. Guslif light. 

Information has been receiv-il bv General 
Sbcnnan from opposite point* ... a circle. 
Gen. ilazen is at Fort Cobl. uuUGi i.Bhe i- 
dan i* In tnoti. >n toward thi- I- .ri Geu. lire 
ztn’s nfonnath >n fe coin-iu-rkal.-d bv way ,.f 
Fort Gibson, Fort Scott and K- : - - City, 
while Gen. t*lieridan'- inf. rn ation comes 
from nn opposite direction, bv Fort Dodge, 
Fort Hav- and the Pacific Railroad. Letters 
r * 

tin- —i m<* d it ’ ~ ■•••. 


• tlv sutL-fl .1 w ith Die Int. .rttv o hi* execu ora 
,ili- .'rv. I am. ven’.h men, jonr fib-* fa.U 
" rva!ll Jolts BHiTfti.v, 

D. S. Consul. 

It i- prot er to add that no person iu any way 
intereste d iu the disp' -iti'U. of toe property In 
question has ever expressed a doubt a* to tl. 
p q.rietv of the action taken by tin- Engli? 
cxccutors. Their "a-k was by no incurs u aim- 
, to o-.n . t.'.t th .se wh > arc acquainted with J 1 

them, who have Conuie*, are row *lar m. 
The employers of -ome oi tVui otter- d th m a 
carl., ad of potato. * if ta- wonld * >t f t tV 
Const-rvativ e candidate; ..* ficr- of t leui were 
offered three days' pay and plenty to eat and 
drink; other* were offered :■ tree run at a pob- 

at uiL (Ji.e gentleman ottered life Iri-h ser 
v-nt £5 for hfe vote, and tiait off, r being re- 
t.'.-ei’. prop, sad iK 1 ; but th. irishman -till 
d i ini. g. ihegcctteuiaii ilriuii ed libu fro.n 
hi* ervdc-. The I die- :-.l*o were very active, 
ir ?. -ue places, in thi- kind of l u-ht.*?-. Mr. 
>Icr.-- I.*u tiai'esnmn o' Guilford, pnSti-hsa an 
ai< using account of tue assaults ma le npon 
»:im h, th< tnfftes of Sir Pct-.-r C'raigie'* fandlj, 
to i. I.Ti him to vote ou the other aide, and 
thc punishment they juflicti.l oa him incoa- 
-.queiicc of hi* rvfusat. Mi. Mu:. sell ia a 
tr cer, :-:.d the famil- a Btii!a*oid n • w -re 
hi mo-t hup.. 'a cost'mer-. Fir-t. Mis* 
C'r igle. . e.-otup i-’l •: •>> two other ladi ‘•.’licl 
h. wbandni ou th> grocer, at.d h re- ri hi- .< - 
com t ot her ]>ici«. 

.'he - :;J: -La ly Criigle *>nt her .»m|ili- 

i : rat ions, to the t hief* Tali Bull and White 
Horse, at F.-rt Larue ,L 
t)u th- Iffth ff April I Issued an orJerfe vnv 
incbss.-ill winch clearlv *et* forth why I di- 
rected the liestruction of the vlllace- The 
■nurder* a;id depredation* Committed bv the 
Indiana wbo h-d rift that village a few days 
i • ' 1 -> *v.d rder It \pr — 

1 that C ose murder* aid d -predation* were 
I committed uftcr I 1 . id arrived at the village, 
and when the Ir.lians knew perfectly weft mv 
I iter. -.ion to punish any new l.a- tiliuea -ra their 
I pert. The fact of thie-c murder- never h .s 
I 1 1 1 n. and rati wot he dismned. Tbe term- of 
i my lett r» to Colonel \4ynkoop of Vie 11th 
( and g2d of Match, 1S6T, were therefore not 
vielstel by me. 

M , . r.lcrc required me t > go imoua* the In- 
, dians w ith i sufficient fore to talk with them, 
ti Infrn.i them that war or peace was optton- 
ai with to'-rn, ana to punt U on .Ua spit any 
n. -,v acts of b'-stiiity. They tw ft ted new 
| acts of hostility a'rao*t tn my prese ic? by 
kUline and bawnlng our people, and I de- 
| -trryed their village as a puufeiuaent theretor. 
My aetic.u in the matter met thc approval of 
mv eon-man Oli'g officer, Lintcnant General 

Iu conclusion. I nu; add. that the In lian 
I Bnrewn. through it* *gc-.fa, i»* charged m 
i with ii ttUa orating lb • Cheyenue war of 1*67, 
, l>y licsire yi'ig their village, notwithsUn-tiot: 
| the fact that my oeder tor the ic trite o v < f 
I thc same expressly *>-t* forth th~t it woi a 
I LmsU hi-.eut for j t* of w.i. carennittod by l ie 
' Indiat. hejouging to hat village a tew dpr 
1 before. I am, sir, . cry respectfully, vour oo< - 
(lien' servant, WlNalSLDtk UANC H-a. 

Major-General V. S. A. 

I f i M.-rer ' cer - * l .w i- coll-c' r> p a 1 the 

; teue- - a rttte.i b her Uiartricfl kaff toil ter 


1 — 

reception to Admiral and Mrs FarraguL for 
wtu,b several bnodrad invhationc were failed 
Mr. John A. C. Gray gave a dinner to Mr. 
Motley, and Mr. Buchanan Read, auother to 
t baric?* Adams. Then there were fox 
faunto in the Campagna, races, picnics toOstfe. 
Frascati and 4* eti, and smaller breakfast and 
dinner parties innumerable. H >w to >mtMoe 
tbe*e gave tie* with toe inspection of gallerias, 
visits to the antiquities, and participation in 
the reiigiou? •effemnities, b the problem chirk 
Americans in Rome seem to solve without fa- * 
tig vie I must confess that it was more tiuui 1 
r aid do. 

Mr. Story in manifesting a creative activity 
hich must delight all wbo are acquainted 
ith hia noble work, in his studio one fircathes 

• e fresh air of Greece — not ta weak itr*- 

i encc- of the ancient form*, but in new crea- 
tion? wherein the imagination is of our 
nd only tbe rtpwt aou proportion bv!om( to 
be art of all time. Bi* Sappho,” U not *o 
rbjinjU ja the “Libyan SjMl,” L«* 
uec ew. Tbe Teunint of IomIm love Is ex- 
i rf 'Fd in e>ery line of Uh rvlaie i fi<orr. He 
i now ;tt work upon a of -pen. lope,” 

hich \ romlv g to be on*, of hi» Hueat ». *rk^ 
‘.Wr and “Daiilah” embody a more i iienee, 
liagic spirit, jet n Tained within the tn- limi 
.ttiong of sculpture. Tbe *utue of Everett 
germed to me lcaa ^uccegafbl; bnt ia that of 
Peabody; juat nni^ued, the -sculptor bar done 
tbe best pottahibk- with hU gahje He ndt 
an jdmiruble bnrt of Mr. Moticv -v biie 1 wa* tn 
K* me. 

Much lo mj rmet, I failed to gee Mr Ro^ 

, er* 'Uitoeof f«*r the ^tnte moon- 

mert, it had been *ent to M'utich, to bo cwt. 
Tin* other arti&t^ considered it one >f Mr. 

Kogen’ wTkrk’ 4 . Hia gp>cioua tadio 
nil i with the t f idcnced of laooig I i-inw 
tLe ja~t f< w - k-uTH. a iid of a Uleut which, 1 
wa^ ,U*d to hear, in appreviated aud re- 

M:-* H » »n tr bad • - >mplet d a rerr >> *anti- 
inl fountain fur Eii^LiUd, and her *Sieeptnj 
Tav ti” was bedouin, to awaken into form owt 
*»f two or tbrc« mailde bioeka. 1 Liuok. bow- 
cy tr. »Lc had iloiii* Dwlniutf g*» delightfully and 
1 OVtiveiy orunuuias tbe two of *kTuch’' 

i u»»tl **\t ill-t#' tb«'-tV U»pu" Why doca a he not 
os Ariel aud Qu 1 • Mab, ^ 1 * ! - 

I m bnwtifttl, but owe cmao! mfd that theaw 
( is a ilncf ouc iu Ibe b.vpto uvb. 

Mr. M oaier v it aee ma. eanTmtprodoce j l-tnrr 
aa fj»»t at* they are ordeied. His taa« work ia 

wbo is re-pre ented a- guarding tfe- 
l* sites of her sods: it twice ordered fa-focr 
Uie ehy model was eimpleted. In attitude 
amt expression it is certainly the most original 
of Mr. Mozier ? works. His former statues 
are -till duplicated and reduplicated, with no 
uin.Iuutfou to tiieir popuianiy. 

I found ray ..Id friend, Mr. Ives. -nrT'.unded 
by cheerful evidences of work, much of which 
was new to me. 1 was best pleased with a 
figure (ff "P.irc'ar*,” very directly aud -imply 
treated, yet with a grace of itaownj uuborrowed 
ft on) the antique. 

1 might describe Mfa* $tcbtun'» flue figure 
of the Angel troubling the water*, out you 
will soou sec it in the Central Park: or Mr*. 
Fniey’d medallion beadk but IUuukt hsy (or 
sem ■ of them, are already ku-.wu at homo. 
Loth thvwe iadie* ares earn, at, faithful *tiideuU 
> f Art, aud their Liter work* belong to a high- 
er ( lane afacbl vcafenL Hi. Rhiaehart, afeo, 
ri makh.g steady progress. He ri much occu- 
pied with bust*, nut ba* found time for a re 
cumbeat figure of a boy, which Is so good that 
1 w ish he cuu.d devote more atte ntion to ideal 
w. lxs. Outside the Portia del Pouola are the 
i * todies of Mr. Host .tin. and Dr. atoaa. only 
tiie latu-r of which I »t.r. w. h its eoiossnl 
-tatueof At under Hamilton, for the T reasuiy 
building. I think, at Washington. . 

r » r*-. 4| . ; i* •> dy 






HrfrWfrlow’a Successor. 

\ correspondent of the Cincinnati Coni, 
u : n1. writ in? from Xa^ivillr, rnmniiini- 

- the following to ye-i« rday’s issue of 
t tuij ere 

. 'Iltaiu B. sp.U* V I • till' next Gtoornni of 

i. i'^'i i'. if f resect tii'ticatlons ai<- lo be relied 

ii. The ultra Itiiik-al- will aunlnab' litm. the 
v ter will r.i’lfv Lb-- nomination, the uetrroes 
i be pi ven their ln-tnn llons. uuij twenty tleiu- 

ralorlty lor tin lllu-trloui, auibor of the 
or:. n letter w 111 b" the result. 

In Conservative element will east about for 
o lability, anil will ptoh*b!> nomlnute Caldwell 
I ., t.-he'r. Both wen “Irbil In tie' lire, ami 
found warning," In th- early scic- of thi 

- iieh tan; i ".-it Mu diotli' 1'iotia ill 
es, and under ail eirhuuwuinee. and both are 
I lea Is. but But ol the roMd tort. Miller on 

co ni agency in tiie |wmui (unto! t lie very 

• to of affairs which il purports 
1 1 • l>c intended to remedy, that it greatly 
ii.v reasps the already crushing harden ol 

i v.uion in u desolated State hy orgutiiz- 
ir - an expensive military furee to do that, 
w hicii, hy the organic law ol llie land, it is 
tli. date of tin pos-i omilaiu* to do w ith 

• i any expense to the stale whatever; 
tied it is in direct violation of the spirit of 
a’i rcimblican institution*. inasmuch a- il 

ii , loser an unjust and uncrpial taxation 
ni on that |H>rtiou of the citizen- of the 
S :de who may happen, through no fault of 
i i cirown, to liv<- in the vicinity where an 
outrage tuts heen or is alleged to have been 
perpetrated, many twing ihcrvhy panisbed 
for the real or alleged acts of the few; and 
that the productive energy of the country 
will be obstructed and immigration from 
all quarters prevented in the alarm, uncer- 
tainly, and appn lieu* ion arising from au 
acknowledgment on the part of the civil 
authorities that iecon.*tructiuu is a failure 
so tar as South Carolina is concerned, and 
that peace and order can he maintained 
only at the point of the bayonet. 

But if a thousand equally cogent reasons been given in the Democraiie protest, 
they would have been no more listened to 
by the ears of the itailicals than by so many 
ears of corn or barley. 

" e should not have -ah' thus much 
about the spirit ol Radicalum in South 
< arolinn but t« *r the tact thai it is the spirit 
ol Radicalism every w here. 


To Stock Ken. 

U K rU to rtij. ; ,«e oflhc slop rrom 
la tht -ubtirb. of Loal-rlU. u .. 
Jii.oli TS MjI- xiaia tHTlar mrt lo b ytn 
1*1 Mlroary. Ample* >and for hint 
ni,.! we believe •open , a3« vntuo van b, 
Ail.lteee Bb.lUV P V TTK RSOA * 

' ,f Ho 41* Mala *1.. bc'oi 


9irt 4 tvsVr.j.%. t " -.V 
GIW ^'Cdof' tMrectorao, 


*•' out ia' oc dry ., 

Vrele I'alaee will still contlnne, preparatory to 
purplirslEgtbelr sptlng stock. The finest or go *1* 
In tin* dry goods line that the market snorts i.uin 
•lv. ays lie found in their stock. The i.ubllc .•an 
b een, i upon It being a reliable house -as the 
many thousand customers ean testify who have 
iiii.d, piind; for II Is seldom. If ever, we hear 
ol ;.nv '■oiuptnlnt of overeharglug or luatleutlon. 
T de Palace, the popu'ar -tand, corner Kourih 
ati'i Jefferson streets. deatibi 




Ol It TERtl'. 


But Uh M lowing rates 

'Ml It XII. X IOIKI fti-JOt R\ XI. 

harp r PWVp-, wr«*>s JXVerajs, s- 

d dlar. perjhdv* 

New Jewelry Store. 

( t ?,«?,. 19 Tt ' lrd •tra'’ near Xlala. to 

' _!.*** y°” r watchr* or Jewelry r -p ur ! R 1 ;<• 

as Of gmaUjut received; P d?: di. 

admitted fact mat Loakvlllc Is to, tar*wt. a-., I to plaat»r>Ns ao*<«r »'* 

- * * ---• 1 vvlni St ran he aiMtat lm»>'irUit ar. J tslSvmr'orf iu !■<« 

n. • *yi *in af «v‘tliatc a» ptiDlic fry Metk a. alloaUp \*e 
**]**:: n thr pr»r«i do-w n-»t vmrt! and N-vif n 

tat< nd Ina ’KBrattmz (bin la tba «%»• « tlan. « 

flf I* oiirwlvci In nutsta the cat**i>ri»** to Uj f\icKO( o 
idtaitoi vlid we cmuoI, or caa ta la -sc a. In ilua 

I ; " 

it i- tx*r Tobacco, hy a-lor.anM th 
a«enr the privI1c|p of r Jcctlnf 
ie^n. POBTfcJla KAUUT.VX 4 
ificrchant^ and '4ncr^,ari 
mriWiin* loth*- ai»oT^ irnt 
continue Ub «v*t em of MtllL 
Planed— Trabne, Parts a 
Hn^V- 4 i K.ihn 4 Watt. H- 
( Toe- 4 i 'f».. J. H. * rifhi 4 < o. 
4 livers Low 4 Whitney licet' 
H. k W. I>. Gardai - W.. 

J. **. Morn- 4 ^onr 
4 « • * ’ ‘ 

>Vv i 



ersey cjttle 

Gunny Bags. 

pi reel froai i 
-d i#w oSile 

tid Will be e 

D u?tbo^d»y ; 

n .\ V l Ml drtrrwl ncd. so »r y U-.. In mv pom er. to 
»upol> every body will, a Hi;.T eL V.. ,'Uraoor 
b* r*”* ^ uow n*ake the folloarlu^ tf^r to all t'ie 

The plan of §eUlnf for pan cash and the h .lan e In 
u.x.i.thlc ifirtaliucnra b excecili *ily nn«» » t la far tore 
•" ^ to>)iyf r and * llcr. a r -d I havr co iifiin *nt r r •• 

to acll for <'A>H OSLY-boH w!l'*-llv .;- c s 
• J RHarnnice the Schomuv ke Planoar.*! Uie Tay- 
lor 4 Far|c> Or :»i»n to be The f »ll cqaal «>f any 

n n when else ^ ln lhe *’ uilo<1 ur 

N rlxin^.Vu ni 4 r«.'a < aUlornla Ulrica. 

• rsf Ii. rn niicc, of the Louisville Jouraai. 
In apeHkluv r **r our w4m*»: **VYe ha\f* 
umpw-, and. with our own »*\p n- . . un \ 
unuiuembh* trntlu.on!:<l> b**fon* u«*« W‘* do 
ni* rum h ninsrlu doubt In i>*g;iril to t b**lr 
▼. They arc the pun* and delicious juice of 
iraiit* alone." Fold by Wllaon. Peicr i Co,. 
. Koblnson A fo., and Thouiinxm 4 Co. 

«lil t .ftl# BUANMN sl JIMf P.- 4 

.. (iorxlos, BarMson 4 ‘ o.. %n)all 4 
,i »i « *n t Ualn *. • -al<. TriaK 4 
J. M »:.*Mits*>n 4 • W. 4 rli 

r 4 t laadotn. H. Jaban 4 Cou W1L 

. .. -.100 4 Bro , J. F. Waller. J. ft. L.ikz >n 4 
% -oik. \ n»v*’r m v- i r ■».. »ri * . Dod* • » flvrlr. ^ -. 
"j.C. boh o asy 4 l o-. I M >alv 4 « >'A Nf ■ AJ 

,« * Backatr.L. L. W»rr-n * « . . H-nry i •v.m'-r. e « Krldg 
ft Mo»>, Trig.- * '"m l". Pbtti * -XU^b A«4vr» •%. V < »ip 
. n ' horSner. n. K T'.«n;»i 'prvit * «... tUv.,-., \«1 
,gby. ' T. * It. «•*' via A tain. w. I. ssoko. *Lo. U.,rv-> e X"i:. 

X W*Mn»i pleiisvrr^r Inf.n&tas n.r bev- -apervto 
AsvohL. i # , U f «-apa<'tte tor *t**Hmr an 1 »f IH«r CoOm. a-'d raa now haa 

To oartlea <1 c>*‘rln a to bold C >»u»n. W : boo wa.; kw«» ^ •***,'} 
niK which tv hAv can o%lala ltw»l advance at bank rate of h 

To the Z«adie^. 

WM-tT-Bov to retain it~Ho 
1/ Price St cent*. Addr** 


UL deodln iwi* Lock Lo\ | «*♦ 

■ toi ilTIdS o* ’j*/' 1 . v *.ii. IB i 
I ) ori ImbI N'ov. 

, r; , Jray and w b 

T A A'i’Kd the ri. 

!«u l n J antiary. 1 jjLje y . 

•nltural arujr.daa *• 1 ^ 

•>. a two-y* •* L ^.i very 

rah ina in January- 


iSWfeSS. 'rebol'. I- 
T' a S 

n vine lo Jsnu.tTi 
, rv hardy. . , L# ,f er vellew. fa' 
.aUJ«S^^ru.yL. D1 
'.7 r,«;. vearnM h«for. gray *u<l 
t, varch uB-brvd from lil ' co ' * 

The World Blutca: Life Insurance Co , 

of New York. 

” t'Ht>.comp teat local agent fot the cby V 
L«"it»vllle. Ky.. and ran give empk>yinent totuecbl 
ag- nts In the Slate ot Kentucky. Term* liberal, and 
made known by addressing h':OWS 4 RAKFIELU, 
th ml Ageiits, Draw, r gtj I vington, Ky. dvW llm 

rm Mvnvv <«it riiimuiiivxi 

A Larv PWff g I'otumn Xr«n*|»tjs-’ 

Thi* ,'diu s, b entirely separab and dtsliuet 
from the regular eiUtiot). It b mailed to eub- 
Mb n at p< r year, and delivered to sub 
jprf) tags in tli« < ity at IS SO a year, payable at 
tie o®ee or at 5 cent* per week, payable to 


11 may t,e laid dovvu «. rule, with very f v 
e* eepvions lodeevl. th* 1 t be r'tmUdate wh*, r w I 

r. ives the support and syui|Mitli> of the dlstr .n- i 
eh wed class, whether be f>« running for Intlrli't 
*'« U'lublv or foe Governor, unit l«* ti«* n**ver -s> 
ffo.vl K. with never so loyal a record, 
it inatterr not, he U a .leP oUsl mau. 

11,1s may a» m strange, bat it l» nevertheless 
true, and it arises from the excellent discipline 
or tl.v Itaalteals, through ito Instrum. utallty of 
ti e leagues. Whenever a n<iminalh>n Is made, 
to, a- ages are at once sent to the different league 
headijuartem of the dlffereut counlles. uollfy- 
!n,. ih< m that svi and so la the nominee, and that 
tbi , support is eounl d upon, acoording lo 
p 1 dpe. The Presidents slid olffe-r' of tbv* coun- 
ty and district leagues then eaii the in' nil, ra <o- 
p , i her. and u is nnanlmoiulv resolved that the 
r< miuee receive the untied support of all in- u- 
ts rs. When we consider that four-Ofthe of the 
V' ting population belong to this secret society, 
derail lion of duly i- Immediately fol- 
h »'• d by • sruilsh-u, theu that is made clear vvhh-h 
u - cloudy oefoiv. and we underataild how It Is 
Ural u Bood Radical Is oRen defeated and a had 
oi." el**, led. To my own know ledge, men have 
en ■ xp llod from th' league for voting fur a 
f, i onal friend for an unlmporliuit county tiffliv 
alM the sggukr nonilnf e.” The unfortunate 
nmn Is not giv ■> au opjsin unity tu explain uwav 
h s error, but out he goes without the poor con- 
solation of knowing why. except iv. h‘‘ -llrnilM 1 - 11. 

vi long as the franchise law remain- as li I-. 
and -o long as the P -agues have the despotic 
swav that they do. It is holy for the opjstsltlnn to 
make a show of tight. They might nominate 
Wendell Phillip, If b- were a ri'Sldeut ol l he 
vial,, and the result would he the -ante -lb 
**'el. pis* candidate" would be defeated. 

All this is very true, stokes i» likely to 
Ik? tin Radk-a) nominee: and, il’ihbre is uot 
a very great change among the negroe®, he 
\y ill ltd elected, (. a Id w ell is not mi sirrnig 
r. man a> Fletcher, but neither hits any 
claim njion the euii-enativcs, nn«l it they 
had, it would do them little or no good. 
Th* Pom meretu Pc <a>rres(M indent is l ight. 
There is no such thing as a republican form 
of government in Tenncw-ee. Thera can 
be no free election fhera. Four-fifths of 
the whites diafranchisevl; tiie uegme- whip- 
ped into measures by the militia ; timid 
men driven from the polls, and, whenever 
the Radical State forces are insufficient, 
(.en Thomas to draw upon, how can there 
lie a show for any candidate* for oflica 
except those put iu nomination by the 

stBonufxEK rum 

AT ii PEU fF\T LRsS 
lAlHl.YK fills SI IIKlllLE. 

I" 11 -id these Pis no* for CASH, and SOT OTUKIt- 
v Is h; will ran 1st, «tcol andew, . and Jeltv ratanv 
pohil m this ciiy, for the lollowii,* prices: 

Plsiio, tl»«- J..„ Price tCDO-Cs-h tts r* 

“ S and S •• sjo n * j* 

" ! “ '**> “ (50 Ou 

“ » *; S« “ srv oo 

• . j . 

.. ". A * snare Or. Ml) Uam i. •• MM •• 600 0) 

l prlghl.tUs* 1 •• •• 385 0) 

Grand Plano, ciiut t.’.".".”".’.’.’. 3 “ Jp,™ 

“ i “ uxs .. aj oo 

3 “ 1J00 •' wo 00 

Illustrated price list* free on application, 
i will detiv r the Ta, ! r a Farley Organ at anv 
olrt In this city at the telloiring price-: 

Portable Organ $75 0«-< ash Xv> B 

n , m? ni anu so roi'o^nizcu oy an iias-e-, | 
wbat is the use of fanners, traders, and tuan- j 
niketurars expecting money loins and ac- j 
i itnniodations at six per cent? The tact . 
isthev do not expect it, and do not a-k it: j 
but. being tiuable to lsvfrow from private | 
individuals and from estates <>n anv kind t 
of security, on account of the usury laws, I 
they are forced to go into bank on incon- 
veniently short pap«*r or to have their 
notes shaved by person- whojut compelled 
to exact exorbitant tai<~ on account of the 
risk of h-mling at more than -lx per cent. 

Bank loans, we all know, art- really at 
Imm 9 to 10 per cent., and we would a-k 
the thousand- of borrowers throughout the 
State of Kentucky. wh*-u and where can 
b* found any six jrer cent, money? 

* Numbers of our busincs- men through- 
out the country are not awm that there is 
n«> way lor an honest lender to avoid the 
u-ury law. Y'ou may loan a friend a sum 
of money for a term of years, take the in- 
advance. renew the notes, 
or use whatever device you choose, 
and if the borrower chooses he may 
plead i>ury, or il be dies bis executor is 
rotii|M iled to nee tltat the whole transaction 
though running tlinvugh a series ol' years- 
is purged ol all usury, and thus the whole 
matter be reduced to a six percent basis. 

Tljr result of it is that the capital of the 
s-tate M-eks other iuv esltneuts titan loahs. 
It is either sent !<• otiier Srati-s, where a 
greater interest can 1* ha<l.or is invested iu 
-lock-. tKinils or real estate, and not only 
our r it ies. hut our counties are deprived of I 
its vitalizing and energizing influence. 

And now the State of Kentucky, as well 
a- its eitie- and towns, is actually suffering 
trooi these continuing drains on its capital. 
We have capital enough if we would only 
husband it to build up our manufacturing 
interests and to develop the mineral and 
agricultural resources of our (slate, it we 
will only keep it at borne and keep it 

There are hundreds and thousands of 
energetic manufacturers, mechanics, ami 
tanners, who would gladly Imjitow tuoney 
nt from < ight lo ten percent, and give good 
real estan or personal securities if they 
could secure loans ou one or two years 
or more. But the Itauks cannot ac- 
commodate in thal way and private cap- 
italist* an afraid of the inconvenience of 
our usury law . and the result is that Up- 
manufacturer goes unaccommodated and 
his factory goes to some other State. 

A conventional interest law would reme- 
dy tb< matter, leaving six |>er cent, as the 
legal interest on all ordinary transaction-, 
account* and judgment*, w here no special 
contract for a higher rale was made, but 
allowing persons to borrow and loan ar 
say not exceeding ten per cent, on con- 

We take it for granted that the average 
interest paid throughout the State is at 
least nine per cent., perhaps more, but if 
all tbc money of Kentucky now seeking 
otber investments could be kept at home 
or put within the reach of borrowers, the 
supply would be increased and the average 
rate would gradually be reduced. The 
"occu|>at»on" of the 5 per cent, a month 
shaver would be gone, and interest would lie 
equalized and uniform and governed by the 
general laws of trade, i. e., that of supply 
and de mand. 

It is a plaii, projK'i-ition that the man 
w ho now sends hi* money to be loaned at 
ten per cent to the northwest would rath- 
i er loan it at eight per cent., well secured, at, 
home, and thu* avoid agents' and lawyer* 
tees. Let the legislature, therefore, provide 
a way to secure him at home, without 
tarring bun to get up a bank charier, thu- 
creating moie monopolies aurt giving to 
litem privilege* which arc denied to pri- 
vate citizen*. 

A great deal ha* been saiil and written 
on thi* subject, but we must plead a* an 
excuse for again trespassing on the jiatienee 
of our readers, our earnest conviction thai 
the present law i* paralyzing our State 
nud is t-s(«ecially oppressive to thos* who 
have need to borrow money. 

Excelsior Boo fir. j Paint. 

IJKKSOSs ksr'.n* »*w orold roofr tliM tX'-f w»nt 
I painted will trad till* Ur ’ ind eh • palm 
Uiejrcnn u-,-. Wcsarrant tt to l.-t-t a-loatta-anv 
rcof pain: lr.*, and lower in pr!c“. We nlaop atonoil 

pair,t and competition roofln* very 1 'W. 

« Irdera lett ni ttu Ji-fferaon •erect. 

<11 dim MORRIS ft r«>. 

Ustrbt", at half prirc. 

dS 131 Third slrerl 


A I*rp Fort i/-< , *««.,, Xrmiia,* , 

SlBKl' eop.v. <«<• year f! no 

am*,' .vipy. six month- 1 ss 

Five t.i tec eoidua. one year. •«,-h .. 1 T3 

Vet; (a KmtT <v>plos. one v«ar. east I ti 

'aeniy cuplv* and over, one year. «•< h 1 So 

An extra copy i* aUowvd to the club 
•r every elob of ten at El «’> -each, and an 
Afitional extra copy for every additional ten 
■hacribers. and an extra copy U allowed for 
very club of tweaty at #1 50 each, and an 
addUitiouai extra copy fur every addition* ! 
twenty autweriber* 


( oilo!) Factors A Commission tlm-haii 

No. 115 Main r^t., between Tltii- 1 and Fourth, 

T. O U I s V I Ii Ii B , K Y . 

New Crop nolasses. 

prime New orlcau* jwt recti?««i by taiI* 
M.t! tor -*h e by 


Now Crop Sug’ar. 

HHII9 prime Sew Orieaa* Ju*l received T>y rail* 
road and for -»ale hy 

fit! Ml >ORE. B REMAKER 4 f O. 

om»A!f :.r fid brifcr. lciu.*n lawn. ralYlen in 
cla- cattle Ol the 

‘Is. 0 " - ., <> two two-year old heifer-, yellow, white, 
£££ in* December. «*<• IK«e.-Ae« nro two 
“I T *f«i!*lf! r*-» perfect match, nad V ry larire.i 

t hive- y”ar old pur.- c-ray-dun hcll.-r. in cull to 
Jo Ai.lla."lB thi* iuiportutlon. 

"}L* P flnlr vcnr old fnw n and while cow, calving In 
ikfb-aianps produettrerow. 

*;and». Twurpleudid yearling-, ifraj an I white, in 

*VuU , 'Roh* 

(niuitil. heed to Mr. C ow, try; wtanin* the trreat n .- 
•83! color of erect i roml-e. very 

n. at. and from the be*t blood ol the islaud: »*ed 1« 

l “ssr- h The above Is the descriptive list from the pro- 
nrieior Mr. I dward I'ara m- Fowler, who la here, nod 
5,m Xlve an ueemary >^™^ LKR * c0 
,i, 50 rfn 1-j -t. Vlt- bael »lree; Mobile. Ala. 

Copper Whisky. 

BIU.S. I oprer WTu-ky. from frlv to tea year* 
old, la -tore and for sale hy 

K. Bl sl AKU, No. J t Main street. 

Itf Bet. Second and Third. 

Money may be eeot tu postoffi - order? or 
uwfto. and when these cannot be procured by 
tail At our risk— in the latter instance the 
Kiev to be IdcI<>*s.«i 11 preeeuc tb, P 

Bier, whose certiti ..»« wii. . :ir 

B of itc kta 

PK'N’iwcs oay *<a temt orwroos cy^hoK.v 

Kndieal Condition of Fitlrunehi-a 1 . 

The Virgiti La State Journal says of Gen 

If he will -uppuri the lows of Oougrass, aud 
vole for the n*-„ .-oustliiulon. no one will ob- 
J*<v to the removal of hla dlsat llttlef. 

!v>. then, it has eometotbis — a Virginian 
wh<< was in the rel>ellioii must pledge biiu- 
sell to vote for tn* new euuaGtutiou of 
Virginia and to support the law* of Con- 
gress, whatever may lie their character, w. 
f«>ra his tliMtbil'ues , an Ik- removed! This 
is the tTue spirit of Virginia Uadicalism. 
And we don't know that Kadi<-aii<m is auv 
worse in Virginia than it is in other States. 
Everywhere it -eems to be as bad as it 
know* how to lie. And it appear- to Ik- 
•ceumnlating knowledge in tliat direction 
and losing it in every other. 

In all former linns, parties, alter achiev- 
ing victories in fierce and biller contests, 
have made a show, il only a«how, of mag- 
nanimity. They have made professions, 
apparently sincere, of a desire for concil- 
iation and harmony. They have expressed 
a wish for the deep burial of political ani- 
mosities. They have held out what looked 
like olive-branches. % Tbev bare invoked 
an era of good feeling. It is far otherwise 
with our lladiral leaders, as represented by 
their organs. Their feelings of hate and 
revenge seem but to have been aggravated 
by success. They adv ance their demands. 
They threaten and bluster. They are as 
relentless as so many burlesque Molochs. 
Nothing can exasperate them more than n 
kind or tolerant or hopeful Democratic 
word in regard to Grant. It infuriates 
th< m more to hear a Democrat speak gently 
of him now than it did to hear a hundred 
Democrat- denounce him in the Presiden- 
tial canvass. They hale peace «* a wreck- 
er hate* a calm sea . 

But we hope thai lira ultra Radical lead- 
ers will be taught a much -needed lesson by 
the rank and file of their own party, or, if 
r.o; by them, by tbeir President elect, or. If 
rot by him, by the great and indestructi- 
ble Democracy of the country. We ven- 
ture to indulge a hope, though at present ii 
may uot be- by any means a very sanguine 
one. thai the Radical party of the whole 
country, as a party, honesty and wisely 
controlled or influenced by President 
Gram, w ill yet ubaudou its |H>lUkal malig- 
nities and devote itself to the national 
good. At present the prospect is by no 
means flattering. We tear that all the 
light which break- through the gloom i- 

OIlsES st-nt t>. u.v -bop » ill receipt prompt it’.co- 
tloD from «ktnral workmen, 
hop on First (tract, between Jtffer-nn i »ml Vtnrket. 
irr> dtl JOHN Kl DO. 



read again. 

flilib TB 1 \CA\ RE BoUBT ELSLWUEPtE. 


t'VFBV Snw that lent** oar f* t"ij I* oil t 
I* per* I nn«t Pntcnt , . ’mt* l . |„-rf»-,-tl> Iro ■ 
even, and nuitlr of uniform temper by our i-steat t- 
pertn* prate*-. 


IMapwnt el.- and uiatriinqnv are all tbc 

rat' ta Mavevilit . 

BfEigM new raise- of ninall-pox wen re- 
port -J re rb< Ha? or of K< w|tore on W'«tu«*s- 


The Newport and Covington Bridge 
Cfewtpwc' havederiam! an noDiia: Mn ion.l <»f # 

\DKR tb* reticle- 1 of nsreement hetw. , n the part 
nor- composlnir the drru of 

North side Main, bet. Seventh and Eighth 


r are r*« rrrrlrlae and will keep raawtanlly aa band a la re* .apply at 'J 
LKIXS w| t:.X U ,XXI> tlOL.Xns*s. wbieb we *fcr lata la the trade. 

Iti* provided that "Iu ta-e of the death of Wm.Gar- 
Tti.lil»e*e< utoror ailmlnL-lrntor may continue hi* 
Merest in the bouse, or dlaaolve the same, or with- 
d-tw therefrom.” The evecntrlee* of the «ald *m. 
Oarvln have determined to continue the Intereat ot 
the -aid Wm. t.arvln in the tit-.-lne**. and will con- 
tinue a* heretofore under the game style. 
t\c%l i|(itvi | G AKN IN, HF I.L 4 • •*. 

ft 00 per rear, by mall out of the eliy: #1 a per year 
delivered In the etty. Sample copte* fr, *. 

To any [-—on who shall at one time huy ft. 00 worth 
o, sheet nin*ic- at mall prices. I will present s year's 
subscription to the Southern Journal ol .Waste. 

| . The negro bureau at Lexington ban Iweu 

dared awd Cot. K. F.. Job a*«D. the a* n’. orat-n-i 

Mr. John Clav and wife were thrown 
front their camsg* in LexlntP'ii- rb trsdae. au i 

pfloal) twjored. 

The boute ol Mr Barnett, at Bryant's 
Kuik*. a n* rohtss el valoph’-w by negr > bttr- 


I am now In eorreapond, nee with the manutactar- 
e<s, and expect very soon to offer the best medium- 
size. low-priced Plauos lnthls or anv other market, at 
such prices a* will enable every lautlly of moderate 
n cans to have on*. Buyers of such pianos will do 
themselves a favor by walling a few da> a, thus - I ur- 
tns such hsr*alaa as cannot he had anywhere el«e. 


-' .SrEt'e > 

©. AI . PARKER Co 

,srce K»*ORs TO BULKXMORE. PAttKUt a CO j 

Commission Merchants, 

Srarfcl MorMctl Nkalitig Skirts, 
UrbliS own makr, at lh«* 

Falls tii> skirl Far lor >, 

<1 1 ?ctHllja I (Hi YY . Ala rktM M . 

Bu?in<-- at Wiut ht— u-r wa« varv hriak 
<a Hoods v. a an at/vk of all klud* cold at au atl- 
1 *ano ov«x growc lately ,-urrent 
■ Judgv Wm. B Kinkrad. of Fayette, aold. 
awe day la** week. t. Hr. lotas t. of Bourbon 
an - tuind:,-' area three muter, it (1*.; Se per bead. 

Two Cincinnatian* w-erv fiuetl fet each 
Ht Hew p en tup otber day foi tfouitng the ram, 
law* of the beau- t'V cbno'tns t.ird* ttmaUer Ittau 

I'iuaurinl Morality. 

Mr. I photon's aal.vry 1- $2SJX)0 a year. Wc think 
It would c«yt bt? a hail Idea to pay it in a Treasury 

I oud for that nmoupt. ou top-r -s,. due In aeven- 
t, "D year*, with the provision that the Ini-rest as 

II accrues be deducted from the pritt, Ipal. Instead 
of belnv paid to Mr. Johnson. [Boston Transcript. 

The paragraph above i* ju-t about on a 
dead level with the fiuancial morality' of 
most of the Radical editors w ho talk so 
tauntingly of their own integrity and ihe 
requirements of Ihe national honor. Be- 
cause they disliki President Johnson, they 
would basely swindle him. They dislike 
the Democratic party, aud so -vvindled it 
in the Presidential diction. 

"Can you |>ay me to-day the Little amount 
you borrowed of me?" says a I leinoerat to 
a Radical leader. “No: I don’t like you, 
and 1 choose to bilk evoryltody tliat I don't 

A2K133S ! 

t omniou shape, as good as the be»i. 
J UK FT C .'.Nnr-:'- Pafom X\B • 
celled. Wegiaraalff that (ht*v will «*u 
n i»rc U;*n ci>miuoa axf », will* le* 


FI LL aaartment of 
Lure R*?Ypn* Ewuiir and IiR»or!loii- 
Kmbroiuered Urn o l dtrinK and Ini 
F.inbroirtcre l Jaconet •* *' 

K mi roMt* red Linen Cliemlae mi F*: 
Jac. Embroidered Hand? and 8leeV' 
Yalcn. Edging and Insertions; 

IKmuicd Linen Handkelchlffs 

Cluuy Lace Collars and Coda (i; 

( rep»- < oliars 25c. uOc. etc.; 

C'tirset* with whalebones 41, 

French Embroidered Co-aci- & 
Alexandre KI<Uil«»\ en only tl 54; 

1 n brold«rrd Table Cot« p* wi c«*-: 
d»i C HArv F. HA 


Three Skirls for One liulinr ai the 
Tails (ily Hoop skirl Firliry. Hi. 
(iti Alarkei sireei. bemeeii Second 
and Third. d?4 dtjl 


161 Fourth *(.. 

I ftottrrday last, th*- tannery lately occupied 
by Baud A Henrv. in u-wfe county, re eattreiv 
obw^ai—l by Bre. Tb«- property wa* r-Dted by 
Hamr*. Darr.iw a TltUc. of Dayum. Oblo. Tin- 
law ot tbw ^ebtletaen will be about ♦In.'**). 
«nl> BZ.10O of whict. tarovereU by tueurau < . Dr. 
« Het.r' alao wmes about*'. 

Purine tbc railroad enthusiasm last 
|g<yCa.* piece of prop- rts to Hay-fllle wa* vml- 
w awst at ffejs* after ( bt vote to Bourlsm It fell 
to value and ts-oam. unaalcabb . a few week- 
age it wa* (ok) tor t-*i> .ns tb< pres* u- owner 
. value* tt at t&frtt'. Tl*t prae-p*-. of rail rent! coii- 
• J^w-noot t* tbv cause of lb*- eubuB *-l price. 

^ We were shown Ire Uncle Johnny Par- 
ber. oo Hoaday. says B;l Ij-xlngtou Gazette, u 
. Hn*t <if colM Oliver weyiiinx S3 ouncea, wbfob 
^ «ar.c from near Helena. Mootaoa. aou ba l tb: 
Jfeovaneri stamp •« tt obow top ttuu It la wort; 

gl«- In stiver coin. This silver catoe from Uo 
-efelc. of Hr. Otde taunder?. new Heleua. snl b> 
•tat bt? unci* tbt* sp*s-tu2« o brick a* au "OJ-jc 
af tbv nebu *- of tbe ore la that count rv. 
tJi r Ben Cnetnwell. who went to Georgia 
M stack Mr Isaw H. Grave*, ta- Jan re- 
Ht' c 
t^^k I: 

Sirifl alien! .on paid lo fTfry hranrh *f our ha'iHfss, and fTfry 
n;ade lo mak< ^nirk and salisfacl*ry sales. hh 4 43»-^H 

\\ rddlnfc. tl lloiur . 

fiun h and YMtlng Card?, Mcmotfr.iuis 
ngnved to ord«.»r. 

initials 8tamp«Ni ou nok* paper aud cuvelop 
. ttboui additional charge. 

\ bittiur cards printed from plate, at 


Jefferson street, betwe«*u Third amt Fourth. 
Ik*c 6 dim 

■ 701' the rccorcry of the body of JOSEPH GREEN 
1 lost off tb«* Htcaimr Cnltcd States I Fee. I. Snp 
j'O-ed to have Jnn?jDi-d f.Tcrboard while the boat wa» 
-winp.iric rornd. flight Sfeet 9S ln« lie s weight about 
ls.*» nonmlg; sijnare bnllt; 33 years uf ajCt*. black hair 
anil wltieken*, recently colored; B«iuare. aoand front 
i«*ili.a!1tUeapan;i‘mallffcar a- ros* rU'M «*ve*hrow: 
a rouml deni or near on top of one foot, one-tonrth of 
a . Inch in depth and diameter; new Ma< k ca^aitnere 
pania. white -hirt.rcd daunt 1 and<-r»hlrt and drawere, 
mixed woolen ®ock*. Had Broadway Hotel for 
hairiraife, No. 4S, In pant* pocket. A*Jdre>?* WM. K 
• AY. Tamber dealer. Lonl«\ille, Ky.; M. cWASEY. 
Broauway Hotel, l lncl-.uati; or the 'u.d«.r-i>cned, at 
Tldloutp,’ Warren couaty. Pa. 
dt<i3 d# L. GREEN* 

Send i retrcr'ar and prices to l.l PPINFOTT A 
HAKEUKi I., l*iit«bu rg, l*a.. *mj1c Manufac- 
turers. For sale by the principal hardware dealers. 


Laic of Blakemore. Parker 4 Co. 

Blakemore, Mayo & Co 


fckates! Skates! Skates 

Vlanvy l.oam-d on t'ollatvral tveurlty. 

Iraillp* an<I uonticuivn wishing to borrow money 
for 8 few ffpys or weeks will consult their own 
Interest by calling at this office. Stocks, bomls. 
Jewelry, silvern are, er any otber valuables taken 
as security. Business fair, equitable and satis- 
factory, by t . Hagan. Ag'l, Mo. 114 Third street, 
next door to Moniz X Co.'s tlvery stable. 

gfTlif Circuit Judges ot Texas rule 
their circuits under guard* of companies of 
cava in . What a great aud glorious thing 
il is to he a reconstructed State! Isn’t re- 
construction w hat the Radical organ* and 
kader? a-ajircd the nation beforehand that 
it would be, “the -overeignest thing ou 
tarth” for all the ill* of the S<juth? 

gibso.v 4* 


I irr Proof. Hrr and Rurular Proof, nnd 
llurtrlMr Proof ^nlpw, ■ .intbiiiH rion Hauk 
l.ockfr. Hunk Yaullw, Jail Work, 

Partnership Notice. 


r. f re the war of Mcnipbi«. Tens. Louisville, Ky. 

H AVE umaoc toted thetu-aelve* lOKCther under the 
name and style x»f 

T. .I.FL>Mi: \ CO., 

For the purpow. of conducting a 
Krai t;«tate and (.eneral (tminti-lun igeary 

Intniiclty. We will purchn»e, nell, and rent. n»or- 
di red. all real estate entrusted to our care, either at 
private or auction sale. Will examine title*, make 
conveyance*, negotiate Villa and commercial paper, 
u.ake collection*, buy and tell ou commission cotton, 
tobacco, and other produce, groceries or other goods, 
• :ithe very beat possible term.-. Ol Bee. N*>. SI north 
si 1e Main street, second Joor from Third, next to th ? 
I'nnk of Kentucky. de r> dim 

*4 1 lti oml Sired, New York. 

J. 4 m. DA^ IS, Genenri Soliciting ljrcnt, 


For ( ou^h> and (old*. 

Dr. Grj7e*’ oontrli cuQ'ly. It la a sure cun' 

£ 3 C A woman in Misaissippi made five 
attempt? lo kill herself, and failed. She 
should Itave sent for n quack doctor 

£*"* HIkII' -u price paid for bonds, sold, stiver 
■ n«l uncurrent money, at 8, RuTUCHiLH's, 
Exchange and Broker office, 
jySS atf U Main, between Second aud Third. 

Liberal advuvra, and con«l«naie*ure*n*c*f®Hy MHrltiS. 

I FsT received sboal UIOO pairs ol -kates, cornnri* 

• » ink >tierley'i* iniprov«*d patent and Monitor, New 
York ( lub. and all other denirable »katc4 in mac, for 
i*i.le whole ra'c and retail by 


* luiAtr EatabMahment, No. 71 Third -trt M* 

Main and Market. dels 

5 K » Rid i -kl Jife't't 'c.a' K . r»- 1 

la^ — « JTY1 irwlarproof ' f**> 

A 1 i WhhI^ fr~ | \ r 

V I A- u.Mi' i ire 



impro v ment ta 

•<VSR;X' :; '5 3 w' r *d*i- r :i > a?to« 


vsrvmni Ut at eXamTlr aol '••). foxnyln tbm 

xorM. itUis'jS & UbMLLtb 

* ) c1ffilSmTuT!)**a*vr;»m.iir. 

|*-lf you want to borrow mnn- v nq colla'* rd, 
o to S.’-, 

Mulu sire between Second and Third. 






fW A clenrytuan (Rev. J. M'-Miirrav), n titing 
liotn Halifax, N. says: "Havlntr suffered sev- 
eral years wltb throat affection, to which clergy- 
men are especially subject, and haring used va- 
rious remedies, I have pleasure In glvlun tny les- 
Hmony as to the relief 1 have had In Ihe discharge 
of my Subbath labors from the use of ‘Brown’s 
bronchia! Tiocbes.’ They have been u great 
comfort. Otber* to wbotu I have mrouitueuded 
them have used them with advantage.” For 
cougbg and eold? tbe Troches are equally efflee.- 

Ki'puhliraii SolffierV \s>orialioil. 

All late soldiers resident In the Fifth lon- 
Krera-lonal District of Kentucky, who wish 
to become members of the Republican Sol- 
diers’ Association, can either call at my 
office, No. 14 Center street, Louisville. Ken- 
tucky. or by letu-r slirnliy such desire, and al the 
same time report their late company, regiment, 
aud ruuk, aud also their present residence. 

J. H. WARD, 

deoldtf I'hajrman Fifth District committee. 



T XII.. 

By J. KOOPER. sib Market street, between 
sixth and Seventh, aud liJ Market, between 
Floyd and Preston. 

The cheapest and Attest stock of hat«, cap*, and 
fur goods In (he city. All furs bought at uiy 
bouse are warrauted. and saved during the sum- 
mer without charge. We give particular alten- 
llon to altering and cleaning frirsaud hats. Oa-h 
! aid for all kinds of skin*. «*ctll dtf 

» Hoi.' - .XU A3» 1h Xf^. / "J I' 

Orain, Floor, Whisky, and Country Frodnca generally, 

* . oul ttf*. No. tiTHIRD ST., LuClaVILLE.KI 


Gr.-ai hargatii." pi 
del9 dlmt 

The Apalaciiioola 'Florida \ Report ‘-r ha* 
•Sffrendec tor rut of support. 

I Abearfifht was tbe oaly public a inn*. 
Ln. ut la Umron g».. Chrtotma? day. 

E’n t low ■ -hip ami city el> -rt ion* in North 
« .rv.ina take plae* on the «tb of January . 

Joe Picket wa? shot and mortally wound- 
ed to Columbus. Ca„ by Win. Pick'-rlt*. 

Tbe ground wa* covered with anow to 
tb* depth of *Ve IWfce- at Rtpley, Mb*-., on 6*1- 

The wolves sat playing havoc with the 
•dieep to Floy*! county, Va. On* ferm-r ha* to*' 

Liberal Advaasi 

at of lU other 




I n ii<! (* 4»n I on* .^Kit t «* 

T ■Milt wliole^nlc aud retail. 


Saddle, H*rne«». and Trunk Manaractnrer. 
dcil No .Vi Main -t., bet. Second and Third. 

mjrffrmea "I., Iw .. Pn -.aii xV Ja U-ou. 

No. HI non* ■*ul« M ■*» reet, between 
Main and Market. 

fVKATARH are rewnn-tfully lnvi'^1 lo cell end «• 
I f an uemy well*- ieete t nforkof Trunk-. YallMC* 
&x*..«n mj uwn niAiiiiiarture. 

I am (Wternnaed tx> ?cll 1 » cheap aa any other man- 
rfjctnrer in the Fast or Weil, un A pr.rehaaen will do 
ucll lo cal! npon *ne before buying anywhere ewe. 

• 1 -• H V I Llh. 

nr ' I also haV'' '*n band about 130 doz.oi hone cok 
btr-, which I will di#pot4 uf at lx>w rates. 
ocM ticotlA w3«u 

No tic c. 

omci ( rmi wmt PaMum R vilwat to. 
HE luterefrt foapooa, due Jan. t. IMP, * f the non 
xage bondaof fnla -onipany. will 'ie paid on pte- 
.laiion ai this 4>fHc«. 

IfOO <rt s. M. KLDUilH? E. >ecy. 


N j. li Third Street, S.tia uoJ Lirtfi, 

Invite? atieniion lo hi- l«ir?e and varied Mock of 




’Aiii. *5 ai.] Other Filled Wire i,f \c,*j( SijK * 



itclJ dim 

Ex i R* Kim Fcr* at Arcnox. litis : rburs- 
Cay) morning. Mr. C. C. spencer will sell, a- ad- 
vertised. an Involc- of extra Ane furs. Just re- 
ceived, embracing Hudson Bay sable. Canada 
mink. Atch. sunlrrcl, coney, and other varieties, 
lo capes, muffs, vlctorines, collars and bertlius. 
th*- special attention of the ladles Is called to 
ibis -ale: and front an'examlnatlon of tbe furs we 
can fully recommend them as being Aral class. 

XlMfrMK. CMHKXX * €». - LoatavC* 

■ 1 Voo'etr. and Mac biac sboo s £. corn*.- Maui aad 
Tcatb *4ra-eu. 

Copartnership Notice. 

'THE Dmlrrslgm-d bar* formed a copartnership, :n 
1 der the name And uyle of Hughe*, i e '-lee * C o, 
do a HOG-SI.AI I.HrkKING. PAlKIXG. Pto>- 
x l-IOS, sn*l GKNEBAL COMMI-sIO hmdneui. ta 
the city of Lent- Title Ky_ sod reepecsfoUy *oUcll 
■ onelznuiem- of sllarUrlea toour line. We an pre- 
t aredto mak* tbe a?n*! advance**. _ 

WM. Hrc.HKS. 


JNO. D. TAfib tKT. 
deHtFmfrU GEO. W. TABLE foS 

Florida ha? doubled her sugar crop this 
year. Mruj I- selling In Heidi Florida f rflfty 

■ ratts a galton • 

Tbc young kdi» ot Hiaunlon. Va.. ar* 

to have a nfe mateb na the *tb of January. 

-AAtotd bo? gotten a new weapon. 

* Ab old nc gre> woman was burned u> 
tasth at Atigaato. to., on Friday algtat. by b.-r 

1EIPIIIX** XX I l.l. IS, Attorn* 

(.•fret \o. • l -*ra Flare. Ledavtlle, 

vr Th> sale of elegant furs all I he- continued 
on ibis (Tbui -day) morning, afternoon, and night. 
I ■•-*•. 31. M*. A splendid cbani-e for S' . v Vear - 
yiflsai the auction rooms of Sh>>rmau P. XVbaley 
a Co., Market street, Itctxveen Third and Fourth. 

I>XX X K l>- *,»:»*. Tr- 

im ibtmberoer h Hloom 


Lots for sale. 

We hav< a few more only to f 
Madison an I Magazine, t>* t'xeci 
ad Twenty-third streets. 
JelTdtf C 

Ard warm :te*l to give *atiMat;tton 

|y The Adatus A Co’s Express sale of un- 
c aimed packages will take place on Friday morn- 
t g. January 1, 1W, at 10 o’clock, a» our auction 
rooms on Market street, between Third and 

Pfr'Send your small loads by City Pare-l Ex- 
I ress, and *ave money. 

J.G WoCdu o* u. E. Xott. 
of Loulvrlllc. Ky. of X .orleau*. 


tr Gtv 

The V.cak, 

'the DehlltUlrd. 
'Ihe Pule autl Panx 
1 lie f lilunitir. 

1 he l.xotphalie. 
ihe I'tm-nniptlxe, 

1 he lt*nvalc-reel. 
Ihe llx-peplir. 
o!9 MbATh* ai 

hADO* J. Pbsij-s. 

of New Origan-;. 


1 btihi. No. \<* north 
xih mrer u. 

The Hilton-. 

The Blit'idle— , 
The Prostrated, 
The Ife-poadem. 
I he Serulolan-, 
the Rifkfrx, 
The \erx«a>. 

Lieut Johnson, ot AUnnto. Ga.. w ho w a- 
fr.ugerously wound*-* a few night* ag.. by a at'*a*- 
<h: own by a negro, t- recovering. 

Hturii Fitzpatrick a lad fixteeti years of 
ag' ■ was aorideatallv shat and killed by a cotapin- 
to*«. IB tavaauap. <,a~ Tbursda> nigh'. 

The citizen* ot Kingston and Autauira 

viUe. Ala. ore making effort* i» have tb* count* 


Produce. Provision 

H \1< It El. OH !. It XIK IIX E. 

TUsaplaudld batr dye Is the best In the w .rM: tbe 
ouly true and^erfeet dye; hanideo*. rcliahls, la-tau- 
taueou-; an disappointment; no ridfouloii* tiuta; rc::.. 
idles llie U1 effect* of had dyes; Invigorates and 
leaves tbc hair soft and lieaulllnl. black or hroirn. 
-old hy all ilrngstst- and perfumer* and properly ap- 
[ lied at Batchelor's XV tg Factory, No. tt Bond -treet. 
Sea York. (Janlldly) noSOdtfeM 

Alt LX 14 A Unfftl^lnnea a Law 

Jefferson -x jwo doors r edo' Willard HotaL 

Things in south l aroliua, 

Tbc LcgislatRri' of South Carolina, con- : 
-istiug chiefly ot neirroc*. lias passed a joint j 
resolution, by a vote of more than nine to i 
one, authorizing the Governor to employ 
an armed force for tbe preservation of the 
IMfrce and designating tbe manner ofrai-iiii 
the necessary means to effect toe end. 

Tbe respertable papers ol Charleston de- 
tiotmee toe resolution, now a law. vehe- 
mently. though, oi coarse, vainly. They 
say that it is au unjust reflection upon the 
masse* of the white people of South Caro- 
lina, a* undoubted! v it is. It wa* prompt- 
ed by a desire to increase or to renew ihe 
hostilities that have been last dying out 
within tbe borders of that must ili-tated 
*»tate. The Detnoeracy of the State have 
all along lieen singularly peaceable in 
spite of their disgust . and they would 
I* madmen if they were not peaceable 
w hen they consider the entire helplc— iu*- 
ol their condition. 

Tiie Radical party of South Caroliua, 

• onsisting. like the Legislature, chiefly of 
negroes, is in jtower, «s Hitrolling nearly the 
whole if not quite the whole of the civil of- 
fices of th< State. II. then, peace i* not 
preserved. th< reason i* and must lie. either 
that they are indifferent in regard to the 
pKto'rvation of peace, or that they prater 
tumult to order, or that tiny are incoui{N'- 
tent l*« the performance of their oftieial ob- 
ligation-. Bui. as we have said, peace is 
j>rt>erv' d II is preserved, not, we pre- 
-mn* . Iterautto the Radicab* of toe s -iated* - 
-ire its |>re*<*rv:ttion. for they probably do 
I not, but beeati-e tbe Democracy are deter- 
luinesf not to pe-rmit themselves to lie in- 
volvetl in troul>l«- and strife* Of course 
occasional viola tittas of law and occasion- 
al outrage* occur in all communities, and 
will continue to xx-ur until the commene*'- 
: iiuut of the thousand years of the milieu 
; ilium, during which the dex'il is to be 
-haui d. but •vutrb < amlina i* to-day more 
than any Norili 


Omcx Lot tavuajt avd Na-htillR «. K. to.. 

LorisTttLi, Dec. tl. Iff* 

I 'BE r. apoa- (toe 1st Jeoaary next ot tb* flrst Ob 
rave h* .r.its of thi- ' • a«p «o> wl h* paid oo | 
-ntation at mv ntBce on and *tt-r lb - dole. 

*T*4 ttin W. BASKET, set 

Graud Supper Set* X car's \isht. 

Johonv Kelly, of the Council Chamber, will set 
:t Ane suoper ln the small ball of Masonic Temple 
on New Year's night, for the U-neOt of those who 
may attend the ball then lobe given by the United 
Eons of Erin. The bill of (are Includes coffee, 
bread and butter, bam, turkey, dried beef, pb-kle*. 
and Catawba. Sherry, ami Muscat wines. Admis- 
sion u> supper llfty cents. Oysters will beserxed 

H*i" The only place in LonlavUle where hosiery 
I ■ manufactured Is at US Market street. Ladies', 
gents', ami children’s silk hosiery and under- 
v ear at th- slocking factory, 14* w eat Market 
sire*!. J. C. wool). Proprietor. 

lAr Dyspepsia, weak stomach, oostlxe IkiwoIs, 

i wed tongue, dull and stupid feeling, are the 
bene of thousands. Cathartic pUls or drugs don't 
help It, but rather make tt worse. Wliat you need 
- Humphrey-’ Homieopatlc Dyspepsia PUls. They 
b«e up the atom .-h, relieve tbe dl-trass, and 

ii ake you over anew, without purging or prostra- 
ting. Pri >■, A boxes for #1 4 S>. Sold by dealws, 
er sent by mail. Address Humphreys' Sp-cltlc 
ItouueopatbU M*sll*:lne tom pain . Sts! B 

N. Y. 

'neval Commission 


oravler street, NEW ORLE.XMS. 

dl itt'u 

ITT XT, XX' 1 1, l.l X XX. aurhcium of and 
wa* tr-ab- aao retail dealer la I n*r— i!-e. Par*. 
' A. ^W aiktag Can**. So, 1 J.» Durd Mrw*. well 


Omci of ra* i ncnaiirl'. ». Man. Lent C*. > 
Lot i-vixif. Kt.. Dec. «. isfr. * 
I vN and after Dec *. Ism. the neuri line o* *' *a*a- 
I I era for Cincinnati wAl lsave the wharf-boat, fo« 
cl Third -tract, at J o'clock. 
dJI dim FRANK ' XBTEU. -si) V 

xx . H. .Meriwether. Pack Thomas 

O.W. Tbomi 

Many of tbe insurance com panic- <>j«et 
s'tiig Iti Lynchburg. Va.. halt- withdrawn • heir 
•node- tt otnseqmooe of the many Bru*. 

Mr S. b Burr will roatnne the publica- 

aoe of the Hldd,* Georgtan —a paper h< managed 
Wtr* Uv war-o* Griffin, on the 1st of January. 
Biaiiop Pierce gives notice that the col- 

oied preacher t In Georgia and Florida will me, . 

to argonlz* an annua, eonferen-c. January <KL. in 

0. W. THOMAS .& CO 


IM\KI\G IS 01 si: 

— -OF — 


Zffasonic Notice. 

Kii tf Solomon . . <N 

ittk o’clock, for M. K.. an.l 
By oricr of J A 9 . A . RK A TT I 

Pork Packers, Ham Curers, 

l’rovisJou ,k C’omitkiriMiou 

No. 46 'West Main Street, 

i uumillfy Ky* 

cell ii >tt 

. 1- 


Notice, VILLX.I 13 CIS ?* ATI AID LlXIIfllOI K. it**, » 

Loriitnui. Du-. 3. 14. i 
|MI contMNM -ln€ J*n. 1. \nth. on tbe Cine a matt 
I br»n. h hoax!* of tbe*e •otupnaicA. will be Mid on 
re-*eoia(l«>n. >n an»1 alter tli« Ut pros.. M tbe LouU- 
ille C ilv Nidoonl Bunk. _ 

*|. tli.1 W.H. BF-YNKOTH. ^ecy. 

rinrev* of Movea, 

Stockholders* Notice. 

f rHCRF will l»c »n election l» r Pre^ld.-m arul I>lr»*c* 
1 low of the 1’opUr Lerel Turnpike Hond i. oiupanv 
on tbe second ‘ aturday Iu January, l%*f. st 12 o'clock 
m„ at tbe KnKiucrr’- office (WUHani* 4 StradninnN 
otsble.) Jiffrivon street, between Tlitrtl aud Fourth, 
i tim tual mt(cudan*-e b expectod. 

W.l. PltJKTHEIi, PrCfrl dent, 
.lomc Hobv. and Engrueer doll *Jtd 

«.rnut and iIip Tenure-ol-Office Law. 

letters from Washington, published in 
tic CorKiER-JocEXAL. say that General 
Giant Ua* tleclartsl vmpliatlcally anil re- 
1 catedly that the tenure-of-offiee law must 
I e repealed before he begins. Hi.* lan- 
L J. -ci* -inge.larly vague. \Y< don't know 
v. hal lie means. Does he intend saying 
that he xx ill not “begin'' to perform the 
j residential functions until Gong res- shall 
have siricken the ohuoxious laxv from the 
national statute books? Ii this is his 
meaning, he xx ill be very likely to change 
hi# mind, provided the law shall stand for 
any length ol time beyond the fourth of 
March W e have little or no doubt, how- 
ever, that tor law will be rejxealed before 
that umc. It was pawed a* an act of ven- 
ceancc against President Johnson, and, 
having accomplished it- purpose at the ex- 
pense of the continuance of more than a 
tliou-imd debeted thiexT*-, swindlers, aud 
other scoundrel* in office, tbe lo-- of mil- 
lions ol money by corruption, and the di»- 
gn;ee cl the <4« vemnx nt, it will lievxv Is- re- 


ER4. IU C. **.- Xrrlrttra i. Office: Koaoi No. 
I, ttvr it*' H»uk of Kcuittx ky j'Xikltek#. Mtttn 

i»l I.E( TION> made on Yl< W tt'g and *(il ibe 
principal tow n* In MIin i'4ippi, ami prompt renil!- 
cx- i.»r all coUrelioM, at ctim ni rat* » ofexcbanr. 
Ffcrenc - M«wr*. Ptinran. >boruia>i 4 Co^ New 
rlx : Ot - S. B. Buckner. ,i . I*, ^'klnitftr. LoukTlUe 
aofr d3in 

Col. Snntuei L. Griffith has donate! 

gvulse Mtt Iu the vtcx of Ft. smith, Ark., t« tb* 
ffountg af tata nri a n . oo ronffttloo tta* they move- 

the eon ruy **-at tv thai dty. 

The British latrk Ontario left Savannah. 
Saturday, tor Liverpool, with a earge nitww- 

11*1 of uwe bat** or uptaod *00**0. «etgtHng 


I 'HE copartnership heretofore cxbuin* ^>#tweea a# 
lutLe name of ttaeon 4 Smith, doing boaineas m 
' nl dealers al No. 1*^ Thirl »:rart. bet wee t Jeler- 
•*»n abdtvrem.ricjr of L<>obiTllle,ls!hi« day dksolred 
!>y motaal eon^-nt. B. B Mmjr b alone authorized 
, • roilM t ibe uTouni* of tbe Urm. xud to *e«U« ap ita 
Fairs. AU tboae In i bled are reuurwted to call x:»U 
tile. B B. V.\sov. 


Tbe bn>liK<A will tu future be eoudnetod by B. B. 
‘.'a-on. sd3B dtf 

is6\ |x(}x. 


( 'oiiiiniis'aioii Mercliiints 
itirner V.alrr ami Mutt roe Sts, Tolrtia, U. 

LL property e o —tg ned to n*» will reeslre careful 
attention, with prompt sales and r^nittau^o 
j roceed*. Liberal HdeunGdueutri made on nbipm- u s*. 

•^peci-il attention given 10 purchase of pro;* rtr ts 
be rewo’d here or shipped elsewhere, oi A -austattory 

1IIOS. HAMILTON. (l»»» «ercn ycarw with U. S. 
WafhrMzf* 4 t oJ will cive per^uLuf attention to uli 
UMbss mtrnsted to th** drm. 

MTWf refer t — Northern National Rank. Ttile^lo*. 
BSk f *r tbt* P.*of ,e. Toledo: H. D. W : — M 
New York. Wa.brldgc. Watktus 4 


650 Cases California Wine, 

Second National Banlt. 

IffTisxyiig. K t.. Dec. tSfi ■ 
r |'IIL annual meetlDgot thcturki: 

I m 111 be bridal ilu-ir baultiutf hou»t- on Tl'ESHA Y, 
Jar..i2!b nexi.Iortht- purpo«e of etectiuK directors to 
-x Tre the cLstimfr vear. 

de«>dul CiEO. *». AI.LHSOM.rnshler. 



W. A. McCracken. Eeq.. editor of toe 
Bcrlng'Seli! rOhk>/ Advertha-t, ffix-d at the Wasb- 
tBgioc Hotel. VtnkffUiR. HI*-., oc Saturday. 11' 

• a- oo bb way g— III ffnr the beoeBtof hi* beallb 

Aft attempt wa? mad< on Saturday to 

hoc the tee I roc draw-tirldg* oc the Norfolk 
tuft P*4er>» urv fVa.i Kaliroad. -tanau. the 
wourfe bmrb 4f niaietk river, atv mile* lre«u 


A coforvel conhTcncr <*1 the M. E. Church 
aouU,. Ie to he oroantrec at Haz> Ihtirt. Miss.. 
January 7th. About forty pre* h-r* to l-outii 
MD*uaatvi<1 wltb a nuiu'.T fries LoufrUna. are 

e*|*ecu< to unite tn tht* ■ .rg > uizui lab . 

Gee F A. Shoup. tunncrly of Bragg’s 
army, at pr. -»-u. bohUag a profea-orsblp la the 
Caiverauy of Mtsoie-lpi'l wa* ordalced • dearac 

la the Hlnistn •* the Protestant Kphes>|>al 
Chura-b. at Bt. Lak-Mthureh. Oxford, buaday lo*:. 

. by Bishop Green. 

A difficulty ocetured on toe ateauie-i 

Bvht. L Lee last Wednesday nigh', wbli- that 
host aos lying at Kav-hec. Ixff ween Mi. H. *1" 
and Major Geo. 4. McKee, of Vtct.lm-,. lb Uf 
fraea* Mayor H<-Kee bad hi* collar -boot? If'Aca - 

Md Bewitt was flho: In tbc J«p. 

Tbe Mon l^otnen (Ala.i idvertiier not*-* 

tbc arrtral frott* k«mn«^k> of tb«r stnU 

Ihqs I Hot id. yum of Pilot, and «ay* h» will doubt, 
lem be a raiusM* acquialrioti to tb* breeders of 
teouiup mock lo ihmi Mate. Tb«* ei*»4 If not* 
tbrouirboiu tbc world foi ewtf>n*w. Curin'**', 

h lBECT from the rlbeyartU or M. Keller, Lo* \*u 
k ,.Iop. California. wh«*r* * make* n-nuslly MS*.- 
• 0 iiailon-xof wlm- hd* 1 brand v. from the Mis*?ou .xad 
> irious foreliru jfrspe*. gob- - tinc|or Mnderlo. <herrr. 
\DK<?li(-a, Eldomdo. White P< u, wine and Brandy 
i tu*r**. C*r:»p«* Hntntlv. 4*«jual t<» ihr import Orders 
it f»'i\«'il uf xiiir 4'tllft'. ,7 Pj*; M*iu -i r » • x. wl****'»* xx«- 
v II k**e|* constantly on hand a full »i h 1 of atK>f 
brand- of nine. Ottarnntaed par»-. 

C. r. MOORkAV 4 UK 

licf.’tki'i • *27 M.iln t r«*et,T.<'nt-\ file. Ky. 


t XIE-ETING of (lie Stockholder* or tbe u«i 
- \ Tm-iir»uce Hiid IlHnkmK roiupnuy will In: 
their offi* <•. during bu.-<lf.c«« h^ur*. on the fir* 
Cuy In Jatiiuary f*»r the election of directors t< 
the eu^niiiu x «-ar. 

t'f-nodtd J. M.OLKASON. 

w, corner Jefersoa sui Seventh *«re n. 


Eeif-aealin? Burinl Cases and all style* 
ot metallic Burial Chscs Caskets, 
and Wooden Coffins 

or *1 pKKfnn ii.itaK on rni-ii 
All ci.ll* prom pi ly ulo n-ied i*> either day or nl^rhi. 


!. WTLM»N hae baeo appointed Co 
!« ?r Krntocky of the Court of Claim-. 
•!eiTei>on, between Eoarth and Fifth. 

ii in vi lie 
held at 
d Mm- 
o terve 

ABBOT! - DOBAN— On the tM iu«t.. Mt ih.i reni 
•::c«* of ihe »>ddeV father, by the Bev. N. ii. Ten t 
r J"B3i Abcoii to Mite Mittie I*g>k \.v, all of Hart 

Dividend Notice. 

iitiiMillr. « tseinaatl and I.fiia/IM Kail* 
read* nn4 l.oui*%ille aud FmaCiari K. K. 

« ouip.i I. x . 

*irtRAn ^ Orrica. » 
Lot I’-vill*. 1>«C 2X i 
I' !IE *emi-.%ur l nal Interest of I percini oo i .# pre- 
I f'-rr* drolnt «rork of »b«*^ MiufttoiM #111 be paid 
' -teckb' lder* t>n«lemanu. si mix naj I *fl -f 

iiUttry I, h«9. AImo. a Vail annua] dlTldead o: S 
«*r rent, declared bx the Board of Pire t^ oi tbe 
.ooNffille and Frarykton Hailroad Company, on their *1 H’k. payable tn (hr preirrr.ut jo4o> xWl oi 
be two x'ompar le«. will be r«sl>l to -iifyikhol.lcra on 
l n;aa<J, at tl.i- ofltcr, on and afU-r W - lm vtay. Jaa. 

. l-CP. 14*3 did • w. H. Bfc TN ! OTH. Swy. 


BOWLING— DOR \N— Al the came place and time. 
1*5 Rev. N.G. Terry, Mr. Wood Bowlisg ko Eum 
1 otiS. a l<*f Hurt county. Ky. 

JOVF.S-HINF- -Oo the 18th in*t„ at tb** residence 
cl ihe l-rldt V father. In hoeun « ouuty. Dr. 'll. O. 
. ”M*.ol Warren county, to Mie* Mollie ifi.Tif, of 
1 onur. eounly. 


Falls Ott TobaCF«* H n«. * 
I.OSBT1LLI, Dec. W, 1W-. » 

'HL roaular aitunul cleetlon for thirteen Directors 
for tli iti bank, for the enduing yeai . will be held ;il on (lie 2d MONDAY in Januar)'. pr«L, from 
to 12 oVlock s.. aud the regular annual election 
Moekbolder* will be held af aamc place at 12 
•lock >i. H. C*. PIN DELL, Cashier. 

sot ns n 'Este Jt*v 
Furniture Manufacturing Com|i’y, i 

Appropriate Books for Presents 

■ \ 

n ii 

Attornoy nt I«aw 


NEFF— In this city, oo WMiipmUj ev 
l-fH. at ? o’clock p. a., Don a Alu’k, o 
1 xu I A. and Luu K Ned', aged 1 y. ar, 2 ; 
li oays. 

The funeral will lake plac-- fhii* • Thur 
i. jr. at 2 o'clock. iron B a vc a i ic h Ui **i*4 i:o 
1 rlx i dr are Invited tu attend. 

>INi LACE— On the 30th In^t.. at S o 
Vr§. Mabv R. surcLABE. wife of the lat 
*■ inclar*'. in the Mtb ) ear of her age 

Due notice will be given of the fun ral, 
' inn nsail. New Orlenm*. and Mava 
I ic**t copy. 

Vad i« sweti hi neS Life 
Y u. otrs of Mixdstn Her 
< radle Lands, by Lady I 
Ulan «•! n Mater of Mx r 

Vellft Nettervlllc 

JYoblt m« of the Age. by 
I'Mcw of 4 hrlftlai' I it* 
I. Hr* xj! Tboumfr A* Deck. 

r imporal and Eternal . . 
Amsr*i Re tarn, by J. A 
l>iieatIoU* <?t Ihe M li. bj 
\«plratlonj4 0f Xalun M«»4thler. 
Knowledge and Love >d 
Inner Lite of Lmeriliiln 
<121 <110 


t/ici Lotifvili-b BPinar I’o 
LotTUVllsLK, Kl .. Dec . .** 
I meeting of stockholders or t 1 
iefi ul tiiclroMiv, Tn thiiscity. < 



IxinixViLLX C try Nation ai Bavk. < 
Deccmlier 24. 1W*. x 

rUK ssuiual masting of ibe ^torkboldcra of M.1* 
i B ink -, i be hel • at ineir 1'. 
i l f>I»AY, the 12th »lay ot J intiary next, f<*rthe 
nrpofre of cleetlrtK five «5; directors to ssrre xlnring 

krh EMOV AL, 


Druggists & Apothecaries 

A Kv const rurled stale, 

A- Arfotnsa.- is a tlioroughly rec*»ustru< t- 
■ i Slate, rui«*<l iltruiigboui all ber border- 
in' enrpet-baggers an«l m-groe», we may 
satel v lake her a* an evempUfleatiofr ol tb«- 
etfoct* of the Itadiml theory «»t govern 
tnent curried into practice. We tnay tiiirly 
aceept ber as the Radical model. Well, 
look at her. C'onteiii|dai< ber. 

Scan ber. Truly -Ire is in a ler- 

rildy bad condition. Bloody c< •lli-inti- 
of toe most alarming character arc con- 
tinually occurring ltetwcen tbe pe*q>le and 
tbe militia, chiefly black, which Governor 
Clayton lias organized, ordered out, «»nil 
olaced under the command ol another scal- 
awag ol' tbe name of Tpbttnt. 

llut we are not going to bgbt n con-tme- 
tic-n now il we ever do. Bad a- it may ltc. 
it tnu*t ol" necessity have its cottr-e. 
Though we despise tbe policy, we pray 
that a- lit.le evil n- j«o--ible may re-nit 
itoui it. The people, in ihe neat or the fat 
future, will, with thousand- of huts 'a-lore 
them that are not before U® work lin ir 
own great will. 

Last Notice to Tax-Paycra. 

.XX-P XTERs era ti«reD, nolttlrel Uau <xal.* 
r .all al Ike Sheriff*- off!.-,' an-1 pay t Vr s.a 
i.*S8. <!sm*jrFw hillKr lo their biiu. 

mqu* nt h*- burn Odtlfxid, n ml H will t*e Ihi 
ibe prayer It he h.u itsmsarfr wra-wctl id him. 




Ko. KHsuover Building- , ilnDover SqaArr, 
.‘SuU wiy NEW YOUR. 

Mate Brntaied t« ThrirVw KaiMiog. 

No. 91 'Vitirkrl Slrrct. brl. Third nnd Fourlli. 

\A UF. RE thf-y will be if lad ro*«r all tb -ire M Htead* 
i v And cuAtometS a* a rll ai* m tny nvw Their 


4 uw than ihe one they tonrxrz\j occupied, they are 
I repared io fill ordtrw for c *inirv [hrsicJan* sml 
i itirra at (Iu: ahortest notice and lut lowest market 

IMIRELY NF.W TO THI^ ( ITY - We art* now 
n aiuifat-tnrii'C ullthe cek b est ed Eurttpewn m'nrral 
* aier*. sccordiu* lo th« famous and meet -dited Lie- 
t i«? and Wi rhlerV *unlyn *. incln llnjr thi* Kl^imren, 
1 jmoDt, B.tier Water, Mttrirnbwd. Ltthla. Vichy 
Zeltser. CarMmd. Spa, Vichy with LUhia. Thc%- ars 
offered At wholctxalc and retail. ocSdSm 


FLAMLBfr* National Bahk op l.oririvn.LK 

December U. lx^-. 
I'HE anno.ul mectinK of the Stockholders of i 
1 Bask w ill be lie 1 1 »f their Baukln'j bou»e owl I 
A A', thf 12th day of January next, for flu* parp 
electing five (Urcclora to serve during (lie cm»a 
sr. d2tdtd J. W. BVT* HE LOR, Indite 

in arly ex« uipl from tin tn 
<*nj Mm1*v 

The few DiniotratH membtrs ot the 
South Carolina House ot ReprescnUttix'C- 
t< corded their protest against tbe oboo:- 
ious resolution, rightly considering it a- de- 
signed to disturii the |»euce. not to preserve 
it. Tbe reason* tbey assigned why th< 
resolution should uot pass are forcible and 
conclusive, and certainly ought to have 
prevailed. But the authors of toe protest 
might as well have protest'd arainst tli<- 
n.gings of a -bowman's excited menagtrie 
as against the predeteraiined action ot 
Radicalism, whose eye* were blind'd, 
w here ear- wen- deafen'd, aud w hose heart 
wa- hardened against truth. 

Tbt- reason* recorded ia the IJemoerati< 
protest art- that the courts of South Caro- 
lina are all organized: tliat a full quota of 
civil officers have been* installed and are 
officiating in each and every district: that 
the whole machinery of civil government 
is in foil, unob-truebd and unresist'd ope- 
ration: that in a time of peace, such as nov. 
prevails in South Carolina, military organ- 
ization? are dangeron® to toe liberties of 
the }H*>pie. that, even if tot regular civil 
< fficers, common to all the States, were iu- 
« onprieot to pn -serve the peace in South 
( arolUia. ample provision- have already 
l<eu made few the contingency by th*- or- 
ganization of a State j .olio-: that the new 
law, it-stoid of preventing lawle—'ies-, can 
hareliy fail to heomt. threvugli xh» Wanton 
exera i-e of arbitrary ja-wer. the mou etfi- 

XX't.ol !.- \ LL \M> l.l I XII I 
XX III I'.G X "I GHI'M.H? * 1 
lor parlor -■ • 

rtc-aai purport s. 

Fa«l wldf *•** 4'iul' ' 
^laiiiHiul 'Inrlifi. laouitivill 

Coal tleliv* red i»’h>vc mt! belo 


HK until: rid bavlnjr pr.rchu^ed l li** furniture 
ai d lera-f of Ut*B popular hotrl, ioiortu thrir 
!* > !- .ir.d the public xcii* rally thai they art* pr»v 
ii'd r*i c lit it lain . ' ii’io host mtnnor. and will 

arc do paiore to provide for the comfortable arcom 
otlaiion of all those who may patronize them, (‘apt 
itrley will pay Hpc-ctal attimuon to tbe huiwe and ta- 
• -.and Mr. Mclorfcle will l»e iu the <'ffle«. 

BolMl4w U J. M. S. Mt COliKLfe. 


D pan nerf bip hrret«»forc ex'Btinff under the 
•• and MyL of Mx- del 4 K**lly i«» tlita day dia- 
by inaiual run?' nl. Mr. bauc W.Kt-lly will 
d llu ln.«lnMf of liaakifl/ la l Exchange a> 
»re at the old ttar.d. and 1- rharzed with th» 
LI «r (be firm. Jf L!1 *n MENDEL. 

i lib . K.% .. Dec. », 1*^. (til <tv 

No while fetnab- s*y- tin Montgomery 
p itaii. can no ittara tb'‘fftr*-ct? os dirts' - 

too, ter. Before- tbe advent of RadV-al- tie 
pofwl* uol ohaerx eu tbe mat dav of CbrDt wttti 
Bi«hi benot'ful iMxblfo and prtvat. rol.annitle-. 
(to*r. tta- ter is devoted. 111. tb>- Bajs-banat cel..- 


To Distillers! 

MAT /1\ 

XX , iter Pm Is. Fire mol -hip I 
Toilet and State Room Sets, 
l »ra », MilK Pan*. Etc, 

(Vcilinn (Olic^p 


I ■ \ t£D. tuition, wantiiDE, HkIiU. fuel, Ac^f" 

ilrstretjnst received at 
bet. Market amt .Icff.-rso 

In lincon. Georgia, toe cotton receipt- 
or last gear, from Ira or SetH.-mGer to fftUi tera 
ber. IWf. were »i.UK. Tbfc fear, to *4tb Decem- 
ber. tbey were ».«*. abowluir a tailing off so for 
ot tajlt- bafee. Iu H«ot«n(ncry. Geotiria. Ibe re- 
eetpte to tfo Decemt*r. 1MW. were 44.1?? Sal'-, 
and to Set Dmnlor, b.?4l>. a tblllmr off of 15.4?*? 
bate*. In Colvnibu?. Georgta. tbe -receipt- to De- 
cember 14. lee?, were 44 924. and to December EL 
l-»>. were S4JMC bale*, ebowtnc a ralltnir off or 
ffO.HKX bale*. Tbe nffpre-gan- dUntnullob a* tb«->> 
'fee E«lnte foot* U| 40.4-1 bale*. 

IteBTIKn bu.ldlaa would roo., 
I t xlii’ » and prraoaulTy hjlad 
rad tad ^rir«tt, of Ilk bvaudteJ 
n * -Mr lard Iron ttwntrU aad 
brata, jxa ifMt tiftd hy 


Hu Kim. betwrri llcozel and Cabell. 


AN L FACT!' KEli> a^d «!*■ -d-.n in all k; J ot 
1>I tx i-h. t irculmr and iaauit- bawvd Ptnr, ropmrwod 
1 ak I clldlrit Lumber. Also. maiiidArmr r* of ail 
i nd> ol F4*pUr, Cherry. * alnut. t*utu and H v-lr Laa. 
bet fot Lurellorr. Wrulher-boar.'-. shlnn’. % La! 
Ked >bti. HckeKTibU Lrit-, 4 ..air Kouad*. Bt»Ml> 
t* rs. prncli B4< k* t Broom Budk». Bov Bout I*. 4 *. 

W> Iibvp irrrrat IwilltH for *»w'1nir BlIimiK TIM 
BE IL RAIL W AY TlEi mit <. STBlNGEtto, for whld 

^mhJiidtr . WOO PH FERGUdON 4CQ 

xlera LaDiruagcr*. 
14-i‘ars. W*-bti 4 Co. 
>urtb. Louifevillp, m 
. A. CECIL 4 Bi:o« 


laiilttH I hitbcl i tidcr'ltirlsal si *flb 
'hakn; Haniicl llrattt'rs al s 2 Oil. 
tine \ iii.i in 1 ikIpixx t-a i al s 2 .* 0 . 

\\ IMER I \I)ERH Lilt and f.L 01 1 > 

Iff Hi RKED I" • xx n. 

I’ricfs »f( uslHUi l t» 4 * 4 * r scar n'diiffd. 

Rir Standard Sliirl in order al sJ. 



t.VTOIt cine* Ualdne,-.. touIr 

>rM lit x of F iwUbl nnKioril wild Luifcti 
and BiiahUliy# 

Tbe uwn-llf run be *u tweeted to a heat dnthelei 
•tl water. Withou t ^ndiur w the hwet Injure L 
af he tp 4fri io tbe action of tbe »ue er a dr 
fr-pbit . »u! jetted lo «trrne cold, the fOUg 
■eije, anu rt-tein th»*i ' erflrelj- 

Tne pad* r ifr » borough! j |mprv*fn*ABrd w ith a W ■ 
roof prrpHrwt.. o. 

The Warp** arr almoat rverleraiine. 

\ll who have need them mawienrl theui iu 

tern:-, \4htrrwm. for rHlwh'VU. and «wei 

vru *• '» \* * ■ •* 

ettt Tu4 TbJui \o. 1 1 Flue dtwea. n T n 

Ice. at 


■a i 1 lo Mtlll I 

Tbc Radical* entranchiae toonc wh" 
will vote for them nnd disfranchise those 
n Lo would vote ngwinst them. Th< only 
knertit n with them when they cnusMcr 

Mtor b |«cr-"t. should !► 



The Chicago Republican, -peaking 
of the large evtent of territory rt<|nir, d 
be the subsistenet ot the wandering and 
game-hunting Indians, says “one negro 
■,-,i.uld live wherf one hundred 'Indian* 
xx otdd starve.” Probably ihe clear-headed 
editor thought he wa- saying that one 
hundred negro* s would live uh« re one 
Indian would starve. 




C omiuiwdou Mert'liiit 

X*. U BK11H.E ff., HU I0M 

i l x't.1.1 -N T. : 1,0 lat? -* »h M 
I . br'.l^ff u ..« ar ViCM In Uxc cota 


"i- . . r..r narti.ular- iterate 

:t !> * ALHUthGb « GO. "S 

Fletcher & benkett 


Muiiuliictwrer* ot aad Deakn iu 

Ami all kind- ot lotion faiois 
Ilia UffiacbwMc. 

-? it lid Dxicka CarlkmriBf, IiAffv r,*. Rafr * la**, 
*all Twlttuu. 4c., Stamle^UAw^. "Mv ata^a** 
t-rio,*' Amrnraa •♦■id iufe Brnitaf . 


F-. A. Pwnvmoof*. .' spas, aa Tvanao. ^ 

1 acr noai fY-altr. 8. V. PaLffBr. *. -efft'*- 

l««r Tartar, looking »u i sic.iat I -c. 

tlfffee, Ca.t Still ol Third-,,.. 

. XtPoBTED BY A. ROCHEltE.xr t CO. 


cf cimflff'-v.r- In calld to tl. 
I wlra a* It I* aarranli"! fbllv coal lo, 
- ' 

'^I. for Kruoukr. and will * pj.ij t»,- trau, 
.net*' price*- 

is ooftBlantly sur- 
ill permit himself to 

r mrt-. com q*ond 
drh his coutures- 

rrhw a hole in 'lie 
i er may ootne out. 

head rar t-b 

HILL'S I* OLD ri:\ 

ra 4. 17 2 MU 

A l • t l.ou»-v Ir.K). l\ - rt '(.Tt i 
if col 'tH’iitfrv A i • *# K.C . III’.L * CO. 


Brick Potnerov publishes in each 
number of his paper a series of sharp jx 
litieal parapruplif- under the head ot "Brick 
I>u«t ” Bnck’s carcass would be the brick 
dost that hi« political enetnie- would l-e-t 
like to see. 

AloxantliM’ House 



Mils. JO. B. Al LXAXDFR a ( O, 

w. H. WALKER (too. 



Om 4 wfiriautfd a* nprea^nted. F. s.— Flxtur w 


\ . Nfi «**• » : -t . >fa*; ii i Ma-ix**!. 

ule M ine and Liquor l>* rtlt*rs, 
•i.l Main rtr ft Lah. w ' . Ky. 


iP ^K K» *T-OFFI< F ROOMt*~Two Aife-cl** 
oflrr room* in a new he ldlr.g on rw.r. mr*-* . 
ne«r beceftth. a very tl'.rabb locadou hind. bu»u 
*■1®*^ ■*>{•* w «~t Jefferson Direct, north tide. 
tlSl eudCTfctAc 

ril *IST-6TOIUaonM K« 1*a ou the 
I Bortli tide 01 Main »4n» t. f**ur door* bciow: o iriu 
csa, I £*•*. Apple if tbc Uw utB< e of tMUKl F1KI »>, 
4* I 1 tom Flar< . 43U412 

«rk nn wV EMM* HI \T KUtV-nrer ion acre*. aboc flee 

Mr end) lift! I 

• • • • . 

rCoapaar. JHfr • »** Apply ai Urn. Urn wfticro ol Pl^PLEl A MM- 

toi it . A* ALL N" *21 « oon Pl»r* d* ilf ^ , 

* - ™ wh- -an n»H MF.NT m i-t 

L^pl> » MflhM 'f. I ± email family H 111 bro rented I. *wr lo n n .od lei • 
lat. mm\ ft f f | aot. vr vill Iftl U * r-oo* »** pftraiety. furinLed or 
„ _ i ftnfnro- | hed. Apr b at 17*2 bt \t nth *treei. near 

r^oMAN-.withi*. , VtiDii. didt 

AAMveo and d jftalu 
laonjKTmaoent h^tn« 
ea 1 M ©ono well r»* 
become street . bef woe l 
d» ft_ | 

1 1 HR M To join 
i-claf» auction aaJ 

, P O Dr-wer 

Ml. Hf Ibe MkI 


-L V'w - a F1 .*t« 


hxel, th* 
k.v. ot !•'’ Mra»- 
WhT.’ froad. 

I mt O TW • 

a 'o 1 liMbNV 
Ml' ilte'M (. 

I«» elite or ! i. 

I. •>.*■. 4e »4»* 

|rw r*p *r • > Ic-uen 

■a.* nif ji 1 » >»W H- 

*! weaklier . rt» mu* ‘ ta, partly- 
ptm»Tloi.. 4 - all chronic 


a fee iron • t x ftfr? >*e- 
<91 aim* 

KMW ► ourfl- and .?• frr*..BP'n-f : ,i > t a 

f rfa; eo-e. All rro*pert«bp < .p*t»iroff1rV an . wume: 
x tr «* ■ 1 to call andobtair -t ire* olof.flrsrr 

K» *on fully eo«nt«riei»* BM of refec- 
l. Ad4 w a ft., oavr of MmrH 4: < o- 
, between FourtL and fflftf . aaotr *Mc 

rr.ft I l UN NOHS-l««V( , nrrj.aaeeafsr 

r t -. hu^ub'./Uti not#* o». *uj dual i t y. 
\ I K Real f^tate J^eaL. I 4>-i i uurtl -lot. 
4 »U>**nb Block a* U<1tf 

No. 1213 on the 
<* r* below Fourth 
tMMrl FKt n, 

ft farm cf 129 acre**, on tlu I.oaw*vUI* and KbbdDf 
Railroad l.> mil - Iron. Uk city, acu within * nunuP- 
wa!W of tbe arat1*<n. Ilf were* In a high Mace of culti- 
vation. In pro* . new Hoaae completely fur 

y - . • ■• ' :• <: VC . ; • . • \ 

PFAKWIN. >lllM>h 4 FERRCdOV. No. 1 -VI Mnu 

*t r • : 

LdK I Mrelv fa mU d ed rooai, 

ft w liiyat K*»ra. at No. 7H.leffvraon atre«> . 

1. «M< KENT-THK rLiOM* 4 THIRD KLO »1> 
4 of ooe w w dfap dona* , northwcM e..r ner Main and 
n:*»ed br Mean. Halrd 
BroikKT*. P o a >n ftlven Jam. 1« Ink*. Applv lo A. 
^m.AhOX* delft dtf 

Lob Mi:\T -bTORK-HOl>F -That ekyant n. a 

■ Morv-hc v.oo ht : it aireot, one dtKT ft-otn 

ftaain.nitli all m Improvement*. A!* ', on ?d 
flo*»r of tame baMdc. two lar^o- office* aaluMe tar 
•*.’ ni* or d.N torw W til be leaat*d verv cheap. Apply 

t© jonk6, Tapp 4 10 de! dTco 

L'Oit KtMT-l rWT.UJNc. -A laore bncfc dwclT 
• Ilf. rl»}i Ury* lot. jcuoa «inh>’. cellar. 4 a* and 

t J :t 

b»» Id. Apply tc MnjiCHL U» 4 c<» ,N« 24 I . irtli 

not dn. 

L"»l* KENT ON A Lost, LI ASI The aecond 

■ and third Ijomi-ou u»r Mon . .n Fourth -tr« et 
gddta 9 dr a e y eca l la^ ro^, s anltabk fcvr any Hwlit 
buaiiie» aod dw< tttiwat t».. aa me time. a* teOat loi 

TO-D A V . 

BT 6 . P. WHALEY & CO.. 

1 * Market -trvet. l^twe« u Third and Fourth. 


AT Aren ON'. 

•fpHIF iTHi RSilAVv MORNING. Dee. 81. 14^. a i 10 
I o’cIock. Marnoon at fcu •, ’clock. aadatnigLt at 
o'clock. The -ale l» p« native and peremptorr. a* 
th*- 4 . • •> :no*t be*old. Call and c\amin« . Ladh a 
invited and expected. 


F P. WRALET A to. Anri tourer*. 


1 i 7 v 

\ l.urvf .% aaorf menl ®f G*«mI S«v«»iid*!i h nd 
F » -■fhi re. aim IMnvr our extra In rut- >t ir- 
i»ti lai cr lot K illlckinick and > nlle> 
Sr.okiny Tokarcn. urw and Mioud-hind 
f nrpet*. f «m #*n and Nr«w Uniting. ( o ik 
and older ■*€avrw. ^kitdi-*. Ta kle-4 'lot h- 
Mall rr«M «. our box Ho r “imp. A < . 


r rHl*IitiDAT MORNING. 10 o’clock. 

I Term* caWi. 

9. T. M O Orir. Anctiom > r. 


Fa rail are. Nia«e*. and lloa»rk< « ping \ r- 


1HT RSDAV MORNING. Dec. SI, at lft o’c lk. 
I In front of au« t ton-room*, a lot of Move* and 
kit* hen ware wii‘ '*e *old. Alter the aale of flue fur* 
ndvt-: liiu-d, a gtmeral a»*ortiuc-nt of fdrniture and 
bob*< l:i v « plnftartl l ies embracing the u*uaI vurhty. 
will alao l*e at»ld. li.rliidlnx an ele»rant loi of new 
willow chair*. Tbt *akj of furniture io-da> lain ad- 
vance of my regular rridayVfumit. reaale.ihal l>eiug 
New Year’* l*m> . rale positive. 


94 K Flflh atroet. 

‘2410 I ndaiaird Krok«*r*» l*a«-kagr». «*on- 
f.ii>iiaaol IliHniouii-. U airlie., Kook*. \l- 
Farn* and llolldn > t .nod-, to be •“old \\ ft f fa- 
ct •« f Keiertr. 

’ F r F » I» A T . W EDN F> D AT and TH r KS n A T n i eft t a. 

I ni 7 o'clock Alao a lurgc lot of — cond-nand 
d oft k lpc and Tahkn o»arM*“ u mF. 
d«-*j9dS PhLDUN' 4 CO.. Auctioneers. 

BY 8. r. WBALEY & CO. 


., . _ mwt mmg u . « ..... ...... , 

. l 1 J.s • 1 i 1 :s : 

M?n MTfc.“ , V, ' Hyl - A 4 h oarit ‘ %lr £! ' At Arc TIOS 

agiwTiMi .1 n„r t ^ — : — |Y!BH T from the well-known maumacturer. If- 

f ,, TOI U.-ni »; Ka Tt> r tor* 1 new 1 fnaix Berxo 4 .P> be aold puattivclf wiiiiom r**ervr. 

^ «Sr M*ill u- void at auction nu M*El»\t>DAY. TUI H- 
25Sl?SJf ^ *** m |»A> . FRIDAY om ^ati kdat, Dec. »nh and SI**!, 

fior Of *■£ l*®F. and January lat ai.d fd. Ml. co.hok nciog a! 10 

a o nut? TMrb t^. rr S t* amI« ? Jfc /K w o5rto<k ,n »b* w^rnln*. . nod fttf oVIock in the after- 
W , fLriiXt? it SwiH^rrr tMSSL tZ£rth\i£ mt ° l urvA *^ rf> °V Market ** reel . bet wet a Third 

Ekrtitft 'aijl 7 * MiU 1 l * hetWwn bcV'iMi and and I urtt. *t recta, a large lnvoio* «•! Lae fur*, uilnk, 

ft-Fnair Henof,to tie Hold positively w . iJi< *nt n *erve. 

u acid at auction on WEDNfcnDAY. HirU"- 
DAY. FRIDAY and sATI KDAY, Dec. SOth andSlst. 
l*vie. and January lat and fd. l*ft. commencing at 10 

■ ~~ — 1 Lkrhu. acvei*. non aU 

-AtiEVD - to D dt wreck can t*e 1 - — _ 

mak or fesr.a. with*Tir-lufi**aV Cd I LM»R KFNT -ftTfiltl I?<K»V ANT) RE8IDI \< i - 
Me*. Need!* T*a< kaF - ' Rvery lady T Jaat eom|deD*d. a threx -alo: v house on J* 4er-->c - 

Four papery n each parky*, fcei i MPeei. bet wee L Fir*t and “^ecand. <-onta!nii\g a baud 

■akaadnp aac. r.rewlaz. C. M. LIN so in* ’W-ire-rooiii. with mddeoce over 'atoe havlnc 
fontb Hafat* •. r... Chicago dlftdJ) W large rooBa. Kuirwu** lo reaidence front the Mr. * 1 . 

- - ■ - - - | and all finished in handeoL'o atyk . Any one de*lring 

i klfN lAJL GENERAL AGENT - 1 °* rw nt wma above for oRcee. In 
U. tor UoydV Ime double map-, of e H 8HALU ROSh. nt <»Mhrie li oV 

N lty rm pobTSh . and cbeat> iia u , between Flr*t at d ^ ud o dtf 

’ r iTTFiR^;uL , XrSJkl5 - mm +TOHI HW -.1-*. m mm 

Imt xew * i D a am . ft atre**t. betvreea Gam win. Market. Inquire of 

— - opiHwiu* LotUrnlle Hotel oclOdif 

fitch ltuMian aq-iinAi. real ermine, French wnl 
Ameri.-an sable arts, emus' collar*, glove* and cap*, 
an*. cluldrcnV fora. 1 u lie* arr Invited to thl- aalc. 
JeA» ,14 S. r. * H A LEY 4 CO., Au^tloneera.M 


H'k.i'i, Kri-b n «... MarnuiM riu>, 


| |N TH1 HMiAV MOKXIM.. Dr«. Hit. M UtiVlork. 
Ty Kill b. m. 1A at auction room., an tnTolee ot p!- 


L4U1SV1LLE. I MlKStUV, |IEX. SI, ’«S. 


I.rani mol il... II mlb .l. 

Hr Tliloago Tin(¥, w hich i- ,jnick 

ta which wav the political cat is tr> <it*KT to 
jump, rajs ‘•hitt'.ia of a rupture between Gen. 
Grant ami Utc Kadiea! leaders are daily becotn 
in z more marked. The General haa aiuiuuuccd 
lumseli in favor of a re]H-al of the tennre-of- 
_ ol Mr. J ciicke.’ civil 

senior hill, the transfer oi the Indian Bureau 
lo the War Department, the stoppage of sitb- 
-iiiic. to railroads, the breaking up of tin' vari- 
ous plundering rings » which are coutrollod by 
Uadicalsi, and the retention in office of uieu 
who ha> e done their duty faithfully. These 
views are of course abominations in lln eyes 
of the horde who have been reveling in the 
mtieipnlion of being permitted to make tm- 
molested raids upon the Federal treasury.Their 
golden visions are begiuuing to disappear, aud 
their wrath at the destroyer of their hop s is 
excessively violent. They went wool-gather- 
ing, anil arc coming back shorn." 


Tlic t ninn Pad lie Railroad 

The offic ial report of the cost of flat- mon- 
strous drain' on the public treasury reveals the 
startling fact that the loyal contractors art' 
gouging the people awfully. Oue of the 
Government directors stys in his rejtort: “The 
gentlemeu composing the contracting com- 
pany, whose enterprise and experience so 
rap: lly builds the r uu it la-.-- cnnii*en--i 
lion. And it is gratifying to iind fi-om the 
foregoing estimates, that between tko necessa- 
ry outlay and tin mean* provided by l.w, llierc 
is very ample margiu for prolit after retaining 
in the hands of the Government, to be ex- 
I ended by the company on the road, a liberal 
proportion of the unpaid subsidy, sufficient 
to complete and equip the w .rk according to 
tin standard of the law. ' If finished in this 
manner, under a higher rule of in«|>crtion than 
heretofore, the work will invite the through 
commerce between the two oceans, meet the 
gre.i mHcsmI .dis^iin rice, and secure safe, 
ty. certainty, and dispatch in ita traffic." 


t ijainsu Women. 

the | hy steal condition of women in this 

an article is 1 imccrncdyfhan lu the olllcc of a leave them ott, and the pubi tv 1 . « t ■ i 

daily news papioi An uid'.nown writer may in follow each other in such , uief. , 

general depend upon t» rtlcle being judged and are thegoal of the ahop 

- . - «* ssissraSHsTii .- .t 

• >f iN|iul importvn.-e, j however, stepping out ol t uj.ig, .. at 

whose name is familiar in DeUnnnieo’a, at priv ite parties, or fa-liionable 
o pted, let him. send on womcti at home, occupy only a third of the 

general depend npon td» Tieie being judged 
entir -lv upon it- n i. and with ail equal 

chauce of acceplaurt n of equal importance, 
w ith thst of the ui.'n whose name is familiar in 
liters tie. It It - accepted, let him. send on 
anotln i and sinrthoi, until he has shown his 
ability, and he n :!ien talk with ihe editor 
about a |'.>-ivi..e ' ru special eomtuission. 

•isic they did formerly, aud arc relieved from 
all the encumbrance* of g-ithcring th;ir skirts 
about them. The edge of their scant flounces 
reveals the slight arched instep of the daintv 

or regular employment. Let him tirt make i kid l«>ot, i.nd requires no ell'ort to keep them 

hhnself a uocewdty, as it were. Expend your 
energies upon the collection of interesting 1 
fai ls, ami if these facts suggest thoughts, • ve ! 
us th -e thoughts in the mo-t direct form pos- • 
-ihle. Kcntcmber, too, that we cure nothing j 
for y nr mere opinions. Wo have enough , 
opinion, of our own, so you m v wi il conclude I 
young rim u, that the opinions you otter arc > 
like c-'uls whidi .re carried to Newcastle. I 
Three tlii'ias are to be remembered, tbeu, by 
the young man who is editorially inclined. 1 
First, do not seek per imal interviews, but 
. write until you yourself are sought; second, do ' 

in place or from becoming entaqgled in the 
t jtun-v toes of unaccustomed boots. 

The manufacturers of hooped -kirts have 
themselves done a very foolish thine, and 


startling Illustration of the Saw that 
‘•a fair Exchange is no Robbery” 
—A Distressingly Awkward .Matri- 
monial Faux Pas, and « hat t ame 
ol It. 

We gave a tyuopsls in our telegraphic col- 
umns yesterday of the recent screaming mat- 
rimniiial farce in Williamson comity, Tcnn., 
and are enabled to lay before oor readers the 
(allowing thrilling particulars from the Nash- 
ulle Banner of the 30th inst.: 

1869. ! 

\®TH E This LS to «1« aouee (tat, on tt .uta 

, *’ d»y ef tscember, A. D. t-AB, a warraot m bai t. 

raptev *»• -oard tnlast the sutate of H. R 

Tbf Mrrkly ( tMiricr-Jouriia) ior ilir 

. j • bsatrof i ..n lit- own psUtion; trial the p »j esni .if 


themsclve* done u \erv fiaiil-h thing, and | Xn< h lias been written and s9id of I hrl«t- 
tbereby hastened the downfall of this aiugnlar I maa-vof it* luxurious fca tq lat ish gift-, and 

ioiuing I Far. 


One llnudred Thousand Snl>»cribers 

\\ anted. 

i t . ik ol Krysi.'ira. la Dm es. ij of L ssa them tor hus ae-e slranaro or Iha 

‘ 1 ' '’DturliT. «ie ( k tv a »4ju.U .1 lift; t].,. i.lJUle »2qTsd .Id itb wao^HI 

» 'I'.ruj - M- own petition; last o>e j. i> . ml of tWof routh or ftHadaMMv^H 

inj .IrM. tn.l -lellr. r> of aojr nr ■;>- r(y ft-luarfi.i* i j of ihoirvp.irs Srfora sUctaa 

ii.r-liuk ..f t hr . . ..qitoss of tts- *(M h,.nknipi. I*. Dortvceh . s* ri-tna -TKr SrwH Vrlrnd "^w 

t.tov-- *tieir ilehtr .(Gd rtioo*.- one or nor- -a of idi kh! r >>., la a — 1 . av |.,oe ,ki rw rtw 

[* A* a.lair , will bu h-UI ,1 ( oon ..I HaDkr.ipiey lo bo coats tuursoo 1 ’ r * u . .a t, i - rr .bt j 

h. H-n at llowlinc Grca. h-fore W.raer tM.uo.lW A. STt .XKTI 

twlrraocsl. Hra.-ter, oa thr *M Air of _ . 

. ■ ■ •. m iAufrl.s k *. a. W A. MtUI 

pet uf fashion and fortune. lu the face of the 
direct tendency to narrow skirt* nnd restrict ul 
styles generally, they insisted on cstabli-hing 
i.i lain large and arbitrary standard-, which 
ladies would uot accept, the avowed reason 
being that small lioojia. were too economical, 
that they did no! wear out fast cuougb. and 
did ui it give sufficient work to the dress- 

grote .pie gambols, and many stori.-- thereon 
founded; but the person who fails to detect in 
ti c following cpi-ode a “Christinas Story” 
rich in development, and one, too, that lays 
completely in shadow all holiday stories ever 
before recited, in bis judgment of humor we 
haven’t the least confidence. Startling though 
I it may be, it certainly elucidates the fact 
I the HVes of some people are fraught with rare 

The fashionable lioop worn w ith toilettes of I occurrences. Long preface*, ha 

" ’ ! eertinoii) is very email, imperceptible, in Cact, [ Icutm.e* out of ta-te — then suffice il to i#y 

r,ot f*:ir that your o utipo-itioo* will be re- I allll l, used only M a support to the Uom.ecd I “That though wv have a somewhat tunny aren 

jeeted because they arc uot read; thirdly, iiin 
to be In te re- ling, present entertaining fact*— 
do ;u.| bore tile public with opinion-. 

• IX. 

Yoinitkait* Your I*olM«tn 

Tin N. « Vi irk World in- done the Slate 
si * 111 . rvice in having Ihe liquor sold. in New 
York at the varioti- hotels aud bars analyze d 
In Prm. Draper. “The r -all- obtained will 
astoui-li ami horrify the gentl men wuo have 
l.i'eu in the habit of taking th* ir “toddies" at 
tin si places, under the delusion th it high 
prices in-ured a jnire aud undiluted article. 
At bin oue turin the list iva* the brandy ob- 
tained pure, and in thi- ingtance it was great- 
ly diluted. Tin- whisky was better, hut gen- 
erally contained more or less of the poi-onons 
fusil oil and of tannin, and w.vs*invariabiy di- 
luted. The generalization from the facts obtain- 
ed is that ‘in our day there i- barely one gallon 
in a hundred thousand manufactured that is 
not adulterated or badly rectified.’ This may- 
lie a rather broad statement, but it Is substan- 
tially justified by the tact*. At all events, it 

and is used only as a support to the tlounced “Thut though we have a somewhat funny seen.-, 
underskirt*, which give- ju-t the necessary j We’ll draw wide the curtalii aud leave no 
distension to the lengthened drapery of the I *• n-en.” 

trained dres*. I On Christinas night, in the vicinity of a little 

ora so toilettes roR idi BOLIDAYs. 1 l'’* 1 jiUace a very few mile* liisto.f from 
4 Vistula-, and fs|* eially New Years, al- I >*-hville, a danee ua* given. It prmni-ed to 

is undoubtedly true that evou tho-e who can powered th; youthful beauties for whom they 

atlord to pay the highest price- for liquors, at were intended. A* toilette* for their aged 

the most reputable bars, will, in a majority of mamas they would have been superb. Much 
ea«cs, drink an adulterated and poisonous ar- better was » pretty dress of scarlet gla r silk, 

tirlo. It in this fact Which mrco.iut- for the V\' W gr i‘ na 

briuirs out u unmher of beautiful ami 1 bj one of tho«e genuine hilarit))!** i n aktlow n-, 
cricinal KiUftto*. It brings a *l„ qu , non >c olilcn lime,*’ In wh ^c festivities host, 
with every city lady to appear in an entirely noete*> and guests were to partak*-. invita 
m*w cost um? before her guest' on the auspi- I Imu been indued to all the beaux und 
< tout) first thy of the year. What it -hull In*, J*" for niih s around, and the af 

and how rwcnty-flve tiollurb, iifty dollar^, uml I ■"Yus lo w the grandest of th< holiday-, 
u hundred collari can l>e ex landed to look Au, °ni: the kucsU were a pair of newly 
like fifty, till* hundred* or a thousand, is the ! Nodded <*onpIeft. who»e voyage luutriniouiul 
problem tiut many women rack their bruins | J'^d just begun that rooming, lu a shower of 
la Miive. Mnie with saeoeftft, the nu'ari tv, I Aind wi-iieiftnd congratulations. We are not 
a las! w.ihoit. I ^' OSUPH hut that the ovation was inaugurated 

Same tade and a good deal of mou y g u- I ^ or their especial honor und benefit. Be that 
e rally suceied. however, in protineing a few ,1,n y» mg ut < uroe, moonless bat clear, 

charming ftsult>, and it L-* only Just to that ra:,n8 ‘ ( ? n mu8 Illumined w ith a blaze of 

the most elective are uot geuethUv, b\ anv and jocund with the gayetyof iU in- 

mean-, thdnost costlv. * ‘ mates. Smvn the musicians began their 

Two of the very richest dres>e«, for in- choicest quadrtlle«, and the balls and |wrl»r* 
sianee, tha* we have eetu were utterly spoiled, • £ err ^hrongedwith the graceful devotees of 
to our juckmeut, by their lack of adaptation. Terpsichore. The observed of all observers 
t»ne wan « lenvygray mo in antique, trimni«*d were the biUlv wedded couples. The bright 
w ith coeth fring<- and satin to match; the lights liKacd down on the fairy-like brides and 

other a riel thick garnet silk, trimmed with ramlv >nd in brilliam y with tin -ir sparkling 

-atin of the pa me shade and black lace. Both f . VOr * . dashing grooms excited unlimited 

were il> ga*t drc>r.e«, but completely over* envy m the hca*otn of every swain preaout; but 

. -•anur> 41 w K A. a. W A. MLi;i W»K TH- ? 

j L K, t >. Mar •>!>«] a- \! *M?n*c*r. dll 42 | 

N OTH E.— In thr Dlwrlrt ourt ihn I nilfvj j 

M»i.-. f..r ih- l*.irtrl «f XfBiirV/ la , 

oonkrapu-v. In the nultrr oft#, w BACON, p.- ' 

IIi .d f. r «r»l (tl-< bar-. |i|»q Uri'.ii k-r 9 loa. ||, 

" '■\ r '-•I"' -’ k , 

Tbc iv>D*oli<latioD of tw.. Midi ncw-qiw ■ *y *Ejg T jOj !g 

. JifKaary.' l*ik. at 1 nYl.iok r. a., vo.tiow r*a*r. if «»■ I 

pew a* tlic Louiavillc (mitiLit au.| tin* t; . t.»v.- kl^ i*. ...i i.».,a r . ,11 . ... <i,; , 

. _ ebarzed Cobi bb del*, k u;\( !; • \ ► ;.v..». . 

L'lUtnV illc Jin RK AL, cmlinii ing umli*r one W D ' U*>okl..<ti!i.’. k/. 1 

.•rg Miiziiiinn Ike rnfrgx- ami talent ofbotk, v inu t.. la jbe P 

“tier* to the people of the xmtli anri We-t cj. i iraK* !“lr?r qg n* ’fo’i "'ji i»w >n iv.’ * k .n tX • 

. _ • *n»l dhw bnrxe tiled Drrrnikr ft, Liw*. Hv or.lrr >( i 

H serie* Ol |oltm:ili-tio indue* tllPIlt* UCVI r ' OweT-.litofa«f K. H. B*noad»a. a t. nk» 0 . l ( 

are bewnj c«j tided U« appear bcl<-r« me. *! —y .»»■*, 

presentetl be lore to the reading public of ift?iJk- 4 ?t to | 

any stetion. Hence the \\ tekJy u.- well its c nr<- . •-* ►» l, w r \K\i §•* ! U \i»r k a » \] 

,, .. ., ... . . , , K'Kft". w. I>-i:iTr*a. Aartgaiv, H.[.*iii»vmf.Kj. , 

the Daily etittton ol the t < M KieF-.JofRKAL 1 J>»- 

(>|* ns it- BUbMTipthm Imok- for the New N'P ? 11 Vr Uiif e ffM!ni f i' ’a/YgiAfVffA* ! 

Year to a patronage which ji.Mitie* the f"r' 1 

o court th. crkdilor* of J. Vrr AMe. abanaraat. ar* 
tM liel tint I it will bolore tbe year Is out, *• r. lq nollflod to apimir boforr swat my oigc« la 
- H wlirg l.rcm. K.rlnckT. oa the l?rh d*r of Jan- 

excmllhe circutetion of an* newspaper 5?L* |J& A 
publLhrd this aide of ihe Allrgh.nir*by 

SMWa Kf. (til TH 

many thotMiinK of rejultr^ tor indeed ' 

V llTil E. -In fits Di#irlci Court of tnc ralt-d 

the year 1 »» is Icx.keil tc. with iuten-e A 

Concern by all parties, ami ,«,r(ictilarly hv i ^.iTJSRSW JVXZ*. 

the people ol the MHiUl aud Nutthwe^t. * "»•’ o^*n, Kt.. ul u it w»n day of Jannsry. 

_ y*ft* *1 * o’clock a. M . to aho * -aikSc. if anjr IbM 

IL- Drat Hirer months, forming an initial .KiJ wTrvfu" N qo qwTalo 

letter to those that remain, will be crowd- ‘^fw W ‘ ^ tarT ««- A -^ H-q.dialviiw, 
ed with important event* Cot tv«s ... t- VOTitr. 

t e .V Sam for ibc I... 

Tlie nresent Chief M-nristrate - 1 — i, r-q»u-y. la tbc uialter of KuHT. o. Fos i tK. fedUou 

■ nepriMnv V Diet Vl.lgl irate Closes III- f.,r (la.ldiwh.r.-r Cle.l IVccmiKr ?v, i-« Br r le- >1 

. „ . , .... l.iart, Ihr rmfiwrs of KebL O. Pfater. * kaakrnpi 

account. A new PmiQCnt comca iu. 1 he *rc h*reby DuufleU to Appear bfiore iu« a m? oMem 

In flowtluf Green. Rj., oa tlie !ftth flay o> Jmao- 

nuances are to be considered. Legislation !”• »» w o’Wwk vo »*..» . r .ay 

o »hey b«»«. »by kb« l.anbropt .lore-, .1 -b-.old n.*i* 

U , r tl.f. fntv.rp t« tr» hr nmvifio.1 An l Mqaifaafa dekfti. wTARNER t'N DEKWOCtj). 

tor me ruiure is to dl provicieu , nnd no BMiatr w iMurrEn. ,U iplid<ti 1 u-.rj. 

man can in* in <1 iff* -rent to current events?. — — 

\ o r i f i 

. .. . , . . fA . »i .1 . torfa»iSftc»l*«l«d TWi<BtlwrJi.m ftvoiftatoC 

It^eli HP cm IKM lying in column." all rnai «*®an. th« crfdn. re of J. W. T*vl«*r. » )x«nkriipt. are 

fcwilr notified to Ap;«>»r ftetore me. »t my '.ar*, m 

can arrest the atiemion and ftffeit the in ST SftFjVS 

terest of the people of the • *hio and Ml— ia- e»/h.r**o 1 * .e 1 !! \*ks 

"<>"!( Kc*l»wr. W. II. luma, A«*m. UoMin. 

sippl valleys, the Gulf Mate®, and tin* great t1M -- K * deWria 

u -> Lav#., ahy tb. haiikrai't aforrcu.l rhval I aot t#* aart otib. »..ri 

dls'bataed bl> dlMa. WARNEK i NliKlk- L 

'■ liel. RriiiMI. K. L lira*-, A— .-are, Rosritn. 
i' «*»■»>■ da tm i 

, II. , _ I __ _ — — ... Moek «ad*..nb\ auenilou. Ttirv kUI !«■ open f..r country i« raid to lie improving. “This cu- 

-Afct.tWV— lafMrttr aad--^.ia*y J*- 1X111 Kt'T -Hut si— TV rtwdlibr part oftl.e examination on W "dm -A*? moraine. Thr laolcr are ■ , * ,? ^ , 

agrr.i.tu mtaukrio* and tfeeev- T I.odm wliicli l orcopv an Foarth areet.hctvrren eepecialiv Invlledto call ana examine Uwm. (enraging rUaiige is to a cou-ld.-hitile extent 

l jtorfcw. A^gvc t. N KHOLAS jial >_o«rl> VriTs. tmA. l. C. SPTSCER. due to the out door pastime.- inauguratod 

a of qt aad can nr nrad ir. and. oc. dU dpft Aactfonccr. * B . .. 

if tin. and can hr asad In noj mot. 
o latior reqaftred < xdm* a naMni 
k* honjl vo j* a 4»; Addrn. 
rvioT, Vo HI north Odr Jcffrr 
oant sodFwtTc' itmn. k>. 

,. *.J» PL1. t LA U -Al NW’ K I 
-Lad to everv town la Ue t, lo 
•rttete af Aatif caaeouifXioe la rvrery 
Orel; aea. bale a* pawner.' ar , 

OOBLXNTZ. MlAdleiewi. i 

Applv ou th. imalm. 




1 .“17 MutnMrvwt, bet. Fonrth and Fifth. 

due to the out door pastime- inaugurated 
among our women. Horse back riding, 
croquet, billiards, ski. ting, and walking have 
ceased to lie coulined to tlie sterner sex. 
Women eagerly embrace these amusements. 

' , ' ‘ ..... i dine, whicl formed au upper skirl looped m 

fearful ravages of disease among the fashionn- scarlet satin bows aud brctelles 

tile drinkers of the day. The adullorated j upon the hi;ti body. 

Hqn.^-. derange the »y stem, create a morbid j Bla.-k rilk is much u« d i til* season, even in 
condition which demand- a continuance of th. | the compo slUoa o f part? toilettes, aud it is 
. „ , , . ! considered capcciallv distinguished for after 

poison, craze tbe brain, and make premature ; uoon slld dhl Vc r dres««. Oue of the most 
drunkard*. This fearful and incontrovertible I -trikin" of these vs- made ny a cep crated 
fact should he burned into the mind of every . modi-tc in the folloning manner 'ihe skirt 
young man in the eouutn-.’’ was -hart aud plain in front, with the cxcep- 

* y tton of a strip of deep flounce, with a double 

\v ( „ he .ding of silk and satin folds and rich knot 

XX arnilnx Sir# ei t am. fed fringe. From the sides, which were 

Some experiment# have just been made in scollopejont and ornamented with large bows 
C leveland in this desirable undertaking. of ribbon, it formed a woafcwv d- In four, with 

light and jocund with the gavety of its in- 
mates. Soon the musicians began tbeir 
choicest quadrilles, and the hall* *nd purlors 
were thronged with the graceful devotees of 
Terpsichore. Tlie observed of all observers 
were the lately wedded couples. The bright 
liahts looked down on the fairy-like brides and 
vainly vied in brilliancy with t-h.-ir sparkling I 
eyes. The dashiti" grooms excited unlimited 
envy iu the bosom of every swain present; but 
otherwise everythiug went as merry ;u a mar- 
riage bell. 

At a sea onable boor supper was announced, 
and such a feast as it was! The wits of tbs 
confectioner had been tested in the arrange- 
ment and manufacture of the Innumerable bon- 
honu and indescribable delicacies. After in- 
dulgence in refreshments, the company again 
resumed their places in tbe dunce, and every- 
thing glided on as smoothly and tdcu-antlv a- 

Soon the two bride* were called away by the 
bos tea* and u,ber*wt into the rospwUv. -Um 
tiers as-igned them. In due tine the gruotus 
followed, huving, iaiweyer, first received some- 
what indistinct Instrnetioue from the young 
genti* man of the household as to which apart- 
ment- they were to occupy, he beiug at the 

A i:ni mu r ■ mi h i i ain 

jwa. voena .ad ...d, dasln.aa at Savtn* tbeir aaia 
seai'rri r..r m- VU.lajr^ -konld MI NoMfe tC 
< HEX ALl* K'-VLIF K PlIR rat II \IR atom. K.-s#» 

I hevallrr*. Treat l*f* on ihe Hair. Fra. to it 

tovea ml at th* drua Mors*, or .-at hy aAM 
Tti,* s<a k dtor.M be r-a f by -,riy pema. It T »i bM 

V j»«! dhd h»vr hair gm 

balr iotU Mlvnul col r. Atop it* 1 Jlirtx oM, im 14 

n»«Y- All InfAftot . r (lA iW'tif rrn« thr vrak, ibna 

4er|»tn«t thr hair iifv.l lo '.h ’•»tr»* pr ri vd od Mli-. 

SARAH .1. » tiKYALlfi:. 
iJft J. i i«l* . w lAaRro^dNiay.H.N. 

Thirty Iran*' L\|M'ri«ure i« ib« 
TrratmrBl of tkroik aa4 
Sf\ul Wvirv. 

t 1'HT-Hit.OoH VL VIEW or M A It Hi AGE.— The 

a ft r..rty rt *Ka* ft **Trr lUtBihf araito 

4*)pk»Mrw. *»n I.* flue plate* vui fucrannai of Um 
y rewa y <•( tha Un.m» > an nuu »b % «tatc 4 health mad 
wjrftmtro ain-oorarty tfrrara, Ua t-v .rarda 
htf. li^ntbt niui'ihiMl Nwljr, wit ft thr aw 
ih r^fiAUtii trvatmrot- fha iqIj ra'iitaa) an«l <ae> , 
m *’'101 u*otlaof ear*, i* tkutrn Ny a report ot aw i 
Uratrd. A traUititi Adrftwr to Um tiatM utti timaa 
root bpIdht'K aiNrr ia«r wTtovatertala !.*abw ^fthetr . 
T-hjwiral r«>n«HUoa. 'Vth fr»*r of pemtntf lo W ad- 
ffrr'w »d r- . vlpt .,f a r^al«, la or Boat ». <*aa- 
*7 4d«»rr r M Dr. LA* «U)!t N Yl daidea 

ky— In bankrupt- 

r%. In o.*e matu*r of JOHN K. RATCLIFF. P«»l- 
fo. nml harxe Dec &t.vm L By order oC 
i rt . thr creditors at John R. Ratt lilf. a baiikrupt. 
mi- f'firfty notified k>H>;rar nrfor- we. 4i toy otftre at 
I- ittrlir.^ ’ta’^en, Ky ou thr 18th dmj of 'Jaanarj. 
i v 'i* “ w clock a. a . to aho v -'ai.jr. if arty they 
Wit thd- iankrupt afnrr-.M I «h- .*ild n«*» he d»v 
t'Darjced ir-MU bla debt#. WARNKR ! Nl>MiWtX»|l 
Ifrj&Mlrr. ' W. D. &fXTlft,AiaiftDrr, HopkliLTUk, Rj. 

N OTICE In the DGI:di « onrt )1 th- talk 1 
•■iatrA for thr USiriet ofRentu-lv In 
• J. lu IlH hiiUM 4*f J. H i AYLoh. FruUdkn 
f»>r fiaaldlHr hteiur filed D*vra*N«r X 1 *^** Hy <>rt|rr *A 
t'oiirt, th« rrwthiini of J. W . T%vl‘*r. a haakrnpt. arr 
b'-r« by no! tiled to ap;~>ihr hrflor*- mr. at my '>ar<, la 
k wiiujt.rrra. ftratuchy. oa thr ma day 4»f Jaoa- 
ar» J-to. •* 12 oVIorf « to *ho« r,ht»r. if aav 
th r yt»Yt,why the hanKrupt »ferv*hkl aho old aot Im 
' llarharurd ff4>iu hta drht* W ARM KR CNDFR- 
wood. Kcglwurr. W.u. knua, ft ifgaTra Uopkin*- 
<ni»r. k y a»n*nvj 

r. > 

• waa larurd awalu-t tha —tat*? of W H. WALK Fit 

/x*H*.r w“Ki»ti 4 i rir • I vt • 1,1 tbe r oa n *y •« Alten. aud 'ttalr 

OtDi f rCJI <>11 . * U. I «r h» ntu« kt. who haa br -u adladaed t haakraat. 

. — fta wtry town ta fl*c 
■MMc aarnt> to auiifh- 
<4ofko^a**fa.-r lit* made 
■aydlort wath boll r. No 
■ HU* Afttfiia c At tr.akr 
iw OIRLB w-.vix 
ainHh, F > a^ftftdlB! 

[ «fa»T— MM- A Wtl ( |vmnt*r d<>| with 1 ft.ii yel- 
[j low raw aud a Aar on hi* Irft >>1»onlUrr fr >.u a 
cald. A liberal rrmf* it Irftl at mr h^-jpc, No 
htrdnm. R F iA rklNs did: 

r pl'E>DAT aud THEBteDAT, Dec. 2ft and XI. at i and seeuiin^lv derive all the eujov- 
°lfc; wnt which they are capable of yielding 
re^jeMmnoiiv'n'dt.iaiteriu Tlie English girl, who thinks nothing of 

(-The lx koto Mutual Llb 

irtv* emplormt lc w Mvcral cltj ao- 
#. iSKrrBM ureuo ua hbera: Venn- 
So. t» WaL Mreev, »(•: Fount 


K IIKI G STORI -Stuck aad titura. 


KR K LANE.ooraar rinri aod^alLUt. 4H<D* 

■ MU -NO.! GABOHN LANDS-lcloftMo 
Loa < aa* ftoa road, two mflw fron. tow r. Aj>- 
to DR. I D POPfc. carver Nluth aad J-flex^ou. 

a ar itjAi f-ithrr ii >£"iux on i of Hack N<». io.ol >inh 
atrrrt. b*>tw«‘cn ItwcL:: rftdJK aad Kei.'arky •U'ertfi, 
or la r» »* . 4 . to raid bark at thr raWrnrr of Mr. 
o MlTEft on Third »trret. or it w»* dr.vp- 

Plll Y§-4O0ftMR i rttter bet. Green and 
i. Jefteradti a packaif. * vBtaintng thnrc art».-!.*»ot 
good* lac br obtained br lea viaf direct de- 
sort M lot. of guadr aou paylof for ibis Mlv.-rtlacmeat 

at liuvoflce. 


CTCLB H(*RsF-fT- niW»RP-Or Monday 
I' niuraiDit, Iiecemlier *■, Ja-’ befoti dayllglK. wh- 
stolen, me rocksvray hay heiae. Ml Hhaad* high: 
ngtil Med ford arlutc. win. soan black bain- dote to 
tbe boof. acme a bite bair.- oc back wurr, tb. liaroaat 

MtTtHrLL eLFMdfiN'rs * ( o., doing a five miles' walk before breakfast, 
•*' “d* 1 * Auctluueci-. now finds a competitor in her American 

■' — - consin. Many of the most devqted and skill- 

FlTIlii: ft* A I >!-'>». I ful di-ciple- of the curling art belong to the 

other sex. W omen wield their croquet m d- 

BY 8. P. WHALEY A CO- lets, pocket billiard balls end make ten strikes 

Auction Boone *»S M.^kHstreei, between Third aod with ail the enthusiasm and eM« of the male 
Farntiure at a Prtv aie Kcidr*. . . no XVnl- FCX - A fondness and Usti for these jiastlmes 
aai^teei. beiwi-ra ftixthniid ftevriith, No. should be fostered and developed, instead of 
AT ah TIOV. being repressed and cheeked through fear of 

/ xS sATi r.liAY morning, Jan. 2,is«.»t tOoVIk. tlieir making women unwomanly.’’ Plenty of 
■II J.^arK^I^rtnH , ^^ki.^?ra^d , '^MdVo outdoor exercise, wholesome food (uot pastry, 
be^ud. T. _nn. rMb nor what the English call slop- and trash, like 

! — * — ! ' :'_H1 — — '7 1'- candy and soda), but cold bread and -ound 

w lu * w -™ ,r Messrs. Tniscott and Ingham, the eatc rprHng 

Women eager y embrace these- amusemento.. le8W!0 . of the West 8!d- street railroad, d’ 
and seemingly derive rt the en oy- , emta ed to make the-tapertmeot. and aword- 
ment which the, are capable of yielding ; litt ,j op one of th ‘ clrcars with , . t0V( , 

Tlie English girl, who thinks nothing of The latter b. of eonree, small, made of sheet 

BY 8. P. WHALIt & CO- 

AIM tlua Boon - ftfl Marks! sires l, bslwsen Third and 

Farnilurr at a Private Krsidru. • , on XX al. 
rui -ir. c i bsnrrsn ftixth aud ftsvrulh. No. 

at Arinov. 

iron, and is placed about midway of the ear, at 
one side, a hole beiug cut iu the seat for its 
admission. It is surrounded with a easing of 
sheet iron, us a protection against danger from 
tire, and the wlude duct not occupy » <m ly 
more room than the seating of one person. 
Ttiis healing apparatus was first put into ope- 
ration on Thursday last, and the result thus for 
has been found highly satisfactory. By a 
little attention on the part of the conductor, 
the car is kept at an even temperature. 
Messrs. Tru-eott A Ingham have also received 
letters ftom some of the Philadelphia street 

Public Auction. 

I WILL of.i for «U* thr furniture and personal 

I . 

and llrerklnrioice. No. 413. In Lonii-viUc. Ky., on 
MONDAY. January 4. lSSS. 
sale to couiim-nce at 1# o'clock .*. at. 

*1 T. T. st MMI l:- 


liordercd nth friugc. The body was high 
and trimmed square with fold of silk and satin 
and deep fringe. The sleeves were coat- 
shape. and edged at the wrist with rich lace, 
which fell bach from tbe hand. 

One of the hand-omest New York dre-ses 
is of green satin, the light, biilliaut -hade 
striped w itii white. Tti. skirt was quite plain, 
tint deeply trained, cut in scollops and hound 
with green satin, the low boddice cut square 
and filled in with rich guipure lace, alter- 
nating w ith strips of insertion, through which 
green satin ribbon was run. The waistband 
was fasti ued iu front with a rosette hound 
with green aatin, and ornamented at the h ick 
with u large double how with short, wide 
ends of green satin. 

Another rich dres* was of shot satin, blue 
and black. The upper part of the body w as 
finished with a square jioiiipadonr of blue 
satin trimmed with black aatla ruchings, and 
edged with rich, black lace. The sleeves 
were of bine satin also, divided into puffings 
hv black rucking, and finished with u frill of 

Know, hi* aaaw-IMek. Af. V year-; v.-ry hlrli In 

IM4UT) Prick house o'. th* coupling. Hr ha* hett taken either out on the 

: Kiev, nth and Twetftt . Vernal tew pike or on! on th* Tale - . Creek p'.kc with a 

■ep lo alley, bona* cot view of tlu riTet He wa- certaialy Mol*r. 

Ir. (ro-s e War n and r*. to •rlL h Mina 11 . r second attempt I trill pay Id for 

ae true, an.1 trap# the retain of fh. hors* and *35 for the capture ol tb« 

f to W. H. LAW RENCE, thief. R. DxROODE. Lrxlagton. Ky. <ISI dSfcwt 

D. < . Heir hell's Heirs ) 

lu Chancery, No. it.fc'i 

11' L. • II I- Title on Filth street. *d d. 
an lux bark to BuUlu street Ir mm 
I Jar. vary, will he rented For sat* 
cotton there ir ao better boat 8. 

r no stock of In rood, and nature, 
nura te maU. an i < n*IM* pnaripally 
Tboatood M aoe of he le*,! in the 

w do* - hi* sad 
At ■w«eril lm- 
Pn.a wort loir 


sow M-lh. Shins. • lb . v 

K R to Ante tDtrrae- «r ot . tf* \ 
k cod M ole mr rxti-. Jo- «o» «. 

“- - ALFXAMIt **J 

Uk and Port Ian; alto hoase* and low 

i the MtsViia State*. Ken tut ky. In 
Ml. Ohio, It chess** Mfosianpru and 


■br* f ' ■ part, w ' want- 
I ..HViBrv., aud wrlp tc cold loa. 

-BKF W FKV T»* property known ar 
rwrey aMuated oc Portia uC • venu*. 
bre w ery wwk all Mt* apparent, eon 
I hr wadr ott* of lh»he« laaer beer 
I* raw Of UfubTilte Title plat* ha* a 
Porthad awraor aad ran, back t- ■ an 
tod aaloor. ftwatliw oa Portland uvenne 
pc* .c Co HUop h r iaa t a with tec house 
roo t ho u a re Thraalooat* dot<w wood 
otaoo takiap th# place can liaUd at a 

Mb. MT XiiiiI' aad kr*». rifont. 
j to oa* wwu way want re riHPuft i* 
Mfiw. Thlr 1* a rare eluuce for aa lu 
* par a -lata taoolr* «f W H 1 .AW- 
Jofcrwn. atreut. hot. I oert- and Fifth 
an * 1 


ratrood Miwrte. No. 17 How con* 

i. kitchen ewltar. rfttert stable, ear- 
boose. L**t 9KZM (ret to a lanr* aUer 
d veers' cr -dl' I! desired. Applv to W 
of hoattfh 4 Hok*. myl'dtf 

JE -TO K— *.*t;are»T«*Kr»Tl!i. Turn- 
rk. For aaftteular- Inquire of W H 
No. 15* J«*ei»o6. street, bjwrreo 

ftfu*. J— ou 

L*_ 0 | Ii VVPF-We lisTT fo* sale, al a 
.iim hf.iJ-oH Tjrttf to w-nl*h Ihe art 

■ s AMachinj-lri. dl-ccle- A; ly 



► . 


tHoa.o*. thr I. At. K R . and 1S» ntUr- 

t. at thr Ballard** I* pfkr Improve 

are a MM>d dout.l* luoderr -'vie From* Cottaa* 
boom aad ktichri . ro-4 o .nl>l* rmtavt f t 
Merlte.'l ora and care •a*-bo . e ai d ..Ihe 
.. Thr place M ta-e-l.illy oraaiuenred 

it Load t* bio*' I* in vr .- with » acre- w -«i- 

-»..r* I 

■MAaihutldlii* Sttc- .* •• s.-r.ieoi to : t verdailluk 

ttr atm. rr »..s l.nrh rolhop irro.uid 

la i>usu>rs- iu a a-r *'*■** 

at s' boras la Te*m* will be mad* ea-. 

lern, -r-. • . 

Meaart Mom a Koutbwlck UdW l| 

MlltO S. prow* V oHry Kt aptidecd i 

II ISAI.I -FARM Th* he-i tan. ir. Henry 

Mb la ddtu <d Sew .watt* thr eoantr reut 
Bra.m.KJ t.v sit. th'* MUIta-i -ufl Pro Het ~i 
mat* School*, a* rood achoah a- • 

It b.w tr. —tb* I' rk* of the two L 1; 


1 ’AKEN IP— A POI KTEir DOG. wllkh tb* ns nrv 
can bar* hr .lrerrlbtnr aud caytns tor thl- ad ter- 
Usdneat. C all at till* oIIit. 



Tonic Bitters 

r w ““ ,w “ 

Karshal's Sale. '■ on Panama, written om tin 

D.f Heisktil’s Adm'ri 1-tli of this month, in which it is mentioned 

.const • lul'baocrey, No. o.k-:. Uu.l Mr. Caleb Cushing liad arrived at A-pln- 

I »Y Virtue or a d«er. c of the Louisville t h aoerr - * ‘ aild had '«f* for CarthageM ou the KUti, 

it Court, rendered in the »t#ovc cause, tbe under- in war steamer, the Yantic. It is added that 

sl«M-d,oroneoi^^win. ou^ ^ ^ Mr. Cushing was ou his way to Bogota, where 

about the imar of u o’clock a. V. sell' at public aac- hv ’ xpect-d to arrive airout the end of Dc- 

tn.r.. to Ul. 'lUrti.-t at tli* Court-house door, eemlrer. He exiiectcd to*speud ten or fifteen 

In the city ot Louisville, on a credit ol Sand W months, . . , 

ac much a* may t>* Dcceaaarv to satisfy me decree d. vs there, and get back to Washington 

cauiiv ana soon), nut eoiu bread ana -ouna „„„ ’ .w.„ satin inmmea wwi uiaen. auua ru.uut.-, auu 

iiient’ Th*-c build tin the rh\ -itiue and retwlr r * Uwa - v companies in regard to a new heater ed _, with rlc h, hlm k lat e. The sleeves 
th. health • J I which has gone luto general use in that city. W t f e of him satin also, divided into puffings 

The apparatus is known ns Gibson’s Patent bv black rucking, and finished with a frill of 

Heater, and is inanufoctured by the patentee Veuitiau point lace ut the wrist. The skirt 

latch luahlac. v>- Vnrfc Titov an maklm* ur- ! W»* destitute of trimming, with the exception 

Tii. quidnuncs who have beetf Inflaming the ral ^n U ‘with Mr. Gib,on for one of these i " hort ’ ^ nnicr ' a ‘ h " ,UC Sa,ln al the 

P U c ni '" ,° n . 1 ie a . u '- |l ® l . ' m /f "f 1 ° heaters to tie placed in one of their cars, and i A light anti most charming dress, made for a 

our roving diplomatist will be pleased to bar . * ... . or ,. r ... a ,„. url * T 

I» Court, rendered In th* above cause, the under, 
skni’-d, or one ol as. will, on 

MONO AT. JAN. 1.1Mb. 

about the boar of 11 o'clock *. sell at public aoc- 
Hon. lo tb* highest bidder, at tbe Court-house door, 
lu th* city Of Louisville, on a credit ol s and tt month*, 
ac much 'a* may be ueceaaary to satisfy tbe decree 
h* rr n of *be proj^rty in pleadinirs mentioned. vU: 

Loi* 1 and J la aqnar* No.J la Hvuderaoa’s eubdl- 
vlsl moi BnUtii'- aadlllon lo tl" city of Lini-vlll; 
bavins a front on Cherry. street of lur by a depth ol 
lie feet. 

The purchaser will bp requlrco to atvp bond W'lth 
approved security, bearlne Interest ftom dsle until 
paid, aud s lien will be rt-lslaed --add^tmniG <*;■ ^ irky. 

Maisbal Louisville chancery Co'ort. 


dPDdl* C. B. SHEI’HKRD. l ‘ | ul ' 

u-ed during the winter iu order that its effi- 
ciency, expense, ike., may be tested as com- 
pared with the stove. The furnace fo loeated 
under the seat and the heat fo transmitted 
tluough the ear by means of pipes. The eost 
of this apparatus for each car fo $40, and fie 
patentee charges, as a royalty, oue fare for 
tiich time the ear pu?- s over the rood, with 
the heater in use.” The adoption of these 
slows would add greatly to every one’* com- 

H. Waterman ) 

H. C. Cassell. ) 

marshal’s Bale. 

J Iu Ciisncery. Ho. £ 4 * 0 . 

*>H>' hriifffwiitn. 

( hill- aud »v<t, T>pb*id Ffver, 
ItilMNN Ffirr. Torpid Livfr. 
NfHralri.i, Ska and \fr- 
i 4 »*> Hf Bilarlif N.and 
similar ItataM’M. 

ON MONDAY. JAN. », 1861'. 

Fot f oampHon. twww « ww*b*. Catarrli, Broa- 
eMUt. and Debility from any I Uses**. It Is a safe, 
atrreeaMe aad reiutde ionic. la all KMney aud BUd- 
4*1 - rouble* 8 will be found benoacisl 

My tamou* IUtters. 'us eoaf.ati d 
la at! Ur country are tbe best; 

They bare do rival far or near, 
in all our spurious hemisphere. 

I’m aart there fortunate concoct or 
Ha* saved more live* than nay doctor 
Wo keep them, friends, a prised deposit. 
To stand at all timer in vonr closet . 

Vo*x vt**t Irmyiy a* to their merit, aft.r two 
y*er»' trUi. frnn. well-known ladlr* aud y nilemen, 
rekevtad out of many received: 

From Sir*. Wiltrr sirasn. 

X h ksutae. Mits. Marcii IS, 1868. 

W H. W ALKFi:. KM/.: 

Put Sa-1 Uteasd your Tonic Bmcrs mr the 
past ir rears sad bavr t«ea mneb Nfl,*:. ued there- 
by. 1 eootdently recommend them w> per -on- eadtr- 
lay iroa DyapeteMi and GeDeral Debility. 

V cry truly yours, 


From J. F. Co*. Ere#. 

W . H. WALKFE. F^y. 

al>ont thr boor of 10 o'clock *.. a . sell st public auc- 
tion to the highest bidder, on < ommcrrlal street. In 
I Portiaad. os th. premise* lately occupied by H.C. 
I Cassell. on s cred t of 8 month-, on* bake oven, bak- 
, ery troughs. sh*lv>na. ooaatcrs, jars, barrel-, At . . 
i con! slneo lutaifd bouse , 

I Tb* purt l^rer will be required to (Tin bowd wtiL 
1 approved security, bearing interest lroui d.vte ndfil 
paid, auds Men srfll he rctsinto ss sd.litionsl jecuriiy. 


Umrsbril LooipYiUt Cft aTuv-ry Court. 

I . .P WETHEKRi , 


' d<‘2Ddtd Itopnll***. 

SSarshal’a Sale. 

l P.UHEPH t. tenure of office act, they did not bind Mr. 

*' iM| 4 Deyuti**. Johnson, tint the President, whoever he may 

Karshal’s Bale. he. It fo the old result of the old huugliug 

Vcritoe«,Wc( »mp>ie!l ACo . political doctrine of temporary expedients. 

K sn-ith *** tBft ( In Chancery, No General Grant cannot “kick out of 

a»y virtu* oft decre* of the LouCvitl. (hsneery office anv eorrupt inspector,” any more than 

' “re iaVui lL ' • bove ““*•“* “ der ' President Johnsou culd. The doctor L- mak- 

° r ON THCR 6 DAT, DEC. 81. 1865, Ing "tT faces because he has to swallow hU 

about th. boor of 10 o'clock, *. sell, at nnhlle vac- own bolus*-*. This is a clear tw-e of Nemesis, 

lion IO ib* luahret bidder, st thcBoon. Warehoase. aB d ^ pltasant to look upon. And what w ill 
in tt* city ol LoubrtUc. on a credit of !> months. 1 * 

early in February, before Cougrera expire*. _ ' 

It fo reported to us that Mr. Cnsbiug has been 

sent to Bogota with full powers from our Gov- LA MODE, 

eminent to close a contract for a canal across 

the Isthmus, toward which. It fo said, our * — 

Government fo ready to promise » guaranty of . 

a million of dollar. — probably a (tart of the new York ailn rOFIS Fashions lOf 

sum needed to make a surrey. It fo asserted January. 

tliti General Grant has been consulted about 

tlic Panama ship canal, and lhal he fo warmly 

in favor of the scheme; it fo said that he thinks w Oman V. Club* nnd their r*e*-’«knt- 
Jts speedy eonstructiou necessary to preserve , u; costumes-ft4rand Toilettes lor 

onr comm, r: id sad naval supremacy, and our ihe Holi4ay»-*CI»ri*t»as Trees aud 

empire ou the Pacific. . Christmas Boxe*. 

Thr Tenure ot Olttrr Art. 

The New York World says the Kati'cafo, r».Ura tonrepoh^nce of the Courier- 

having tied a kuot with their tongues, are’ New York, December, IMS. 

uow dfocusclng the projinety of attempting to Woman’s club idea has beenma an cs- 

nnliett with Iheir tei-th; Imt there fo a pro- tabifou'd ftict. it not met a want, aud fo fast 
vcri'tsl difficulty connected with this opera- becoming f bc foshioo. Half ■» dozen have 
ttou. They have found that, in pussine the bceu or nre about lie ing established in Atn.-r 

XX oiiifiii'*( liili* and their I ses-Nkat- 
mg I'ostumes-fGrand Toilettes for 
ihe Holidays— •(' hr isl mas Trees aud 
4 hri-lmas Boxes. 

sptrlal Fi-bioa c orrcspoi, deuce of tlie Courier- 

New- York, December, ISflk. 
T'he Woman’s elnti idea has becams an es- 

S bombeads of Tobacco. you ao, genuemen, il me emancipate! 

Tl.* porcb*»*r will b* reqnlred lo ktve bond, with ; sliould vote the' Democratic ticket? d security, bearlus Interes^^im^Uie antU . y 0n move Bll gmeudme-ut to an amen 

Maisiul LontaviUt Cb sa eetyi'omi. I and rehabilitate your swarthy hrotbei 
t. B. shepherd.’ I their ancient disfranchised couditiou? 
48W Deputies. too. would be a ok-asitii: BueUacle. It 

tenure of office act. they did not bind Mr. | iean cities, and the programme foront 1 , ivUow- 
Johnstin, )iui the President, whoever he may | jug sail to New Y’ork, has just liecn announced 

be , . It r,! h>; . 0 ' d th ° °‘ d l,l !^. li " g ! " EwS^Sody has, of course, their own idea of 

political doctrine of temporary expedients, j w q lfl | a “Woman's club’’ fo or ought to be. 
General Grant cannot ‘-kick out of Men cannot get over the old notion, that if 
office anv corrupt inspector,” anv more than j women and children arc let alone they will 
President Johtisou could. Tlie doctor L- mak- sink '’ ack int " “ , of to& L depravity at 

ft «7 ft- ft-* v. v,. .-to. ku ! 

•wo Dolmetx. lbi> U a clear ca>e of Nt-mcsb, i they may possibly be loss likely to roach 
aud i* pleftfiaat to look apon. And what will J -arb a condition »l«>nc than If they were 
you do, gentlemen, if tbe emancipated negrq helped. Be that a.- it may, a Wouijii's club Is 


Jeffersonville, Madison, and Indi- 
anapolis Railroad. 

The Only All Bail Route to the Bast, 
North and West. 

I «*ftU» ek*Ycn hon!> lu Adv.iucc of tUo»c ukh-v 
l Hi Ate** m4fl*bo4t 6AU1P cIhy. 

Trteiii^ l»*4Yf Aod urrlvi’ at Utf JeffenooTllle d'jpot 

• ■■ '■ • -• • ’ ' Lou. .-vllle m Brar 

I i *^d lautr Bitt- r> irmly hriar* ui} chill faf, nniw* arriyb 

to ’* ta,orM s* ”tt Sun. tm *. dally. , 

* *■ , ,,* tif. r. a- daUy. I 75«» *. a. U«m> eae’i 

x-u. ra**a,*e_ j r. t.xjx. * ; 4i i.a.. duly cvc'l Set 4:15 r . » , 

» tarnplk* voaos tltto. tb* t »■ road* t wd’l 

~l o- 

■icr an8 iKuroreiccai* wood [ncludittz s 
eaaa-agTur MT mole* wtA rb-lr (»,* 1 v * 
ft t — — — - mtln ot tb* farm la 

** an oa* wowls buj wirbou; t*e 
'III* lo aav on* who waul- * t*. . 
head ot la re*. wetWin.X 
d p hra<t at rarti* on* aud two 


■ L.A N. R. 1C. al NoUn. 
r lams, te, apply ' j 
ba. Loaftvfll*. Ky.. o- 
M.U-. KyalcJ4 drexiluj* 

■Ujrai D*v J i ir* Ax I ir *- v 

rd«r. vi Ui £<»od iRAchloen 4 ud 

Iftfi barite* of m lit par da* 
tar wiri piper to carrrrx ir aH 

. _ Huv-ftori rerUfytn^ L *o-* . 
>pper «UU: a k»n<W w«r«*ovf 
t o ftr» tec ffwd terifocnbt. u- 

11; a rood cabin: 4 fla* let of 
ru utePrel* m ' *»r4* ** 1 * >ti* <: 
•ip • » naii bM of bar lex niAl! aiuI 
d* •LJU-rj b m; ua-. v +’ 
Wmrnmuk i wiTf 

-- Jnr fiarrlMr pArttcnLdJR 4 
: CO> 4^ MayV 
I AeoA-pAwl 

lr§n Hl>. A. H. Mrrker. 

Atlanta, Oa., J^noAry, 1 ^. 
I . W ftLkLK. ESi*; 

! 1 4h-*d 1 rM’.-ioui-xio my routherr iriehOp lo a**c 

* ibm : tiiey- vil» tuYV- rmi. ati 4 ifive m.4 U(t. 

ht ^i , cc'fuily.4(... 


L’’ vi - ytlle, Marcii 2 S, W. 

4 W.«. WALfiEL EKT # 

1 > i«ab Sou e bave roar Tonic Blttcro with 

I pr'.ri* riAClritAcftfiu. 4C<1 caii recommend them for tbelr 
Mdulft ' QRalitlefo. Aftd abo »*• 4u agreeable 
. * v;k oraClnp fa vr : a*:, and superior tooif . 

« .CbftttMln. 
Vene P. An -t ro: 
MllV»r |»lc^n 
Crimea Et na b 


H. L. Poet. 

1 % H.Oiuuis 

£. L Hud man. 


1**4. Walton, 

J.B. Walker, 

J. If. Dvneaa, 

C Warren, 

TUoUoAfo siicelc. 

C». A. JnhU' ia. 

lahaers HeaderaoL. 


M’AMMwdairiiatftluit Main n., 
roak and Fi ord. dF 

ft &Lm> Ton BmxjK ore know to tbc Facul- 
ty. and arc aot inmr medicine, aud arc lador*ed 
by ciuliaeoi Phj»klaiv. Minister*, and 01 Um. 

M . N. H ALKFR. Solf PropiiPt«r, 

Louisville, Ky. 




»:4£ >-*■.. daily cxft Sat 4:15 r. JI., 
ax^ar aud >aodav. l*A0 a. ■*, dally ex Moada) 
Od natarday a train leave*- at r. and on bon 
day at r. n. for St. LouIp and Clxu Linatl. 

Leave? JeHervBTfUe at 5:|j r. M. ff^r ClnclnnAd 
daily. SnndMj> excepted. 

Bflksmire checked ttirouRl* to all principal points. 
Elf-trant alcf-i'ine car* on *«r.l5p. *. train, thro urli to 
ihuafu WITHorT ( HANGK. 

> or cood«‘ii*cd through uiid -tahl*’ s and connect ion^ 
v» -mall bilb. and call at company'^ ofilcc, corn** Ol 
Third and Main street*-, Loabnlli .Kr. 

H 0 KA 1 E STOTT. 
General SnperlnU-udect 
Gc:i**ral Ticket A?cr*. 
JtficrtODville. lndre ’an. 1. lH>e. jyl 

Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington 


Bi z rrr^^yan- 

i |N AND. AFTER train will ran Af 

l X toDovt: 

Leave Ixjii^nlle at € a. ji., ‘2:30 p. an l at LIZ 

p. * 

Arrive at a. ji.. tldtt a. M.. and 7 P. ft. 

1 tie 6 and 2 : trmi: - connect at Chn»t:ai>abnr^ lot 

ft ie Hiy vlfle. Faretbiou^b ftt £.. 

oc* da _ 6A MUtL GiLL. Sap* 


I yon move an amendment to an amendment, 
and rehabilitate your swarthy brother- with 
their ancient disfranchised couditiou? This, 
too, would be a pleasing spectacle. It te hard 
| to sav how the coming tnau will dispose of 
Cotigress or how Congress will provide for 
I him. Brag is a good dog, but Holdfast is a 
better. When the tug of war does comb 
Congress will probably go under. A iiayonet, 
j you know, is ao persuasive. 


W ashington Ilou-e*. 

The impression u-e to prevail tha; He c q.i * 
j lal was a city of boarding -ho uses. This is par- 
tially true, but there have been receutly built 
a large number of houses, replete with all 
modern Improvements, and which arc now 
awaiting purchasers or tenants — rent from 
# 1,000 lo * 1 ,'J 00 , prices from #10,000 to #15, 0J0, 
lot included. On the outskirts very nice 
houses can be hired for $300 per annum, which, 
before tbe war, would have rented for * 100 . 
N«>r fo there any probability that rents will 
come down for many years. Hence the nt-tes- 
I sity for increasing the eompensatiou of Gov- 

I cmment clerks. The mechanics in Govern- 
ment employ fix Ihe rate of their own wages. 
I and they Ink* good care to make it consider- 
ably higher than the market rate. In 1S80 
;li Goverani- nt printers wer* paid 4'! c nls 
per 1000 enis. Now they demand and receive 
CO cents per 1000 ems. The Government 
cleric*, on the other hand, receive exactly the 
same amount of salary thev did in 1861. Brick- 
layers, a ho formerly received #2 per day, now 
receive #4 50 and #5. Members of Congress, 
who received 13,000 per itunnin. now receive 

#5,oo0. Why the Government clerks alone 
* I should be proscribed and compelled to work 

I felt to be somehow dangerous. What do they 1 
talk about when they are shut in cosily, ail 
alone? and if they prniunfl to lunch, good 
I gracious! what tlu they have to cat? 

“What do they do at Sorosfo?” asked one ! 
New York lady confidentially of another re- j 
! centiy. “Why, nothing," replied the other j 
• contemptuously, “only meet and eat dinner.’’ 
“Dear me,” said the first, -‘how nice.” 

' One not know iug anything of the truth or j 
i falsity of her statement, und intcuded to say 
the severest thing she could— tin' other witii , 

| tlic memory of her lonely, “cold mutton” anj 
I “stew" days at home, was struck with tlie 
' wonderful jollity of tilt lunch idea, and wished 
to Income a Soro.-ian immediately. 

But it fo gentlemen who are most anxious 
1 to have a linger in the pie, and who are eter- 
nally suggesting that women’s clubs should 
do this, that or the other— the centred point 
being that their masculine wisdom is necessary 
to the proper direction of women’s confer- 
| euccs. It is no u-c to tell them that women 
do not see it in that light; that, with their su 
peiior knowledge and habits of authority, * 
| they would at once assume tug position of dic- 
, tutors; that it I- time for women to educate 
themselves to business, to self-reliance, aud 
independent action. Tlie last fo precisely 
\ what men do not w-i-h that women should be 
) educated to, and they praise the Boston . 
' w omen for admitting men to their councils. 

und for having men to lecture them in the 
| way they should go. 

Well, for our part, wc think that men iiave 
j bceu lecturing women long enough. It has 
I bee’.i a popular delusion that women did the 
i domestic lecturing und Scolding, but wc doubt 
| it, Mr*. Caudle to the contrary notwithsUud- 
| ing. No until ever stands still "to hear his wife 
scold or lecture. . lie w ould take his bat and 
his I .(Kits, if he happened to be iu slippers, 
aud leave the house. But women, on the 
contrary, must listen to a lecture whether 
they like it or not. They have nowhere to go, 
and take it perhaps as the price they m is' pu- 
rer a needed dress or bonnet. 

, “Sorosfo’* in New York has almost eommit- 

A light and most charming dress, made for a 
pure blonde, was a pearl gray ohiuu crape, 
limped up with a baud of white satin, aud or- 
namented with bow s of pink satin ribbon. With 
this dress the blonde hair is worn powdered, 
pulled high, and ornamented with a pink rose 
and loops of satin ribbon. A singular nnd 
most striking effect was produced by a dre -a 
made fora beautiful brunette, who i mt 
ashamed to wear her own profusion of rich 
dark huir. The drt-a was gold-eolorcd satin, 
covered withu tunic composed of three flounces 
of black lace, gariauded at the sides with 
br.mze leaves. The low body was trimmed 
with brctelles of black lace,’ headed with a 
wreath of leaves, and the lace was arranged to 
form a pannier bow at tbe back, with a cluster 
of glittering b route foliage in the center. 


The growth, or march, or whatevei efoft it 
may be called, of luxury, invades everything, 
but fo never exhibited in such perfection as 
during tbe holidays. At this time money 
ceases b > have even the value which the war 
has left it, and repre-Tnts hareliy anything 
w hatever. People are expected to pay anything 
asked of them for an article intended fora gift, 
tb expend thousands where they formerly 
spent hundreds, and hundreds where teus 
were deemed sufficient, and teus— wells teus 
are no longer wortli counting. 

it would hardly be believed that the confec- 
tionery alone, for a Christmas tree, could cost 
five hundred dollar-, but iu one instance, at 
least, it did so, and a visit to fashionable con- 
fectioners will confirm the statement. 

The latest novelties in eases for bolding bon 
60 s* to hang upon the Christmas tree are a 
perfect Imitation, in paper Or A piaitjr compo- 
sition, of fruits, vegetables, tin td, ?nfl all 
sorts of natural anil prepared food. French 
rolL. green cauliflowers, beets, apples, tur- 
nips, potatoes, chickens, partridges,’ aud the 
like are so cleveriy imitated that a counter 
covered with them looks like a -tal! m the 
! market, 

I But the pric> s woold hardly lie believed; 

| they are something enormous. A beet, for in- 
stance, 1 s a dollar and a half; a browu.tempting 
t roll, or the crusty end of a French loaf, eighty 
' cents; a chicken, three dollars; and » green, 
crisp lettuce, or young head of cabbage, two 
i dollara and two and a lialf. All these articles 
arc hollow ou the inside, und opened by in tans 
I of some concealed trap door so that tiny can 
be filled with candies, which, at from ninety 
! cents to oue dollar and a half per pound, ah’- 
' sorb greenbacks rapidly. 

ing to peep at the plump cherry faces half hid 
by the snowy pillows, the grooms sprang into 
bed, aud— 

At such a poiut, in such a store-. It is cus- 
tomary for a modest draw a vail; 
but it! this instance we are necessarily com- 
pelled to draw two vails. 

The rcuiaiuderof the company continued the 
festivities until a late hour, and the gray dawn 
was almost peeping over the eastern hill* ere 
lb*' music of the fiddlers ceased, aud the dau- 
eers, worn aud fatigued, one by one stealthily 
crept away fora f'w hours. 

when morning did come it brought witii it 
such a scene of confusion a? was uever before 
seen. Don Quixote’s furore ut the inn alone 
excepted. Forth from one of the bridal cham- 
bers came a loud and prolonged shriek. The 
drowsy slumberers turned out from all direc- 
tkma— some In dishabiUe, “some in velvet 
gowns.’’ Every moment the screaming grew 
louder. At length some of the ladder yen- 
tured to go up and ascertain its cause. Up 
! 1 be steps they rush, much wondering whut 
in the raise till is the matter. From the 
scene of the disturbance thev meet one of 
the late happy bridegrooms rushing frantically 
out. They inquire the reason of the hub bub. 
Hastily he pu-hes through the crowd and 
bangs at tlie door of the other “party," in 
search of his wife! Xu tlie meanwhile they 
also have become aroused, and bride number 
two discovers the terrible f ’ttx pat and lends 
the force of her lungs to the general discord, 
t’p jnini« tbe groom number two and rushes 
out iu time to meet his equally unfortunate 
fri ud. Each had not into tin irroug room.’ 

Snch a scene as this house then presented it 
would bP hard indeed to describe. That it 
was the most distressingly awkard matrimo- 
nial episode that ever befell a quartette of 
“souls with but a single thought,’’ may easily 
be imagined. But the explanation came at 
la-t, and was satisfactory to all eoucerned, we 
suppose. Here we are content to leave th iu. 

Our sketch partakes uot in the lea-t of the 
fanciful. The details are given exactly as thev 

ITS UKATIOV I htutknipt. to Aim. or Tor AM ™*. and the tring-r 

11 is published in the b-adtng border . I«, of -he 

Fnioti. It has equal and ready access to the prow tb*lrd*bu aad chooa* on* or more ambmee* o« 

!t« extensive tel.- hi* estate, will be held at a ConrXof Rsakrtuty. to be 

North and south unrtw.,t. it. lieu ivc ici. ,,, Men „ Bowl.o* C.r**n.Ky, b**w* Waroer t oiar- 

grephle arratiireuients place It ou an equal loot- ^ood. RegMur. oa tbe “d lav ..f .1 vnavry. :■*», at 11 

,ac, as a vehicle of news, with the New York 
press, while it* geographical position elves It 
three day-’ start of New York, golnr South or 

o'clock a. a. W. A. MERIWETHER. I'.*- Marshal 

a* M essenger. dSl It 

V BTI4 E— This is to err* ao4u - that on the 
-x ;-tn day • I December. A. I>. 1 -s. a war- 
root In baakrupit-y was 1 —eed Against the ea- 
rn* ol . 1 V M ES H. MORRIs. of LonlavIlK 
in the e.iuaty of Jefferson, and stale or Ken- 
tucky. who has been adjudged a hankrwpgon Ms 

No newspaper In the country publishes «ueh own petition: that the payment of any debt* and de- 

, . . . the lonlsvll b- livery of any property belonging lo such bankrupt, to 

quantity and variety of new as tnt L mtavine p jm /„ r tor Tiiscee. and tbe transfer of ary property 

C'Ol'RISB-Jot KMl. Each of tts editions ts a com- 
plete history of the itay or week in which It is 
Issued. The' Dally CdruirR-Jorav.vL is edited 
with ear- as well as with cnterprl- -, and the 
Weekly ConuudonMi, made up lira condens- 
ed und graphic form. Is it falthrul retlectlon of the 


For thirty years the Louisville OormER and 

by him are torblddeu by law; that a meeting of the 
creditors of the raid bankrnnl. to prove their debt*. 
andeh.K'ecooeor more aaatgheeaof hM e*tate.wOT be 
held at a court of Bankruptcy, to be h .lden at No. 
14 Crater street. LouisviUe. Ky.. before John H. Ward. 
Ri-alsier. on the llth day of January iso*, al I 
o flock P. a. W. A. MERIWETHER. l .S. Marshal aa 
M. saeoger. d - .' 

N ra UTII H— This M lo give notice that on the folk 
■ day ol December, A T>. iwfo a warrant In bank- 
njytey was i-eaed against l be e-late of LEWIS 1 . 1 IV 

; medical 


Or Jt’Miifs Secret! 

I - % »nrt;»ia rrmedy tnr iVTrtnla. **«ro»MlvrY ftjrpkHw 
I I wim * Ortas aU UiK-ariM * 4 ihr 

[ : And thi Curls Will us Pekmanbrt 


b | H* UaM lft. wrtlcH arc nrud<r1t»o«l v r tlrr fl~iT p^jtrlft— 

»- • :ntb«‘ Fur«o!«by 

H M. O. «.R\V, 

’ 1 n> dfrtftn € oner Third aad Groem Ht rnsm- 



5; t ►•■U SJkLE BT PRIX' IPAL imt««Is|s. 

‘ 4 aiest XXf l B, 

ry 4 ores M KOFI L t, 

* < ores « i t \\i:oi m kprKmom, 

Pt 1 Aod oil the Imptanlics of the Blood, 

axp tbs joinmn ir a anv poo 


er- f 



rh . Ttxlri iri tbe original Sprint Water from Wrruoot 
which has wrowght -a many woaderfhl eores, and n 
* T advertised only to .UMlngniah R from the many Imp 
,_V latl.-na that are now attempted to be palmed op-. a taw 
ro p attic a* being eqaal to the r lrttaa* of the M awiaqwoK 

b>s IM-MFHLETd. containing an aero on: of many Waw 
I Csrfhl rum. titrated by einiornl Fb> *lr. .a aad 
v° tab era. ran be ha.1 graila by rslliag at ..r eM--- adag a 
ty note ts- MlSsl-M' 'll -PRINtiS. 

he dSdStu No. i3-1 B»'t5»tT, Nrw T ta*. 



For Children Teething:* 

ITS RI PEh-SEsIAiiv a tnaa-ai.r-a. tllXLot LoulsvIUa. In the t-onniy of -ft person and 

For thirty years Ihe Louisville rorRIER and SI IIP of Kentucky, who basheen adlodgeda tionkr -ot 

I ailsville Jol rsal have been IWCOgOUrd stand- on hi* ..wn petition: that thepoymealof aav del*. 

I.JU1SVI11C joiasae ™ - . s. anil delivery of any property hcloBglng to -oca hwnh- 

ards of tac Comnicr. lal Inleresls of tbc Valley of nipt, t" him. or for hi* a**, and the iran*fer ot any 

the MtadnelDDl Os they hhVC Iss-n the rt eogulacd pr trrty t'V hh:i *re forhl'ldrn hy law: that a mecii.ig 

^rUn « " conservative nmsscc# .he great «' tr’a^S^S 

Southwest. The Cot BiKR-Jot RNAL I* no less to 
to-day. It- market reports are urilversalljqu'ited 
and accepted In business circles, and Its editorials 
arc copied more generally than those of any of 
tts Democratic contemporaries. 


’ ns Rksok or cuter iation. 

The CorElkR-Jot'RNAL has perhaps the most 
geqieral range of circulation of any newspaper 
pubdshc.Ma the l ulted stales. Bv a ■ areful 

. , debts, and lo . hoose one or more amlgnces of at* 

KIKK-JotTINAL Is U 0 less SO I *.iale.»' ill be held al court of bankruptcy. whe hoj l«o 
■ports are unlierraliyqun.ed « V 

M M—I- arar iitoemu I ".'rtjffirto. W. A. MERIWEIHEK. I . s. Marshal 

a- i 

ru|>i.f4*hl »i. or tor ftia .W. and ihe trandtor ot any hi M K TO MEHi LmJTM THU ^ri W'f ift 

Depaod fo-mlfo-oumra.ljwiu gtre mm fore— 

! 1 -a'lV . **rn he^e ufaH* .artofb«al2a«t*reCT*h' 1 1 tew Relief aod Health lo 1 oor Infoals- 

at >o. I I i ert r street. Lonwvdle, Kr. before J' hn v r -, r tl4 ,, (ail* I. Ih a -logic n a foai ■ . wegbata 

H. Ward. Itegl-rer. on th- ISih dsv of Unnanr. r-» a k«n timely iwad. Nev.r Ud w- kn . a *a fo- 
al rt o'clock a. W. A. MERIWEIHEK. t . s.Mar-ha| „»n«a ..f d;— oti-factloa by »ny ooa who -***d N. 

a- M*— ei'ger . deut d3 th* -roalrare. aU are del:ghl-d with ito p r.iloaa. 

tnd'-neak In form* of kljrh-.t . mmaai tirt on A ifo 

\' OT 14 E ThO I* fo mve nonce lEat oa the HUi day mavifol r«bdi and madlcal aMnas. Wa fpaak M 
.X of Daotmhcr. A. D. WON a warrmaaj to baakrwMcf nil inanir — wa Raow." after many yaors *tpw 
a a* i— tte-1 top.lns! the tsgate of LE win ¥ V L NT , ,nd B Udg* our repuUUon for vh* b:!411m*aa og 

of , In fbe canty of Franklm. vtd Slate Wt . (rrederlare. la almoaa avary laaaaaew 

of Keaturky, who ha* a* aw .djadgcl a hank- ,ae Inlhat la wtrar'ng path aad ekOaoo 

rwnt.onhla own pctltioa; '.has tha of aav tloa teJIef wiU ha touhd in Iltaaa oa twaaay orajjra 

.'.•Ik* and delivery f aur More rty b«longi:g» to -m h afurkhe . Imp ta (Ivaa. U aot only rtUava* t ha ehQg 
bankrupt, tahim or f-r tiU a*-, and Ihe IrvTafer of 7,.,,,, -alof hnt Imrlgoralo* the srh aod bowafo. 

any pr o part y by him ara forbidden ay law. loat a correct* aridity, aad gtefo toot and sarrgj *j tqs 

of Kentucky, who ha* 

adjudged a bank- 

general rang.- of circulation of &2L 

publlehcMu the I nlted suit s. Bv a ihrtful bankrupt, lo him or f"t hi w*. sa-1 ibe tr\ lyf.-r of 

anulvslauiid cotaparisoo of our books with the any property hy Mm ara forbl.ld*a uy law. that a 
-a. ..... .... 1 1 a,., ih* ■ - or p i vr -Ii .CRN v t m—llnv ot ibe creditors of the AM i hansr-nt. to prof a 

postofflve books w c and that the t nt rikrjoi usai [h( ^ , hw , n>| P y l0l-e , M M g a;* 

bankrupt, fo him. or i 

extended interests, und the observance of ns- ~ — — l— . -A - 'mbi.A^"w^w^?mhatt 

salltv which Isr.. Dsiul-lte as tt b ra'.e With lh^ rap ry wa* hsot-.l *■ .lest the estate of MEYER l 
of A- Mf.XtK and DANIEL BROOK, of Meade I 

press of aCrlca. I vllle, la the eoonty of Maada, aad state • 

ct. /s* t-nre-n IreiRNVI k I 1 of Her lucky, who have been adludged bankrnpw. I 

o T* vE 8 MON’. 

i-Jft M ARKET ST., tertsvnjjt, KY, 

Aad auld hy all Drnggia**. 

F rk.* Tt cents teao-Ura 



A > On ftg Hun “Snalchek” the Body 
of his Dead iujinorntu. 

U'rom tlic Nashville Press, Juih.j 
The strangest case of thieving whieti wc 
ever heard of took place in the adjoining 
count v of Cheatham s few days Ago. The 
narrative, as wi- have heard it. is simply this: 
A few miles from Ashland, ana not far from 
the Cumberland river, live a family named 
White, who are in what fo there considered 
comfortable circumstances. On Clin-tuiA- 
eve a voting girl, some fourteen vears old, 
died in the house, after n brief illness. 
She was not long home from an eduea- 
; tioual institute in Indiana, width -he 
was forced lo leave hy reason of an un- 
accountable imli-p.'ilion. The house of the 
Whiles is situated in a rather remote section, 
so that tlie night following the decease of the 
young lady there were no visitors to watch up 
with the monmink family, save oue — a young 
gentleman named Higgins, who had come on 
horseback in the early p»rt of the day to visit 
the sick girl. He had visited her before. He 
found her sinking, and appeared to he more 
overcome by grief than the purent- of the 
vonng lady. ’ When her eyes closed in death 
he was ’ uncontrollable in hi- sorrow, 
and it was found necessary to bring 
him to a different part of the house 
and try to cheer him up by doses of strong 
drink. It was found exceedingly difficult to 
induce him to take any liquor, aud in order to 

press of .\UiCrlru. 

The CoiTur.K-JOTB5.vh is »i m <*t effi 
dent mouth-piece of the Democratic party. 

• •a their own petition; thu the payment of any 
debt* :iDd delivery of aaj properly sHongtaft to 
Wrii b.t iikrupt «. to them, or for their oae. and tl* tranft- 
f*-r of any i>rop*-rty by them are forbidden by law; tuat 

III MPHItlLlf** 

Ht1.HF.OP \ 11(14 sPF( II |( 4 

and CspetUlUy Of the Jkmthcru people, at , I^,‘JeV£S»tteh*» oneor^ Uforeaw J5S M I Hat* prove*, fr o th* most ample e: 

_ , , . . . I their e-late. will be be d at a Court of Bunkrap e/, to . euire -urea 

tiii« time It can afford to speak the truth, ba h.i.i-nn \ i » x*m*r-i. t-.n,Tin*. Kv.isqhr* , . 

U 1 I iuiic. « I John H. Ward, Oul*X r.nalli* Uiad-.v of Jon., Ls-tv >t ! h®**. -Taey 

and dares to speak the truth, ami it is » o'clock *.» . W.a mekiwctheV.. c.s. q.-s^»t ; loimpow 

* I ■ aw tu j Iq mij 

l.o.vr.l on a-1 1i«f.f1oi1 In* t)'P rwfinli* ni PVi-rv ! . • -» a.j 

and darv* to «peak the truth, and it w 
heard and heeded by tic people oi every 
section. It stands on the bonier as a 

> . A.t>. iso. a warrant fa Ma l r mcy 

w aa infiit d *canal fete «**iate of Jl'Ul’s GOTT» 
C Louisville, iu county of Jfffroon.suue .»i 

beacon -light for both sections of the conn- j 
try. Always independent and never 

. , , .... hv Mai are foW fo g ch hy law; that * a**tW of ibe 

Viuciai, it will in peace and at war support , c k anon of *aia bankrupt. u> cr.-v *h*ft »n i 

, chu. ac pa e ur more m&gtn •••» ot hta .-slate. w!M tm 1 
liberal, rational and tolerant ideas of socte- , 

ty and government; adhere to tbe spirit j ’-"‘SSS^T; 

and the letter of the Constitution, crit'tcfoe - t ed - ^ 

, , , , , . V OTIl'E— In Ihe IMaui.-t Court ot the t ailed 

fm*U r the act' of friends and tOC>* ilelpnu si.vir^ f>rthe Di»Lr‘< t«»f Kt ntackr- Inth^ niaU 'r 

* I of W B. SLAruHTFiC, bankrtip* Priulon for tiaal 

the *tron? when tlic ‘ 4fcpcbarir« tiled iJeermhTr B. 1 W«. By order of , 

me weaKv nuaCK me riirvu^ wwu , i0urt> a,*- <r rdnor>. art* notlfl«dfeo appear IwforeTue, 

strong is wrong. It now carries a flag ; j ■•.f&SS 

on which fo inscribed the one word 

„ ... c n 1 Ittikln. -Tkpnkx K. Iovrs. X-elgnec <BlTh2 

“Peace, aa containing panacea lor all our i — 

ilfo, and it will seek to en.on-e its tutssioa 

and purpose by every appliance and at ; ; KnkSS.°lSTrel5 

oao.-f.if any ihry teT«, why Uw h*ak.ravX -uorw«a; d ,* 
-‘honl ! not he dtoefarxi'd from tih !*-bu. JJ.W AKD. | .2 
Krabter. >T*ni*x K. Jo***. At+igmt- ill Th2 2 

\ m «TU'E- In the Distrtcl Court of the United statea ^ 
for the District of Kent at ky -In •auArnpicy. In 'Z 
the matter of JAS. M L1LL AKD. Petition for find il* 

' orntunentji, the Turkifth ftlipperg, the tall Ivro- 
I lean bat. w, tlic miuiaturc trunks and hat -boxes, 
all inteuded to hold delicate little aureetmeats, 

! “ nd ntMtog, williout the sugar-plum:, from irurn uhieh il was thought best not t". wake 

twCTity-nv e cents to a dollar each. him. The voung girls mother had hen 

' The Christmas boxes, however are the cost iu dcllewte health for 

best aecessorles in the confectionery hue to ^ aud th, , biidren of the house were 

the Christmas trie, particularly if they aiv too delicate an age to sit up all night 
, bought at confeetiouem prices. Five to ! |„ a .-hamber of death. Hence, when 
L W l «Z ®’ e dollars, fo about the usual range, | the hours waxed late there were no watchers 
but fifty and seventv-tive dollars are uot un- , i tl the bouse but young Higgins »nd the girl’s 
frequ ently paid f >r a box <>r set of boxes, filled : father. I'p to re ' -out twelve o’clock the young 
with French bon bons, unique aud elaborately j man seemed In a semi-lethargic state, and «as 
leeoratea. _ , I not at all communicative, but -M brooding 

4 . rlstmasand Now I ear a gif - UC hccora- I ov ,. r hi.- sorrow iu tbe .loomi' -t possible man- 
i'-' 1 * problem mid mmnv. to escajn: the diili j „, r shortly nfter miduiglit there was a 
cnlty , Ignore tiiein altogether ; change perceptible, lie become talkative, 

Jr. A Nlr . i .> i . | suggested lo tlie old man the propriety of 

I taking a tiittle stimulant, and of shaking off 

MURAT. t some "i his grief. By a judicious applied 

. ttou of the bottle, and au exceedingly iu- 

JTie 4 ; rent Western Bareback Itider. 1 g-ti i - wav of recommciiding Its benefi- 
[From the N-.Y. sun. Jtitb-j | fluidities he suceecded lu getting 

Mr xi ii*m, w .ut* ..I II, * nrillbvnt Prill., r ! the old mau asleep— .-ent hinl Into so aonml a 

frequently paid far a box or set of boxes, filled 
with French bon bons, unique aud elaborately 

Christmas and New Year’s gifts arc becom- 
ing a problem, mid many, to escape the diill- 
cnltv, ignore tiieui altogether. 




The Cot'RiFR-JorRNAi. is mailed to subs. ri- 
r» at the following rates; 


A Large forty-column ycumiiaptr. 

.•ot* yemi 

81 i inunlh?* U 00 

Three monthu . » 3 25 

on*- month 1 25 

To oily subrt-rtten, i»er wet- k. ^5 ivab, pfeyiNfe 
to ih*‘ carrier. To News Atr**nti>, three cenH per 

TIIF. §nhU i OlltlKR-JOl R>AL. 

A Lanje IbrtfreoteiH Jfnwpo^r. 

\ U llTIf’E. -Difxtrfci ot Kentucky, -l» Uank- 
ruDtey. Al Bu’«lin< Green. Kentucky, u»c juth } 
•lay of Dec., A. D. l**fr*. 1 hr nnflrrfliffnrd hnvhf frlwea | 
nwiice of hta apptjlatuient aa aa^urnce of RKl'BEN 1 

SMITH, of .In ihe e*iUDny of Uarcen, *u4 * 

state ot Kealacky. within **id ffUtrlct. who haa | 
hern adjmitfeil a hjnkropt npoo hlaown prtitPm hy 
the Dietricl Court of *ai l di»irk;t. £. L- UISL^. Av 
Mjenc*-. ds-JlThA 

\ M OTIC R Di«tn>-t of Kent or ky. m-Ib haakrupc- 

ry. At LotJaviUe. Kv^ thr day '»f Decr:u« 
>»er, A. D. 1*«IL The lUftkraixnc-tf ka rate note I 

emure wretmi -ftteplc— Prompt- 1 fflr tent and Bail- 
able. -They are tha only M^Urtn<-« perfectly a*lapted 

10 popular um—fo dnple that f-annofe te 

made Id omd* them; to harm Ira* aa to te free from 
danger, had ao eActenc i# to te vlwaye reliable 
They have rained the highest commendation from all 
aad will alwaye reader ?»;UhcUm 

1 i are* Fewer*. C nueetlon. IndammatloM 
i \\ nrmn. Worm f .’\er, w ,.rn < ohc Si 

* M rr>liH-4 olir - Teeih'u* >t lufaule — A 

I ** Dtarrm a of i ^ihdaeri or \- 1 iIta B 

J pjanien. Gripia*. BlUoue Cote A 

* “ C i elera-Mtrfeas Voattilg.. B 

1 - fowftte. f old?*. I tr-neiifH M 

ft - Newrwlwt*. ro.jtn tehe, K*r t v»'*he JB 

» - llendarhe*. ’‘tek Headache. Vertuo - » 

.u M fafpip*ln. Bill 'Ufo ti 1 

11 M toeereeart »r faiti/il Prioth ..JM 

li ** frile*. feoo i»r"i*ue* fo»rtode M 

U - 4 rou p i uu»*h, DirdcuU Brewthiac B 

14 “ ■*•11 Khewm. r - p*la», Eruption*.. fi 

w M Rbramnl«m Khr ipr. tile Pa; a* M 

** Fever and %irne. i h:11 Fever. Afimn. .th 

17 “ PtlK» blind <k Me lliif JM 

18 Opt hnlmw, *ad 'tore 4.r w %k Kim. .... B 

19 - 4 Alarrh, acute or chron .\Indnerua m 

o *• Whaapla* 4 ou*h. VToi- ut Coa^te .• 

.1 “ Aatea« npfrt dud Hre.aon ft M 

Ul l>1<rfa Impalr» i Hx-artTift . . M 

3 ** fierafftla* Fol »r*e*l Gland*, swelling* M 

£4 iicaeral I'eMlity. Phy«t*al Beakneaa — Si 

M ** Pea any anxi Vaniy SceretL»n* 9fe 

A ~ **ea ^B kiH’wd. ^wk ie** from KMine .9 

** Kidnev Miraen we. < < ra\ei S 

h >eevoa«* Oehility. *»**minal K.mU 

I noarv \% eahar**. Bed . 

Faiafaf PrHxnK with w>«*im 

«afma*ifl *1 Chanda >1 Ll.> I ! 

i pile any, ftpaMiu*. 9*. Vituw' Dwnre 1 I 

Inphineria, f’lcv rated sor - Thrv*aa.. I 

FAHILY t \*F.* 

Of IA la 741 larse vial*, morarca ar 
rxrarwMdniflf. •-•aiainia« a «perfefrr 
Iwr every ordinary di*ea*e a family 
in ftuh»**x i l a. aad faek < ol direr- 

N" TH ' . 

This edition fo entirely .operate aud distinct 

from the regular edition. It fo mailed to sub- $ 'Zj’S&Z XXJ&'Z 

9 C libers at i»cr year, ami delivered to sub- judi<*-d a bankrupt upon hi* *»wn -. nrtf.n. hy tu** DK- 
t *k U - re a > trlet ro«rt afanid dJnmct. s*TEFtlKN E. JONR8. 

ttriben In the city ut #2 50 a year, payable at * 1 *^. de«: Tn 3 

>necMe» for an Private IM*ea*e*» both for 

her.A.D. 1HB. Thr un«K r»Un*’«f V rote *lv .* noth* 4 nrina id fi r Prrveut Ive ;rr*imoal. la 
of h:-* ai potaisnent a** a-^Unee of AdA | al# i?l uuctfi i-mi;« . AA 

KSXlhV.of . la Ihr county .f Hrury aa.i j rmm nma putmm €mm.r 

^tatc of Ktiiin«ky, wULlnmitl Dlatrfct. who ha* hern ; piimi w r\ rw u T 

NdJndftrd bankrupt, upon hi* own ifeUltoaTteMM 1 1 ** ^ r 

Dirtrkrt Court of aaid ldetrirt. STLFHEN E. JONFS, f 4 are* Raras Braise*. I.aarnrfl*. *»orear*a« 
Aftfoi«nec. dMThJ ' ^*r«* Thr*at. % »eaias Tmihai hr, Karaete 

— I Nraralftia. ». brumal i-m. LhwKv*. Pile** 

V 4JTICR Dlrtrlet f f Kfutn- kv. m InThaakr ipt K«iU ^liaca ^*rr * ye*. Bl rdtnd 1 be 

at starvation pricis i- therefore h grc.i, : boptreWMe sin hi d:.riiig to have a 

I 1 I good time." It ha- given private enti rtum- 

| my-iiry. j meuts, besides partaking of lanehfts, but it 


r iTiri sbarpened its pencil and went for t'.;i- en 

RAILROAD JL.Il.Jfc.. tion with all of the dash and fire peculiar to 

rft-~ — ji. — ' r-re-- -- - to*n the journalism of the citv ot maguificent di- 

K* r - - -vr 1 *' . -•r-i' , l 8nw > to-.— * of lU^tto* 

J L . 

V7 miow*. ant Charles, in tlras' permitting hfo brother's 

StretonTNaSrira e !' '•»*’! wife “to struggle in j>ov.-r!y and finally end 

Airtvc ni H ... i«>id. .&43 *. 1 ieli t > I her miserable career by tlie sulelde*- hand," 

Air ” n* ? (irEtofo'.’.’.'.’.V.'.'.'.iw t~S. fix e ! wa* worthy of Hannah Moore or a commit- 

Arrive nt MebUr itioo *. * I .-ion r of the poor rati* iii England. 

I Train* Irate Nartivlllf for Ch»ttar,oegn nnd Atlanta I It is l lari l to know Unit we have 

nt *;:J a. tt. ami t:aa r. m.. nnd lor Doc.lur aad Hint* , . , . , . , , . ,, 

vine ni »av e. b. I labored in vnui. wept iu vam aiul Iwco in.lig- 

tolreniuR 4 m. traln.rnofcingtlirr.nirn fiunl to no purpose. Il turns ont now that 

rl*. I-*----!.*. ■ • o: rn- rutfqi la.-u-vil'e M'-. l'lga-ti.s A loll Dicheu-. so enllea, was 

lo^M^in(iM^ ** Bowling Oreen, rnnuing lurougl not thi genuine Mrs. I), but u partvwith 

■ °B lri»R4 train lenve* Loot. vllle st whom “Augustus dear” retired from England 

. i^ruu'i vtr > P^P" 1 ? *”»ght Chicago, with, what 

ra rere ramenm. W. H. WALKER i CO.. 

fcr fmfrn vUto No.; Uonr* ..otoiito.. — l 

wtulesalc line anfl Lienor Dealers. 

Na. Pi Marin airerl l.aal»vllle. hr. 

Mean A too n resale too— to Im lo J . . . 

nelRpertoera. A f vr anrKonrl- , . -r - • • » 

for foe* 1 74 afreet. be- - 

Cantor, aoatt. iMr. Be* of refrr- 

0 on Isr- cvorrir.«rv. apllf diy 

VII. has done good in inauguraiuig early hours, 

Mr>. Aaaaatu* A(wt. OieKra* in setting »n example for frc -Jom ol dress 

Ti o irtwii.r i.F» irt*.ii n,i«.i,rfH.n i. And refix^hiucnU. so that none fuels bound to 
I „ 1 ■* ‘l, Ig 11 1 u,lc:l - 0ar " I'a.v l,.,n do thus and -o Iks - u-e others do It, but all 
I throwing Uieniselvc. upon one s laj- feel free to follow their tastes and imrllna- 

j som- anil weeping copiously over the tragic tions — to be liberul if their means will allow 
eua of “Mrs. Augu-tus N. Dickens.” Chicago ‘t. and simple to severity if they prefer it. 

M* » X. 

Jkcso r. u 

Airlve nt Hum Soldi a. It 10-.15 * r. 

Arrive at M. u ; I. -S.S5 A_B. - i% C- n. 

Aitivo al Nr* Orient* SM a. H. I:* r. ■ 

Arrive nt Mobile 11*10 a. m 

Trains leave N" a -hvlllt for Chattanooga nnd A duct- 
al m5 a. tt. nnd tala r. sad lor Dccntur aad Heau 
vine ni woo p a. 

relrrxius 4 nr* onHUO p. m. traln.rnnhlngllirr.UKO 
to Nu.JjvM! - , HnmtK ldtaad N w Orleans willi..u: 
elmr-pe. Fnseeaifeitooc mornlnp train from Louisville 

-LC< A*' KEST.xrEANT. la C.-a- 

Itovlito. K*..tbe tofo eh*,.. lK»rd- 
eltv. Board per ve-i. tl uo '- Al 

■ — * for 00 } n.*nl. Mam a -«■- 

• Atocer- K tot: eopper 5k«ev Sto- 
itoqt (A* Bo- -i bqnors la tne dt} . 

—BOOMS -Sn:i_bi !'*r ftmlitn* or 

■to, * -I* t rtoW'I .*- ionic A phi' M 
. corner l lrt aod Green. Bee: ot 

tenceieod d-Jns 

- demrnbto fnon- roejn. vie 
alnui tAttxA, bc4e e°n F.-arn. 

dfr dS* 

tnertor and front roow. la 

W 'a' niom. *»at umto o. nre, to I- aa d 1 . 

‘ torneto. owi-retoeFara I u »r,'-j. 

idreha: eureka : 

■ ' XlLAIMFI: the or. ..t Arrhlitide* A*.d *f> *T i 
T. i . sllii. -boar ol KeataekT'* u>o*t eiulton- i«.n- 
el.' - oimv Venn, of potietil i.jII. dig;. ,nu expert 
e».s- 1. nmtirtuc naa . ompoiia Dnp (hr celebrated 
Kt'-eito v bl-ei to i now offer Uthtpnblk- k* 

Ward's Eureka Tonic Bitters 

ftll.aoh Ureoofx more ‘r, restMImf Uu* l*rokeu flown j 

and lHa|4teM MteUitteitf men, uni lavlfora — — ■ — : — 

-:r* t. ' - — «-to ^ ra 

W"ir.efj *Hd cl. liir* 'Tl.tter. ottier I<>al4 Ulikl tiiato £ ^*ra Lc B rv v^r W C4 

(VtrbwLuferediottK | ubltr. And Itei ►<i r *n.4f il Q Ml M 1 -M J t . JUfJ\v 

»»«Uo^toto4»os laomeine. he •* pooud , and tLATEiil WAKIUIN MlTl HEl.L A U»-l 

pa fo^tortiUK* to Um- Doct in- I* **tr»nirfr 
vtenT'j tt»«* ftqrrtinaf c»f on** IkxJc of ti## KCKfcK A 
BTTTtfr Llw tT hoaltli would b* clbiii pwna vr»y rt^ 
rt/ rt <1. and Uic au<l ;i*; menu reuu red pk aeum I 
ate teMfr. 

1tetU"WC Bittrn* act like » r term on the hnmaD i 
«yvt< TY w ten affsK'id’d v. Ilf. Uk- rltnwirt U*e\ adve rfi-e 

poll te In fififttbr—teru Kentucky. 

AU, \ onion Accommirtlatfon train !<’»?*•« ^Un* 
ford al fafor. If. o arrvai ■•! tr * : n ir • r L^u:-\ lilt , 
foi Crab Ore ..ard. iiroadiicad and Mo ot Vcriiou. 

Bardhlown Lrain leaver- Loul^vlUc at 33) p ft 

Tl.e Bardfttown train connects at f^NRiftflfa* stallo? 
win. atafcce for Fairfield Hloomfirld aod C*hmpliu 

Th‘> uiup. ji. train for Na&bviilc and McinpUi: ran 

All oil er train# ;ua daily except Snndav 


Iff dtf General Bupt. L. and V 11. i 

Tlic L-Tcat dilliculty nas been with all so- 
called reform iirdrcs-r and babit«, and one ar- 
bitrary form v . : ril :’td f :• .< . ■, » • . 

What we want, what women want, b what ! 
hu\ 4 - — freed om Freedom to dre.ft- plain- 

ty Or rt 1 "ipm! M . TT-ft ttirr t fr«-«-do. sx fln * 

keep a !st.-hh>u that pfcasca them, or discard 
•»ne that i!oe-- not -nit them; fre doui ti> treat 
their guests te “lea amt toa-t,’’ or wlutc 
grates French cotifect!o:!«!ry, as they 
choose, and as tlieir means will permit; get 
rid of repetition and monotony, enjoy every- 
thin.' with zest and ardor, and exclude no oue i 
feom' participating in the common work and 
common enjoyment. 


The weather this whiter is, so far, -o much 
mild) r than 1 ' - r son as o prm 
tie skiitiug, still tlicr. fo quite u rage for pretty 
-kating costumes, nnd manyvtry striking ones 

[Froui theN. Y. Sun. gutti.] 

Mr. Murat Halstead, the brilliant editor and 
proprietor of the Ciuciniiatl CinmnercUl, lias 
been in towu for several days lately, engaged, 
us befits a man of genius, in ardently pursuing 
the art ami science of the vcloclp de. llis 
seal was splendid, and his success great. It 
was charming to see him illustrating the great 
fundamental principle of Democracy— the tri- 
umph of man over bis ueoiileiiti— a- with bi- 
hand- all blistered, hfo ankles sprained. Ids 
legs twisted and tired, hfo arai- u.-irly 
wrenched from tlieir k. k.-i -. and* per- 
Epilation streaming down his invincible he gallantly dashed abont on the 
newly conquered machine, at tlie rate of a mile 
in three minutes, with nothing but ah occa- 
sional fall to testify that he was au export of 
but few hours’ standing. On - of th fruits of 
this cheering victory appears in the l:i- «, num- 
ber of the Commercial, ; u «mleh the element- 
ary verity respecting the velocipede is clearly 
set forth’. “In velocipedtag,” says the Com- 
mercial, “as in skating, he who’ hesitates fo 
lost. The seer t of safety fo equilibrium, aud 
Ihul at fir-t fo only to lie gained by boluues- 
and speed. Let those who intend gaiui iff the 
new accomplishment recall the bacK fall- and 
starry visions of their first skating days; aud, 
renu mbering when they tir-t found safely in 

andai ity, •) ply the une rale t » this n > 

pedal exercise." 

This is not only true, but il is that best 
kind of truth which fo drawn ouly from the 
iTjntic- ot living rxprncnrr. c ni.’ui-.,a wm 
know a new sensation when the editor of tbe 
Commercial i' first seen aweepiug down her 
hillsides, and careering along tier smoothly 
pined uu'uueo upon hfo thirty Inch bicy- 


A j. -tl deal - id tl tt a nee ea 

ilie velocipede, real or Imaginary, between tlu- 
Hon. Horace Greeley, our next Minister to 
Kngiaud, and another Journalist of this city, in 
winch Loth the competitors were h tried ’fr.nn 
their colliding machines to the Nieofoou pave- 
u. lit of Nassau street; but -we caution the ed 
i to is of Ihe Gazette, the Enquirer, tlie Times, 

| sleep that lie did not wake up until between 
live and six in the morning. When he aw. ke 
he f. iind young Higgins occupying exactly tlic 
same position, as he thought" that hi did in 
the early part of the previous night: sitting in 
a corner w ith hi- bowed bead resting on his 
bauds; but he observed that the young fel- 
low's boots w. re muddy, and when spoken to 
he himself appeared weary, and even ex 
h» listed. He easily accounted for these 

chances ra people -dm Ij . l uo object iu 
tni I.';:, inquiries into them. The coffin, whose 
lid had been screwed down the night before, 
teas all ri_ lit. Everything appeared to be 
gloomy, anil sorrowfully right. Not much 
notice was taken of anything until the hour 
approached for the Interment of the r irpsc, 
w hen Higgins -iiowcd sign- of great agitation, 
which W. le Considered the natural result of his 
great grief. The little funeral arrangements 
helm; ea-ily and quickly made, tlie coffin w.i- 
carrii d to its destined resting plac- by three 
men. followed by the mother aud the little 
children; but, as tb' melancholy cortege 
approached Ihe grave, Higgins, whether 
from exhaust! >11 or trepidation, shook so vio- 
lently that he let go his hold, and the coffin 
fell to the ground. A rattling, » TCI* strange, ' 
sharp nofoe inside of it so astonished the fi w 
mounters that their first impulse was to flee; 
but the stem and authoritative look of the 
father riveted every oue t > the spot. He felt 
a.»muru -Cil on the momcot souiethiiig was 
| wrong, lie immediately dispatched hfo son 
into the house fora turn-screw; and then un- 
doing tl.e lid he found in the coffin— not the 
dead form of his beloved child, but a heap of 
I stones aud dirt. Higgins, though an athletic 
I youi'g fellow, eiglitecu jv.irs old, sunk to the' 
ground lu u fainting -fit. Tbe eon- 
| tinatkm u’.'l xonfu-i-.n wis gr-at. 
It was otrtnff to the e'lorts 
of the old 1-idy that Higgins did not breathe hfo 
last, for old White felt he had blade away 
witii the dead body of hi- child. After some 
time, when young Higgins was restored, he 
• onfi id to having set the old man purposely 

scribcrs in the city ut #2 50 a year, payable at 
the office, or at 5 cents per week, payable to 
the carrier. 


.1 Large Fttrty-tttlumn Xru--pa)*r. 

single copy, one year #'i <■* 

sin ale copy, six months ...- 1 dS 



K*ik sow s u „ sir-.. HI of I tore 
l.iiacs Nose. -lama, h ar af Piles, (am 
t k rrs. IIUI rarrs. Pries far So * 1-1 

JJf These IteCH-Ole*. exeepl POND'S KXTTS.VCT. 
bv is. - a«e or bos. are seat to ta; part of tpa 

(-..miry- bj molt or e x p r am, free ot charga, oa r t e top* 
ot Ibe privfr Adllres* 

Humphreys' speelffr Hotaeapathte ttedl c to f I'a, 

OtOccaad Depot. No -Y4M Hr> »dw vy. S.T. 

I t»e. Hrvmirv I- eoasiHed .lady s' hto ofllee. per- 
I -oDally "r by toller, to soars, for *0 form* of n-eaaa. 


fsylvamis Cobb would call the “beautiful j are in preparation. Of course they are all 

I |ar1 ner of hfo guilt,” leaving hfo time wife at -hort and "iu the high colors and brilliant. projes.|ou;q nviury against ine n-aionir journal 
I In na lo Iq; supported and provMcd for hy hfo Seotch plaids, which are so fashionable, are of the le.-l, t n v wi *• vv " f 11 !1 1 '"' r 

I brother Mr Charles Dickens It I » ..liVi v.rv plelur. .-(jne .cell cn auUgoiusm U> it» ordinary sphere, a ndnot ,at- 

r Hi. r. Mr. I Uarit - UIcKeue. It I- a pity to - l Drettie-t we Ii ive s. cn was m , >*u.; ! to contend witii the 4. mini -re lal in Ih.- 

knock m the Und the ouly chance Chicago has M ar] ,., trimmed with narrow imnd- •“’» ^ t*-'‘ iiuiting d j-artmeut of hum m ef- 

| ever had of “hauling D .-k ns one for ref ns- of gr.y a.-tracuu; lii'le l.rpt. I aud muff of ihe ^ orl - 

I i email riel breast i.i PEABODY. 

of i t facts ind hfotorv *i togtuL 

are in.-sorat le At other via* of gameudoth, trimmed with The Bold Bcncfurtor. 

I bands of black velvet; ti large black velvet ... .. .. Tlni . , 

V «L »'< w ’ with short end. looping up the cape at j ^ ^ffi-'of Mr' George Peubod v are 

To AmbitiviM Lio-ratrnr*. . a-_i. ... . .. ... far I- nil r than generally suppo-.h A few 

A writer lit a Y Y. litterary l OB mal -rive* A tfai ^ w f 8 u - d ff 4 . blu . e c }f * h . trimmed with j,,, hfo laics, gift te h .li a uiidi a. 

I. n ii ? *■ njntjfe Luiicis uf Li. 4» k ft.thLr trim min" uiitl . ,r . #in. i ..mi. in miDr \ - u« jimi'iiiM'' d 

loth, a n. e excellent counsel for the cdilieu- bit. k ro- ties; and a fourtli a g. nuiue Tarlaa. of J ,11 t r T H' M' i ^ ni^ «" -.monn in " to an 

I t;oii of tin aie bilious but ini-guided youngui.-n the McITn rson, green, red aud black, loop' d we»p('keofhfo - 


ProvisioB & Produce Braksr 


of'd drars to the London poor viu- anno 

agU'ii. Hi* great love for tlie girt, he alleged, 
could not let her go away from hfo sight for- 
ever, he thought he would keep her to look 
at few day- longer. When the lapse of some 
tlSovod Hi. a to grj Mh* of the oU 
inuu to cool lie . aikcd upon the lover of hfo 
dear departed girl more iu pity than in wrath. 

Tbe body wa recovered and interred with 
becoming dignity, and ii was agreed to -av 
nothing of the affair, hut let it die OuL Tbc 
i female heart, however, could not keep such a 
| scent, and iu a few hours it spread, and finally 

ses 6 l Mules 

* ft fc»-«* tepflrtft «Dd 

L ( ko>iii:. 

4 Befall Dealer im 

* uid yu’-igiuc^henj 

J A. Li. 

f filite »! U* loirwt mtotkrt rute 

aril; *14* Martel, ru -tor Ttoird •: 
u U atr^rt. ftCJ .r ( rdtoWJ Ire dr 

rMrvrhUi *XM} Mto Mitto 

i*oi ot Prate ► trees Ate mm 

lorirr.l# If vt nn <H*y»* *im 1 hsiidTHt nt rrrtlfl 
eft. - mljiiH ht iKldncwl ui i rofe ibr trnri. Rat Utr 
im-prtcu^r prrU rt ibr Uttrt? w *L*u<1 ob their vyd 

"Ji If. bottle ha# b*cr. pnrrlitiv <l by Ii 

Tul Ai-d f*k**tj fareoruiftft t tl* 4iir* t . k ii 

brt**t t reoeiTfl d. «Lc capfer botrl* . w-tii #• *nip » .tl 
fabei *u*«’Lec. iftftf be r«4uni'-Q lo tb etore oi 3 
V. WAED A CO., Covlnftxon, Ky„ uiid m • • uej re 


CofiMte. Kt.. feept. tt tm. 
Me. Wa*P-TW^M1o t-rrffr Uml (orVrtra 1 **» 
DS r.Mttme tefrr- r frxi« i»r .rvil*rt:.. ft- ft < tl *« ni^Dor- 
■ftwL'fe* bH tfUff tffiferlny hot«l> - of yur Tualr 

Pi'.rrw. I Dmfrw tr mx palft. tud ®T teftllh I* entlrrlr 
l I laltfibole my reftief from both dbesw - 
•tel v u> lb* uftr uf ywir Bitt«ft. whlfh I D*ot*t C'*r- 
teRl t-. oi».iurt*4 to *11 fcUaftsrly ft!Ctrt<'d. Grate* 
fu'.Ij j ours, llif. H. HAGGARD. 

k (oniwMir Kr, i-Al 

ftt.M W*«d, Fort*., tovfeteft. Kv.- I.toar Hr- 

i .rtfie iImh r«« to# me4fertft»l virtue* rt 

m«d>Eftrrk.. louse Hittors, I »•*.- irreai picture lo 
ttebte to tl.etr CT PcU rt M »«* a toale ftttd their 
« Jw ■* u» hati-UjS|H'|>UC ac 1 blood jcrilw Ho 

* ixtelly . O. Ml MR II 


r©r New year . * 

K-ni h.\i ol.i cxMLot ti r* li .vi^ v» 

» i sir («r>- tone roodi* m b*ef fwtbe m. I 

ftfl riionu tbr k»tef» of food liriux <**ftt I liar- oa 
load* Cl » rtsiuidf Xu rxcm of order*, fthich cao 

rtwfawlfaft JAK ; * r.A. 

iBZTAirdmr**-.. IMMkAl UMBJi. ***** ‘bft 


oft IkIous stint 

NO. «2 St( 0 M) ST., 


MM faTiLLC. Kt. 

Xta .vo XI ... . .. t « o, I '.uis. illc, Ky.; Hmrbes, 
H(M'Mirt). Lonl-vlll.-. K>.; D.-.ui(lt'.u llrvl .er*. 
Aitui-viils. I-. ; Vii-un, ( atluto-ay 4 < L'-utsvlU.-, 

•: Il *• ... 

I If tl i routs. 

I l ot sites. 

I Nkv l ight . 

' Wtediw tops. 

1 Ualrcffies. 

; Iriatr'a;;., 

! Kaiiivg-. 


(uaotr) iiodow Marc. 

Iter Iraos, 

Mag. -a Bex*-, 

sa-h Mciriifo, 


I'avrui. nl (litters 
Jie ‘.dug Work. 

’ll and for sab- Ny 

1 r ij> t and foi-emo-i a young man should knder- 
I stand that au editor judg. 3 a man entirely l>v 
| hi- work; that no persoual mteivicw is of anv 
J |>t*-sil)li s. rv ec to clthi r party nn'.il the rdi 
j tor lia- -OHIO taugit'lr evidence of what a man 
J can do. The fire’ 'lung, accordingly, for a 
yotiug man to ik, who is ambitious to appear 
iu print, or to enter the editorial profession fo 

I I to 'lit. a .thug, und, having wriiti-n i, to 
-end it to tii. editor whom he Im, chosen to 
l. ar.r. Hi probably labors und r tin im- 
pn -ion that ids inaimrerijit will reach’ the 

I waste oa'ket w'tlioiit icing read. This 

i i- erron'-Oiis. Th( editorial ..... ,i,^.« 

tdditional extra copy for every additional 
' (weutv subscribers, 

I Payments aluny* to br made tn adranet. 
Money may be sent in postoffice orders or 
drafts, and when these cannot be procured by 
mail at our risk— in the latter instance the 
money to be ine’os. d in presence of the I’oet- 
master. whose certificate will be required in 
c-osc of its loss. 

.Npeeiixeti topics - mt grant 011 opphration. 
splendid Premiums Offered. 

Iu order iu some small degree to com- 
pensate our friends for any active exer- 
tions they may take iu extending the cir- 
culation of the Weekly CorRiF.R-JouR- 
nal, wc projiose to give the follow ing pre- 
miums to ihe largest li-ts of sut-scriher- 
sent us between this time und July 1st, the 
award to be made on the latter day; 

For the largest list of subscribers <1 41 

1 Km ifaieii bisect ”'» 

Fortin* neXtlDiftesi lis:. 50 

1 ir. be id d taigcal IM . :*» 

ewwmmmmmmmmmm \mm nemrm * mm m v.riHi mm 



J. P. ROGERS & CO., 

ini|iffrier> A. Manufacturers* Agents, 




l.ot IsTII.I.r. K V. 

liotal llataua Loiter) of 4 uba. 

■ xMiiiN) in li*ilil Drown Ltrrv 1 J Daw. 

I \\ bi«ky. 9uch •* i* not ofu n ai**« »•!*•. nmt torn 
vow lie i« b«* pMlitinble. nor w oM ** to h ” 

S«Ucd-attfk lo ordx*r hy the d?*lll!rr^ lu >M* 
Slftie. T*» defairlmc «orh «o article the name* of 
th* luikcr* will he rntuie know a. I k*T- no f r 
Di> WhlstkT other than Pure 4 upper IM-iilled. 

t:.d rhcbrtt nroof of It-* qnallty, t9 Jn !to r rt. I* to fuste 
it. Of one thing I can ***ur • the nuhl c -it * noi 
18 . |<* ji IT’ »t iwiiffiir I « r»c»i»U’(| « >pp’r o.v nil., 
ran ft*a!» Hitv'T 1 to - 9o1l w Ihr Tltiftted LffiMle. 

i ; . i : . WlLLIAftft, 

No. -J'J -econi*. si., bet. Mala aud River. 

Ul iiSawWe*s»am 


pe. erre o« 7u»»j rears, hoik ra sad >iOc* 
prat tics, g nos our whole time ood attention to Ob 
SMc-slty. - ar rej. :tatloa Utcragbout Use soarw j — * 
west, o.t iodersemeni t alj bv ttat liw 

tn. U.. -I ,-nai.e. I pr a i r:.»D«r». . a mis! - i-OciaS 
nAnttf .It*'; ; . -be.. .-•/* «..4«r oor 

DmmwMm tofeBMasd 1 toto-v 

ts • orinr onrier sot ot UM r- Ok-ortaar* m- 
KSO-. or suffering in> of Ibe - .no- loan, ea at (oaMB 

1 M» h\« him; >H 0 P! 


1 >a\ 

» 1 (- J, ; : . - • • - * Mill 

I ohtt<TO. C oCtou. »na H .%5 *•»«! 

* heft ieon. Brio anti i opper Work of »11i1< 

I.unfl. And Port »b Ur 
a* Mill Sfochinerr. 
a id ft»*T> w*. Boll-r 
k of *11 11 < i-rlpMou*, 

VSairl GftOftfS. HhiftllfrJ*. frc., 

Comer Mhiu and Ninth ?*K, Lou»«» ill#*, Ky 

Coal Till*! ( on I Tnr 

(»rri< iLoriBTiLUUoCo , Ihe*. U. Isi*. 

1 coni tnr of tbe ni work* far 'h« Mn.inif year 

• I ifrwrrD lor Hd- from *hy p*r*.ie» ikwlrtriw: P> • 

, an . e . ihe ftinoiiaf :i ade ts from t.08t ti» V80t barre l*. 

r or partjnilDi> *^ply *i Ihr mth*e of tin- co:np*ar. 

. hr bUk will bec.ort-d t*n !br Ut (lay of J.»nu*nf, 1^. 


detJ WkPlJtl fn-hfar. 

Clioin* Groceries. 

' i * 1 w*rf be b:i*t *1 ib* lowi '* prlrr*. itollie xt- 

I I (riiliuii jfiven. an<! ^oodt 'IrUrrrvi 1 lifcV. at Itus 

cmnrm sirnna xv wabmv wm 

g 1 U<». •ge’it for Kali*** rr*e>»r*U*(l telUuiore oy*-: n*. 

nairow- Lauds of fur. Undoubtedlv inach of 
their beauty lk-s iu their adaptation," but tliev 
nrc also very coquettish when the finishing ol 
fu- i- added to the top.- of the dainty liitl. 
teats, nnd (I mall fur "ehaaielaiu-," held it 
the ide with narrow fur band, hokfo the em- 
broidered luindkerebief. 

V. 'tli skating dresses no hooped skirts nre 
wore; in fact, * rinoUue, so far ns the ekel -ton 
c - are concerned, which have been s . long 

dc.- not include the large sum- be rave to 
b ill; r American interest- in Ih. great hxhi 
bit ion of 1H51, u«>r other large miui* Ik law 
en f»*r international banquets utnl such 

. *} X 

For edtiwt ton !n the S.'uth lor Uaexs aud ^ ^ ^ ^ } 

liitiaordinnry l*i-lol Prneliec. 

[From the Chicago Tribune, iw. J.'ih.) 

Inptaln JoLii Travl- guv. uuothej exhibition 
ol pistol -Looting at bis uwller; la-t evening, 
in w hich he excelled any of hfo previous aston- 
ishing performances in this citv. by n - rk- of 
h: i: ldiHis feats requirii g the most cousuni- 
m i'.e skill on his part a d extraordinary d ir 
ii.g in that of the gentleman who assist' d in 


Fttritoini, In. dn.'rt aad Wilsil 

-i-ltl ur.U - .\t .il 'O for *11 1 »'*\ermti«*nt mT'irllict. 

TAVI.OK A ( o IXh k. r-, 

fe 1 dftodly 1 « » *U «4.. Nt w V«t 


\\* E have now on h ind, .f’.fl wir 'jar *! * u:ifr 
It.* r e»t t f inioTs *041 ^.l»: ' Th«* pQ>»i:.' I** 
r «'iit ffifl t< 4Mli tJul "XtUiloe «>ar aiivk an i urlr«a. 
wA'rhcftnnol f» I to |» 1 < t#<*. Anord«*r« pro i .»!1 t a*.« 
hndfil t»*, and toll* ’’aclh*n fatfifetofd, 

I.. HAikTTA> A CO.. 

■.veil a great name 

D' f 1 paid foe reputation, to - ed to pat them on f. 
. »( c the acceptance of introduction, eontiot now 

eel ill not ne , mint, n -s-e. - - whirl, w U sue. dUv fer r-UU eotil l -ueci- 
i” - after their ease of constipation, and wtrtel. wa si . W0 , KU , rflll ikilI . 

ja-rsuadctl to 1 iclirved. 

rn. in 


N E \V !siT V lal;'-, 

* ast rcCs lyetl by LOt i> T tiUPT, 

\M .*S '’f’ -'-^i RcfaH \jrt .» Kn tekr. 

dtf .O ibroti } 1 }•• * t id 14 I K ‘ Kv xwoa ■»« r x » . 

Yiolin ni Gaiiar Strais 

Wholesale and Hetoril ' 

isOTfis t rt t rr - s, 

x n-j “i 

( Ul? «V*ilf 


sflf lff ffsf.VT T.Ut.OR , 

M>. «'-THIKl»-* rKkKT, 

1 TJfTWEf.N MAIN AND MARKET. 1 lost-, cslvli q 
i t> a«sa uw*1>' at Fall sud W lnlci c-oo-i». a.asoi'1 

dentist n t . 

- I»R 1 W. r^-pertfftUy aot! 

£ -.K* •- .* .-UftiMltbt | *Mlpj^a*fftfri 

fvC v* ' i r»i- wttft Kli* la b«#*- 

1 and lb*? ’*? :*fft rrrtparM fe «br 
* OL *- «u Tnuchter. 

Il (lifarretl n. lei mo >*U- Jell. *ry prtv. a* v ,i r imaT 

4 X-OTT 

Uw ool i.'rldj. bat rail mt ftft? ni V >rd m 
hCftltbftD* -w.ely. (Aur tmaw, Cn l!y deiiBrftUte *dl 
totlft 1 *rS4c, vf t Itiw r' lual a> wtem. ft Ud full - ' 
• fM'*a |W8*(ftr jnwb of bnimai, *rmt to ut 

• wife 

tree do«J ronHdronr i«l. 

Dhraae* l , e^wli*r to Kruiilf * - Havtft u 

experience ot AID ny year* tn the ueafe al tte*u 
di»eD*< *, we tee* aJ. p:. J * au*Je of trftUoKM ifal 
abu<M| entirely dlflrr from former Omr 

treftimeui ^almple yet eiBcDt ioa*. re»t«.»rinft in* mo- 
paired fa : < t lone to n. AUhy dcLd*o wuk bul Utile re* 
K*rd to viiel >*r dalle done*. We on.- ao h irtfel or 
. » baft 

iDtei ntf rttof-* are invite I to call. \|| we com* 

•a ry waryiial •yrreiim* fertorard. ul 
all commnui' aii«ofl -a- rrd1> oallftr ftllaU. 

i »ft rt. ><■ KJ Third -I., near farifiw arrange 1 1 at 

ratlrn*- do aot Tner'ienrh oth»*r. utfl *e boa£« fra*o 
Ia.DIoI r. ft.. ftUi.dav... W Jb. H. lo 1 P. ft. PbTtfeft 
ax % d:>r*nee can ronanU bv *nall. \ddre*a Dr. ■. 
KUSkNGAJfeTkN. LoiiiaftiUe. Ky. no!2 d^oftu 

OalenS Bead Dispensary \w* 70 . JeOermm street- Reiwera 
Vnintl aad Third rtrrrK 


,4 -T \BLI>HED I'd* mod c ar t^rtftl by tb* Lfelafe 
■ # inrro of Kentucky, ftl. "'fbr the treat ’neat or «i| 
dt* cm** * of the uaiDDa-y mod <earomlfte or/ao* ft bote 
PtWt*. * >uilu<!: 4 «peru>alA>rrt>u- b or *>«*rn}Qft| a oak 
nrsafr- Tn i-arly ervoift. r*>norrl»®a. el- et triletufw, 
ran ctk, »jDb 1% In *11 tb hw «. »Jfe *o -ft rfre« 4 BLd Ida** (ier. rind the (La a- w »f w nea 
A Medic it Pamphlet, i oac hiniutf ftiiy lance p a ce* 
ar.d iiiimini IQu*crait*>ft» on a new raethoft an t re t 
Ing tbe ftbove dl D-uee* witlxmt uiercvT. and import* 
hnt 4<2vkc ut marria#e, Ac . wai aoder tea) lorS 

Ibe < »WKiU1nft S”.nreon of thl* re Vb rated I>nf 
• try. ai d A • hor of the Bbore work may b • >'•*■* tiled 
mr-or... U or by tetter **4. all ti** dt*aa4e* >f wbicblk 
fre*!«. rn:«i* Bt a diB^tMV trea.ed by all. ate 

medic. nee *em U‘ any nail of ta*’ country un rec ei pt 

• dential. 

Head the ahoTe work before -*ekinK modteal feft 
eteewhew. aad iLoa jto*I *’ua>’kx»ry . \41naa, 


Ar 10 11m L .utriTllle. Kf. 

Dr. 6. W. Lancaster 

I I l I 1 *> Fifth straw, .-oraar l oan Place, ear*. 
4* t I ^ a’l r c Is:.".’ ai«-tos>to. ectoaaa *S 

• owl, sjpiillls. -(Usne.-ns crapnaas, *e^ :s vsr- 

e \crotoBc* >B old f 'T y. untr. 

l»r L. ha** n ade ofl< practice Bla apccUl *:ndyfft 

th«* pael twenty year*. Na** ha. cu>re experience la Ate 
“*pfl ( liiliy’’' than ai.j o»'»er phyaieftan tn tmertea,aaA 
"xa-to enred upward or tch froasand ca*ea la Lowvtla 

Sax*] » prx’-H;..Pi*. Irr .-n^brlr. *a. Wl.’.tea Nerra 

Ml t M c’iiUoo. Barer 

ar*-* ac.. F^eeOUy car* d. ul Ak 

Dr. FBOBa Af St. Louis. 

I a panoaneatlT Uvaieti fa :L!» city aad caa h* eo 
. i.. .♦ ft.ra : tor ■'* *Y rlrudc dSra*8* IM 

-ail fa^ 


'tank ia all itekAfefe p te c r or 
tn a fr w wroak*. witteal lac 


low -potted a 
:iu’Jjc*i-.a tha' 

E rirr-^fcurual. 

r_ tj n *iv. wt n. <u. | -t. their . mancipation to-morrow. The pro- j 

trraaai. Ui full t. piiuiisii a In anoUroret ilumu. 

OWi^ ^ fcfc l-aac r.nV-ht. « darkv. yesterday male ft fero- 

upmMi n' t I- c dor *«i ~ - rs. [r 

i. r it- * m. r » ■ hk* he wa- !U,:i,..r-"d in jail by OW" • \n: • . 

♦He I .— ih> ; miirT"ii<r ~ ■ 

I WO si L...,.- V*S ... 12J8« lift* Druuk at a Ball 

* lit SaraT*") liJ * " , 1 wo yoorat m<-n who were i.rv .lr .uk an I 

I I slratoerateail- I iiiam somewhat disorderly *• the Plumbers' bail ou 

* ' Trunk *! } Ji* , : nltrhi. were -'"flay 6ic-l ('• ■ •' h In 

I I WPJBHaow * .*1 | ( 1240 . ■ . ... .. je ||p a 

■ , .. 1." •!•• 4 Hard* «lt<«.nrt. 

I MKClfe.) — | MS 

« x Lowl# * era" Or , I Maacir 

' * R R , ’**’ 1 bis unlveisall' Ihrorlteeoniiiie'lipnue lie- been 

* 1 loirt.1 iwd Vitn' < ^ I ram. red by the managers of the Louisville Op >nt 

• 1 1 HiK^e. ar. 1 will reign as the sU at that estate 

I , Mallboat Malls 1 I I slimcU! next we-k. 

lv* *vt. >o.n. 1 I — — - — 

I 44', | _ A* 1 ' 44T. : W*nl»€ M. 

•~l ** ’ ihrstiet ‘ * D w*r. M: * “■ u =* 1 The next convention of tbfo fraternity 

— ** lewwaa!. . i 1240 will U held In this eitv on mday and Saturday 

it*. Boat, wwn next. The tanon- elutpters In this SUt- hire 

' 2:88 Taylor*vin* T aud • j l- eli notified of tb meeUQff. 

I mootntm . t 1 _ — - — — — — — 

LVt ir n nr. axt> \ashi 1| le Printer fttohhed. 

I W» -helbretllT' Mall - i IbB, Tin- Lodger *ay> that Preston Dobbin-. !\ Na-h- 

i" 1 n»t 4 Atlanta 7 j vlUt iwinter. was robbed of ff2l" In New Albany a 

I Btm^dl X?? ! 1 lew nil. lit* awn. Th. money hail been deposited 

Owl ftfcV ** hi a Bible and stowed away in u trunk. 

Mlw.nndLa. !• ' — 

i lowrpori 

a a w.. - Our UlT.v lit itlh! town el • lei p. 

m»i ana i»rj»ariiirf tli I iff. us of tl) , : ,,-tr. uh.i. m tie -•.•; . tii- 

K a -h title Mwit. nad note d of beauty and tab ni beyond compart-. in. 

Arrtte xv-pa.i, Hl-a eiiarltalde lu-tliuUou. am! nl! pro.- fed* are 

hyfll. and M-mphla Malt . . i»r.B. *s8a.«. for hat purpose. 

h yCr a nq Metnpnn Lsprw «*i.b. At* r * 

afhew. 4 FJl .tn .. Wm, . n llbwat and km.enne.Hallr. ad 

■t*'" SJCa.b J:a»r n. , 

1- Wlwat... and l.t.kt.n Kniir M d. The |Kopl. ..f \ In.-etm.-s. Indiana, are moving 

Arriye »epa r>. In mailer of railroads. A spirited m.euny 

lastor. fc4f > w. was held there aday ortwostnee. and a committer 

gjj j ?5 p 2 was np p o H We d to attend the meeting which will 

JidriMn silleKailraad. be held Id New Albany on Thursday. Januarj Ttb. 

A(2r Depar More Thieerrv. 

A.M.. 6 * It. a . dsily ^au*1 s 

a. b.. dan. eee'i sst.. *: Ss.b: daOB. Thomas Sullivan was committed to )at! yester- 

J‘J~ z I -7 I **'**_ T V_a*{?T -r_*** , » r day by M ia n Antle. 1 lay tor and Hines, on a 

a KOMI** a : <BlB W»e* a. 7M r. b.. a ".?£ sm. ' ber^e of stealing flS from B. Spillman. Two 

at 7<Hp.B-(orBisl>owl. and ciBciwBati. colored person-. Abram and Rho»ly Wood, were 

— ■ ■ — aJ o lodinvi in )a:: by offl er lieGrath.on a eUarge 

or |)e.]' larceny. 

•“Persons wi-blnp tli. In - 

tunoaid. Ar.. or on the line of the railroad. liberal 

be aupplteu to seno ui: thrlt ord. E A * M * lc street d me merchant yesterday ware 

■BHMed by oendinw thi lr ordi rato E. A. one of the letter-earners the good round sum of 

e. Genera! News Agent. Louisville ami Nash- Iwenty-Br.- dollars for a copy of the beautiful and 

' railroad. The gaper will he furnubed at “T™ Y* Vmt «■*»>>- 
, offl.e. In general, the eaniers have been hand 

a ywBWU. soBiely rewarded for their second "annual." 

m aru.. I .Uljuawl lufellcll. . 

David Skidmore, of Ohio. has been awarded tU 

-aJA 1 iu 1 a > ustod . of his child, flfleen months old. His 

•Olu Chrc, gt 134 1-8. wife, the mother of the infant, lives at Sew Al- 

ItXt. tieorcv tf Pendleton is tu Hiook '.any. and has Inflexibly refused to move to her 
- .. Q _. husband - reslden.- In Ohio. The discordant 

l— ^ . eoupl. are but Uttle over twenty years of age. 

brciibishop Kennt k. o -t. Lou.- i- vi— _ — 

* *«"***' The mendHTThe^TT; mwsi. d. Sunday 

school have arranged a programme for a eoncen 

BttNgt FlSMri- T tin w as enthmia«ti- whbh Is u> oome oil m Ji flersonville to-nlgiit at 

ly wetcxamedu. OBnOie <»c T ■e-diit by tht is- Holme- A ThW Hall. tb. ywHOh of which are 

MB. ‘ for the benefit of tbe pupil- of the mission. Tb 

TV Alabama I.. v ;dature ndjonrns aim m-mol value of the entemtnment promised, no 

tto-ymy. Tb. n xToe-ba, ^•m-nce- J.iy Z" ‘ 

PS&. ' ■ ■■■■—■■» 

Mod. dewututk.t exist- among the ikkjt We ^ ^ub-i ‘’ iTTa* 1 that Dr. B. 

Detroit, and soup kitchens have again been Fields, who has been detained at his borne In t'o- 
*muA. lumMa reeently In eonsequenee of ba.1 health. 

The ft. Louis County Court yesterday is rapidly recovering with tbe prospeet of soon 
pcopriat.-. ter thouswo ' dollars for the (nor of isdog entirely restored. This will be good news 
M ctty. to his hosts of friends here as well as throughout 

Print* A Kathai ,ek> distillery on tbe B “** s *" ** €Pe f " w m,,n more * r ' ,npra11 -' 
-Tala._Jv ^^”7' known and blgtaly ed.-emed than Dr. Kblds. 

rtye igut -tiret. New \ ork. was B4Md IMoo 

y night. LossO'dtoU. Tbe Twrto-r Bank Failure 

I a —la n-a« . A meeting of the creditors of C. 6. Tucker A 

La vis Dm whs UDUocen m Clewiand nanker-. was held at the Board of Trade 

sterday to Is tiang*-! ul the 4tb ortvbmary rooms vesterday afn-rn* s >u . Mr. W.A.Duckwall 
r the murder of D. F. Skinner. pn-ided and Mr. Etnmc smith was appointed 

During lost year there w^re 858 fim- in secretary. Mesar*. Wm. H.-ffernan. ninnl- 




Etnanrf -alien. 

lb. co ..rej p.opleof Ihb city prop>»e 'o cele- igl lifOlilliJ Hi 

rw» their s mancipation to-morrow. The pro- , 

•urn, . ■ t Wo.. . 1 . 

l. B. r. B. 


I Ikirtm Malt M . 
S(Ui» Malt.. 

! Iiwt . 4r 

War Mails. . 

4t .... l.owp 4 1:.-1 

town R. R. Mis. * 
dk^t L*>Dl* 4 < rmh Or t 
*" rkar.i fir. R R i 
^ | Mafia ............ * I 

" I Idootgx and da 4 ! 

44 I Mattboat Mallrt I 

" r idOSls.ft tvtwv.) . 

, MaUboat Mailt > I 
1Mb IT- WVD-Fft.. 

, iX r I AKinr. 

I H i NevAIb. and Jed 

-—I 8*hawnaet*L huu< 


LTf*. MO*. TO. 

iim TartoraviDr and i 
FlofMuCd «tair« ( I 

m. tt^ twt. AID 

^helbr^tip' Mafl ... 

bOI 1 rhat 4 Atlanta 

Po*. Car. cr>*n 
lirtatikf: I. Ca..-, , 
F.U..Gi.. Ala. • 

| Mist, and La.... 


removal of the Stale Capital and 
Removal of the Hucksters. 


Adoption of Amendments to 
the Company's Charter. 

Increasp’of Salaries to the Judiciary. 


Irmal and Hrjanurc »f TraiBN. 

Kashvtlle ItWlhead. 

. _ - Arrit e O^na. t . 

«ai4?rflJf t.&C M. nipblhMaT .. i*>r ■ t*m 

»*« .'{ncwBd Memphl. Expn-- «»..«. feutr w 

Mb Orcb. I. Kat ,-eds IMP B. 5iUa w 

■Bwuewy Aoroi,. , ... fcata.B 14 m. 

lsxl..t ... and Fiaakl*n Kuiirwwd. 

■ . Arrive Depart. 

1 manor UUa.s. *.4t , w. 

l.magwn !4»p. B MOr.n 

4< i ou.aKXlat.ot £-40 a. B. UiF.B. 

JeOei-e.willr Kwilroad. 

Aide. Depac 

i*».^-4«ily. ' &4S a. a. daily- *' -jud'y 

l* 4. ■-. dwUj eery ban. t tr.g. date. 

■WM. • ” * | *4! » b.. dailr -* 

It*, a B., « - Mon. i day and BunU.y 

On seoirday . tiwln lsavr‘ at TKKip. b.. a on -o 
'**y at 744 r.n-fnr Sa^Lnwi- and Oadnaail 

%W Pop.*, wi-btug Ui< Oonunt-JomkAL In 
Richmond, ky.. or on the I me of the ralirowd. 
<»u be auppll, U by their ord. rs to E. A. 
Tale. Genera: News Agent. Louisville ami Nwsb- 
THle railroad. Tbe paper will be furnished at 
tl X per month. 

t-atein Iti-uraut-r f ompauy llitilili-tg . .. 

TbD gem of architecture, Just completed. Is the Wulnnt street, l^tween sixth and seventh, a of the parents In thimoei*. ‘h. better. The Tompla”m^atrt^, um ^ f?n "'^'HtIU v“ iv.!' 

£., miration of all observer*. It Is a credit to tls quantity of handsome pur, or, ciiainbt-r and <h Q - Lf,ng i^r-oDS of Uomatutr age, who canuot lu aid In i-ommerrla! olrrl-- imr^u h ^ fur quarter*. U i 
cr.pltall.-te a ho tarnished the meaus; the arebi- li-g-ioum fuiulture. Every article desired by a r orn i any 1 ,e r '' ( 'P f >i*Stbil\ties nfmtr- prospect of Immediate Improvement UD ^ furteeled. 

t. ct. Mr.c. 8. M enrol, who designed It; to the m- - b„use-keepcr will be offered, and as It is bom 11 life, by far the greatc-t ma.orlty severely cm cbndttion of the men -v mirt t ^ CANDLES - I 

chanles who executed It, and to the eitv. ^,,1.1 , v ,.iil.l do tv .1 V„--„rc the old folks and warntl; syniKilhizc PV . - t... k ' °* nao t, bow- , s utr car.. 

It ct, Mr. C. 8. Mereel. who designed It; lo the me- 
chanics who executed It, and to the city. 

Tbe front three stories are entirely of lron, r.'-h 
In carvings and beauty of lines, still modest and 
hcrtnonlons. The more Its details arc cxa'itm-d 
the more pleasure they give. Neither fl.-e nor 
v. ater ean affect It; nor time, that sumett'aes slow 
but sure de.-ayer, can efface or dltu its line- of 

All the Iron work for Ibe buildlug— the tbre - 
-lory front, the vault: tb<‘ skylights, sidewalk 
light-, stairways, Ac.,— were executed by Messrs, 
-nead A l'o. The large entrance and the secou I- 
story strdrway are closed by extension gateways, 
I -r-iied b) Mes-rs. a. A Co. TUc-t- gentlemen 
ate fii-t proving that this >s really the "Iron Age,” 
ate! Ibai man will have use for all that valuable 
metal a munificent Pr jvldt-nco ha- le-slowed upon 

The most important thing connected with a 
bank Is 11- vault. Immense sums are -pent on 
locks and iron walls to render tbe treasure ccr- 
lalnly secure. The depositor must feel when he 
lay- his bend on hi.- pillow that hi- hard-earned 
gains are not only eutrusied to men of hone-ty 
and ability, but that they are safe from the at- 
tacks of the enemies of society. 

The Western Insurance Company ha- as One a 
vault as L- In tbe country. Any lire that could 
po-slbly occur would not touch Its contents, and 
1 lie burglar, with hi- t est tools and ample time, 
could not teach the treasure of the lnn -r casket 
1 b<- doors of this vault are secured by "five shot- 
bolt- revolving In their keeper-.” which bolt- 
are fastened by locks costing AW each. The 
outer door w eighs near a ton. and so accurate Is 
■ he workmanship that It turns on its massive 
binge- with the power exerted hv a -logic finger, 
and with such nicety Is II Oiled In Its frame that 
the joint Is almost alr-tlght. 

All the Inner arrangements of the building are 

city n:.v rLii^- 

r*Me-rs. 8. P. Whaley A Co. will soil at a c- 

-ivedat mature nse or gave np the obiec* 
heraffect on*- The entreatioa of Uo ulri 
remain W' th her hu-batid and the 

:>r* Mc-rs. 8. P. Whaley A Co. will -ell »t “ J_* ^'‘^cated quite » sensation throughout the 
I! it at ten o’clock, Paturda- niornlug. at No. SW “* a!) d neighborhood; and while -o ne ap- 

Wonetary and Commercial. 

Ofuci or Ttt ?. Lonsvati comiMt-joritwi t 

JPK; Wet tern Rederve l- H telVV: Eug'.I-b dairy 
1 ’ to SPc: pine apple and uutiu-g at -* lu ■“£'• 

Holland flu per doz. 

DRIED FRCIT— Receipt* tlhd ready sale within 
Ibe rauge ol our tuotatl m-. We ,-ontluu- -togco'e 

Local finances have undergone’ no’ chaneo a, apples on arrival, from «\ (o sc, a,vorimg 
tht- better. Tbe complaint of strl no. to quality. Pea. he- are-'- -1>, at 8 to > 'v£ 

beard In commercial olrclt£ nw ts Zr Z f r *l"~ 11 ,u U '" r “* W ^ 

Drosnect of lmmpfiiMti* ^ furu»eleit. 

River News. 



I ST. CHARLES..... 1 



Tbe bouoral.l. tl. rt -ral Council met tn the CUv The Western Insurance Company ha- a- One a 
Hall last even lag, a quorum being present In vault as Ls lu tbe rotintrv. Any Ore that could 
each board. In the lower board President B in- possibly occur would not touch Its contents, and 
non was in the chair, aud the following buslacsa the burglar, with hi- t est tools and ample time, 
wo- transacted: could not teach tbe treasure of the Inner casket 

MESSAGES rxosi Tin bator. 1 he doors of this vault are secured by "five sbot- 

Tho following message from the Mityo-. calling holt* revolving tn their keepers.” which bolt- 

and stating the object- of tb<- me: lug. ea-read are fastened by locks costing f-TUu each. The 

and ordered to l«* filed: outer door w eighs near a ton. and so accurate Is 

Mator’s ovricg. i the workmanship that It turns on its massive 

Lnri-vu.Lt . December Iki, l-b-. < hinge- with the power exerted hv a -ingle finger. 

Toltir Gmtral OnunrO: and with such nicety Is It fitted In Ite frame that 

Gl-MI EBEN — In obedience to a resolution pass- Im- joint Is almost alr-tlght. 

m-iUo. OU L b °? or, H!r I*- S J meeting. All the Inner arrangements of the building are 

directing me to convene the Council, you are , , 

hereby convened to receive the report of the Com- finished in tbe most modern and expensive style, 

■nttu-c on Gas, and tbe amendment to the new The floor I- Inlaid with different colored woods, 

gas charter, before tbe expiration of the present the flnest of black and white walnut. The wln- 

liouse-keeper will be offen d, and as It is rau “ ' ried lift. "V , . V I.,? . j ‘ r, ‘ 
to Is- sold, those wishing bargain- would do w 1 ccngu r, the old folks and warm 
to attend. wltk the younglovcr^ 

t » e courts River Nev 

LOt 1st ILLE CITY COl R F • 

■og. K.S. ciAld. rRtsmiNS iroai. tin \T>- LEAVING to 

WKDKIUDAT. Dec. »). lsd-i. ( . |npil , pat |f GEN. BPELL 

Patrick Green, assaulting John Hint", dis- , luciniatl »bp9«m ,!1 ®*"'' 

< it . i fy. ii i cnn. I.lver ABfcu.>A 

l.rn-t L«s>P* stealing a but.- her .' steel £»j0 — J ,7p' W T KTR A DE A |L 

Gregory; warrant suspended to await aiu >u . Nll . hTm e.... JS(). LIMSDES. 

Andrew Walsh, drunk an t disorder. y: dls- CjT. ~L«a. Con.L^t., 

Ch ffi’ G real bouse ,col.). 

ntectMu'TlulTtmcll lo appear More the grand OEPARTl nilts Deceit 

)n>y. , , . i^inStewaM (col.) t. T. Dmnont, Cln. Gen. Lytl 

J. W. Parker (•■<>!. ‘-hooting Jl,u * : H .. e»nv Ih.luaaou. ( lu t •m.-U., 

wlih luicni lo kill, til-charge I: wltm - i Tan&con. Hen I. MckL -u. 

nixed to uprs-ur before tbe grand Jirj . 

Joseph Williams, sicullug proprny wo. * _ .. ._ 

from st rait Polk; continued. b BOA Its IA I OR r 

Wm. Moreau, alias W m- < lost r. f H( -• Pab-stlna, Portland. J no. Lon 

Iti elks, to appear lu-lore the grup'JJ"' Lootstana.FOrl'and P. W.--r 

Hem v William- (col.). dhulUlff *• W rn ! n , , . New Y. rk.clty »br,-f. Iara*.- >e 

h-tla Bre "u 1.^: held in **« to ippear before p.^Oc r. l'ottisnd. wildD-t. 

1 g" ml j ury . Bose Hite, P ortland. PlncMui 

n iskBi PTCi. Tbe river continues to 

.-V- were al this (glint, w ith H feel 2 Incl 
IVt.i.ous fur adjudication I ...,, . canal, 4 fed 2 Inch.- water In the 

I on letdenlay fil' d '.y the following R»o • t Inches water on the rocks la-1 e 

warmly sympathize I ever, he prob.nge.1 beyond the flrst 

Prices Are uachang d. W« 

dies foil wet-Tbt, a' 21, W 


M I 

O leans 2tl.Sc. Private sales roponol to-day of' 
91 bahs aa fo- lows: SI bales average top dllag 
21 -. 8 tales low mlddllwg 29k-. and XI bales ycd 

or in- rr and l *w mtd d MWg 51c , uua 1. 


ettr, oc prolonged beyond the first of February. I i..c; 13-oz at 18 lo lie; U-oz ai to IT*. TA>- 
lu the meantime the currency paid to farmers. It I low candles 14 to 15c. 

10 A. if. 

!r. a. 

!r. a. 

1! a. 

5 p. *. 

ARRI\ Vl> December SO. 

C. T. Dumont. Cln Gen. Lytle. Cln. 

I ine lloiff. Cln. Knte KoblusoM.TcTui. 

f atnells.Pilt- 

DEP VRTl 11 ItB— December III. 

4 .T. Damon t. Cln. Gen. Lytic. f in. 

Ki.Uv lloblnsou, Cln. l amella, St L- >nl- 
Taraacon, Hen I. Nick Lcngsortli. N. t 


Palestine, Portland. 
Louisiana. Porl'and. 
New V. rk.clty -aba-f. 
Panther. Poitland. 
Bo-c Hite, Portland. 

islwlteved, will find Its way back to our mer- 
chants and the banks. When ihisisaceompn-hed 
“L <asy money market will be the result. At 
prevent Interest ranges from 0 to 12 per cent, tt 
Ike regular tanks, and from 15 lo is p -r eeut. „• 
private banking iiiatHnttOBS. 

The New York money market contlnnes active 
at;p. r cent. The New York Journal of r om- 
merue of lh,c 2sth -ay-: 

The two recent failures which took place lu Hie 
> ry goods trade were not entirety uodip -t.-d. 
and they have h.ul m> tni|>ort:uit Influence In hln- 
..i ring the uegotlailr.u of t hi, class of obligation*: 
the best grade of which, having four to six m-.n:h- 
tt* maturity. I* plac**.] by th.. t,r,-k--r. -it 7 to 8 
per cent, dl-eouut. 

-pecd: • oNTRArt-.-Tbe ^New York Po-t take- 
the follow Ing view of the subject: 

« .'L^ s FCkervetl for our times lo witness 
7-' . ,n ! hl ' ''Orrenov or money of ih>- roun- 
iry . rhe legal tender act ha- made th - opportu- 
nity. ami ecri-iin a*iiiiesp.s ular<»rs. wh . have o'^ 
bum d possession of a largo sub of money, hau 
. '' >r,1: '* purpose of g- itlng more. 

u>t, ineo. Cougress attend lo its duty th- mo- 

C.VRPET CHAfN— We tiuote at 45 to 30c for I v , 
white, and 50to 55c for colored. I slm- 

COFFEE— The market I- steady, with a fair <;us- ' .. 
s'.., .pure demart \ "fi" , “ , ” J I .. ' 

at tuotatlon-. Wequote eommonfo-trvily choice I et '' 
a' 19 to 25iyc: Lagunvra 25* to 2Tc: Java :jd to JW". 
Singapore S3 to 35c; and lml'atlon Java a! 5) IN 
to 31c. a | 4 , 

EGG 8 — Are lu Rood demand ai 28 to •>, per • 
dozen. r.f 

FLAXSEED— I- in good request at #2 per bushel 1 - J>e 

ou arrival. v , , 

FEATHERS— Tile mark,-: Is verv qttlet with a | v 
11 -lit demand. Wc quote at dfi lo »5c for prim- to | 
c olee lots. 

TLOTR The d.mau.l k- chiefly lo-ml. an! ,' n ‘" 
pries are sieailv. We note sal.-* ff 13 | 
bbls at quotation-. We quote fin*- at F5 to | day 
25. superfine at #5 50 to #« 25, extra at *'i to No. 
#7. extra famliv at #7 A to #7 75, No. I at c- •>’ So t| p 
|h :*'< fancy at *» 73 to ill. Rye flour at F. vO to 

FCRF-The market I* unchanged. We «Bm« I 
prime rec-eti -sins at JU to 4ta-: minx 82 to $2 ok | the 

. Pal- j !*l>« rially T-lcgraph e d !• th* 4 wwrier-Jeur-ial 


^ for NEW York. Dec. *>.— Recelpte of beef cacle 
-Ince Monday otr. Market slow mu firm. Sales 

TCOP* I .. n m ts- «— -—»«••— to extra IP mot- and 

ch^re I ffTUMWkP »<««»• 

tO 38-', | -UkXV. 

I a: 9 j | Receipt- slm-e M-m-taj l.2»bt h-ad. v trr Jru 
at 4f to « V. 

it per swixv. 

Receipts 1.970 bead. Dull, aud uo arrtvwls. 
bushel 11le only Ja )w were tight and medium weight- at 
»’v to »*c. 

JJJ'" ■ J akTAPsTtTrs. 

™ 10 l lour— sbippe-- would pay #7 to *7 Id tor fr* 
, , I lines extra State. Wheat miller- have been 

of 575 | free buyers -luce ‘change, and the sales for the 
l Rio day are tolly SMfiff bushel*, amluty at fl •• '_>• 
t D* to No. 2 spring. bSlppers were also looking about. 
•50 to I The course grains were verv fiat. 

f, > 10 | PROVISIONS. 

* quote I Tbe favorable mall accounts from Legist J ♦ b 
> to* 5* tbe advanred quotations for lafd v. -ar ... nr* a 

Gaaiw-Cor H 
i"-n ■ 
L -v- ■ 
■ ’ V ’ *’ ' ' ^ 



Flora- t arbaa 


Pk».v-*z5. m 

v r , L H 

■ ' H 

\ 'M; 

• ■ 

I CDSOt* as 

ti\ c-IMathe ** 

Inn. Lam-den, etivwUrf "" I* M "fi' 1 al m ike lawful a I specie I',"' 1 

f W. -i ,1-r. i- -rlT-I* «-»tr.«*. ( resilt will then le pos-lbb- In a form 1 're’Yl'- -C- 

rarax-qa, Portlaui. hi » bleb no cornet can l>e untile. sleep, wool on,** to ff Line 

quality Is Inferior; opossum 5e: grar AitorRlk: buoyant feeling f-r bog t rodnr ■ 

The river continues to recede -lowly 
al this point, with B feet 2 Inches water In the 
canal. 4 feet 2 Inches wat, r In the chute un i il feci 

will be fund-bed at 


4 -old efeecd at 184 1-8. 

Hog. Gvorgt: U. Peadleiuu ie iu Hiook 

Ilk, New York. 

ArclibMiop Keunt-k. of N. Louis, i- vi— 
uing AtchhMio; Dngcwu. io Chicago. wb< Is uo- 


Geoqp Frurii- Tr»ln was enthusiasri- 
ealto V ebxHB -d to OauOu, on Tuesday by the Fe- 


Tin Alabama Legislature adjourns ginc 
die to-day. The next aee-t-w <-.gnm--nc- July 

v. Mud, destitution exist- among the ]toor 
of Detroit, and aoup kitchen- have again been 


The SL Louis ( oonty Court yesterday 
^■UMaapria*—. her tb o uawnc dollar* fur t h<- ;«<or of 

Prince A Bachai !, a > distillery, on 
* l orty-itgtiU -tie--:. New York, wa* burned Tues- 
day night. Lo-e 

Lewis Dsvis wa- sentenced in Ocrcland 
resterdzy to be banged on the 4tb of February 

for the murd- r of D. F. Skinner. 

j'-ar. 1 W ould further recommend tbe appoint- dow- are /lazed with the flaest plat,- gla-s. The 

WoMWto^TSJffSSTSK “ nrt bro “>^ ^ «!»»•' •** lho l«f mau- 

Ital to our city, as that question will be before the her. 

Legislature this « Inter, and If you would have It M-ssrs. 8nead A Co. arc now erecting for Col. 
we must not lose lime. R. A. Johnson, on Main street, above Fourth. 

PHILIP TOMPPERT, Mayor. another accession i» our city lu the shape of au 
His Honor -ill-muted another message, mak- iron from, four stories high, making two stores 
know o that there I* tm execution against the 0 „ , he flr , t flo<ir an<l entrMnw an ,, 

J ' h P . ^ 7 Co “ r ‘’ l P f * Tor °* p - and loom- up stair-. Messrs, stancltfl A Andre wartha 

M. I felfler. of (1.45. j 5. with Interest at 6 per >rP Rrcblteels. The building 1* unequalled 

renu from the 5tli of July. 1S57. until paid; also m design and stability. 

Site OKonWe. hevidc commlaalon, on the amount. We note wtiti pride tne-e tmprovemeute. for 
5 and f per cent., making a total of something they evince the spirit which Is actuating our peo- 

over(l 7-10. The Mayor advises that provision t.i. 

bemud- for the paymentof the claim, to save fur- 

Rtr * md 10 yiU * Dr " WAR ON THE HUCKSTERS. 

8till another message came from the Mayor. In- . ... 

uilng the Council that under th<- new charier Looking lo their l-.xpul-ion 

three DlreelAir* of the Gas Company are to be 4»ora the Mreel-. 

eledct, anl requesting the Council to me»i for An ere-lilng controversy arose In the Count'll 
that*.- on Monday evening neit. I "' t " 1 * h, “F 00 tk® final reading of au ordinance 

-Ixi.BOVAL or the Capital. declaring It unlawftil for the owner or driver of 

Mr. MUler Introduc'd a resolution to the effect any market wagon to vend his marketing upon 
that a joint committee be appointed to co-operate ,he P llbUr « r, ‘' ls or sidewalks, and Imposing a 
with the committee of the Legislature aa to the " ue ° r flve 10 U n u P" n l ,art l®s *® 

expedience of removing the Slate capital to obsirtfllng the avenue-. Iu the course of the 
Louisville. Mr Dent moved to refer the paper debate many dlfl-rcnt vl. w- were cxpre-sed for 
to tbe committee on revision. After some de- * n<l “P* 1 ® 1 " tke pwBiace of the ordinance. Gen- 
Ute, the resolution was so r. ferred. ,be »«nn*ilve cried out agalrnc thoevll 

oPixioN bt the cur ATTORVET as one of the most flag rout that our citizens had 

The following communication from' the Cltf to oooteoff with. They maintained that the prac- 
Attomev was received and filed: ' <’<* ® f marketers blockading tbe iboroughfkre- 

To (to Binird of Common Council: ™ »»••» a C' ar,D f »“»?•“«* *® P^e^jAM. 

I have no dout*t whatrver that th^ Counril has but that It HertotwlT detrimental to the ln- 
poarer to prohibit the oUxtructloo of street* and tenets ol nropeity-owiier>. depreciating the 

sidewalk 0 by bucksu^rs an<1 o?h<*r^. aa Is ronteoi- value and otherwise lnjarlni* r their real estate, 

plated In the propose* ordinance herewith re- !n lheIr M i for ^ general welfare and the 

"YcoD-ldfr it very doubtful whether the Council property lQlareaU, the umnnatlve geuilemen. 

has ixiwer to authorize such ot-struct.ion- of the taklDg tbeordluauce A- a text, ma-le lu-ilscrlml- 

stlVet- which have t-e,-n dedicated to public use natc war upon all the offenders— the hone-t coun- 

as thoroughfare*. I Incline to the opinion that It try mail who bring- hither and sells bis own 

hag no such pow er. produce, as well as the professional hukstet 

LonsviLLi Dec’ 30 C tT A!t0nl r ‘ "I 10 l ,u ys“ and resells. Several In- 

1 The ordinance alluded to prohlblL- buck-ten eflfectluU » ucm I lts mnd< -' «® tolopf the ordl- 

*nd the own- rs of countrv wagon- from block- r,an, '“' * b,;n , ,he “W 0 *" 1 ®® «fPPe d ^ 

ding tbe streets and sidewalk* in tb- sale of ^ere n.<«t ably repr.'sented by Dr. G. HJt ailing, 

.heir marketing. Imposing a line of not less than Ue wb f'{ » rb ' le<l ,ha ' “ b ® grievously 

85 and not more than (lo tor each violation of T™\!L !Zon 

•he or, .inane.-, and directing the poHce to see the w unrev teLl would -trike a 

L!? D «® « b ® fi'-r W« depend up- 

CRleago. canto ting a aotto low of (2.M4.7S6. It 
-oat (890400 Vo inn (he are department . 

The LUncns Ctohai and River Conven 
tiaantet Ib Pi-oia y-merday morning. Hon.T 
C (lore, of Chl-ago. was etened chairman. 

A statement is made that Grant has re- 
ceived a letter advicing him. aa a peace measure, 
w appoint Jeff. Davis a. hte Secretary of War. 

A mac named William Asbuoh killed 
Me wlf. with e hatch, t lo CmdanoU yceterde. . 
and the* blew out hi* own train- with an Enfield 


On Tneadav three store* were destroy ed 
!•< ffre to Uojb. BL, yweterday morning. A 
hotel, drug store. *ad out dwelling house was 

A Inrp, ftale of condemned ordnance 
atoms took place at Portress Monroe, yestordav. 

caBalailng of old cannon, muskets, saddles, Ac. 
wranged duratig the war. 

"the Peruvian steamer Maranon sailed 
from Kew Orleans y eat CTOs' to join fbt monitor*. 

aad w(U ew-or them to Pen-a- ola, where they 

wm be mad* aeaworthy . 

Mosel y Clark, born in June. 1747, died 

n Rlcbmouo. Va.. on Tuesday, aged 121 years and 
• month- Be war a wagon drjver during the 

Revolutionary war. 

iehabod Washhurne, originator of the 

Smith, and Dr. W. E. Rotitnson were appotated a 
commute.- to take an, -li st-ps a- would l*e mo-: 
beneficial to the creditors of said firm. 

Responsibilities of a Parent. 

A rale against Ed. Maugun. requiring him to 
show cause why his daughter Ellen Maueati. aged 
II year*, should not be taken from him. he being 
considered an until person to educate her to 
a good and moral course of HIP. was dismissed 
in the City Court yesterday morning after an al- 
B.osl interminable bearing- No proof wm- ad- 
duced to contain dx Common wealth in tbecharge- 
sgalnst lUngac. 

Street Crossing- to be Cleaned. 

This mnd-n.1d.-n community will hcwrtllv thank 
Mr. George Btobmon fur offering and the Gen -ral 
Council for passing, last night, a resolution order- 
ing the Sued Inspector* to keep tbe street cross- 
ing- chan. Ai present the; are almost Impassa- 
ble tn eom> parts of town. Il will be a herculean 
job to rid them of Up-irmnshy coverings, but per- 
severance wUl do the thing, mud the Inspectors 
are bound to persevere. 

"V sure A li teller." 

The New A Uiany Commercial And the Evaogville 
Journal are fighting each other over the 
relative criminal statu- of the two burg*. The 
Commercial declare- that five or alx robberies 

with the committee of the Legl-lature us to tbe 
expediency of removing the Slate capital to 
Louisville. Mr. Dent moved to refer the paper 
to the committee on revision. After some de- 
bate, tbe resolution was so referred. 


The following communk-atlou from the Chy 
Attorney was received and filed: 

To the Board of Common Council: 

I have no doubt whatever that the Council ha* 
power to prohibit the obstruction of -treets and 
sidewalks by hucksters and others, as Is contem- 
plated in the proposed ordinance herewith re- 
turned. M 

I con-lder It very doubtful whether the Council 
has power to authorize such obstructions of the 
- ttVet- which have been dedicated to public use 
as thoroughfare*. I Incline lo tbe opinion that It 
has* no such power. 

J. F. BCLLlTT, City Attorney. 

, Lonsmixt. Dec. 30, 1968. 

' The ordinance alluded to prohibits hucksters 
and the owners of country wagons from block- 
ding tbe streets and sld-walks In tbe sale of 
their marketing. Imposing a fine of not less than 
85 and not more than (10 tor each violation or 
the ordinance, and dlrc-tlng the police to see the - 
law enforced. A very general and spirited dls- 
,-us-lon look place, and many personalities and 
Irrelevant issues were dragged In to gratify th« 
speechifying Impulse and to ouusume the time of 
the Board. Mr. Long finally moved that the or- 
dinance tie postponed until the next meeting aDd 
taken up as the special order al 9 o’clock. Wide 
atltnde was again taken by tbe oraufflea! tnem- 
i-ers. and the question wa- discussed almost In- 
t-rmlnably. Dr. Walling very sensibly moved 
ibai the ordinance be recommitted, that II may be 
amended so as to apply to hucksters exclusively. 


Mr. Brohston offered a resolution directing the 
street Inspectors to have- the crossings lo tbe city 
kept clean. Adopted. 

the cas qrtSTiov. 

Mr. Baxter, from the special joint committee 
i -tpuimcd to confer with the Directors of the Gas 
Company, presented the following: 

To Ok General Council: 

Gentlemen:— Y on r eoinfautec appointed to con- 
I ter with the Director- of liu- Ga- Company to 
a-certaln If some amendment- to the charter of 
the Gas Company could be agreed upon to more 

Ellas Farmer, of Ohio county. 

James M. Hay. of McLeun county 
Jehu 11. Hendricks, of Muhlanburr conn lin' lnnutl and statlonaiy at Pitt, burg. Weather 

Robert A. Jamison, or Daviess cotnlj. cloudy and growing - older. Business very dull. 

George ^M^^an^'k^’miy. There will be no packet for llondersou 

Haden Fl, McKay, of Daviess county. to-day. 

w. T. Moredock,of , The Abooi a i- advertised to leave the 

Taptoy Maddo?of Davb-ss count . ««T wharf at 2 r. u. to-lay, for al! points un the 

B. Miller, of Davies* county. * ennsffse river. 

Thos. v. Rodman, of Daviess couity. The Westmoreland is announced hi 

i. , “ 1, . , - > r? f ’ leave for New Orleans ul noon to-daj from (be 

Bciij. t . Woodward, or Ohio county. .. hsl 

wm. White, of WeG-ter county. L. . .... , . 

Wm. and James s. pottlnger. of Dtvless co-uily. Xlie Loui-vtlle and New Orlean- Packet Prater, of Lewis county. Company will send out to-day Iht- P. W. Strader, 

Thos. H. Probert. of Montgomery ,oiml ' . captain Alf. Stein, tor New Orleans. She will 

Wm. Murphy, of Loutsvlllc. leave at 5 p. u. fo-.lav from the Portland wharf. 

Rotit. E. Grannls, of Mason oounu. A1-X- Stewart, one of the cleverest and most pop- 

f.c-orgeW, Prater, of _ Lewis eotini . ular clerks on the liver, hns chartrn of the nba*. 

LouL- Kuenspler, of Louisville. The Strader ha- eouelderable freight and stock 

Robert Hinzen. of Knox county. engaged 

HenrvD. Pose*, of Henderson county. . _ , , 

Francis M. Pate, of Todd eountv I he new steamer John Lumsden was 

rnoma.- A. Cralle, of Louisville. detained yesterday by -ome delay In making out 

n . a. cupper, ol Louisville her custom-house papers, and will leave for 

George W. Blair, of Louisville. . Nashville at 111 A. M. to-day. The local inspectors 

Henry W. Farris, of Louisville. visited her yesterday, and pronounced her per- 

Henrv Gerstle, of Louisville. feci, she Is a handsome crafi, aud Captain Dsvla 

Daniel Lehaue, of Louisville. 1- justly proud of her. 

James E. Marshall, of Louisville. , , , 

A. Miu-keibauer, of Louisville. t he New Y ork w prospecting lor a trip 

le-wls Straus, of Louisville. ell her to St. Louis or Pitt, burg. The Captain 1- 

N. N. Whitman, of Louisville. not partletilar which, so It pays. 

tou; ” , “' The Camelia, from Pitt-burg to St. 

C H -otncrvme.’of Louisville ’ Louis, discharged a lot of freight beie yesterday 

Joreph If. Grcenwtol.°f Sim pwn count v. " l "' P“^ |J d ® wn ® T ® r tb “ '“ ,bf ' 

James W. Puckett, of Larue eouu y. The Nick Longworth left for New Or- 

• Edmund L. Drake, of Christian county. lean, yesterday with a moderate freight aud 150 

Frank A. Dunbar, of Christian county. ti- ad of mule- 

Wm. W. Franklin, of Christian county. t-, . „ ,, , 

Thomas W. Gooch, of Christian count V. 11,0 Ka,e Kobinson, Irom 1 euuessee 

Wm. Means, of Trigg county. river, discharged 31 bale* of coltou and a lot of 

George McGee, of Cbrl-aluu county. sundries, and passed upfru t Inelnnat! yesterday. 

Wm. H. Morrltl. of Christian couuty. The W T Mav wa, hinletl out on the 

ll.-nj. IloLlusou, of Christian oounu. , .V' - " a ' " uul " , 11 ou l,1L 

Milton W. Mason, of Allen county.' -lock- yesterday for the puvose of receiving a 

Wm. T. Touipkln,. of Logan couatv. , ' " w woeei. 

*\ m. 9.1lrlu,dn, or Daviess county. The ferry-boat Isaac Bowman earn* 

<lown to the foot of Fourth -ires.-' and loo* a big 

B. Duncan, of Dnt le-s county . lot u f salt to Jeffersonville. 

... ....... ~ The big iow-pressure Richmond will ar- 

LO ! THE POOR NEGRO, live to-nlghi. and will return to N.-w Orleans Sal- 

mday eveninR. 

11. U.,.ho Alph.*,,„..d_,,. Ballot, 

22 - »• •«-•* ire- ?«*«-’ I». *0 , .3S Jr. 2W 

Aud the poor negro; wljal Is Cliristtnas to storm. Snow to the depth of elghieeulncb--s fed' 
lent now? We mean particularly Ibe planta- In that vicinity, which I- un unusual ihlng for 

2 Inches water on the rocks lust evening, a fad of to borrow upon our bonds In Europe rather than 
2 Inches since our last report. (onsl-L ruble lee *-11 them there, since bv such anoperailoti they 
floated |«ist the city ye-terdav but It was very could secure the profit of an advanci in the bonds 
soft. At noon yesterday the rivet was falling r.t and at th<- same time do a banking bu-im — upon 

Th.-remay be created a demand for *p le which 
-hall Induce aurh a supply of specie that theeonn- 
ti y may safely e-sume specie payment-. 

IT gol-1 contract- are math- legal, and measures 
token to make the credit of the Cutted States good, 
so that onr bonds may be expected to rise shortly 
to par, there will be an Inducement to all bankers 

tl gold I orrow-l up •- cm. 

Let us -uppose gold contracts legalized and a 
return to specie payment assured In three years, 
our bonds -land at 90 in Frankfort. There can 
be little doubt that loan- upou ibree year- an be 
negotiated upon such bonds us security. If, then, 
upon (leo.U O or bowl* (75,000 of gold should be 
borrowed, and thi- gold lent out here upon gol-1 
botes or made the bast- of a gold bank of dis- 
count, tbe bunkermlgbi have three year-of bank- 
Ing proflte— say (25,<1U0- then pay bis loan and 
-ell hi- bonds at a- high a price in gold a- they 
uow bear In currency, -hereby clearing (l-.nuo 
In'erest In addition to hi- banking profit, or 81-1. - 
QUO In all. 

What Is needed Is to Induce men of large cap. 
ltal and good credit to borrow gold -rather than 
the Government to board op the no — —ary 
which wc* mu-t have to resume upon. 

When we have done ibu- gold must flow hither 
— tbe demand will bring the supply— and the legal 
tender currency may then tie wtthdi-awu aa-l no 
shock Pelt by the community. 

Eastern exchauge Is still offering In -'I-v*- of 
the demand, though not as superabundant as last 
week. Rakes, however, are about tbe same, 
ringing Irom N discount buying to par sell'ng. 

The New York gold market opened to-day at 
134>«, and exhibited steadiness during tbe -lay, 
I'M -lightly decltued, and at 3:15 !\ M. was 
quoted at 134 7, and at 4 P. M. closed at 134>f. 

Messrs. Mortonf Galt A Co., bankers, Mo. 150 
Main slreet, quote as follow-: 

Buving. -selling. 

Gold 13814 Ml 

Filt er jus an-1 V* 123 

Silver dlrtes 123 

Tbe 10:22 a. M. dispatch to the commercial 
New Department reported the New York market 
for Government securities -teady.u lth gold loans 
3-10 and sterling exchange steady at You'd aid 
1 . 10S . The 2:28 P. M. dispatch reported the m?r- 
k-t strong, with an advance In all descriptions. 

The following Is an exhibit of the Duetuatloii- 
lii the market for the pa-t threedays, as IndleaMd 
to the 7:20 p. M. New York dispatch: 

Mon. Tues. Wed. Adv. Dec. 

wild rat XKttAdc: otter (.1 to 85: _ terevur 
(1 lo 2: muskrat 15 to 2dc: dwr. per lb. 25 to Sic; 
si cep, wool on, 55 e to (1: inferior Skins lu pro- 

F18H— Dealers report the market Arm. with a 
good demand. We quote prime qualities of So. 1 
medium, ter bbl, at (23 to (21; So. 2 at 
jl- 5o to (19 50; No. 3 al (14 58 to (15: No. 2 
large at (to 50 to (20 5fff No. S large at (U to 
#15 30; So. 1 kits. (2 .VI to (2 75; No. 2 (2 15 to 
*._• -j5; No. 3, 81 90 t-. (2 10. White Fl-b, (. .9) to 
(s per half barr. 1. ( udllsh. 8 to SJ»e for large 
and «\ lo »\ for small. Solmon (2- per bbl. 

GR US— We nave no change lo note In the 
gruin market. Transaction- are of limited Im- 
portance. We note -ales of Vo bn wheat at (1 90; 
1,0 bu corn at On to ffle; 20(Tbu oats at 57c; 500 bu 
rve at *1 45; A»1 bu No. 2 spring malt at (2 23. 
We quote oat* at 59 to 90e. In store, and 5oe 
on arrival Wheat (1 95 to (2 On, od arrival, 
for red and white. Corn 55 lo 57c per bushel. 

with buyer* al (27 23 for -wot nan W ,a 
for March. Lard 17Me for -pec. and V*i tlef>--» 
sold since 'Change at 17 X- for February. Bai-oo — 
prime bramls of Cumberland would bring K#.\c 

for spot. 

PR tu. UTS 

to Liverpool by -team- 9,1*1 bustp-l-N-oru at »X-1: 
l.t uu bbl* Hour at 2i 7Xd. 


Coffe. m goo- 1 demand; Rio 17 N to 17'»c. la 
•old 9u«ar drmer fhlr to gocl grocevv UX to 


Saw Tube Deremner B-p a. 
The deriaud fur mooe; was very ocilve till nesrlv 
three o'clock And the market continue* ,lr1 agent, the 

on arrival, and 60 to tfic from store. Rye J ccmmiAstoa jt M. N *nd K per c-nt In addition to the 

(2 75 to ( 90 for fht.ll. Canada mall, (2 4U to $2 5U, 
and (1 75 for ry>- malt. 

GINSENG— I* in light demand and prices are 
drooping. Wc quote at 71) to 75c per lb. 

Gl'SNY BAG. — Prices are at 7124 c In 
inale* and zti c tor resewed. 

GRAIN RAGS— W* quote Penn Mills 3-bush 
ul 43 to E» ; 2.'»->-u.-h at 51 to 53e. and 3-bush al 
5c to #lc. 

HOPS— We quote from 19 to 20,- for Wisconsin 
and New York. 

HIDES— Receipt- And ready sale* at quotation-. 
We quote green salted at 10 to 10j*e; dry salted, 
tees drv flint, 20 to 21c; sheep (wool on) 40 to 90-'. 

fered them at 7 currency. 

Ill -count- were doll and transact Iona were only at 

The Erie eompaay ha* cloned neg, ttetton* with the 
Colnmbn*. vhc-ago and IadlaonpolM Central rail- 
road, by which it j* lo be made a broad gauge, there- 
h, glying Erie an onbroken connection wVh * hicag 

The Ohio and Mbwl—tepl company ha* been brooffhl 
Into closer relation* with Erl* wad in* **age ft* to re> 
main a broad one. 

HIDES— Receipt- find reedy sale* at quotation*. W*r?*“hign?r and quite haovan 

0 i|UOt4* ,rt dry '** , 5^* IhrouMiaouv th« *i«T intll ule to rh^ iffmoot, «Mco 

r: (lrv flint, *Jl) to Sir; she^p (wool on) 40 to 90«\ the rr wm % kIimM mAn from ite extreme Avarem 

HAY- Tb«* market 15 Arm with of IU bttlet Coupons of *41 

| 1 > from i:oiv. W»* *|Uol^ at # 1 ^ lo #!« fn*m o« 2 * 

ore and (17 to (1* on wharf. J* 

■ ,d. • Tl—aa 11^4. 

r-ACAPsr ’ . ’ 

W e>tcro a* IKlteMa. Cuea 4tehw4l* fla M. 
t. a ,13 i a: • : or ley and pare ar* aaehanged. « 
lr *mr» 1 orl »rau r At sswld. P -r» ’-h*»M 

-st. MewsFeefUB*. Chare* Wo. Bacon 24*. 1 

Trim l>« Z). | 

Naval b roaae (joiat tad anchaured. . 

Prra. l, J 

v %ll. - r— ■ ^ 

Tallow 4* si. T argentine an -1 ,r quiet 

Petrol*, im suite at 'M. ”** Fcr nnlm 

Hataa. Dan. ML 

t one -n-lted ai tSSf on spa* and to arrlv. 


Fro,- th* Rtrortk ol the Merchaata’ SaeaaaM*. 1 

BT RTTER— Deaamhar ». 
t Uio.SSATl— F*« «ea Lgtlw— max* -tarah. Gortk 
arr A e —Al :,*»• roffav. Am A l a i tha M» hate 
-..ah. “ lekec.aau A -ewcIl-M Ba tobacco. Ore, W 
W rk* a -•> to bdMaala*. Bold A,o- teltot roflar 
Moore Br-maker * eo-lSI N» On. Brt<%te»,rd « cj 
! -.Ahl -hlghwlt — . Ropke » Haz-naaoren to bh| 
anuar on M l- wht-ky is* b« can, tire Off p a ij 
drl*-. ■ keg* beer, to do w lead, a ' .'IgteaM 

- Wa -n* -,l* Iron. P»" -a Bl«C* 

lt',r INS ATT **e , 

1 . .. 

-lore and (17 lo (1* on whtu-r. 

HOMINY— The market 1* well supplied »l (5 75 do n-w. 

pi (6 50 per bbl. XJ S”'*w 

HORSE SHOES— Are quouibly unehang’ d. Wc !W( , .’.’.V.V.V.’.’. 

quote Bunlen's St (7 15 to (7 ai) per keg. sutc bon-L- war qni.-t 

IRON COTTON TIES— We quote al »% lo 7c tor yigaunn 

jobbing lot*. New Teanerece 

IRON AND 9TEEI. Dealer* report the market Did, do ... 

steady and quotablv unchanged. We quote: Noga Carolina. — 

8. C. bar Iron.. 4 Eng. east Steel 25 Lottinanaa Are llrui at < 

C. C. bar Iron . 5 Am. cost steel 10 aSOe. rer the s per . -eat*. 

MOLASSES AND 8IRCP8— We quote New Orleans An order lire been obt, 

III.. ;*»**•* at «7»75e. Molus*e* strip* al VJaddr-;; *.1 r **.*.* 
siiga, do at rl5a-ft<-. sugar drip*, (lto (1 10, In , ;<,n » ,t‘. the American 

t crn-ls, and (1 15 to 81 25 tn small packages The A-sk-xint Tr*a*un 
MANUFACTURED TOBACCO— Dealers rep<Jrt biirecment Of the Janua 

prices unchanged and slocks ample. We quote: 
Fine Virginia, pounds, ffl ldto(l 15; medium do, 
pounds. 90 to »*•; Virginia, fancy stvle* (1 10 to 

do n-w HffHROM 

do m uoSnuBM 

do mr unS 

10-48* ...WNtoMBK 

Slate bon, Is were qelet and North Carolina* weak. 

Aiwa nan Hk 

New Tonnes*** Mjf* •)» 

(,ld d'» .... .-A ... to 

New N'.,-th Caroll .a X '*•‘■7® 5hk 

N-w Vlrgtola X 58 W H 

Loaiemnaa are drin at 61 N for levee bonds aad *■% 
tor tbe 9 per t-eaia. % 

An order no* been obtained la , onrt real raining 
Mrrcbaat*' C tuun Exprree c< re i-,.ia n- ur* ,ny 
,,f It* n-aets in larrviag on 1 1* term* of eoa«,llds 
, ion with the American company. 

The, t Trcaeurer losLy orrurorr. 2 *hedl»- 
bursvaicnt of ibe January interest on tSe 5 Mr. 

The qu-iierlv bank statement will be made 9ata- 
day and preyaratlona tberelbr ewt'IrtrJ tomorrow 
Friday bstng a ckoe holiday. Tvwuorrow A, there- 
fore. likely to he a strlmrent d y l*m--ney. 

A Sow 1* bbt- nlghwtne*. SKrote 

do 4o. Hachrit A t sltetema- 1* jW 
Vrsttte-38 da do. WL W*fl-*—re*> , 

hoaee A ca— ■ YAM o f t 
a 'fin* 

PITT-Bl RG-Per Camel 
—98 hoe do. Kraek.He-.14 

An hdls Iron aad plow*.' 
sh— Hags. G C Hunter Ac, 
-n bMe res. 2 km rtvera 
hardware. Muaa, Trigg A S 
day A Ca— 18 bit ox n. Baa 
beard* Bradley A Gitbert- 
M bm zlae-. K .\ Rohtneoa 

LO! THE POOR NEGRO, I rive to-nlpht, and will return to New Orleans -Sit- 

itiday eveninp. 

IU reite. ,loa, '"' s ' 

2S- re •«-«- d-i reaJ. re.« , .Sri’SSKMKSSlir .c’. •$£ 

And the poor negro; wqal la Christmas to Htorui. Snow to the depth of elphteeu Inched fed 
ir.muow? We mean particnlarly tbe planta- in that rtdnltj, which is uu unusual thiug for 
tion negro. It ib no Christmi*.«at all comnara that latitude. Th** Dexter put tn the lo.-»t time 
Me to what It waa iu the days of auld lang haps of corn iu the 

-yne. In U»c feudal day* of the Republic tlie a 

full blooded ixihilsmcii wn- an in-titu * * Ritoii states Mail Line has juid 

tiou, the like of which will never he seen a^aiu nvpr (300,0(10 for In-uran.-e -in,-,, il-urg.inlza’lon. 
1 he Diislakcn philiiiithropL-t- of Y cnkecbitul and bn- never received u cent by reason nf It. 
were wont to shed crocodile tears and heave The Tennessee has laid im at Cairn on 

1881. .. 


114 V 






IstM. .. 






















: mistaken philanthropl-ts of Yunkeehind 
•e wont to shed crocodile tear- and heave 

on these country tnarkelmen for the great bulk of their bosom- in very agony of sympathy at 

our wide supplies and to drive them the imagined wrong- and cruelties done the 

our wile supplier, and to drive them 
away from our street* would be 
, -mailing the utmost Inconvenience upon 
the consumers of their produce. Further- 
more they would seek a market elsewhere, thus 
oralnlrg our owu city and creating famine prices. 
Dr. Walling could see nothing but «yll In the 
measure as proposed, aud advised that the terms 
of the ordinance be restricted to me huckster 
, lass. His counsel prevailed, and the ordlnauee 
v as recommitted for revision so as to leave tbe 
country marketers untrammeled. It would be 
quite sn east matter to regulate this rpeeles of 
traffic so that It may become a blessing instead 
ofa nuisance. When the Council does act upon 
the subject they should do so guardedly. These 
market people have rights which wc are bound to 


Provisions aud Clothing Sent to tbe 
Samples Family. 

■•outhcni -laves, whom they looked upon as 
tbe most abject, miserable, east-down, broken- 
1 carted, ill-treated creatures upon the top of 
the wide earth: in all of which they were wo- 
Tttlly iu error, for many of these slaves were 
the very huppie-t people that ever drew the 
breath of life: All that had humane and well- 
to-do masters were happy aud contented. 
They were divided into classes, according to 
their several occupations, and were of varied 
habits; but they all enjoyed Christmas as the 
event of all 'events. ’ It was what was 
known a* the cornfield nigger that was 
I he mi i/enfrit, tli* salient rwresenta- 
tivc- of his condition aud his rue:. The corn- 
field ucurij on a plantation wa.- like part of the 
-Oil. He had him a comfortable cabin to live 
iu, find lie might have therein for his especial 
comfort and complaint, a wife and just as 
rumv children as he could raise, all fed and 
Blothed at the master’s expense, like himself 
c asides Ihis luxury of a wife and children, he 


The United Status Mail Line has paid 
ovpr J »0uj)00 for In'iiranoc dIdc! in organization* 
anil hii« never m*elved a cent by reason of it. 

The Tmnes ee has laid up at Cairo on 
account of the lee. 8be has 235 bale* cotton tor 
Evrn-vllle, f.y do lor Cannelton, 9 do, 8 tons dried 
fi'ilt and -undrl s for Louisville, rat ;,a- kagei 
bid- s for New Albany. When the Tennessee was 
aliout two miles above Columbus, * young man 
named James Rice, w ho was formerly from this 
,-lty, and w ho has relatives here, 1,-aued heavily 
against ti lender which had b -,-n s.. imgnp on 
the edge of tbe gtiurd to keep tt from striking 
again-, the Ice. The end of the Tender sllpp -d 
overboard aud Mr. Rice fell backward lu the 
river. The boat was Immediately stopped, and 
tb,- yawl sent out: but, owing to the heavy lee 
w . Ci which the river was covered, neither the 
yawl nor the steamer could reucb him before he 
Mink exhausted from cold. He was a pedler. and 
tlOk passage ul Hale's Polm for Cairo, where a 
iv, «h supply of goods was awaiting his arrival at 
the express office. His effects were taken charge 
of by Mr. A. O'Donnell, merchant, of C airo, who 

1T-8U- H»Y H»>, lias .. J> 

Meads. Morton, Galt A Co. quote a* follows: 

Buving. Selling. 

Five-twenties 19*1 I13S 114 V 1962; I,**-. lli'N 

Five-twenties 1964 Uas.q 107 k. 

1 -t IMS . 1"7 I, 

F,v,--twenlles mewl 1985 lOSq- lpi^ 

Flve-twentb s lbt,7 Ill)-, 1114, 

Five-twenties 1968 110>, 111% 

Iten-tottea MX !■ >■'. 

L uton 1*801116 R. R. 1st morl. bond* l'tlk 

Local stocks and Bokbs.— T here is very little 
d. mg in local securities, and quotation* are un- 
changed. Fries, how ever, are unchanged, and 
>1, sr.-. Morton, Galt A Co. qiiole as follow* : 

Nation al bank, flrst 1W GUI 

N .tb, nal bank. wt„n4*i 8S>; > 9*1* 

N, Gon.,1 bnnk. Flanlvrs* -W 94 81 

National bail; city 'M ,».iao 

Rank or Keutm-Wy Id' a:*.* 

Dank of I.onlsvllle «» « 1 m 

Merchant*’ bnnk CM c-trst 

Commercial bank 9) t* s i 

Nertlu-rn bank Ill t- ! ! 

Cltiaens’ bank Ill 611.’ 

People's bank 161 «UM 

M ebonies' bauk 101 <410; 

W < -tern Financial Corporaiiou bank 71 Cr VI 

Falls Citv Tobacco bault tw t-v '.'7 

Masonic sank (new) 101 (salted 

(125; Mo. and Ky., pounds, due, 75 to 90e; Mo. 
D«r. a, ,1 Ky., medium, 75 lo 90c; brlghi 14's and 5*'*. 

1 95 to 70c; Navy H pounds and Id's at >*5 to 7t> . 

V Smoking tobao-n, tine Va., pounds, S's and Vs, 

k lu bales. 75e to (l. 

’» SAILS— We quote Md at (4 '.5 per 100 keg lots, 

Jv and $5 :o (5 10 lu Jobbing lots, 
v - OFFAL— We quote at (W »u (17 per ion tor 
, ' ran. (20 to (Lii for shorts, (27 for sblpstuff, and 

r ' t-il to (SI for middlings. 

n _,, ONIONS— We quote from (4 50 to (5 5d per 

114k toquallty. 

lldk OILS— We quote linseed oil at (1 (16 to #1 15. 

107 v Lard No. L (1 35; No. 2 (I 25. Foal - *■ to 31, . 
lu- ' Neatsfbot (1 20 to (1 25. Lubricating 40 to 50,-. 

* PICKLES— We quote Ky. Vinegar C'omaauy'- 
jj|‘ • brands in bbls at $1*: half bbLs at (P. 

1034, PEANUTS— We quote from 5 to 9c tor fair to 

102k suletly choice ou arrival, with sale* of 62 bag* 
little “I®* « S' - 

. ... IWATOE8— TbP markut adr with a mo»l- 

, erntf demand, and dir made at $2 25 to 

ti 50 per bbl 

PBOYIMuNS- FlrniMi still ifce dlsiiDCdsb- 
MI1 Ick fraiure of tbe market. M**w pork In held 4 1rin 

at MB to 28 &0. Lard to steady, with sal*-?* of dl) 
. v,' tlFices at 18r an4l 40 kuys at lVi*. rouDtry lard h 
«* 100 in tfood ivqu^t, with sale* of 15 tl*iv«* tt IT^c 
v anti t)0 k**K« •» 17* «* to a dfuler. Tran^artlons In 

'1W b»4*on ar»* of uomiM^nilde mairmtude. We note 

( entral. Rock Ul md and Ohio aad MWiatlppi beia^ 
ti e part irolar feature*. Then- wa* a dfTen-nce d %* 
per cect batwern caah aad riplehnMMttoia 
Adi-r the regular hoard ••pecaUtina became bpojaa» 

■*a.- L Mb'. %e^-Sb' ^ 

Wrtahc A * » >>%!•• comIo 

uaaarlMfftnata. M«ii tin 

Cfimnrinn m f preferred M. Mlchiicau S-athern s7\. Fu 
W ayi»e lt&H. Ohio and « 4 

Vi the >«coBd regular hoard one ■ of Nev Y >rk 
Central wm wad** at v u » **r for three 'lay-, thontrh 
all th»* reat of tbe '»u*»!uev* vai doae at ^9«,aad ther*- 
w-w«a general decline of per crui ibroaahuat 

the II* r . 

At the laat open board N«*w YorkC-ntral aold at 
a a>V Fort Wayne »t r.N-i.Otilo and M: -i^Ttippl *■ 
Mia. Rock laland at 1W, >4*rthv»*a«erT* at -41S w\. 
ar ddo preferred at 43,S.the mark**t c*o<tn< henry. 
S-: Ws.mpdiIw tber*- waa a recovery from the lowest 
point md. though the market waa rather ir. settled. 
Il 4- tone at the oloae of tbe dav v »<* iiron.v 
The following wetv lh«* utoeinu SJ0 pnre^. Cnzabee* 
laud. Welle and Fnrt o’* fcsp t em, 3 h dl; 

A nertenn fckpre^a. Adnma F.Tprem. 

C lilted fcxpreaa, Mercbaxta' (TnJon 

Khpre«e.1.V«mk: Oalekeltm, « ^ » Cnnon. 
l u \: Paciflr Mail, li fitallk't Western l nion T-»err»ph. 

k -,io«tedtov evuaing. Tkecember m* of *>^“113 
W». ( Hi-iT.iAi Bui aged Jjffffit. i aoMkiwr. 
d sy*. eon of Jobs, and Miqom* Ha n*». , 

The fbneml will lake place on Fruity tBonMj 
10 o >l#« k. from the r-wii ao- of tie perafin 
y*>irth ffirewt. ytt-'ca Msrkat od Ii Nm 
t ndeof the fniuQv tn twrtad to i lend. 

A nertenn fcxpre-a. 45^. Adnma Kxprem. fe'vj**V 
C nlted Staten Lxnreaa. «SV44&k; Mercbaxt-*' • mon 
Kj«pre«a.l5tal%H: Qnk*luiiJvi*r. tl , . Canton. 
l u H; Paeill*' Mall, n | Western l nion T-»emph, 
US(#o5h : Hartford and Erie. M34; Marlpoaa. Mb I: do 
pr^ferrffi!. IfHdVH: New York < -*n;ral, 13L* * 
t i . p. •'klV •>, uo preferred. dS'iA; ImBM, le »1^ 
H.-vrlctu. 13V LA F>» Un*. M4 ?b*S: Terre B«at**.A; 
d* preferred. *1; Wahaeh. SAHWa* do prtft'rred. m- 
8l. P»n!, frVk* do pre*erred. rort Warn, . 

Il" Ohio end Ml^kwippi \ ; Sfi^h <an 

C< ntral, 1LWU6: M’.oUi^a i southern, 4 . ^ -H# U*in«»> 



by Mr. A. O’Donnell, merchant, of Cairo, who | MaeonlcWiik (new> 101 w,iuj 

iOTUD*rrai oertnrtfr wm nve or mx roDhonee rully protect the prlvau eoosumer lu the price of The response yesterday to the ca!l for provl*- 
aud other b* lnouf crunee are committal nlphtly gas, would remectltally fubmlt the following iou^ anti Nothing foi !ht starving family ou the 

sample* Family. ■< on 'd raise a pig extra; he could keep a dog 

... . , . ,, , . , ina-ter feeding bitli;) be could have a garden 

The regponse yesterday to Vtc col! for provbt- I j nu-h to hlniseif. and bis “old wotnuu” could 

at Evansville, and says to tbe Journal: "Thou 
hv- salts-, first east out the beam out of tbtne 

•fire-work- lr. Worcester. Mas*- died there yes- I own eye. and then Shalt thou see clearly to ran 

terday moral tit TWerr ire miny wire-worker- 
ibe country could better have spare*!. 

The la- 1 rail on the Albany and ftoaque- 
hsnna railroad, lo liras re: Albany. New Tori, 
yr th Birmingham, wa* laid yesterday. The road 
to 11 be open tor through basioest the 12th of 

The Xew Yuri Board of CooncDnien 

ra Toevday adopted aa ordinate - eubscrlblna one 
■Ulloc fivy hundred thousand dollars to the cap- 
ita’ sloe* to the New York aad Brooklyn Bridge 


Last rear the police of Omtapo made 
2t 701 arrest-. The oropeny stolen amounted to 
tmf.MX: of which (lw-.H*> was recovered. About 
(11V O were levied In fine-. Tbe txpease of the 

pufii, 4gpar«o-at wa*(4S0.ufto. 

’Mr* J«*e Gray, wife of a Detroit car- 
penter. commlttf . suicide lor Friday, by huw- 
lag- (h> was ra excelled! wife snd mother, but 

very aeraondem because she eon-elved that »h* 
was not as good a , brl-tlau a- she should be. 

Joiin Ryan, a German, while warming- 

H* ditzne tn a On pail, tell Into a tank of boiling 
water at the- Eaton Stort Yard*, in Uhlcago. ou 

Trosday- u>d was horribly scalded before he 

out tbe mote out of tbv brother’- eye." 

Coal lor 4-harky Fifth Ward. 

In accord* nr, with a resolution passe.] by the 
General Council, the undersigne) bate appointed 
Mr. Henry T. Jefferson, corner of First and Main 
streets, to dl-ult ute the coal apportioned to the 
poor of the Fifth w are. 




C owl IHteri button for the Hevcath Ward. 

In accordance w ith a resolution passed by tbe 
General Council wc Lave appointed Muldovn. 
Bullet A Co- Green street, between Third and 
Fourth, and dm*. K reamer, on Fourth street, be- 
tween Main and tbe river, at 8t. James’ saloon, a 
committee to distribute the cool apportioned to 
tbe poor of tbe Seventh Ward by sold Council. 



F. T. FOX. Jg. 

The Moreau Forgery 

Wm. Moreau, alia- Wm. Closter. arrested on 
Tuesday, tor pa* Ing a forged check of six dollars 
upon Louts Kruzysebeck. proprietor of the North 
German saloon, wo* brought before the City Conn 

, nx-nd men ta. which have been agreed upou by , ... 

lb,* Director* and yuurconimlitee. Your commit- * ™ De R,m road was very liberal, and foroncr 
ue ta-lleve that when the Leglslaiure have adopt- Moore found Jib bands full In taking care of 

,-d the proposed amendment- our city and cltl- all the articles which were left al his bouse for 
zens will be- fully protected lu the future. Your the sufferers, lu the afternoon he loaded a 

r " bon w " b ,h " clothing, etc., and tn 

tWng^n'h^pow er t?bave the charter so auicuded '”‘ rson weDl * nd deUverwl tbe contributions to 

that our city and >1tlz.ens would receive mutual 
and ample protection. 

'.lie unfortunate family. To have seen the thank- 
ful faces of those poor starving children as they 

We therefore submit the following resolution, fathered about Mr. Moore on hi- arrival would 

" “&&&“ Council. That our T' ^TtnoT''' * ^ U1>er “ °' 

senators and Bepresentallves In the General As- tb '' generous donors. 

raise os many gourd- a- her heart might de- 
sire— an,l they were some # ou gourds! IVliat 
i- more, Sambo, In the good old day-, tt-ctl to 
retouched with the divine afflatus — lie car- 
ried music in his ‘‘sooty breast” Il I- common- 
ly believed that the negro carries more music 
liuder his waistcoat than a Caueaslau. Bn! 
whether this be true or not, Sambo had a - ul 
for sweet sounds, and the banjo wn- H- il- 
light, the eotnpnuion of hi* idle liOUi-, lii- 

ooii Id be ■ - ' Hi. intone- wore not total. y **' Td ? y ' n * rb ZL h ,*, d fonred m, ‘ b m 

I name of Ernst Kampfmuller. a druggist. Moreau 
The Kteamship Beaufort was aeused in had m his ims-esslon a soldier's discharge 'from 
sew Orleans, veturdav morning, on suspicion of 4 the 52d New York Intomry, which bore the name 
fcfiv*o* am>. id unit urn* and cup^lie? tor Hie Cu- offrm. riogier. After * l.-anm.’ li<* wa< bt* id id u 
tea MMnMi on mans. Ink nothin? -u-pl- *<*m1 <* •»' w> appear before the grand fmy. 

«P us being lotmu -he an, rrarad In the Mter- | fc . w . y . 

***** m.m— _ The friends of Wm. Wlesmun, janitor al tbe 

All Irishmat name,! Pat Pumann was Medical College building*, corner of Eighth an l 
assaulted and Nabbed by a German named Geo. ; Cbesuiut streets, were shocked yest?rday to see 

“,-ml-ly be requested to bave the charter of the 
LootovUleGae Company -n amended as to Incur- well be made In their w retched abode. The sick 
I -orate the aecompanyigg amendment- agreed children, having received medical attention, were 
upon and submitted by (he directors of the Gas lmnmv ,. d vesterdav With the eveentlon 

l ompany and the General Council of tb- city of much '“Proved yesterday, w ltn the exception 

Louisville. JOHN G. BAXTER. of a bedstead, which Is very much needed, tbe 

G. H. WALLING, w ants of the sufferers are now all supplied, and 

fi'DAS. LONG, no more contributions of clothing and bcddlnv 

J0HN G1E8, WUl be required. 

Committee. We are requested by Coroner Moore to return 
“umt£ LoUsVillf Gas Cokpant. i his thanks to those who have done *o much to- 

"Dee. 28, 198*. j' ward alleviating the distress of the unfortunates. 

"To the Committee of the City Council: The following are the names— so far as we have 

"lu my conference with you lu relation to cer- been able to procure them— of persons who have 

tain amendment* In tbe new charier of the Gas made donations- 

Company, It 1* needles* for me to express tnv de- Ul , r , 

sire and that of the Directors to come to a clear v.^'g ra-'i l n M raLir A tor mi !a°rm 'ir 

:m,1 Jusi uuderstanulug. aud agree to Such Bradv Mii T’l) Mathera Mra ^rtmS' Wra 

amendments lu said charters* mav be considered Hennfl lebU'r ’ ire! nr ti ' 

rt-asonable. This matter ha* bceu fully canvas*- Trattln M ra Wuicre M'rs^ r’e-n 

cl in my own mind and tbil of tbe Director- „f Melmer- V, tob^’im^le ire Tmira!' 

Wheu^lto^&^as te?obSSd ‘ andf “'! ’ A cSii W U ^ wfre! M^Jm^n’l “,en. 

had much to do with drafting Ihe charter’, it 1* yu^k'e’r ^td 'Km^^i'Jtt^'AU^n'^''' W!lll “ lu 
needless to say that my know ledge of the affairs 1 lesker. r r ed. K lesker, 1 law A Allen. 
of the Ga* Company, a* well as iny substantial In- . .. 

terest In the city of Louisville, ied me to guard ' M retched Mother, 

well the Interest of the city In furnishing light. On Tuesday night a wretched woman uamed 
®ue consideratton of the just claims y llzabeth Brannou. one of (he low class of uros- 
of the private corporation, especially, too. when ul _ *, lh Htr 

the city herself Is so large an owner tn th- gas- , u 'e* with w tilth this i Itv Is Infested, waud. red 

work*. In ••onnc tlou with proteetlug the Inter- D to a stable owned by John Brad r, on th- Mix 

est of the city and citizens. I will bring the com- f-riu, a little beyond the Oakland race track, and 
mtttee's attention to the fact tbai the new charter during the night gave birth to a child. She was 

calls for a ga- lnsp,-ctor, to be appointed by the discovered ltr the morning lvlue lu —ome straw 

city Council (see section Whj, and In se- tlon Wh ,, h 1, *, h r t.i ^ t 

require* the Prestden' and Director- to keep* ' 111 b rb * 8 *"r*1d, . The babe wa- dead, 

record of their procn-dlngs. to be produced at auy * (H * woman staled It had died at mldulght, 
time lu business hours to a committee of the Gen- almost Immediately upon It - birth. She Is about 

As Irishman named Pat Pumann was 

Grading la New York •« Tuesday evening. A 
- uttc ite swtil. whoa the Irtohmau broke away, 
staggering into a nHghhortug store, and died tn ‘ 

a ffsw mtotuto. Groolng wa- airasteo. 

Tbe failure of Hinds. Allen. A Co., hop 
dealers, of Richland spring-. Oteego county, N. 1 
T„ I* rapogtod. Their Itomlltle* ar (1,880. It 
to thougu tbetr amet* are large eoougu to pay 
the greater part of their debt* If time I* given lu - 
• lad up their affalra. wHhou- great aacrtfice. 

A Arighing party nt Jackson, Pa., la-' 
thnnday. vMV gotn? to an enur-alr, men en- 
deavored to trot* a pond ou whlet tbe thick lee I 
had been cot. Tbe tbtu lee immediately let tbe ' 
sleigt through, and thirty people are rep-dAed to 
have been drowned, non* but the driver escap- | 

It has hees prove-: in conn that the lat<- 
•b*. Augustus N. Dsckeus left real and persona! 

property worth ffSJW'. An acquaintance ^ of Cha* 
Mcken*. Hi Chicago, says that Dickens' broth- r | 
Bed from Englan- wnt: the lately dc-asel wo- 
man, deserting bis wife, whom the novell-t sup- 
ported oomf(iru.b y. 

John Fofe.-tv a drunken Irish laborer. 

living mC1ce>< . a ftlhurt of Chicago ou Tues- 
day vnoraing bgoi hi* vsif. tooeverelv with an 
Boo Uatrumcu: that she war dead before the 
ndgfcte-rs arrived. The coroner’s jury returned 
a vrrdfi t of willful murder against Fogerty. who 
•raelmmedlevlv arrested. 

The Dunlcitl. unt] Duhutiu- railroad 

t-nfige, aero— the Mississippi, was tested ou 
TlMx a, hi the pteaeaoe of several engineers and 
railroad m-u. The detection beneath the weight 
of five tocotnotlve*. weigh In,- two hundred aud 
forty-tv, lout, wnsabotr, twolnebee. The bridge ' 
was open* to train- onUietfid test. 

Tbe office of Ibe' American Expre** 
Compucy at FeekaklU. N Y- waeeotered by burg- 
lars Monday morning car!; , the oaf- blows open, 
and gobbed of twelve hundi—t dollars. Tbe place i 

eny uouncu tsee secuon bud, ana iu section I9h 
vperaicly Intoxicated anl peraouatlm. the r,-,|ulr»a the ITesldent and Director- to keep a 

madman to tbe great disturbance of hi* nelgh- 
' borbood. He grew so riotous and fearrul lu hi- 
! conduct that the police were notified, and Officer 
rralle escorted tbe raving W. lo jail. Wbll* 

! under arrest be kicked and jerked, and attempted 
to bite his captor, and only succumbed after a 
rough dragging for several block*. 

Novel and t ve. 

| Mr. L. G. Matthew*, of the New Albany Ledger, 
to- recently received a patent for a "Renewable 
Memorandum Book.” which, for plmpllcltv and 
, convenience. Is far superior to anything of the 
! Wind we have ever seen. It is compact, can be 
carried In the pocket without iD'-ouvenlenee and 

I can he renewed at will. Messrs. Norman A Mat- 
thews are now manufacturing this useful little 
article in Urge quuitltto*. and we are not su r- 
prt-cdxo hear that the demand for II 1* very 


8»> arlag In tbe CU> Court 
( Within the past two day* there ha- been some 
extraordinary swearing In the City Court, on 
Tuesday a well-meaning citizen swore positively 
lo three gee*,- which he honestly believed bad 
been stolen from him, but which were afterward 
(worn io belong to somebody else. Yesterday a 
butcher by tbe name of Loop wa* brought before 

Lave been ample reward to the most liberal of great good joy. *4 ho in *outli*idc \ i' : -da 
the generous donors. '-°c» not rememtx-r old Joe Sweeney aud Lis 

The family Is now a- comfortable as they can Jutijo! Ob. bow she talked! Old Joe wa* 

1-uijo! Oh. bow she talked! Old Joe w a* 
looked upon us a sort of dcm:-;rod by tb- 
rausic-lovlng ncgroc-. And then for the danc- 
ing— in the .tig, the breakdown, the old Vir- 
ginia reel, the- negro wa- perfectly at borne. 
Sometime- be moved with ininr tabic grace 
through the figures of the dance, and there 

l n to his relatives lu this t-Uy. 

A new organization called the St. Louis, 
Cairo, and New Orleans fast freight line has been 
• fleeted al St. Louis. Oapt. John N. Boftlugerl- 
tt.e iqp nt, signing through bills to all points 

James S. Wise, Superintendent of the 
Nashville Packet Co.. Is negotiating fer a small 
steamer to ply In the Upper Curubeilaud, be- 
tween Nashville aud BurksvUle. lu connection 
v 1th his UDe of Cincinnati and Nashville packet-, 
i:-»lng through receipts to all point- on the Cum- 
berland above Nashville. He contemplates In- 
troducing two boats In the uew trade In the 
*i rlDg. 

An old chap who reside* in Portland, 
Maine. Imagines himself to be a second No-all, 
q,1 believing that, ralnbo— - iu the coLirary, the 
■■ -rbl t- shortly to i-e again sttbm rged, ha- lu- 
v -led the whc'.e of his property, some («,000 lu 
ail. In '-uiidlng an ark. The bo:>l will be fifty 
f i long, fifteen feet wide, flat-bottomed, square- 
f'erned. round bows, with a house a little aft 
t- midship. He I- sole planner and builder, aud 
intends, when It Is completed, lo furnl-h It with 
ueoessaiy provisions aud calmly await the rlslug 
of the waters. * 

River Telegram*. 

Pittsburg, Dec. 3D.— Weather cloud v an t cold. 
Ktver 4 tee« 2 Inches and at a staud. Titer. 31 - S 

Nashville, Dec. SO.-Rlver rising rapidly, with 
7 feet on Harpetli shoal :. Weather ralnv. Na-h- 

Mn-onle bank (old) 

Western Ins. Co. hank 

German In*. Co. bauk 

0 >» Co. stock 

L. & F. R. R., (preferred, 

1 A F. R. R., Ii-ommon) 

lud.R. If 

1. B 


t oy for -treet improvements 

C'ty for bounty 

Ci. y for school purposes 

80 « SI 

181 f-181 

1(» u-llO 

ns atm 

ISO G lSl 

LTO <*131 

aa «ioo 

fflJiJ. 47 

be delivered between ti*»w and the 9Kh of lanu- preft red. 149: SI. Jo*cph.M 
ary. l-fin, m the option of seller; 20.1*10 Ibe clear M.mng -horr* urn dull, 
ribbed »lde*at IdSe. to be delivered January 2uth. ,g oSKevoffiiwoekA^ M 
IMG; lutler,-, - sugar-cured ham- at l»He. We 

note -ales of dU,01*i tbs bulk meats -boulders 11M „ . ’ . „ . 

to tlHe, eb ar ribbed sides 15c. and clear side- »' »b* Sab Trro*u 


C’f utraj, ltwn« Michigan ^btliern. *'• w AittW; Uiif»4>M» I W 

Dsalar in Grain Mia 

|**1: 4 o prefer rt**!. ^ v < hi •••¥*» Alt m. Hi «lc | UOQIGIO 111 UIOIII f Ul SMB 

■’•"T!;*’ .. and other Pro W 

RAGS?— Dealers are paving ItoS.Me Dor mixed 
w bite cotton rags and from Me to lc for woolen. 

RICE— Tbe market Is steady, and we quote at 8 
to 9c per lb. 

-EED8— We quote SapllngClovera;(12tol3pcr 
bushel: red clover *» uu to « 25; timothy 
f.j to2$3 25; orchard gras- #1 50 to (I 75; 
red top (I 95 to (2: Kentucky blue grass (2 25 
to (2 50; Millet (2 to (2 50: Hungarian grass 
seed #2 to 87 25; h mpsecl (2 to 2 25. 

SALT— The marliei Is seasonably well 

supplied, amt prices aie unchanged. We 

quote Ohio river and Kanawha salt 

it 53 30 to 5 il per barrel for 7-bushel 

Coooer -Uare- at Be-ton: Copper Falls 13 V FroakL. 
1.1. Quincy 19, Houccck i, Miuue-oia 2. Heel*. 70. t aP 
umet 38. 

Recelpte at the Sab Treasury to-day 81 -I ’skB 

Payment* W8.794 

Balanre -OX* AW 


34 gw You. December 48— P g. 

( orrror \,-th e and He be4ter, sales 738 bole* ai *e 
fur middling uplaaila. 

Flovw— Recelpta. t .-10 bbls and 393 bags; market 
dull and declining: soles 1.900 hbl* at fo es&e IS for *c- 

K rflnc State and Wrstem^OS -04-7 S for extra -laic. 

0*7 48 fo* *itraWe»ten>: 88 to for wMor-o*. it 
extra: I* -VsS 30 foe ron::d-huop > 'nio: 8: ‘s)3m-l‘-r 
extra -i. U (tudZ 30 fur rood to choice iwtl.— 
ing dull and heavv. Califorala nouunal at 8*a, 3C i-r 
old and 88 15-11 V) for new. Rye flour doll: sotea ifr 


boeka (B-auhcd Rw Grata eow* 
■ :j: i: •• 

. for »suc-*'' IA., 

hint 81 O 3m->.-r I 
to choice T.i'- A 

tear dud: salt* IT 

t tty for Waterworks oldc 7S fu'ag 

c y for Waterworks ,«48)f 

4\ aterw ork- bond 90 (g-t 

C .mat bund t first l**ue> ffkdm 

C'-nal bond ' rood l--uc) -Z's i 4- 

( : nal bond (third laaue: 7s •- .9 

pound bids, or 47M 
to 5Cc per bushel : dairy suit (3 25 to 3 50 p,-r bbL 

mjRGUM Red ' "re light, and a fair ani le 
e» toutaml* atmut 5(A on arrival, 

-GAP— We have uo chant to note in quotd- 
tti nc. The demand la lirni We quote Germau 
No. I ai 8k w 9c, No. 2 at s to SJoc, rusin 
at St, lo 7.V, ao<l palm at 13x to 9c. 

STARCH -The tendency has been to lower flg- 
ic cs. stocks are ample, and prices range from 
8-i to 7j«c for eh Ace brands. 

STRAW- We quote al (12 on the wharf, and 
#14 per ton from store. 

SUGAR— Prices are Arm and are tending 
n; ward. We note a sale of 30 bhds New 
lU'leans at 12', to 13c. We quote: New Orleans 
-np.r at 12j( to 15c for fair to strictly prime 
-lau.lard at 18 1 , to 17c: Demarara from 
U ( to He; Purio Rico, various grades, from 
li to 14c; Cuba, various grades-from 12\, to 12 V': 
ci flee sugars. As, Its, circle Cs aad extra Cs, 
fiuin 14', to 18J<c; yellows from 13 to 14>*e. 

TIN PLATE— Is Ann. We qnote I C per box at 

TALLOW -Dealers are -paying lo>» to lie for 
[ la 'low and 8 to 9c for grease. 

1 • VINEGAR -5Ye quote wine vinegar (14 •*>: apple 
| vinegar. (10 00; and cider, (s 00; Inferior quuli- 
c s, (6 0C&7 OU per bbl. 

t -ttol bond •fourth issue) 77 (slSJf 

K utucky State bond fold) ISVSiJk 

K< Btuckr State bond (newt *i M 

i ' utral Paaecu-'er railw ay bond SS a '7 

Jefier-onvilU railroad bond inew) 78v S 

L -GtIUc and Franldort K. H. boud (CMarchiJS -*N 
LouKvItte and Nashville It. C. bond (M. S.i...‘.0 18u 

Louisville and Nashville R. It. bond (L.E.hh) 91 pH 
1 ■ ui-ville -ml Nashville K. K. '.and . M. heh'JM K 
L-.n.and Nasi) . Ft. fcoasted mnrtg> 44 
City for Elizabethto an A Paducah Railroad 83 
Suit KS.— Tbe New York Journal of Commerce 

of the Go* Company, as well a* my -ubstantlal In- 
terest In the city of Louisville, led me to guard 
well tb* interest of ihe city In furnishing light, 
with due consideration of the Jnst claim- 

'd tbe private corporation, especially, too, when 
the city herself 1- so large au owner to tb- gas- 
works. lu ••onueetlon with protecting the Inter- 
• city and citizens. I will brlnz the com- 
mittee's attention to the fact tbai the new charter 
calls for a gas tnsp,-ctor, to be appointed bv the 

eral Connell. There have been, however, from 
ttme to time, various -ujrg*s<Uoa.- about amend- 
ments on the part or members of th- city 
t ouncll: they have all been brought to the atten- 
tion of tbe Directors, and fully canvassed, with a 
dc-lrc on thelt pan to do what ts conceived to be 
thel: duty, and they have allowed me to consent 
to amendment* embracing the following point*: 
"First. To change section Tib to read, 'ami said 
Publftr lamp* shall be furnished to the i-lty at ac- 
tual cost, said cost not to exceed thirty-five dol- 

I lsr* pet lamp, and that the charge of gas to pi 1- 
vau; consumer* shall be so graded as that the 
• • inpaiiy's profit- -ball noi exceed twelve per 
•-nt^ ten percent, of w hich can he drawn amui- by the stockholder-, the other two p r cent, 
to be laid out for extensions and uot to be capi- 
talized except at the end of every 11. e years.' 
"Second. *eetion 5th -hall readjus that eit'on- 
| t .un* ere bound to lie made as a guarantee of 
*ev< o per cent. 

"lbtrd. That Ibe slock, trust fund, and other 
Ini-T,-' the , it v has 08 turn hue tn .U .>•■ v. 
thall not be dtsposed of. biit refidned for the pur- 
pose of paying for the nubile light- of the city, 
aud all future tnve-iinent- of unemployed pruflu- 
t- k,ng1ng to the city to !>•■ made by ib<- dlix-ctors 
of the Gas Company as trustee, with the concur- 
rence and advice of the Ctty Council. 

"Fourth. To engraft the ameudment passed to 
the enabling act passed, for the purchase of the 
Gas Works by the city, viz: That the company 

twenty-three year- old, anil came to Louisville as 
a refugee from East Tennessee. She has friends 
here, and alleges that Martin Moneymaker, a sol- 
dier. uow lu West Virginia, but formerly at Tav- 
lcr llarraets, Is the father of her child. Al the 
time of his departure for West Virginia she was 
In Ibe workhouse. 

! coroner Dick Muon' held an inquest upon tbe 

I I ody of the dead infant yesterday. Mr. Brady 
bad brought bedding to the stable, aud rendered 
tl e unlortuuutc woman a- comfortable a- possl- 
I i ; and, after the Inquest, he had her conveyed 
| t hi- house and placed In a pleasant room, where 
, -Le received all uece— ary attention-. 8ueh a 
rbartty 1- certaluly deserving of all praise. 

The following Is a report of tbe lnque-t held by 
j lor oner Moore: • 

I INQUEST No. 249 — Hdd on the farm or Jno. 
I I rady. In Jefferson eountv. December 3Wh. 1-0. 
I mi the body of an Infant child. Verdict of ihe 
J: n - "That -aid child wa- qfpremaiure ldrth." 

DK K MOORE, Coroner J. C. 

l*roccedliig» in Bankruptcy. 

Il 1*. We are told, the general opinion that a 
I iovI-Iou of the liaukrupt law, disadvantageous 
u> tbe bankrupt, applies to the cases of proeeed- 

i.i.i,... <•— io ,T j have the exclusive privilege or erecting and es- 

Judge Craig, charged with purloining th- “steel -| UMtaWs€ , orki lu the city during th. chare 
ofa brother butcher uam d Gregory. Mr. Greg- tor, and. of vending gaslights aud supplying Hie 

have the exclusive privilege of erecting and es- 1 lug* In bankruptcy commenced after to-day. A- 
tabli-hlug ga* works lu the city during the chare I we read the law. the pro vl- Ion applies only to 

ory swore positively tbai the "steel" bad been 
stolen from him. while three witnesses swore 
positively that the “steel” belonged to Mr. Loop, 
aud that It bad been In Loop'- possession a uum- 
lier of month*. HI* Honor. Judge Crate, sent the 
case to the grand Jury, notwithstanding J re- 
minder from the couiue-l tor tb" defease of his 
action in the celebrated gooc ca- of the day 

Irrmn* •* 4 be Lstutlilr Hofei. 

The Louisville Hotel has al last been leased by 
Ml' Lael Kean. Phil. Judge, and Mr-. Har ---on. 
the wife of Judge Hsrl<eson. of thl- dty, thus set- 
tling a question that has deeply Interested our 

was then set on ffre. Tbe oBo wa* under Ihe ,-maens and tbe traveling publl, for porn, time. 

hotel, which wa* destroyed, together with the J 
-grocery of E. lngeraoU. long about (1&.UUU: ln- 


A aneetiug ol th. Commissioner- of 

PIsberrias, appointed by the differed; fit* tea, wa- 

it will be regretted by the friend; of the hotel 
that Mr. R. B. Shelton ba* seen III to retire after a 
partnership of three years. He has made a bo«t 
of good and true friends who will rejobe Id hi* 
prosperity . There Is no other change In tht- ore 
gmnlzaitou of the hotel, save the acquisition of 

held Tuesd-y evening at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Harte-on as Thotcmc. a position 

Mew Ton. The attendance wo* very numerous, y q, every way fitted to grace aud popup, rlz . 

An address was deHvsfted toy one delegare tram Th* lease exreud- for a term of three years, a( 

ooch State on the eutjeci of fbb culture, showing tl*t following figures: (12,'IOU for the first rear, 

that the fiat » onr rivers are being rapidly de- f p,. bub for the second, an" (17.000 for the third 

pteted 1* over-oein -jg during the spawning s«a- r,*r -or(44,-«' for the hotel proper for three 

80B. years. Tt), lease for the past three rears wa- 

Tbr New York Herabl eonaider- that >*•*«' including the stores. 

me several failures roceotty reported tn that city. CDtcnrid 

■ay have been th, result of extravagance and fnttUUIK. 

speculation a* mu ) a* the effect of busines* ml- 

management. The profit* of busines* ad h maDT 4 c'rbinliou of the llinauripat ion of 
oreso nearly consum,-" to keep up thl* display. the Colored Race. 

tbai Bale i* left to the firm irtoerew ttb to provide The following!* tb< programme prepared under 
8 margin far-bad debt- ted Hi contmgencfe- of the auspice* of the Fred. Doug la* Lyceum for the 

, ek-t.ratloi) lu Itl* rtn tu-moiruw of ihe em o I- 

cliy and citizen- with gas by means of public 
| work*. 

"llftb. Koaiteraram or amendment Mthiscaar- 
I lerto be mode without the concurrence of tbe 
I (Tty Council aud the directors of the Gas Cum- 

! IMrtlV. 

"Sixth. An amendment of but small importance. 

I in section 2d, providing that In tbe re-Pene of 
I stock the fra, -tioi: division may be received In 
•sish or lu one -hare of stock when the difference 
I in value Is paid to tbe company by the etock- 
, bolder. 

1 "All of c Uch It m ie-pert fully submlUol. 

J. LAWRENCE SMITH. President." 
j On motion of Mr. Den; the above report of the 
! couuulttee wa- adopted without debate or dls- 
| sent. 

salaries or judges. 

Mr. Brobsl n submitted au ordinance Increas- 
ing the salaries of the Judges of the Jefferson 
Court of Common PIcus, Jefferson Circuit Court 
and Louisville Chancery Court, seven hundred 
j dollars each per annum, from the I-t day of Janu- 
! ary. 1-fiP, said additional salaries to be paid every 
| year, in quarterly installments. Mr. D-nt moved 
| the reference of the ordinance, with all amend- 
! meats, to the Committee on Revtslou. wbteb mo- 
tion prevailed. * 

tt echos or oir icrn-. 

Mr. Long offered a resolution providing for a 
joint session at nlu" o'clock next Wednesday 
evening, 'o elect a keeper of the almshouse:, 
physician for the Eastern aud Western districts, 
member* of the Board of Health, and three direc- 
tor* of the Gas Company. Adopted. 


cases commenced after to-morrow. The first 
-, ctlon of the law Is as follows: 

Be it enacted hit the Senate and J/oiicco/ /?< )>- I 
i ‘ tentative* of the United Staten of America tn 
Confreuf atm mhted, Thai Cue provisions of nee- 
end douse of the thirty-third section of said sd 
, hall not apply to the caseg of proceeding- In 
l- hkrup[t]ey commenced prior to the flrst day of I 
.'uuuary, elghie'en hundreel aud slxty-nlue, iiud I 
the time durluc which the operation of the pro- 
visions of said clause Is postponed -bull be I 

• x tended until said first nay nr ra-. ...... 

eighteen hundred and slxty-ulnc. And said 

• lause Is hereby *o amended as to read a- 
roliows: in ml proceedings lu bankruptcy com- 
meuced after the first day of January, eighteen 
r.unriied and slxty-nlue, no discharge shall be 
granted to a debtor whose assets shall not be 
, qhal to flftv per centum or the claims proyed 
ccKlnst hi- estate u|Kin which he shall be liable 
ti- the principal debtor, unless the assent tn wru- 
ng of a majority In number aud value of hU 

, r dltors to whom be shall have become liable as 
1 rit.c|(ial debtor, and who shall have prove ! tb lr 
eiaiinis be flleo In the ca-ent or before the lime of 
Ihe b'-arlng of the application for discharge. 


\n Old Lady Seventy Years of Age 
Burned to Dealh. 

[Correspondence New Albany Commercial.] 

A most terrible di-a-ter occurred one and a 
half miles from Ja-per, the county -cat of Du- 
1 ois comity, on Christmas day. A gentleman 
named Disliinger and hi- mother resided to- 
e-ether in a bouse situated about a mile aud a 
I alf frotn Jasper. The mother was seventy 

that die! not prevent him from -baking that | 
foot— not in the least 

Well, thus he wa- the year round, aud at I 
Ciiristni-s. he “laid down' dc shovel aud de 
hoe ' 1 and spread himself. It was a focal I 
sea*on with him— a point toward which the 
aims and thoughts of the whole year were 
tuixcd. AH classes of negroe- were turned 
loose then, to make the most pleasure possi 
ble for themselves. Sambo, of the cornfield; 
Dinah, of the spinning wheel; the cook, the j 
c' Binbermaid, Ine boy who waited oa his [ 
master’s table, to 

“Hand de bottle when 'twos dry. 

And bru-h away de blue-tall fly;" 
all went in for it at Christmas. Each oue cx- 
! cclid and recalled -ome gift* from the white 
lolk* at the annual holiday, and they were sel- 
dom disappointed. 

But this is over. Sambo is no longer the 
happy servant he used to be; he no longer en- 
joy - Li* pleuty, free from care and anxiety; he 
has got trouble into his breiu at last, and I 
Christmas is not what it once was to him. | 
They are cramming the alphabet into hi* head 
atm the ballot Into ais pocket, but that does 
not make Sambo happy nor give him bread. 
He ; vtu neglects bis foremost idol, the banjo, 
for he connot sine his song “in a strange 
lend.'' Let us have pity on the poor ueero. 


.Marriage ofa Yonth of Seventeen aud 
a .Maiden of Fourteen— llngc ol the 
Parents — The Maiden Ilrido Sent to 
a 4 ( nvent, 

ll iom the 8 t. Clair (Mleh.) Republican. Dec. 23.] 
Ou Sunday week an elopement and marriage 
took place at Marine City, the parties being a 
}• ung inau, aged seventeen, and a young lady, 
aged fourteen, both belonging to families 
moving in tlio first circles of society in that 
pi ee. The ati. ir has created considerable ex- 
cite nieut a::d talk at Marine City and also at 
this place, a* it contains all the elements of a 
domestic romance, without, however, the aus- 
picious termination which usually a< compa- 
nies . these fictitious episodes of love's 
Tielfsitudes. The young man is named 
Albert Graves, aud is a cousin of 
Lon. N. 8 . Boynton, our representative elect 
to the State Legislature. Albert has be u 
1 vying his addresses to Miss Su-ie YVescott, 
the youthful and charming daughter of Mr. D. 
H. \Y c-eott, for over a year past, and it is 
hardly nicc-sary to state they Became deeply 
■ • • d of each other. The attention of 
t .c parents of both parties wa- directed to 
their wooing, and efforts were made to pre- 
I visit their meeting. Iu fact, n firm and de- 
termined oppo-ition wa- raised, and th” youth- 
I fu! lover* wire given to understand that they 
I must nevermore join hearts or luuukfl* love’s 
utuu-, u. uieaui me ‘old, old story” 
in each other's willing ear. This stem man- 
date was attended with its natural consequen- 
ce- — only makiug them more devotedly at- 
t: died and more determined and -neve-fnl in 
finding ways and means of meeting each other. 

Feeling that they were cruelly treated, th y 
determined to make one bold stroke for fre-e- 
dom and happiness. On the afternoon of Sun- 
day, the 18th host., without consulting their 
relatives, and accompanied by a male fricud, 
lliCv jumped into a cutt-r uml drove over to 
D. P. Hart, wh,,-e residence lsabout twoiuile- 
u est of Murine City, and were there and then 
uuitedby that geutlcman, in the holy bonds 
of wedlock. The parents of the young lady 
mi—' d her, and after a little search got an 
inkling of wbut was going on. A brother of 
ti:c young lady, with a friend. D. Lc-ter, got 
into a cotter aud made chase, but arrived loo 
late. Considering that dL-cretion was 
the better course, th<y thought it 
was Iwst to look over the a (Fair mid 
invite the young married eonple huuic. Ac- 
cordingly they started on ahead to see the old 
folk*, and instructed the young couple to fol- 

ville an Ivcd from Cairo, and J. N. i’UHHps from 1 01 the -fh -av : 

Eow, na. with a tow of coal. Fauny BramleU. for 
Evansville, anil Emma Hughe-, for upper Cum- 
berland, departed. 

Cairo, Dec. 30.-fhdli>na. New Orleans to Louls- 
v’lle, 10 p. M.; (jiilrhsiep. Evansville and relurn. 
1" r. m.; Forsyth, 8t. Louis to Memphis, 10 r. si.; 
N rmau, Memphis to Lvansvllle, 4 A. Sf.: Uo-ihor. 
Cairo lo 8t. Louis, 11 A. M.: Shrew, Vicksburg IO 
St. Louis, 12 YVauanlta, Cincinnati lo New or 
bans, 12 M.; Richmond, New Orleans lo Loul-vtlk\ 
12 M.; Talisman, Nashville packet, 2 r. x. Missis- 
sippi, New Orleans to Cairo, 4 r. vt.: Mllbrey, Pa- 
ducah to Cairo, 8 p. si. River stationary; com- 
menced rising at dark. Ohio clear of Ice. 

Mrwi nfS. Dee. 30. Raining Ihe past fhrec davs. 
River stationary. Departed— Silver Cloud, cin- 
einnatl; Lizzie GUI. New Of leans; Atlantic and 
barges, 81. Louis. 

Cincinnati, Dec. 30.— River slattonarv, 14X 
fret In the channel. Business 0r!-k. W eather 
nvld. With Indications of rain. Arrived— Mlnneola, 
Hem Memphis; Emma Floyd, from Na-hvll’c: 

I iama No. 3, from New Orleans Departed— 
A Kona, for Tennessee river; Wesi more land, for 
New Orleans. 

sr. Loris, Dec. 30.— Arrived Mountaineer, from 
M» mphls. Departed >!ouutatncer,for Memphis. 
River -tatlouarv. with a probable eha-'n,'! depth 
to Cairo of only four feet. lee soft and -lu<bi . 
tv eat her mild but not warm. Several Oval- ha\ 
t< me out of retirement, and four or flve will load 
l • -morrow for lho South. Several boat- ar" be- 
c ten hue and Cairo bound to tht* port. 

From Our Exchange*. 

The Cincinnati Commercial of yc-tcrdiiy 

si ys: 

A Mobile di-p»'e!i -ay* the Jcwes- wa- wracked, 
y. -tcv. uy, near Mvaetier's Mills. \u live- !o-t. Vu 
particular*. Tb, Jewess wa* built la CluclunAtl. by 
i apt. Alex. Frazier, and ha* been gunk and riti-.-ii 

veral times. She wa- not iasnred laClucinnali. 

II ere was no Insure uco ou the Monsoon In Cincin- 
nati, our otflecs having declined the ri-k. she is 
tl ilbtlers lesured in New Orb-ans. The Monsoon v. as 
I dt al Cincinnati, lu June. 1963. -h Is 1-0 feet lun , 
a. feet heaui, with 6 feet held. She is measure d 333 

• .t!" " . • for 000 tons. She had II 3-C .ie 

b- ilrrs. pul in in 1994. in place of h.-r duu-arded tnon- 
li r... *hc has two lever engines. 1- iin'tie* in li ime- 
t r. wlth7feet stroke^ Slie classed U Nu. 1, a:id va. 
• ■: vi- it'd Cincinnati since 1866»wtu 
a (23XD0. The n-w Arkansas riv- r United Stale- 
N ril Line steamer Clarksville. Cnpt. Reasoner. will 
»- ;lvelrom Madison on Saturday, and leave for Ar- 
k nsa- river on Wednesday n x: . 

Ihe 1 inpire. recently sunk l i alh— lielow NaP hex. 
1 the Mls.-Udpnl. was lusur, ! In tie- National for 
I IS7 50, and the Enterprise, of Civclnnall. for $3 - 
ft,!. It appears, however, thn: she Hr-' had the prlv- 

-as act the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas, 
lie latter danse w a- afterward, ane I d. lea vine the 

p( llrles lu the t’lKces named as nrlgl.ialiy mat iteJ. 
- wh being the cas*. her Insurance doe- not noldrood 
!• r uavluiillrg the Mlssls.-lp.d below Memphis. I Iqs 
isl.aruon hi r owner*, wv.o are Hie loa r- thereby. 
W - are Inform'"', tbe policies In -he V ic Alba ydt- 
0 ■ •' iv-ad 8 mihirl.-. to those hcl I by the Enterprise 
•led National otffces. The other policies, we mider- 
alantl. read right, and th,- amount of risk they 
r< • res nt. 

, .apt. Ihd^rt Porter, formerly ol ihe olffee .iff.* 
I /ra Porter, i* at. the Spencer floase. II. is U"W 
n injected w ith Porter'* >1. |>-yard at 8hou*e(o«'». 

I , OU . Wbe-C thev a," I— 'ldt, a . : n -' r.e- f e 
• ; "J Ihr IVAusirnne. 

• -'.oiks were generally null -tt-falnod a the 
o'e'ulrg, and irulncd -trvnaih at the first -• «lou 
of the public board. At the regular board lu- 
cre used spirit was manifested, and the deallti* lu 
railway share* were chiefly at a furthei adiaai e, 
Erie being among the most active. 

The following Indicate- the course of the market 
for tbe last three days of Ihe week as repor ed by 
the closing quota Hons: 

Monday, To'-slav. Wel'kUy. 

N, Y.CentrnI 137;; l.viv ivti* 


R. admit DSH « ‘X 

•Vuh. southern 88 m 97 97 

('lev. am) Pitt* »4 -8 -a 

(He. ami II. 1 18 117\ 114 

Chicago and N. W. Com. . 80X 7*-. 9>K 

,lo preferred 42* ttt 93', 


Tlie apathy consequent upon the holiday sea- 
son I* -till observable iu business local it •*, and 
the volume of trade I- not large, though uhy up 
to theexpectailon* of dealer*. In some depart- 
ment- of trade there Is fair activity, and price- of 
all leading corns odttles are fully malnialued. 

In flour and grain ibe lauger. which has been 
for -omi time a prominent feature, continues, 
: i ,i demaml luring principally to Im-al dealer*, 
mtb -ome I ruasact ions in flour for al Ipmeat- 

Tte grocery market ts firm, with a traod eon- 
siimptii e demi’nd for sugar aDd coffee, th former 
b» Ing In light supply, aud price- have aJ.anc- 
Uig tendency. Molasses ts also flrtu, w tli light 
stocks and » good demand. 

(be provision market has luul rgoDc no "- j- 
tt j 1 change siuee yesterday, though thi tone of 
the noon ill-patches would Ind lea's a weaker 
feeling ia ClneianatL The Chicago mar.i t. bow- 
evi r, 1- reported strong, and New Yor'i advices 
are uot calculated to impart vitality to • her mar- 
k- H Is jo-slble, after all. that th; theory of 3 
si ■ rt hog crop and continued high prices may 
pi . v« uot oubjerroneous Out ilisastrou- Advices 
-o far suhstautlate the low esilmat g of the hog 
crop, and dealer- are -anguine that rei nin' rutlve 
prices will rule dut Ing Ihe season. The danger 
I* fhat high prli-es will cheek eonsmnp on to an 
extent that will be more than equal ' > any f ill- 
ire oflf In the hog crop. Should this ee the ease. 

oil! and 8* 7 Vail ie for new. Rye floor tail: rale* l7' _ f 

bids at (81f<a-. 

• oasir«J4L— In moderate reque-4: mice !S8 h’lla I 
write Western at 9 a aad *S8 to Is Brandy- Ine at I 

vv tn sit — N ominal al **c free, 

HktiN— iieee.p', wheat.ouev; market tall; -aim a.- 
ua hoahrlt at *1 A**! «*'_ forstralgM So I avrirg. tht 
I»lt« *5 ixtretue. Rye dal!. Barley loll and heavy: 
sale- 23. 00 bo»h Canai'a Wee*. In retail lo4a. at |2m 
Parley malt oondnal. Recetp a corn. 19.3*8 oo*hi mare 
krt heavy and lc lower: rale) '9.0)0 Ooahat 38 ts*- 
tv. urw Wokera, JOotac tv x -mail lots extra choice lc, 
(1 07 m 1 18 for olu do ia store ami all >*>. TkoSsc for 
«w Wuttrti yellow. Receipts oat*. .88 hush: mare 
ki t d.iU and lower; sates llioo t.u»h*w -stern at 3*vc. 
check to-u«y and aomisally T-'.c afloat. 

Woote Qnic' and Arm; sales l O.o 0 pound* at ft* 
59c for domestic fleece. 290498c for anwadicd. 18ft30c 
for pulled, Wc for domcatic and SI He for Texas. 

l.XATO»- -Hemlock sole I* ;4eady at d-fc e'S, »e for 
Buenos A) res and Kl<> Grande ltgh: and -riddle 

i.aormxo Rice quiet. Coffee quiet; iota 738 hags 
if: c r.u private term*, -ugar inlet: -alesKfhoxcs 
Havana at li , Ulhc. Mote wei dull. , 

PXTKoLxt n— Mulct at il r* '.7 V tar croft*, raff 31c 
ft'T re nned bonded. 

Oil— L inseed quiet at sec akl. 
ltora— Quiet at IKe fOc for Ameriran 
( oal— F oreign qnT, r.. Newcactle go* lie DpumsUc 
dull; sale- by auction to-day Zo.lM* ton- ■o-ranion at 
() .ms 1 73 for lump. |a 'Xo.1 73 tar -team boat .(I 88 m 4 
« for grate. 84 84 mI -IN taregz. ft 38U4VI fur store 
aud (Ti*ik 4 ins 'or Uhi-taut. showing a lane decline 


1 /miswiIIe Opera 


HlMFTT DTMKrV Tony IteniS 
Mr Harrs Leslie as BarleqUn. Mr. 9 
lCK ; \ lllol tri » *!uaMOP; S**« 

-auo Modb. Hen, i r%. Oidy. l r.Hfc.1 

irWTdnic'.v f r r 

V T Saturday, farwell 

D anciJ 

T)if 5^r,afi term f MON9 A 
jt9 1 VA < hrM4D .‘ff toe Acad# H 

J»oaan i. 1S8*. *. /clock. i*or tl 
*•(' <•**. and Vigors, ind on SCommcmI 
rr A. si J ^ ’clock r. tot Lmmm 

^.?!»^ d 'aeS/£S 

ll\r. Vobiwite 'lull . il m 

L’.k-I stii 5> 17V’t ’n4 iic * - ’ 1 * 


i -s 84ri I % for lump. $4 i .j for -tesoiboos #A 
i for ffrate, M ^V*»-l ‘^Vifor ejez, fS f**r nioi 

u*i f4 «*< 4 *»; s tor CUtsinuc. tthuwin* * Urfi dcclli 
rt Mil kid*. 

<ri*iT* Tru*rvmrs— C<«4kHc. 

''bct'tintr copprr onict u >>1 nrcbjnf^int 
SSr; injrot (jiilet and firm *( Jr*'* ft»r »U ciadt. Pl< 
Ir-n ♦O'? ti for scosck ai , d ,1? for Amcrirna. ’Bar 

*. ?0 W 4# W per DM. I iWc for Hu**!*. N:uK.inJ» « d Va^rfPrcvl.HM 

WOOL — Prices range from h) to 3Be for uo- lc for cUnch and rka.Oe for bore* shoe, 
ashed and 15 to 30 for tub-washed. I 

WHISKY— Raw whisky Is In good demand aud 
lh" i emand Is lo exce-s of recelpfft. We uoie a 
- de to-day of 50 bbls at (l OH, tax paid, aad 59 
b’ Is one year old copper af (l 75. 

Hoar** and Pork Parkin;. 

The pork packlug -eason at this polm Is report- 
ed ploscdgtlthougb we presume a few tu.i. c liogs 
11 offered will be slaughtered. 

Tbe following Is an exhibit of the pocking 
l.tislntis to date: 

Total Killed. 

W. Jarvis A Co 13,009 

Fred. Lett . .29,(64 

0. W. Thomas A Uo 17,«13 

Owsley A Co 3L3I6 

Hamilton Bros . 10,050 

T. J. Martin A Son I-.U07 

Dnucon, Floyd A Co 19 jno 

Hughes, Gos'.ee a Co...„. . .... 1-.949 


TtLR.BArHK (jri iAilo— .- New York -Hogs 
si. ady aud demand fitlr at 9'«( fi lOe. Receipts. 300 
tp id. Cattle -teady anti demaii i fair at tfii ls>'. 
lb celpt:’, 500 head. 

c bu'aoo. Dee. 30.— Hogs- live firm and pries 
b* tier; extra ffVOffgg 75: good to chohv (wftq 50. 
Live hogs— demand fitlr aud prices firm a* 9'i® 
b - c. Dressed hogs quiet aud weak at 10,2 
II ,e. Receipts of hefts. 895 head. 

The ClncHmaU Price Cnrreut of to-ilay -ays: 

The- market for hogs continued dull the Bre 
three days of the week, and price") declined fully 
3) •• per c-nral, but toward tbe close, under the ln- 
flueuee of light receipts ihe feeling was stronger 
ar t prices advam-t-d decidedly, llte Jelling as 
h 1 . b is (10 75, an*l dressed a! (12 25. Thl- after- 
neon the feeling was autuu subdued, but the offer- 
!! betBg light the -rreneth of th mark, t could 
n< i be fully le-ted, but the- large decline lu Chi- 
cago wnt of a discouraging uatuie. notwltbsland- 
u. , the light receipts there. Current rate- are 

ft, • 27 Si f w new n.cs*; VA lu fur old do; V.-U- ': ;.3 lor 

E rmw.ffe sre. for prime mess. Oeefitra.y: -sirs 18 
Ms at fi-si* 30 for new ala. a uieas, and 3U fur 

Sew extra mw. Tlef*" o«ef »teady. atha a* tierces 
a. grtr-ta for prime a -s, au , (os 3 for ladim mw. 
B. ef hams flrui: sales 130 hat- at 88)- 14. Cat meats 
Aim; sales lu) ukas at Wwsllcior shoulder. >od lksKr 
fer hams. Miadfea quiet: sale* 170 hr* • tTHc for 
t i mbcrlar.d cut. IIV h r -hori rib *»i i) q*»lic for 
lerg clear. Lard itnaer: sales 7«* :.erc*» st Bkal.W 
f. r steam. 1)4,1*41 1 ,e for kcttl* rendered; ,fjo. 298 
ti« rce* sieam. seller*' upttoa for Februsrv aud March, 
at U.v»l7 :,c. Dre**ed hugs flrmer at 11\W l?Nc tot 
W ' -iern aud 12 ft for ctty. 

Hr rrxa— tjulet »nd steady at JKJftC for Ohio, and 
lb,Hc lor State, 
t aaora— Firm si la- 19c. 

1 txJGBTs — To Lfrerauul quirt hot Srai. 


Flora— ( losed duB aad -llgi.tlr in biy*- favor. 
• , a.ux— W hea: very quiet aud noulas lr oachang- 
ed: v, ry limited milling and export . nqu. -y. Rye hall 
ai *1 S0i«l 31 for Western. Cats :n!I s. TNsrt'.c la 
,-tere and )-* afloat for Western. Corn steady at 81 07 
i 10 for old and HSfeiiSc for new mix. d Western in 
store and afloat. 

Puoriaion— Pork quiet and unchanged. Beef dull 
ar.d Tir.chaaged. Cut meats steady with a fair demand. 
Bacoaffno and moderately active- Laid Iradll 
(StDlaCtar Isl- toprt'-ie *teun) 

Foes— Dull at ftoeftoc. 


Ntw Ton. Dereiab-r W— r. a. 

3 he market couUnoes extremely dull Nit prices are 
IK-Tenheltss allheal essential change He vy brown 
• ‘reti e- are ir. mod) rate requ si atjxflic for tie 
he-: 'T'sk. - snd !l>:.13c fur the eeeoid. staudar 1 
pt.nls are la limited ileinaud at Idivs Ul - while Cocb- 
r. • and Mcrri;:. ac urtsp) bring !3)p:. suadard 
hi sn drills are steady at Tic. ssp-w f iiubrlc* 11 Hr 
a: d high <• lor* ttge. Amo- trst A ti ks »i2Jc. do 

1 I. III. nil I rail I Its- Ct* 

l'« wiTTVFLY tor ihre»‘ airtt5 oalr. wi;l 
I hnlld*» !Dil!p**pff rH^WOAT. tn 
vvn kdat evkmsgh. dhc. 

Un ily uAt .atr* D J Atk. ! *nd !. %l * •'cUci 


Fi Jer uptra h-usc. < . c.saatL Jk| 
n ■ r -h. i :,er»llel a as . hronn lw, ol 
hutirecha ge of programme warh esM 
pretrdhy 'l l 9rst-cli.— ire !— s, -wi iia;^ 
•ore geualwe tsleat ite* any aHH 

! t allery -Stefa 

The utflrs for the *ale af reserve ! seals will opea I 
hr music -a re of Wm.AfcCarrsII, Woh.esday, Del 

I 38. al M) o'clock a. a. 

Door* open at 7 o’clock r a.; to oiamewee at 
j recisely d*27 dt* 

Foiu'trpntli Annual Hull 



I nit (Ml N)n>of liriiij 

At Masonic Temple, 

Hew Year's Hiikt, Jaamr 1, IS 

< ' l»> tte I J rat . Afliua bf-Mff A 11 M )**■**•« . HO I |. 

sic. 4io c nod American stripe 1 * 14 -j 13c. I 1111 

bitter of .VrraotfeMtttfr-J. f. Aci 
He:u' J Mor»a. M 

* C ATT oil Jw. COff^ril. Jac. D» 

X\. see CO rea-oa wby esorbltnol prt- edfor pro- J wns of * UlscouratflQtf 
vMoDfl -tiou Id be maintained, un tL^ contrary I in.; ihe ii^rht receipts then 
ti e probabilities are, unles- au m tlv export dt> I rt -arded high bjr aJ! partle-. and tbb makes th" 

L ad -ef- iu snd 1 * cuntlnue)!. Iha' awtec in*' ulll I “ / ‘'’i.'.’m,'. 'u’ilh Vi ' 'r",'-.'i i 'VVi l ' '"r’h 1 ' h 

m I in^ 4 vintlniie. with li'" rul ^tipplitm af n*'kfs -lurlnij 

o«’ 4, ui. | .laanarv, it i> pretty gone 

A WA r i»!*. — l.l8i of iwsnlg tufuip » 'sterilay by | dedlM b Inevitable. In 
R** vet Urlaadter C*eaerai M. P. i. J*. ? L^. I ^1I*H bacon, which 

iHtncim, Fiord a <o„ Louirivlih 
rlt bacon sides at 16^ c; lii,U00 lbs 
at U5\>; SvbGO It s hums at !‘ »c. 

rather than ship lu The r«oetotsof bt>ir« at ?hi» ci weak 
anti all th • or her leadimr pacVinfr poeef har« dn')*»deH*> 


t uic iflo. «. 

y ? c M>rc5. £"-U rn at 1*V hnytoa aud 

prr BelUnw. 

r Loca- L ulrt and §:«a«ty at 16 •Thi'* US far l° w 
gr - dc*. to u KHispri su extr-4'. 

4**vi»— Whcar aMxferai?ly aeflvc; Vol *prtag*^ld 
at #l la OlMi Ccniru aa t »i il agTeH la 

N ' TihweftK to eteraior; earlr sale^ 5«» i»pria/ traa*> 
p.rrd fft |1 US; -a “^qnccrf? Ihr n wrket weaker -d fl U\ wns .ill that couldW abiatoed; toward the 
cii Sd ho*' rtr *1 U waa i*aW, at wl Jch UfON tbe mar- 
krt eloaed weak; sj)*** Vo ‘•gJn*.- ■•» fl !**. 

Com tall and Ji> . lower; -*alu5 al M4ftc P>rncw 
•»h* Il' d, .>? *-5r lor Vo i k la dried, and 36r !or new 
-hi lled. Seller Junoary: at the rl gehewshdlevl waa 
dn]l at Sita- Ml He- .»id r*»m was MfVlpa: noihiak; d tag 
lu rorn lh;* axTemooD. Oa s were dnll and waak and 
rr ra .uffertU :» deellne of vr; the denaaod waa 
nli *y ether to fll «hoit*. • eht« dy at «i r. 

ilea MSe *cl!er a Vr lan iary .*». Rye ' 
fl 1*. | tU ror fol «»d fl 10 ,-ffl 11 RICH 
ilniO't roinip .*• a» 4 1 't'*, tor No I. I 
tli'K' • flier \t>“ »ld mt #?Mroe«»Rer m »' 

Managua- J. L. Brady. MultS«w 
C wnnertoBw Dennla Lsiw^lm. C'*i 

Brinkman. O. w r . 

OYoiaok 1 >t. J. O'Kleuy,. 
re 11, Pat Be Don. 

F W r Manager*— Mlchaol 
Vivhnel K-rned*. Andrew C 
Llueoui. Rceiy Mnu->a,Joa. 

1 K im B1 »0. Ladko 1 


LowbTlUe aou v -w Orleans F 
lor Cairo. M« ' p.*u-. vad 

The lo'-wau* 


M ul leaee aa abo 

>' v 2 a. 

A lotted Males Inu urovide* Hull the ^U'n of j*t 14.M5r. 
tr.-enty centa j" r mouth shall be collected off every St Ua 

empkove.ftt'm Captain down to c abin hoy, aboard • p«** 

» utcr 4-ra;t ti: • «aine to be Collar ted by port < o.l?ct« " M 

Oi -.aiid fuuU d for ho»pltnl pari»oM< rhit wiien 
ary tailor or etcamhont Laud aliull be taken stek he . 
shall be conveyed to a marine hoaplral and there .i(Jt 

r.i.raed free of ebarse. If th- re docs not ha-. pen to be J. C. i‘i 
a marine hnspital u here tl e «lck man Is. the (govern- lj4t«*on Ht 

n nt contracts with the city bo- i { >!. . rany h ndal i ,.. |f . 
n *t convaiiient, and pays out of ihe fnnd n uu *a lor 
tl •• «id*e can*. Wc have no niarloe »»ie Unnuw 1 

Government has a couiracl with iht Hospital of the Newcoi 
l-ood Sauiarltnu for Ihe careot sick steamboat men. lh.^ sugar 

Smull-pox G r&Kin{r, and amoiij deck-hands, as a A. I . ' 
rh.tev, u finds nmnerons victim^ Numb- is of Huokf <1 fc 

them, taken with the d # a*t», ar*‘ s nt ashore M j 
!»• ri- aud left t*.» the chances that befall (he poor and |L.‘g|. 

lr. provident. The point wi* desire to call nitciition * J. / ** 

ted oir every s< haeflV-r. st. Louis, 5,'k)0 lbs ct miles a» 

oort • ojSt* 21 5<4 utlet map al 6 r; UU ■akc- '.Jltat 

th it when ^ *P 

ak-i! sick he Prootcr A (iambic, O delimit 1, lc.* k) lb^ soap at 
al and there f >< i!U: 1 Uh coni starch ul 

ha .peo tu» be J. C. Oauc A Co., cim i lauatU l,if> 'he breakrasi 

. Ihe Govern- bacon »t 17c. 

rt a i D n ii » a t r •laiucs A. Frazer A Co.. Clncinc 1, 5 f uu0 lbs 
ollal but »i»i finnulaled sugar at fid ft. 
spit (1 of the Non comb. Buchuunn A Co.. Loid-yllle, 15.U0U 
»inbo;uru**n. Ih- sugared 154*. 

:-hands, a*, a A. 1*. White. Jr., A Co., Clll« nail, 5*0 lbs 
Numb. rs of smoked h^rrlP^ at l(!r •. 

II. L. .^tltes A Co., Cincinnati, l,nui».«an*9 snriin^s 
sill attention *** l * ' * l,|, lts chocolait; ai Wc; oltlcs pickles 

w* hau*, •*..* cmnoi say thai this Is ihe case. 

- i . 

tarn what prop^iion of hop- 4 are still being fed; 
time only can develop this, mi we must »*e 4*un- 
lei;t to wall suclt development . 

1 he receipts of bops at this nlaee, for the week, 
the season, and comparatively forsom previous 
seasons, have been as follows: 

By railways J2.7JH 

By river 5al 

From Kentucky. W 

Di iven tn... l.frw 

Slaufrhtered at Plain ville U60 

Siaufhured at Newtown I 330 

fft«- 4-sah. fftl for»^U* r Jiuun »nd Pfbnury, 

fLT j 0 tor •filer February and Mar-h. vad at t2* for 
seller and hover F brnary, clo-h.a with tree Huy t» 
al f.7 cadi. L-»rd is fafrlt active 4n«t Arm *t isj* i;c 
ca-b aud lf^c irnellcr January a/tar the ah. rlo-«inif 
with bcyer» at Use for p f»ed ibllTerj. short rib 
middle* I Sc kft«f ud ruu^li •idr* liy Ioj-c Drv* 
Halved N*llie» lis ftW.Sc packed snd -eor: clear ndd- 
ulialic lo sf. \iestKtf fl 
I asasKD Hogs— op oedonlsl st flO '4^11 Sf, and 
el< <rd Anu at $ If .3*11. '.tVidirc •*» V>. 

l ive Hu»«s — Active au X i ft* 13c higher; -sir* at f 8 35 
fe'. 1 30 f6rc< nuui>u torbolrc. 
c attlc— F eet c sit It dnll st ft for common to 

T ^fa rae wp. ’tnp^. B. C. 1 

Per Tenm—ra River— E a s t p o tf 

ABFuNA Jl. j. fan 

_fpr»v» LeOT*w on This 1 
— 3|«'> 

LomisvilV and New utmsm 
P W. sT1wAk>KR. ; 

-jP^w- , For Cairo, te mpi 
^ . _ 

F. T. -iflTgeoa. -uprt. B.C. Levi. 

, aud, thcr dore, entitled to mariu 

facIUtiee.’snd tho cou-i.quen< e Is that th«* putlfuta arc I in , vvtJer at 14< . 
tl roa n upon th(' city, which ha* no hospital focill* I . 

ct i«c; auu it s chocolate at 40c; .JUi> oitles pickles 


i’ark'T A Mxon. Cincinnati, 1 j 0 I 'SSttlcrutus at 
12< : 150 lbs M curb soda at l o lbs t>aklup > 

jUB motion of Mr. Dent the dlflereut commltt veirf . 0 f age and quite feeble. Uu ChH.nmas 1 at a safe distance. Tiicy imagined that 

eft pcrnittied to re|>ctn ail claims that h a! day Mr. DhaLingcr and r. r»ortlon of his family the old folks could be quieted and reconciled. 

Tbf «rwt raftred r depoi of 

C t MctolEuDo lint on Ihe Lehigh avenue, Penn- tD <1i)'Ure at 2 o', to-*, at A»l 
-ylvanl*. *ra» Ourauft v.-oterday mom tug with street, to-morrow eventtiff. 
tei-DU-ac oars. The depot wa* ooguot'-J toy tbe bend of inu-ir to aitendan- ••. 

tkrae stoves set Or.- to the care, tthh-to gprea.1 so A „ of ^totl- aud 01 
mi ldly that tte mm in the had to br«a* Ctgvou* on Center stree! ai - 

!«.«•>“ *•- o-<«; toe window in orde: to wing of the proc-relon ivltt 

Tn- Hsdy w b< era* nrre-te : in St Lfrui* 
Tirr8ay tvira to au asalffcartou honse. os I* 

• heged. war aftoiltted io ball yesterday lu ffZ.Oflj 
to appeal i 'Tore Itoe twri of CrlaHual • orreotuj- 
Jai oary fftti. to answer tb* rtonrgc of adultery. 
TL - lad# deals* the charge again* her. and a-- 
are mat •towwant to the hou-e !a whieh she was 
ggraa.) c on t iranma aann» et»-d a ith a law aufi 
tiouffhl bf her forue r ha- 0*1 •. for the poawre-.-i >u 
of b> refill : u. 

^|||( A p<]TTto>L ".-ho Vine reloaand from 

-b* a 



Several dlstliuru *hed apeaker- will addre-s Ihe 
audience at 2 o’clock, al Aaberrv chap I on Ninth 
stre>'t. to-morrow evening. There will be a tue 
band of mn-lc In attendance. 

Marshal of the Day— Arthur Hill. 

Mr. John P. Hicks wtli lie the Assistant Marshal. 
All or the aoelette- and orgamzatlcm-wlliren- 
ffravaraqn Chiht atree; ai sjf o'clock. 1 
wlce of the prooowlon - ly rest on Gre< n *ire t. 

The nroces-iou trill mu) c af 10 o’clock in tb" 
follow' l.t- order: 

t p Green to Fifth street, ou! Fifth • street to 
Chestnut. upCtoeatnut to Clay, lu day to J.-ff *r- 
soti. down Jefferson to First, out First to Walnut, t 
down VTa'nu; to Third, out Third to Jefferson, 
r.ov i) Jeflemc to 8. vetith. out Seventh to Chest- 
nut. down Cbeatmit to Fourteenth, in Fourte -nth 
to tb«' Asberry ctn pi l. 

II lolJowInglrih. ("Tfonnanoe tusldr of tt 
ehurrh after tbe arrltwl of the proee-slois: 

1 Muter. 

2— Prayer bribe Bev. H. Adam-. 

J- The re. -wiinz 01 Pr -l leu' LID-’oln'- pro Ib- 
a-atira )<v ll>" BonoratAe HarrL- Morris. 

4 Mote) . 

6- A -jkcC-Ii wtlTto* fteMverad by ibe Rev. Mor- 

5 Marie. 

7- cna^ra 1 V Oder Young. 

• iraHt a 'ffres- I'JT Pr) -id' tit Wm. H Gtb- 

*.«. * Tt. 

afier tin nets, or .auo 1* over .u th>- chuj-ch ihe 
n:»'*»d<M> a is move out Ninth street to Grc n. 

s- — . H.JoNfo. 

■ita. UBOS. H. MIL Lilli. 

3f • f 


were permitted to report ail claims that h «! day Mr. Dialling* r and r. portion of hi- family 
ta«sse) : the upper tioard. The claim: -o reported weut to cliurcli, leaving hi- mother and thr -e 
w ere allowed. I of his children, all small, at home. During 

o Biiic aml. 1 Mr. D.’s absence his mother’s clothes, bv 

An ordinance llceustnp baud" arts, offered l*y | some means, took lire, and were soon in a 
Mr. Brobtton, was read bv its title sou referred, blaze. Ohe we- lu 1 t own room when her 

weut to cliurcli, leaving hi- mother and three I’ftt in this they reckoned without their host 

l.I ! . -. 

Mr. (iVonnor reported a aeries of i )il--s and regu- 
lsuou- to govern lUe Louu-vllli- City aud Marine 
Hospital, ua loot lot. of Mr. urrlll ib - report was 
recommit 11 d. 

The Council then adjourn'd uutll Welu' -lay 
evenlny. January 5tb. 

of his ehlldreu. all small, at home. During The father of the virgin bride h;d 
Mr. D.’s absence his mother’s clothes, bv I token a position where he could »"e 
some means, t<x>k lire, and were soon in s t ie young folks coine into the village, and the 
Maze, the wa- hi her own room when her * rother and friend did not happen to see him. 
clothing took fire, and immediately ran out Wlietr the cutter cfime driving up the old gon- 

. A brother of il ru»n upor. the cite, which ha* no bosjdtxl facill- 

I II 1 c-lcr irol Ur* fer small pox ps Meats 10 spare. Dr tl" nn-in- 

" . s-c >cr,gui Umc Ihe K' 'eruuienl lia- tt.. marine fund ii’insed, 

Out arrived loo :• ;:d the f lek m i: t.a- 0e*’a Aildlng hi- tweat-' cent- 

(U.-crcl ion was p r month to U ever -Ince li * w. nt to work on the 

th'Uijrht it a- iar tiVr ran !e*rn,tlie r spou-ihility of this 
he affair huu matter rest- with the officer- ul IkixC-, aid they .ire. 

Die home Ac- alter ail, more directly lulrresud ir. the henl'hand 

>l,e , ,1,1 well bring of slctmlswl la ".rers; it sL I i lie t ■••« 

d tO see H’C Old 111. mediate concern lo are that me no. -»ary ci riid- 

:S couple to fol- calc Is fuml-lied to their stek hand*, 

imagine! that The IJazette of the sune cla*e saw: 
and reconcil' d. The now steamer Clarksville, bclnc l.ufft at Ma ll- 
lout their host. son. I- expect- d h< re on -,.tur • . to h -in rcc-ivm, 

ti bride hi on Monday tor all poliii.on the Ark«m,ns r!vr. -lc 

Daily Review of ihe Market. 

AI !'! s— The rcirki t - -'• t lv and prim. , . i'l- 
tli -me tn good request at quot.ttoua. We qmite 
ut (4 5>.i to (5 SO for fjlr to good, uni (d to (7 for 
1 t ime to chotre. 

Total for the week 37,771 

Fnvlou«ly reported 2 su, 93 o 

•Toial for season 319,830 

-a.iu- time last season ... 2Hti,:»32 

" " I-d* 2-4.855 

" “ 1-d5 »N999 

It will Ite -cen that tbe packing thus far Is sllglH- 
1 > ahead of either of the hurt three vears. 

l.oniMille Leaf Tobacco Harkrf. 

The maikft b eihlbltlnff oo ww f**afure^. Th^ 

1 *TTL«— i'**' ! entile dal! nt -KVsfrJ forcoiuiuaafo I Kenbr Kcntarkv »!«•* 

I.cJW foirci wvmn*l !blu vi«er«. ViY s J iV* “i **!, 

| ISO I’ICVIPT*— For \t.‘ rtm* »! hDurv— bbls a<v». I 3- 

I tfk^i hu-th viieat: tMBbvfe Cora*. bvak oatk i *A5MBb. Miatar. . GAO. M. V 

A t T *'— . » v • FTra- 1 

J.i: 1 buirii rye; -,kii bu.-h bartr ?; '.»1 h 
-mF*!3»T*-it 5» bbl» Cotftr.T.CH bu*h wh*»t. 

r» biidih com. 9JSM bwk oav. t.700 both rve. V*J»> 
bu h barky. 4 U4 brad ho«*. 


tzivcnni m. uecemocr J 0 —p. 

Id lair dvuiar.d at SSmCc i t ear. Uye |1 
iTi* a- ’-alr tlrmaDd. l»a * dull at ■>» **pc for So l. Bar- 
it? lo uiodt r »:r fieuiaud al fS 1*4 05. 

*'cn roa— lil^tKT aad more actln. ihJdUaijDq^ 

v msKY— M.*ady at $}. 

BUTTER Deal * ts r* ]»ort llbf ral rerelpu of | vv uther for a few days post ha.9 been favorable* 

e» untry butter ao<l price?* of a! I tji ar* »o- 
••I’anreil. \\ quote country but’ r at 25 io ^7i* 
W. stem Reserve and Mivliurun tub ai 2^ to ; 
New York at 43 to 50r. 

BL1 KW BEAT FLol'B— Prices an* 84omly. We 

tnoceif the Adiiu.t* Line of .irkair'Ud river p»ckrU, I ivnt fftiwnin •• t u ..V in 

ai d v ill be commanded by < apt. W. M. Keaaom.r. . » , ^ H i? 

Thor*. Royw?, Emj. «t tb<* offlci* or r • Ni ’tiipiils I 7*** k*. aud i5 t'.» $10 |kt bbl.; half bbU» at £5 

into an^ndjoiuing room * bore the three little I tieimin Laltt-d it, and, after a • liort tu>.-*Ic with line. Bcvillbeapa 

ciiildrcn were, crying “Help mo! help m**, I the biidegnxHn, iu which hit superior Pittsburg 

elii'dren!’* Tbe two oldest children, terribly aud ^treugth pave him a decided ^ iV?; 

frf^hteuwl, no out into the yard, leaving^* ' advautug**, took Uia di u^bter out of th 

beby in U:e cradle in the room with the burn- cutter und forced htr to jro home, at the 

inir eTandmolher. I fame time t . Miner the youuirman thathemi-ht 

packet Company, * ill cnarure rroiglit fo» hc*r. 

i npl. Wh.. H. Kt*yt lfAVt- > Cor N v. Or!e in» lUH • v.'n- 
ii-« to take 4-barirr of tlM- oitlre of the m earner t .,•>* 



our fun end muslc^ovlug people scai-.-cIy need T'X- 
. r> mluCul that En an r-ou. Alien A Manulnc's ' 
uiln-tri-le open at WeWffer Hall io-nlght. Their J* 1 * 
• ca .uc has been ea/crlv anticipated. Mi. J. • j’ 11 
C. Eranklln. the ogcnl, arrived from Lexiugton j * 
ji sterday, and reports that the troupe up-t wtih '? 
»- gucceas there. Ucser' ed seats for any 
of the performances— Thursday, Friday Or Satur- r * 
day evenings, or Uic mattn. es Friday and Satur- ^ , 
day - may be bad by application nt McCarrell'; , I( , 
music store. * • 


This place Of MlDUSemcut, al tbe corner of . ■ 
Fourth and Jefferson, will ft opened under the pi* 

ausplre- of that excellent comedian and Judl- fon 

••lou- managei. Wood Benson, on Saturday or 
Monday evening. His company uuin>*er»aoui' of let 
ibe rno-t peumlar ar «t« nf the day, and the en- we 

"•rta'ament* will be of th< most p!"»« ne kind. t hi 

I t-y in U;e cradle in Ure room with the burn- I culler 
in^irraiidm'dLer. fame tii 

Tb- eldest girl, about cifrlil years old, almost “travel 
'mtucdialely returne l to ihe room, however, I f"l*Wny 
and rescued the infant from it- iH-rilous situa’- l>er fall 
tior.: but slic w a- unable In aid her grand hearted 
mother, and tlie old lady rau to a bed in the course. 

The Pittsburg Commercial of Tuesday 
says: , 

Pitt-hurg I- 'tie place wi.crc they h-ild towboatr. 

5M lo (fl. 

BE.vNS Thi mark": l- unchanged in every re- 
spect. We quote at (:i to s t 25 li.- bo-ln l on irri- 
3:1. ond -all - ai" mane fr to *'nre nt T-1 50 to * I 75 
, • I bu Del in lots. 

BEESWAX- Tbe market i- mehauged aud 

steady at :|3 to 3oc. 

BAGGING AND UuPE-The ~ aoou for active 
operations Is pasi no.* pri ■* * are iiouil- 

fot farmers to prepare ift-li joboeeo for market, dci 'and. Me* tx 
and liberal receipt* may he anticipated. 8o fxr 1 J*GttM*» 

price- are fully matutalned, with an active do. x uft >a». at lljq*. 
ten Dd for all desirable quailtle*. W ■ noth'" 'hat RtTiaa-'-carr* 

the Lonl-Tlll. house *cld to-la> 1 bad new leaf. * rutedSncSd 8. 

from Henderson couuty, for #13 50 p-T l'X) lbs. era. at 81 ttir 1 

i*aot iaiox»— l nseitled iud rr.' e* nominal snd no 
dm isimI. Me# pork c.4B be bo»bt at af; 30. Raik I 
nival* lev. lf% and 14MC f r .So jMera. aid** and clear | 
ride*. Green meat* dub .lioeldm offered at Svc I 
;.i d ham, nt Ujfe. Lard call: £' ime kettle 17 

_ , , T*' — , u ‘ 1 »ve for Fr»J 

g-»W — A*48 i wtag 04 1 o'cl 1 
* “ iri **■ Wmdr.'td. Oregoa. aad 

ry oerg ratarday *t * o cloche, a. 

Hd qe apply unboard or to 
re S dtf JAr). W roRngg a 

T-aoesaeft and Cum bar 

r 'oR the lowrat through rntaa for th* i 
• J'l u* Meters, lodge ft Fan,'*. All _ 

tr, -kia made by th. m will bo carried cwx. 

c*ci>VcxvaM;coruiu|| u> b;l| of I wi 

iel^dtf Trxn^x Ajrata . P» 

Vdnnis' Ark. River V. S. 

MU V. A&I. 1 IS, 1 

i ra Mirara _ Le»»fi Mempbi 

*4^ ft-^ TkarvUyy K 

m m ’ f ^* • uing u> Ptrta B T 

The I'Mioiiif* of ut^eh were exiape rated 

till ht extra ri?ten»*«l 

i»ld tobacco. 

Shipping. Man A Owen Co. 

Caning L<**f. 

Li:ge $ 7 0**10 M % 9 IMI1 00 

Li w h«u ll NO W 0 u U n DO 

Vfldloiu leaf 11 Ou.. u> 00 If Or*!# 00 

Ihh J IraL 14 OOwili uO JO 'i 00 

Fine U-vf. li ft*- W 0J 41 00 

l t,..k* traf 10 «0> c1 ? Of 0) 

%l sm.tMi ti’ruig leal. hUck wn»|»pera U 00 

•• bright wrapper* JY80 tU)«W 

- t-.ncy bright wrappers SO 00^73 00 


Trashy la n*.. 4'4® 5 

(•»'* - agar in ^alei 4rif hhtU a: 19 * 

14\c for the beat gra*le*. loffet ftnuer, (aln* 
al '.'A - -3. 

CoLI>— !34 % 

Kxi iui(.t -i *ill at HrO ! K» «l**e.>an». 

Mo sax— Mar’ *1 cotibliei rluae. 

bT. Lori's MAUkK l 

St. loci*. De c*rm>*r jo — r v. 

i>eac?o-n il Inal 
4 oytox Nolhiag tio&ng. 

fiiln repor led. 

Flora- Firu* with I iore d* t . ind; taka #i*;-wfwa at 
.'•0*- * *•*’. extra (Om?, *k>a #4e nirj f * JZ ' jU. 
lr Me extra «*j faacj D 'Am Ul "A. 

Wheat urharsci u f 1 30^t for prime to 
c)vl<*e red- »nd fl Ui f»r white, font exir.*m^ 
Ijr fall At tkOWiftfSc li*r vellow and while*, and *>•>; le 

.a4Ung u> Ptna L 

dai*e lie. a. id Fort Mnllh aprtr i 
octsi Jtf r~^ 

Kt-gutar Meu ■•&.*» and f ki* 


DE* ARP Jobs 

!«««» l.-a»ea M* 

“ O cl«'* -V r 1 


aovl Wed,Th an. t Frt tf 

row ciNct.’SN- 



,i ii ■ EAUE 8* te. ftctadf— ■ 

~ *-*e\ N : 'vom-WoraduUmrtote 

te rr - tea - . .. iiirc-te! 

tlolLir- in gold and other property in her room 
tinm itiUiig to about one Utuus.itul dollara in 
value, all of width w ere lost. 

* tliinli of ‘‘old man Bidwii,” un ap- 

ple jxddlar on a SL Loai= ft rrylnul being m 
foiuicd, through Archbishop Kendrick, of a 
f ,(Ki0 legacy! Un will the Bylvaun- Cobb, 
let itim v Wa dBm o mm iyilbfg 8 lt«ll 
vt- not have “Brown, the Bloated Apple Mcr 
rbanl; >r, the Fie .d of the Cen j'toaiy"’ 

lady, biit -he uiaua'fcJ to escape and 
• .i, her c :ij to a n ighiMit’s house, where 

/ lt,i»H, I cing sent fur, no -oouer appealed 
loan -he was agniti (• reed to return to her 
I oi'.e. 

Nego(i.:tiou- were kept up all through Mon- 
•\to I riii": ul out a recoueilielion of the old 
oiks, but all to no elite!. Oa Tuesday niorn- 

' Voei''' W- have -io ehattge to uot* 

' vnainior, are that wUhia Are ciJiy- the— will be 
.» e ,al arrivals of boats from Cairo. If the -ealler 
1- mild itiUiaorniiUf a ci«w wfil g u <luwu tu lu toe's. 

: euriv lb y.u.nghnde. under charge of her roTwSa ap'ttu- Mu-amle'e. 

•'her tt'.d brother, v a? ttike’i to Detroit to be 'rt.« rowboat Torn Ear: .w »qd a ze» lately 
plmed 111 a lOiiu-ul. 1.*:- to remain until *be Pfloburd- a-v aV - ■ ‘ti in N V yrh.-aa. 

•’i'ltNME.U.- Tl'e hutkes ft 1 wo -l.I ml I* rs 
bolted Uua; ,) 0 :i 4 , l.o-h, 

V'-'V " P , rl *' r,v T ** r T ffhi. aid h.) • hi) :)•!- 

)4I. a, t-M.len*,, w M 4 , j-,, ,..-, „ p. to 

LobIstUIc lotion Martfl. 

Tb" ton<‘ of advices received to-oaf fr ,,u t-Iver- 
r.,oi ntiil New York by the Uomta*r"ia! News De- 
p .rfment '■ a- 'i-xunb-l favorable ® ,r holders. The 
11:15 Liverpool dh-pateh r.yort.-l s»l"9 J'.iM' 
teiles. and the market active! ,ft ' * ^ *- ff-ffateh 
renorrtl th" mark, i qul. '. apland l"’%d. Orleans 
II I The 4 r. tt. N»w yavk db-Dfttrh ’ qs.ros) 
the • otton 'letaand fjl. * 0 ' 1 Prices firm: or-i'niry 


Htimnu. IVoem -t fl - r. w 
fA- ra Lower: VVesteriiaupirilDe 8* 3«t*7. extea *7 
7. t» !• »■ famliv (tO-t* 7-. 

bins- Wheal acbitlrt amt uoattu A flgn r- 
• t pt- -.i-iU; wi,t# -flv'.'tVc. yeli. w s*,<iftc. Oat) LoU 
s' tv* .Or. I;j- tiru. »t * •- 

!'»'Vi>i).vr-Q' ifl a i uccha-s'd 

it « :F**rn uvnirn by tfiM 
«• “ 3 ’><»■* 1 -e eBOatt to New 
a. d naotafovv . 

jrmtm aiftM aad one ha 
!• -• rmlro,U (ravel tte) hi.,* 
lift rill*. 

tt llekct* fur -al* sod Moutt 
11 c •'-) AtiHte for oil polat- EvtT ~ 

, ffWAM ' *» above boon tens ,• true 
\ .tf • h»l fN, tf tilia *!W. I 
*7 ft *'f Jeal'A 

. A